What is Relativistic: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Relativistic quantum chemistry combines relativistic mechanics with quantum chemistry to calculate elemental properties and structure, especially for the heavier elements of the periodic table. A prominent example is the explanation of the color of gold: due to relativistic effects, it is not silvery like most other metals.The term relativistic effects was developed in light of the history of quantum mechanics. Initially quantum mechanics was developed without considering the theory of relativity. Relativistic effects are those discrepancies between values calculated by models that consider relativity and those that do not. Relativistic effects are important for the heavier elements with high atomic numbers. In the most common layout of the periodic table, these elements are shown in the lower area. Examples are the lanthanides and actinides.Relativistic effects in chemistry can be considered to be perturbations, or small corrections, to the non-relativistic theory of chemistry, which is developed from the solutions of the Schrödinger equation. These corrections affect the electrons differently depending on the electron speed compared to the speed of light. Relativistic effects are more prominent in heavy elements because only in these elements do electrons attain sufficient speeds for the elements to have properties that differ from what non-relativistic chemistry predicts.

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  1. K

    Lorentz ether frame, Relativistic Mass, and Inertia

    It is obvious from particle accelerators that accelerating a mass increases its inertia. That should be a valid observation in all frames. But if the angle between the acceleration vector and the velocity vector is relative to the observer, then whether the mass is accelerating or...
  2. D

    A virtual pole vaulter in the relativistic barn

    I have sent approximately the following to a relativity prof at my university. It's summer, so I don't know if he'll read it, or be interested. So here it is for discussion. Hello, I wonder if you could tell me if the following experiment would have merit. To measure actual...
  3. D

    Penrose-Terrell rotation and the 3 great special relativistic myths

    After searching, I found only one post-title on the Penrose and/or Terrell effect/rotation. It is odd that innumerable popular discussions on PF and elsewhere omit this 50+ year modification of externally measured length-'contraction'. There is neither contraction, nor measured contraction...
  4. T

    What exactly is relativistic mass?

    And why does it increase as you travel faster and faster?
  5. D

    Relativistic H/-H in a neutral beam accelerator

    A beam of hydrogen and antihydrogen atoms is accelerated to relativistic velocities by means of a neutral beam accelerator. Identical photodetectors gather and record the photon energies of annihilating H and -H at both ends of the accelerator: where the atoms start; and at the end of the...
  6. D

    Parallel velocity hydrogen/antihydrogen annihilation at relativistic speeds.

    They've just now kept antihydrogen in a bottle for some 15 minutes. Suppose we inject some H and measure the annihilation photon energies. Then we accelerate the mixture (somehow) to a velocity around .99c and measure the energies of those photons that are emerging orthogonal to the...
  7. K

    Why is the relativistic mass a rejected concept?

    http://www.weburbia.com/physics/mass.html If it is not wrong, why not go about setting it straight and making it clear? Are we going to totally ignore the physical implications of having a relativistic mass, such as its dependence on the work done on the body relative to a given inertial...
  8. L

    Relativistic Force: Transforming Forces Between Reference Frames

    hi, i was tryin to learn some relativistic particle dynamics and came across reltivistic force m\frac{d^{2}x}{d\tau^{2}},how does this help in transforming forces between reference frames?i dnt understand how this wrks since the vale of velocity changes with time
  9. S

    What Determines Relativistic Momentum: Mass or Velocity?

    In a practice exam I just did for my upcoming high school mid-year, there was a multiple choice question and the two answers that seemed plausable were "relativistic momentum depends on the mass and velocity of the object" or "relativistic momentum depends only on the mass of the object". I...
  10. R

    Relativistic optics, w/ acceleration

    The site http://www.anu.edu.au/physics/Savage/TEE/gallery.html tries to show viewers what high-velocity travel would look like, taking into account all sorts of relativistic and optical effects. Very often, it features an object, like a train, accelerating to speeds close to c. They treat...
  11. Q

    Two electron relativistic corrections to PE

    What is the relativitic correction to the e^2/r coulomb law without spin between two electrons.second order is enough.
  12. Orion1

    Are these matrix definitions correct for the Dirac equation?

    Hydrogen normalized position wavefunctions in spherical coordinates: \Psi_{n \ell m}\left(r,\theta,\phi\right) = \sqrt{{\left( \frac{2}{n r_1} \right)}^3 \frac{\left(n - \ell - 1\right)!}{2n\left[\left(n + \ell\right)!\right]}} e^{-\frac{r}{n r_1}} \left({2r \over {n r_1}}\right)^{\ell} L_{n -...
  13. R

    Calculating relativistic mass of neutrons, wrote out my plan please critique

    Homework Statement I am given an equation, say (239/94)Pu-->(110/53)Fe+(125/41)Nb+4neutrons I am asked to calculate the relativistic energy so I do that. Q=m(left)-m(right)c^2 I know that m(left)=m(Pu) I know that m(right)=m(110Fe)+m(125Nb)+4m(neutron) (i put the answer into MeV for...
  14. F

    Relativistic E/p relations in the WKB Approximation

    EDIT: fixed minus sign issue =) Hey, I have what is probably a rather trivial question but I just want to ensure that I'm on the right track :) If I have a wave equation of the form -\psi''(r) +A(r) \psi(r) = 0 then one can invoke (in suitable circumstances) the semi-classical...
  15. S

    QFT vs. Relativistic quantum mechanics

    Hi PF How does Quantum Field Theory differ from relativistic quantum mechanics? Ain't Quantum field theory just relativistic quantum mechanics or are there more to the subject? :) Thanks in advance \Schreiber
  16. S

    Relativistic Kinematics questions

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution So I don't know where I am supposed to go after I right down the energy conservation equation
  17. tom.stoer

    Unique basis of relativistic field equations for arbitrary spin?

    Looking at Lagrangians and field equations for different spin all the derivations seem to lack a common basis; they appear to lack any deep relation. Is there a unique way to understand the different forms like Klein-Gordon, Dirac, Maxwell (Yang-Mills), etc. from a common basis which is valid...
  18. S

    Solving a Relativistic Rocket Collision

    Homework Statement Two powerless rockets are on a collision course. The rockets are moving with speed v = 0.800c (rocket 1) and v = -.600c (rocket 2) and are initially 2.52 * 10^12m apart as measured by Liz, an Earth observer. Both rockets are 50m long as measured by Liz. a) What are their...
  19. J

    Relativistic rotational kinetic energy

    Hi, I was wondering if the formula for rotational energy: E = 1/2 * L * w where L is the angular momentum and w is the angular velocity, is actually correct for relativistic velocities. Using L = p * r and w = v / r where p = the linear momentum = m * v We get...
  20. I

    Who wins the relativistic space race?

    Homework Statement OK, so spaceship A and spaceship B are at the same location. Spaceship A sets off (instantaneously) at a speed vA\approxc, traveling in a straight line towards the finish line, which will take him a time tA. After a time \frac{tA}{2} (in spaceship B's frame of...
  21. S

    General questions about relativistic derivations and deductions

    My questions here, in order: 1. How do Maxwell's equations demand that c is constant for everyone? People say that his equations "derive" c but I always thought that the permeability variables were experimentally derived. I fully understand the derivation of gamma from the time dilation light...
  22. ShayanJ

    A dimensional problem in relativistic mechanics

    {F}=\frac {{\gamma}^3 {m} {v}^2}{{c}^2} + \gamma {m} {a} You all know this equation.Relativistic Newton's second law. The problem is as follows: As you know \gamma is dimensionless.So the first term of the right side has dimension of mass.but it should have the dimension of force! what's...
  23. R

    Relativistic Optics: Recommended Texts for Deeper Learning

    Light seems to exhibit a number of interesting phenomena when relativity is taken into account. I wanted to learn more about it; the texts I have only deal superficially with optics. Could anyone recommend a good text(s)?
  24. P

    Simple relativistic harmonic oscillator

    In the attached file, I have formulated a simple one dimensional harmonic oscillator and solved the model numerically. Such a model might represent a simple reaction coordinate along which a liquid drop actinide nucleus might split after absorbing a neutron. Clearly the complete model involves...
  25. R

    Relativistic energy and momentum 2

    Homework Statement proton hits a stationary proton which then produces a pion with the following reaction p + p = p + p +pion if the initial proton has just enough energy to produce the pion what are the speeds of the final protons and pion in the laboratory frame? m(pion)=0.144m(proton)...
  26. B

    Why does the stone stop before reaching the surface at the other end?

    Imaging a hole the whole way through the Earth, and we will drop a stone into the hole. Imaging there were no resistances at all. Now the stone would reach the opposite at the Earth and speed here would be exactly zero at the surface at the other end.. Now we will repeat the experiment...
  27. R

    Relativistic energy and momentum

    Homework Statement protons and electrons react in the following way to make an alpha particle 4p + 2e = He + 6gamma rays + 2neutrinos the energy created by this is taken up as kinetic energy of the alpha particle, gamma rays and neutrinos. the energy of the alpha particle and gamma rays...
  28. S

    Conservation of relativistic energy

    A particle of rest mass m_0 disintegrates into two particles of rest masses m_1 and m_2. Use conservation of relativistic energy and relativistic 3-momentum to find the energies E1 and E2 of the particles in the rest fram of the original particle. Relevant equations: E0 = E1 + E2 p0 = p1+...
  29. L

    Space Probe vs the Sun - Relativistic Frames of Reference

    I've had a good search through the archives and haven't found an answer to this question. Many apologies if this is old ground. . . Having read the threads on the Pioneer Anomaly a quick question to which I'm sure there is very simple answer (I just don't know what it is !): When...
  30. S

    How Do You Solve Relativistic Dynamics Problems Involving Lorentz Force?

    Homework Statement Assume that in all inertial frmaes the force on a charged particle is gen in the usual Lorentz force law: F = dp/dt = q(E + V x B) **(p is the relativistic 3 vector momentum) Components of the four-force needs to be expressed in terms of E and B. Homework Equations...
  31. B

    Answer: Find Relativistic Collision Momentum & Energy

    Homework Statement A mass m travels at 1.5 x 10^8 m s^-1 and collides with another mass m at rest. The two masses fuse to become M and travel away at v_c. Find an expression for v_c using conservation of relativistic momentum and energy.Homework Equations E_a+E_b=E_c and p_a+p_b=p_c. With b at...
  32. T

    Relativistic Mass and high relative Velocity of distant galaxies

    I think I may have asked this before, but I don't think I received a reply that made sense, at least to me. Does the gravitational force between distant galaxies become larger and more significant due to their Relativistic Mass at high relative velocities and especially at luminal and...
  33. nomadreid

    Polarization states via relativistic effect

    In the following article http://books.google.com/books?id=u1DJomI318MC&pg=PA76&lpg=PA76&dq=swallow+goldstone+particle&source=bl&ots=2JysrTHS0c&sig=Qq8r6Cw0zSVD38Vfses5BxGX9UQ&hl=en&ei=1M51Tc3hLse6hAeaxJSJBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false it...
  34. T

    Relativistic centripetal force question

    The last post in the thread https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=466305 seems to say that the relativistic force on a mass moving on a circular path is the centripetal acceleration, v*v/r, times rest mass times gamma squared. But the articles...
  35. D

    Understanding Relativistic Momentum in Special Relativity

    Last week in physics we were learning about special relativity and we got the equation p=λmv. When writing the equation the teacher also put the equations for regular momentum p=mv and regular force F=ma. I noticed that momentum is the integral of force where v is the integral of a and mass is...
  36. P

    Problem with relativistic doppler?

    Homework Statement Not really a homework, but i did run across it while attempting some questions. Was reading through the derivations of relativistic doppler effect on EM waves and was reading wiki(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_Doppler_effect" when i came across something...
  37. M

    Exploring the Possibilities of a New Relativistic Quantum Theory

    Dear moderator, I would like to submit to the Independent Research forum my book "Relativistic Quantum Dynamics", which was published at the arXiv site as http://www.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0504062 The book's abstract is "This book is an attempt to build a consistent relativistic...
  38. A. Neumaier

    What is observable in a relativistic quantum field theory?

    Steven Weinberg wrote: ''In its mature form, the idea of quantum field theory is that quantum fields are the basic ingredients of the universe, and particles are just bundles of energy and momentum of the fields.'' (see p.2 of his essay, ''What is Quantum Field Theory, and What Did We Think It...
  39. S

    Relativistic Momentum of a particle

    Homework Statement A particle of unknown mass M decays into two particles of known masses m1 = 0.5 GeV/c2 and m2 = 1.0 GeV/c2, whose momenta are measured to be p1 = 2.0 GeV/c along the positive y-axis and p2 = 1.5 GeV/c along the positive x-axis. Find the unknown mass M and its speed...
  40. J

    Relativistic correction for gravitational acceleration

    If you have an object traveling at a velocity v at a point where, if the object had zero velocity, its gravitational acceleration would be a, what is the formula for calculating the relativistic correction for its acceleration at this point? Does it depend on the angle between the velocity...
  41. A

    Relativistic and proper length

    Homework Statement A spaceship travels past a planet at a speed of 0.80 c as measured from the planet’s frame of reference. An observer on the planet measures the length of a moving spaceship to be 40 m. a) How long is the spaceship, according to the astronaut? b) At what speed would the...
  42. K

    How Does Relativistic Kinetic Energy Derive from Force Integration?

    In the derivation of the relativistic kinetic energy, K=\int_{x_1}^{x_2}F\,dx = \int_{0}^{v}\frac{d}{dt}(mv)\,dx = \int_{0}^{v}(mv\,dv+v^2\,dm) here, my lecturer told us without showing that mv\,dv+v^2\,dm = c^2\,dm Can someone please give me hints on how to combine these two integrals? I...
  43. Z

    Relativistic energy/momentum, massless particles

    Homework Statement A pion at rest decays into a muon and an antineutrino. The mass of the antineutrino is zero, find the energies and momenta of the muon and antineutrino. Mass of the pion is 139.57 MeV/c^2 and the mass of the muon is 105.66 MeV/c^2 Homework Equations pion -> muon +...
  44. E

    Relativistic Momentum and Kinetic Energy

    Homework Statement What is the speed of an electron (me=0.511 MeV/c2) with a momentum p=5 MeV/c. Homework Equations Starting with momentum: p=\gamma mu Then solving for u: u=\pm\frac{cp}{\sqrt{c^2m^2+p^2}} The Attempt at a Solution I've never dealt with these units before (MeV/c2 and...
  45. Mueiz

    Does the Relativistic Speed of Soap Bubbles Affect Their Shape?

    It is well known that the shape of soap bubbles is spherical because of the fact that a sphere is the least-area way of enclosing a given volume . If we look to a soap bubble from a frame of reference that move at relativistic speed relative to the bubbles, then ,as a result of length...
  46. S

    Why are electric field lines straight around electrons moving at relativistic speed?

    Imagine an electron in uniform motion moving at a speed near the speed of light. Pictures I've seen of the electric field around such a charge look like this one from wikipedia: The field lines are straight, but clustering around the plane perpendicular to the direction of motion...
  47. K

    A noob asking about relativistic kinetic energy.

    Hey guys, I'm new here. In fact I'm new to the site. Anyway, I just need this question answered. Is it possible to skip the equations for kinetic energy by simply adding gamma to the Newtonian kinetic energy equation? If so, could you give an example?
  48. D

    Relativistic Energy/Momentum of Particles

    Homework Statement A particle with mass M at rest decays into two particles, one with mass m1, and the other with mass m2. Use conservation of energy and momentum to show that: E1 = (M^2 + m1^2 - m2^2)(c^2) ________________________ 2M Homework Equations...
  49. S

    Electrodynamics of point particle at relativistic velocities

    do you know any text or reference with extensive treatment on electromagnetic field ,potential & electromagnetic energy of point particle moving straight at relativistic velocities?
  50. F

    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

    Hey guys, I am attending my second course in quantum mechanics. At the moment we are studying two-particle-systems using Dirac notation. In our book (An introduction to quantum mechanics - Griffiths) the author wrote that one can prove from relativisitic quantum mechanics that particles with...