What is String theory: Definition and 829 Discussions

In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the graviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. Thus string theory is a theory of quantum gravity.
String theory is a broad and varied subject that attempts to address a number of deep questions of fundamental physics. String theory has contributed a number of advances to mathematical physics, which have been applied to a variety of problems in black hole physics, early universe cosmology, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics, and it has stimulated a number of major developments in pure mathematics. Because string theory potentially provides a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it is a candidate for a theory of everything, a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter. Despite much work on these problems, it is not known to what extent string theory describes the real world or how much freedom the theory allows in the choice of its details.
String theory was first studied in the late 1960s as a theory of the strong nuclear force, before being abandoned in favor of quantum chromodynamics. Subsequently, it was realized that the very properties that made string theory unsuitable as a theory of nuclear physics made it a promising candidate for a quantum theory of gravity. The earliest version of string theory, bosonic string theory, incorporated only the class of particles known as bosons. It later developed into superstring theory, which posits a connection called supersymmetry between bosons and the class of particles called fermions. Five consistent versions of superstring theory were developed before it was conjectured in the mid-1990s that they were all different limiting cases of a single theory in 11 dimensions known as M-theory. In late 1997, theorists discovered an important relationship called the AdS/CFT correspondence, which relates string theory to another type of physical theory called a quantum field theory.
One of the challenges of string theory is that the full theory does not have a satisfactory definition in all circumstances. Another issue is that the theory is thought to describe an enormous landscape of possible universes, which has complicated efforts to develop theories of particle physics based on string theory. These issues have led some in the community to criticize these approaches to physics, and to question the value of continued research on string theory unification.

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  1. D

    String theory: why can't strings move at the speed of light?

    Hi guys, So I'm a bit confused about why strings can't move at the speed of light. I understand that the end points do if the string is open, but the rest of it doesnt. To paraphrase, really I want to know why you must have timelike and spacelike tangent vectors to a point on the world sheet...
  2. N

    String theory and the M theory?

    In string theory/M theory, there are two types of strings, open and closed strings. What kind of strings are fermions(electrons, quarks) made out of? Closed or open strings?
  3. A

    What Could Einstein Have Thought About String Theory?

    Dears, What do you think, hypothetically, Einstein should think about String Theory?. Obviously, if he was here to study it.
  4. P

    Introduction to Algebraic Geometry in String Theory?

    I'm a beginning graduate student in string theory and I'm in the process of teaching myself algebraic geometry. I'm using lecture notes that go without mention of physics. I'm curious if there is a introductory book, or paper, or set of lecture notes that describes the application of alg...
  5. J

    What are the best modern physics books for a young astrophysics enthusiast?

    Hello guys. I am fortunate that I have found this website and I have created an account just to ask one question. I asked this on yahoo answers as well but no luck. So here goes. I'm 14 years old and I love astrophysics. I have learn most of the basic stuff and I've also read A brief history...
  6. Breo

    How to start with String Theory

    Hello folks, I want to starting learning the subject this Christmas (Merry Christmas :D) and I am wondering what would be the best way to introduce me to Strings. I am a masters student in Theoretical Physics. Best wishes, and many thanks in advance. Breo.
  7. moriheru

    String theory: Nambu Gotto action

    My question is rather simple: How can I derive the equation for the change in action "delta S" ? If S is the Nambu gotto action.Thanks for any clarifications.
  8. P

    Is Now the Best Time to Study String Theory?

    Hello Everyone, I want to know if it's a good time to study string theory from the basics? Or is it wiser to wait till next year, after the 2015 LHC run, if indeed we find any evidence for it? I have done a course in mathematical physics, classical and quantum field theory, electrodynamics and...
  9. M

    Holographic principle and string theory

    Hi. I am no physicist but I am trying to know something about the holographic principle. As I understand, everything is happening in a surface and our three-dimensionality is an illusion of our senses. On the other side, string theory assume the existence of 11 dimensions. Are the two theories...
  10. A

    $100+ billion dollar gravity business

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  11. S

    Questions about Neveu-Schwarz B-field

    In string theory, the Neveu-Schwarz B-field appears in the action: S_{NS}=\frac{1}{4\pi\alpha^\prime}\int d^2\xi\;\epsilon^{\mu\nu}B_{ij}\partial_\mu X^i\partial_\nu X^j. In Polchinski's text, the antisymmetric tensor appears in the form of \frac{1}{4\pi\alpha^\prime}\int...
  12. W

    Schools Looking for grad schools in string theory/quantum gravity

    I'm beginning to apply to grad schools (primarily in observational or computational cosmology and extragalactic astronomy) but have a deep interest in M-theory and quantum gravity although I haven't been able to study it. I very much enjoy theory and think that I would find studying M-theory or...
  13. moriheru

    Learn Bosonic String Theory Before New Year's Eve!

    Greetings, I am intending on learning bosonic string theory in self study before new years eve and I nead a ruff and short introduction on the basics and the idea of gauge theory. The introducton is preferably in PDF form, yet books are fine to.
  14. moriheru

    Graviton exchange for two freely propagating particle:solution String theory?

    Consider the feynman diagramms for two freely propagating particles...Correction from one graviton exchange. Correction from two graviton exchange.The problem at hand is the divergence (of the math) at arbitary energys and each additional graviton exchange. So there are several resoultions and...
  15. moriheru

    Introductory Books for Research in Bosonic String Theory

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  16. P

    Does string theory need to start with our observable universe?

    This will, no doubt, sound like a silly question but I am just getting my feet wet in string theory. It seems from what I know so far, that string theory is very far removed from our observable universe. What I mean by that statement is that it seems we just say "well, maybe our universe is a...
  17. C

    High school string theory project

    Hi, so I'm new to this forum and wanted to ask for some advice. I REALLY am interest in string theory and I've read around the topic a lot without actually learning about it. In my school we can do an independent study project or ISP. When students do ISPs they have to have a project that can be...
  18. J

    Connection between particles a field in string theory

    Im a trying to understand how the string entity relates to its underlying field. Is the field a brane and the string the partice?
  19. D

    QFT & String Theory: "Particle First" vs "Field First

    As Steven Weinberg put it, "the idea of quantum field theory is that quantum fields are the basic ingredients of the universe, and particles are just bundles of energy and momentum of the fields." At least, this is one way to look at QFT. The other approach is to imagine that these particles are...
  20. F

    Is there really no way to test string theory?

    Here's an idea that I came up with. I've heard over and over again that there is no test yet available to confirm string theory. So what I say is... What if you could derive some fundamental physics equation from string theory principles? Then wouldn't that be a test so to speak...
  21. S

    Low curvature effective action in string theory

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  22. W

    String Theory Vs Loop Quantum Gravity

    This is a question currently pondered by many Quantum physicists and theoretical physicists. I was just wondering how many of you prefer ST(string theory) as opposed to LQG(loop quantum gravity.) Please provide points and reasons regarding your answer. I will provide an opinion when a few...
  23. C

    Exploring the New Geometry of String/M-Theory

    I'm watching a lecture by Edward Witten here: In it, he mentions that String/M-theory seems to be hinting toward a new kind of geometry where you don't talk about space/time points, but the interactions between quantum world sheets (around 37:00 minute mark.) Does this new geometry have...
  24. C

    String Theory Review for Beginner Graduate Students

    Hi, I've been looking for a string theory review for a beginner graduate student. However, there is a vast number of reviews so it's easy to get lost. Does anyone know about a review article or any kind of material to begin with String Theory? Thanks.
  25. shounakbhatta

    Magnetic monopoles, fine structure and String theory

    Hello, Can anybody please explain me how magnetic monopoles, fine structure constant and string theory are related to each other? Thanks
  26. A

    What is the meaning of this String Theory Equation from CERN?

    I have recently visited CERN, and in the Globe they showed an equation from string theory. My knowledge about it goes only as far as 'The elegant universe', so no mathematics, but i would say that the sketch beneath is about the string coupling constant. Could anyone please explain the...
  27. N

    Are the strings in string theory vacuums?

    I've heard that the strings in String theory are vacuums, is that right? And if so then how is it expected they form?
  28. N

    Do the strings in String theory get energy to vibrate from Higgs?

    Just as particles move through the theoretical Higgs field and gain energy which gives them mass, do the strings in String theory get their energy to vibrate from the Higgs Field as well? And does that mean that the Strings have mass?
  29. MathematicalPhysicist

    A First Course in String Theory.

    Hi, if you remember back a decade ago we had a discussion on solutions to the first edition of Zwiebach's undergraduate textbook in string theory. (I have a copy of the solutions in my computer). Does someone have solutions to the updated second edition of the textbook? I tried looking for...
  30. twistor

    Non-anthropic String Theory Landscape and Finite Universes

    What are you thoughts about Laura Mersini Haughton´s theory of the multiverse? She predicted a CMB cold spot, power suppression at low multipoles, preferred direction associated with the quadrupole octupole alignment, dark flow, and the deviation of the CMB amplitude. While dark flow remains...
  31. A

    String Theory AP physics project

    I have been given a project in my ap physics class where I am to explain how Bose-Fermi equivalence, tachyon, dilaton, green-schwarz anomaly cancellation and kahler manifolds relate with string theory. After an hour of research, I realized that I could not find even the slightest information on...
  32. H

    Is String Theory the Ultimate Theory of Everything?

    Hello, Is string theory or M theory wrong ? Isn't it the theory of everything ? Should we continue our research to reach the true theory of everything ? If so, why physicists still research on string theory ?!
  33. Logic Cloud

    Algebra-geometry equivalence in string theory

    I am looking for literature on a certain topic in mathematics inspired by string theory of which I have heard bits and pieces. Since I am not at all familiar with string theory and haven't found anything online, I was hoping someone more knowledgeable might recognize some of the keywords I...
  34. twistor

    Solutions to the string theory landscape

    Are there any solutions (ways to avoid/get rid of) to the string theory landscape besides the anthropic principle and comological natural selection?
  35. S

    String Theory and 4 dimensions

    Anything that exists has to exist/interact with at least 4 dimensions, right? Stuff existing/interacting with other dimensions too (even if they can't be/haven't been observed) have to exist/interact with our 4D as well, right?
  36. sinaphysics

    Which courses should I cover to become involved in string theory?

    Hello everybody. I have a BSc in physics, I tried hardly recent two years to get high scores in GRE/TOEFL exams to get accepted in U.S. and continue my education in physics,however, I rejected badly. First I thought by myself to leave physics, I gambled whole my future for physics and now I'm...
  37. Q

    Why 10^520 Universes in String Theory Landscape

    I am trying to understand the connection between eternal inflation and the the string theory landscape of 10^520 possible universes Where is the original scientific article that proposed so many false vacua solutions If anyone can point me to the underlying equation and article that...
  38. S

    Is Negative Mass Possible in String Theory Through Quantum Fluctuations?

    If dark energy is caused by quantum fluctuations, where does this energy come from? Also according to string theory mass is determined by the sum of a string's positive, vibrational energy and its negative energy from quantum fluctuations. Could it be possible to create a particle with negative...
  39. M

    String theory and Statistical Physics

    When do these two fields of physics overlap other than when we discuss entropy of supersymmetric black holes? Does statistical mechanics or statistical physics support any aspect in string theory or vice verse? I have read some place that the string theory reduces to the standard model by doing...
  40. S

    Questions from chapter 2 of Zwiebach's A First Course In String Theory

    Hi, I have a couple questions from chapter 2 of Zwiebach's A First Course In String Theory, second ed. 1) Zwiebach says [in the context of compact extra dimensions] "it seems very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to construct a consistent theory with more than one time dimension". Why...
  41. F

    Can string theory explain the existence of multiple universes?

    I am familiar with String theory and the Multiverse theory, but I didn't know that apparently String Theory points to a multiverse? Can anyone give insight to this? Also what do you guys think about the Multiverse theory? Personally it is far-fetched, but I am not dismissing it. I don't want to...
  42. F

    Any good books on string theory

    Not sure what section to put this in, so I'll put it here. Are there any good books on string theory that are good for someone who is a bit more than a layman (i.e. no extremely superficial, dumbed-down stuff), but still doesn't know more than single variable calculus and Newtonian mechanics?
  43. M

    String Theory and Evidence of the Multiverse

    It seems many people in Science have gravitated towards some form of a multiverse. Whether it's a Cyclical Universe or some version of the Many Worlds Interpretation. The question is where's the evidence? I do think there's some evidence that points to this conclusion. If you look at the work of...
  44. PhotonEmitter

    Could String Theory Be the Future of Quantum Physics?

    I'm a 10th grade high school student, but before you judge me I would like to inform you that I have a 127% (thanks extra credit) in my Advanced Physics class. I was reading the textbook as I usually do in my free time and I stumbled across a section on String Theory, I read through the chapter...
  45. Superposed_Cat

    Where Can I Learn String Theory Online with Math and Everything?

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  46. L

    Opinion about STONY Brook String Theory

    Hi guys, I am ready to apply for PhD and one of my targets is STONY Brook (actually the only one in the USA since it won't require me to take any tests). Background: a) Undergrad at Lancaster University, BSc Theo. Physics b) Master's degree in Theo. Physics UAM/IFT in Madrid under...
  47. K

    What is the Role of S-Matrix in String Theory?

    Hi there! S-matrix is Path Integral with Vertex Operators inserted. I know how to compute Shapiro-Virasoro amplitude. So I don't have problems with calculations but with understanding. In this calculations formalism of 2-dimensional CFT is used. But there is no S-matrix in CFT, only...
  48. I

    Exploring Membranes in String Theory

    Hey everybody, I have a few questions about membranes in string theory, so here it goes. What is meant by the membrane in the cyclic model, from my understanding it means that branes in an ultiverse collide, and create there own universes, would this mean that branes could collide in our...