Are Physics Forums Monitored by Spy Agencies?

In summary: I have a physics degree myself, and was trained in the use of radioactive materials...In summary, the forum is being monitored for potential terrorist activity, but it does not seem that they are actually interested in monitoring it.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Do U. S. Intelligence agencies (or other international spy entities) have any interest in monitoring Physics Forums? Subversive elements such as terrorists in search of classified material might seek to exploit our discussion group. (I recall early on in PF that a Middle Eastern person sought information on bomb making, and was quickly rebuffed.)
Physics news on
  • #2
Maybe we should identify the terrorists and give them false information? We could prove that the world is flat or something and that in order to blow up the US (which is on the other plane of our little flat world) they have to blow themselves up. Because we're right "below" them.

  • #3
Trust me, this forum is being monitored. I'd be willing to bet that the " Middle Eastern person" was an FBI agent testing the members here.
  • #4
Does it really matter what people say here? How bombs work is fairly common knowledge. My grade 12 physics teacher (B.Sc. in physics) told the class how to make a fusion bomb.

Chemical bombs are also common knowledge, the only problem is actually obtaining the substances. For example, ammonium perchlorate is a very strong oxidizer and it's a very powerful explosive when mixed with certain organic material. Finding (or making) perchlorate is the challenge.

Another thing, how do you know it was a middle eastern person? Most people around here don't even fill out where they are from (some people have things like "Mars" listed as their location). If the guy is a terrorist not wanting to be found, he's not going to list his location as something like "Iran".
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  • #5
yes they are watching. Echelon is out there.

well.. monitoring probably not. however they say once something is on the web it can't ever be deleted.
  • #6
If the guy is a terrorist not wanting to be found, he's not going to list his location as something like "Iran".

Exactly, that is why I thought they may be FBI agents. But then again, most terrorists are less than brilliant strategists.

ShawnD Does it really matter what people say here? How bombs work is fairly common knowledge. My grade 12 physics teacher (B.Sc. in physics) told the class how to make a fusion bomb.

Knowing the general idea is simple, but the details, such as knowing how to configure the triggers so that the core impoldes on itself correctly is not common knowledge.
  • #7
Pardon. I should have stated "'Middle Eastern' person." His "location" was listed as one such "country."
  • #8
Can they actually prosecute you for linking, copying, or paraphrasing data that is publically available in other places?
  • #9
Originally posted by cookiemonster
Maybe we should identify the terrorists and give them false information? We could prove that the world is flat or something and that in order to blow up the US (which is on the other plane of our little flat world) they have to blow themselves up. Because we're right "below" them.

Or if they are really dumb, tell them to throw the pin instead of the grenade... better aerodynamics.
  • #10
Some of you guys are a bit paranoid
  • #11
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Do U. S. Intelligence agencies (or other international spy entities) have any interest in monitoring Physics Forums? Subversive elements such as terrorists in search of classified material might seek to exploit our discussion group. (I recall early on in PF that a Middle Eastern person sought information on bomb making, and was quickly rebuffed.)

Maybe the CIA? I think they are the ones that deal with the dangerous terrorists.

Why in the world would a terrorists come to a public forum and ask for help in making bombs? It might be more subtle if he read some books at the library.

So, I guess racial profiling says that Middle Easterns studying Physics are automatically terrorists.
  • #12
i am sure it is highly possible, but not as likely as a phone call or instant message due to the privacy...up near yakima washington (basically out in the middle of nowhere) you can see a HUGE building in the middle of the treeless terrain where all kinds of phone conversations and computer messages are monitored...
  • #13
There was a link in one of the threads, discussing nuclear bombs, that seemed to give fairly accurate information on just how to construct it, but the safety equipment that you would need to ensure that you didn't die of radiation poisoning, while you constructed it, isn't even mentioned...followed by the forewarnings, that were there, concerning plutonium, uranium, neutrons, etc. well, thinking that you physics teacher has told you enough information that you could actually construct a working bomb, without LOTS of further research, you will probably hurt yourself, possibly others too, before you get close to anything that might fizzle, never mind explode...

...and NO! this is NOT a challenge to prove me wrong...
  • #14
Originally posted by MacTech
yes they are watching. Echelon is out there.

well.. monitoring probably not. however they say once something is on the web it can't ever be deleted.

Something compels me to add in the phrase "You can't trust the matrix" to supplement above statement.
  • #15
Infiltrators can be here for many reasons and purposes such as information control. Such was Rat’s job in the movie Core. We would all start missing posts and wonder what was going on in that case, so no, they don’t do that. If you can’t get rid of information, the next best thing is to “muddy the waters”. Insert miss-, or dis-information, in the threads, drive the threads down and off the boards if possible. There are many tactics used in information control. IMHO I have seen such tactics used in these forums and on many sites. I may be a new poster here, but have been doing one hell of a lot of reading. Granted I can understand some NSA or DOD types being very sensitive about what may be talked about when it comes to some topics. Several of those topics you would be very surprised at to tell you the truth. But that is what it is all about. TRUTH and DISCLOSURE. ,,, and its not only us,,, if our technology is reverse engineered, whom else do you suppose is here in these forums?
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  • #16
Not that I am with any secret agencies or anything but I really think that post above should be deleted...they are just to close Imean their spelling is atrocious, or well anything , just get it off, will ya...

Agent "X" (-001)...MRP might be back later, if he can get out of the ropes, cuffs, and cell...
  • #17
My understanding is that when agent are jubilated into retirement, they entertain themselves by practising around the net. Sort of conbining entertaining and "service".
  • #18
If the people running democratic governemtns have any Brains at all, (they DO I assure you) then you can be quite certain just about everything is being watched, sooner, or later...even if only by 'Bots' then people, thereafter, based upon words...insert your "Bot attractor words" Well, somewheres else please...Thanks! in advance!
  • #20
Are libraries really any safer than Physics Forums?
  • #21
Citizens, I assure you, no federal resouces have been dedicateded to surveillance activities for this website. Please ignore this thread and go about your normal subversive business in complete privacy and anonymity.

Thank you,
  • #22
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Are libraries really any safer than Physics Forums?
Libraries? Huh? try shelters OYE!, but there run by nice people, and there are nice people there, too, so (I'm getting institutionalized heh heh heh hee hee heee heeeeeeeeeeeewhoooo!)
  • #23
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Are libraries really any safer than Physics Forums?

Sure. A library is definitely safer than the internet.
  • #24
Instead of Agent 007, do we, at PF just have an Agent 0 (Zero! OMG!)

*musical note* Secret Agent Man, Secret Agent Man
Well, they've give you a number
And taken 'way your name... *musical note*

  • #25
kenikov, our county libraries subscribe to the internet, with no censoring.

Robin, you rarely know you're insane until it's too late to turn back. The most serious mental illnesses start between ages 15-24. Do you make jokes about AIDS or Jews on PF as well? I thank God I've never been homeless.
  • #26
Originally posted by arivero
On a related theme, what about this thread:
Are you referring to how quickly the e-mail that was posted was found, or to the fact that the US government is most likely monitoring, to some extent, anything that David Ben-Ariel posts on the internet (including on this forum)?

Due to him being deported by Israel for his "alleged" involvement in the plot to blow up the Dome of the Rock, I'm sure he's made the official "watch list".
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  • #27
Originally posted by Loren Booda
kenikov, our county libraries subscribe to the internet, with no censoring.

Robin, you rarely know you're insane until it's too late to turn back. The most serious mental illnesses start between ages 15-24. Do you make jokes about AIDS or Jews on PF as well? I thank God I've never been homeless.

We're talking about libraries as in books, and card catalogs. When you are talking about the internet from the library, you are talking about something completely different.

You are right back to the internet, in which is less secure than the actual library that you are in.

Making jokes about things is good. Putting a light spin on things makes life less depressing.

There are few things I don't joke about: Death of people I know, mental retardation, cancer. And my phobias of amputation and germs.

Everything else I joke about. I've often been reprimanded for laughing at other people's misfortunes.

But hey, you have to admit it makes life happier.
  • #28
Originally posted by Loren Booda
(SNIP) Robin, you rarely know you're insane until it's too late to turn back. The most serious mental illnesses start between ages 15-24. Do you make jokes about AIDS or Jews on PF as well? I thank God I've never been homeless. (SNoP)
Hadn't read that 'Ben' person's 'things', don't read him at all. if I can avoid it. as I sort of heard things bout, as for sanity, as I have stated, many times before, I (by the Grace of God) live "in-sanity" so you can figure out the rest... as for 'turning back' from going insane don't know 'bout you, but, God's Grace, ain't even close to anywheres that I would need to "turn back from" psychologically speaking...

The rest was/is, for Fun!

P.S. if someone is attempting to convince you that I am or have gone insane please bring then forward out into the light so I can know who the heck the stinking idiot is cause that one has been some kinda persistently idiotically stupid nutcase themselves...and they need some, well, "attention" and/or attending to...(legally perhaps?)
  • #29
Then one begins to wonder at all the possible factions or clandestine groups that may have a part in this infiltration and information control, and the why.

Just a thought.
  • #30

I may have overreacted in part from my experiences for the past 25 years with schizoaffective disorder. I am sorry if I had disrespected you and your experiences. To see the website I work (gainfully) with, please access
  • #31
Originally posted by Loren Booda experiences for the past 25 years with schizoaffective disorder...

I knew there was something I liked about you.
  • #32
Originally posted by Loren Booda
I may have overreacted in part from my experiences for the past 25 years with schizoaffective disorder. I am sorry if I had disrespected you and your experiences. To see the website I work (gainfully) with, please access
Dead link, and psycholanalysis is not done over the internet now, is it? cause I certainly don't think you should be attempting such a thing with me, you haven't a clue what your dealing with, not at all...that enigmatic aspect of me, that little thing about me that is different then the rest of you, the reason why, usually, I am more reserved then most people...I could go on, but a lot of it is, simply, "NO one else's business!" not at all!

Even if you think you have figured it out, you don't live it ever second of your life, I do, and Have for lotsa years now, ssooo good judgement is, usually, fascilitated by experiance, who has more? you? or me? think you would know what your doing? I don't!
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  • #33

I merely stated that is the website I work with. Our organization disagrees with psychoanalysis, anyway. However, you may wish to do a search for "noncompliance" on that site. Apparently, how you and I differ rests upon (non)denial, either of or by, the medical system.
  • #34
If these forums are inspected by FBI personnel or other terrorist-detectors, that is great and not a problem to me. Dishonest people with cruel intentions should not have access to whatever information that will help their plans. Though I do not think that any information on this forum is not obtainable elsewhere.
  • #35
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Dead link, and psycholanalysis is not done over the internet now, is it? cause I certainly don't think you should be attempting such a thing with me, you haven't a clue what your dealing with, not at all...that enigmatic aspect of me, that little thing about me that is different then the rest of you, the reason why, usually, I am more reserved then most people...I could go on, but a lot of it is, simply, "NO one else's business!" not at all!

Even if you think you have figured it out, you don't live it ever second of your life, I do, and Have for lotsa years now, ssooo good judgement is, usually, fascilitated by experiance, who has more? you? or me? think you would know what your doing? I don't!

You, me, and everyone else in the world bud! that's what makes us special.

Anyway to stick to the plot, I am sure we are being monitored because KEYWORDS are being picked up all the time on supercomputers but i doubt we are being watched THAT closely. Now if you will just stare at this device... :wink:

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