What is Physicist: Definition and 660 Discussions

A physicist is a scientist who specializes in the field of physics, which encompasses the interactions of matter and energy at all length and time scales in the physical universe.
Physicists generally are interested in the root or ultimate causes of phenomena, and usually frame their understanding in mathematical terms.
Physicists work across a wide range of research fields, spanning all length scales: from sub-atomic and particle physics, through biological physics, to cosmological length scales encompassing the universe as a whole.
The field generally includes two types of physicists: experimental physicists who specialize in the observation of physical phenomena and the analysis of experiments, and theoretical physicists who specialize in mathematical modeling of physical systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena.
Physicists can apply their knowledge towards solving practical problems or to developing new technologies (also known as applied physics or engineering physics).

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  1. S

    Small Physicist Big Dreams: Navigating the Path to a Career in Physics

    Before I start, here's a summary of who I am. I'm a fourteen year old, living in Ireland, with a love of physics, maths and anything else of that nature. I dream of one day working for a big research company, and discovering amazing things that will shock the entire world. But, before I can do...
  2. C

    What programming language(s) should an aspiring physicist learn?

    I was surfing around the forum, and I noticed that several people recommended learning programming for physicists. What language is most useful for physicist? C? Fortran? Java?
  3. R

    Physics Can a Physicist Bodybuild? Life, Money, and Beyond.

    First off, i love to bodybuild, that's my life right there, but i also love learning about the orgins of space and how its made and BEYOND. BUT If i want to pursue my life into become a physicist, will i have time to work out and eat my 6 meals a day? And get an 8 hour sleep? Whats the life like...
  4. L

    Physics Physicist (master degree) working in a large city's hospital?

    Is there appealing work for a physicist in a hospital that doesn't involve routine scans, etc? When I'm done with my study, i'll have completed two additional government courses that officially allow one to not only work with, but operate a laboratory containing radioactive sources.
  5. M

    Physics Physicist: Academic career or Science (Non-Academic)?

    I am interested in being a physicist, but I want to know what kinds of careers most theoretical physicists pursue. If I want the opportunity to do research and further advance our knowledge and understanding of physics, should I pursue a career in academia? Would I get a chance to do that...
  6. X

    How much math do you need to become a theoretical physicist?

    I kind of doubt that I have the intelligence to become a theorist but let's just pretend for a minute that I do. How much math would I need to learn? So far I've completed multivariable calculus and linear algebra and the only other math course that I'm required to do for my physics major is...
  7. L

    Is Computer Science physicist friendly?

    I'm soon to be finishing up my bachelors in physics and I'm wondering if it's possible to go into a PhD program in computer science? I haven't taken any courses at my university in the CS department, but I've spent most of my life learning and fooling around with computers (probably more than...
  8. E

    Physics Qualities of a Successful Physicist: Beyond Technical Skills

    I am getting ready to transfer to one of a UC as a physics major. Right now, I am in a community college taking electricity and magnetism class. I find myself not so good (++ creative) on electricity, circuits lab. I know it is an important, basic, course for physicist. However, I am not paying...
  9. E

    Physics Condensed matter physicist advice ?

    Although I'm not going into physics for a love of money/easy money, I still want a decent amount to live comfortably. 80-90k+ is alright with me, and condensed matter is pretty interesting, practical, and very helpful. I'm curious as to how much they earn on average/median in a year. Does a...
  10. J

    Physics A day in the life of a theoretical physicist

    I've always wondered what a day in the life of an academic is like, particularly mathematicians, philosophers, and most of all theoretical physicists. So what's an average day like for a theoretical physicist? Do you sit in your thinking chairs, lost deep in thought, trying to unwind...
  11. A

    Robert Wilson: Physics is Worth Defending for Its Own Sake

    Hi all, I'm trying to find the exact quote that I remember reading about a couple years ago. It was by some physicist who went in front of Congress (can't remember if it was the House or senate) and was asked why Congress should spend $200 million (I may be incorrect on the figure) to build a...
  12. T

    I can name that physicist in 5 notes.

    Full Size Picture Making up this picture of Albert Einstein are the pictures of 21 famous physicists. How many can you name? In alphabetical order the last names of these physicists contain this many letters:8,5,4,13,5,5,5,7,5,7,7,8(4-4),10,6,11,5,6,10,11,5,5 Hint: Some are mathematicians and...
  13. Raioneru

    Medical Physicist or Oncologist

    Hello, my name is Lio and I'm new on the forum. I writing because I currently pursuing a Bachelors degree in Physics. and I initially wanted to get a Masters degree in Medical Physics. but i got intrigued by one profession: oncology I looked into it but so far I can't really see the...
  14. P

    Good Physicist and Mathematical Problem Solving.

    I have this problem that if I'm not able to solve each and every, or almost all, of the problems at the back of each chapter, I get extremely frustrated and start thinking that I can't really make a good physicist since a good physicist should be able to solve any kind of problem related to...
  15. L

    Linear Algebra for a Physicist

    I've been working from a book called 'Linear Algebra' by Georgi E. Shilov and while it is nice to take the more hardcore-mathematical approach, I just don't have the time (nor think it necessary) to get what I need from such a book for physics. So what I've done so far is looked at systems...
  16. X

    Physics The job of a theoretical physicist

    I had some questions in my mind due to lack of experience... experienced people can give answers to this post... :) I often wonder, what theoretical physicists do on for years and years... Do they sit at home with a pen and paper and think? Are they focused more on academics or research...
  17. G

    Physics Physicist. Stay with intellectual tasks. More people contact. -> Consulting, ?

    I'm graduating in physics and got the feeling that I prefer a career with more team work unlike being a sole researcher. I know they meet and discuss stuff, but yet I prefer something more dynamic than standard research. And also more multifaceted tasks would be ideal. I like to analyse problems...
  18. I

    Schools Good Undergraduate College(s) for an Aspiring Physicist

    Hello, I am a Junior in high school who lives in Massachusetts and I am looking for recommendations for what would be a good college to attend at the undergraduate level for someone who wants to be a physicist as their profession. (I'm not sure what I want to specialize in yet, though I probably...
  19. R

    Agriculturist hoping to become physicist

    Bear with me if am off-tracked and abstract... I am 23yrs old, graduate of a 4 year degree in agriculture ( GPA-77% ). I was forced to do this degree because of my family situation. The world has darken before me & am extremely unhappy with my profession. I am good in physics and maths and...
  20. J

    Question about being theoretical physicist

    I need help on this one immediately!
  21. Mk

    Purdue University declares physicist guilty of scientific misconduct

    http://chronicle.com/news/index.php?id=4849&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en Wikipedia says about this:
  22. T

    Impatient Teen Engineer and Physicist

    for someone who is interested in getting a masters in Electrical Engineering and a masters or PhD physicist who is still in their teens and in high school; what do you recommend they spend their time doing besides strengthening teamwork skills? [LIST] *they've got 5+ years till they should...
  23. ZapperZ

    So You Want To Be A Physicist Discussion

    "So You Want To Be A Physicist" Discussion Discussion on the article https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=240792" by ZapperZ Comments, suggestions, questions are welcome. The series has almost reached the end of its intended purpose. At this point, I'm looking over it to plug...
  24. Greg Bernhardt

    Other So You Want to Be a Physicist: A 22 Part Guide

    So You Want To Be A Physicist Written by ZapperZ "One of the most frequent questions we get in various physics forums and IRC physics channels (besides the annoying ”can anything travel faster than c?”) is the process and background of being a physics major. Often, we have students asking what...
  25. B

    Two engineers, a physicist, and an orbital mechanist can't figure this out

    Homework Statement Friend's fiancee gave this problem on a final she was administering and isn't sure how the answer key is right: Boyle's law describes the inverse variation between the volume of a gas and the pressure, y, exerted on it. A balloon with a volume of 2.25 liters is sealed in...
  26. B

    Can Physics Principles Prove Innocence in Court?

    Homework Statement You are a world-famous physicist-lawyer defending a client who has been charged with murder. It is alleged that your client, Mr. Smith, shot the victim, Mr. Wesson. The detective who investigated the scene of the crime found a second bullet, from a shot that missed Mr...
  27. B

    What is it like being a physicist?

    I don't mean what kind of work a physicist does. I mean is the job environment for a physicists like the stereotypical white collared corporate america type job? Do you have to dress a certain way? Do you dress casually ? ARe most physicists satisfied with their job compared to the rest of the...
  28. W

    Best website for becoming a Physicist

    Bow down to it: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~thooft/theorist.html
  29. P

    List of topics that theoretical physicist has to master?

    hello guys, this is my first post here.. i am a engineering physics undergraduate. however i hv more interest in theoretical physics and i want to hv further study in theoretical physics. The subjects taught in my programme is like applied physics which do not hv so much theory. I think...
  30. Q

    How to become a quality physicist?

    How to become a quality physicist? Hi I am a 21 year old male. Im studying in final year of electronics engineering. However my true love is theoretical physics. I read a lot of graduate level physics textbooks however i can digest very little. as a result of which i have become extremely...
  31. S

    Medical Physicists in Healthcare Settings: Pros/Cons

    Are there any medical physicists here? I am trying to decide between a career as a medical physicist or as a nuclear medicine physician (I just finished my undergrad in chemistry, so I think I can still go either way). I think I'm more interested in the physics side of things than the medicine...
  32. A

    Whats an experimental Physicist?

    First off thank you all for all the advice that has been given. I am new to this forum but I've already received plenty of good advice. So, I love physics. I have decided that that is what i want to earn degrees in (phd if I am cut out for it). My math knowledge is ok. grades in the high...
  33. A

    Is Studying Medicine and Physics a Good Combination?

    Hello all, I'm hoping that I can get some honest answers here. I'm a premed student at RCSI-MUB. Although I'm going to study medicine, I'm fond of physics specially theoretical physics. In addition, my high school grades in physics were very high. I want to ask you here, what are your opinions...
  34. M

    What is the best way to get a job as a physicist at NASA?

    I want to work for NASA. As a physics major, what is the best way to get a job as a physicist at NASA?
  35. B

    Who is your favorite physicist and why?

    I don't think there been a thread on a use'sr favorite physicist , so I decided to create one. For me , Richard feynman because he tried to help both graduate student and the lay public under QED and any other topic on physics. And to me , he comes across as a regular guy you would play...
  36. P

    Becoming a particle physicist?

    Becoming a particle physicist?? This is my first year in physics--as a mere high school student, but I absolutely love it. I think physics on a molecular level is really cool, and a subatomic level even cooler. But I think Particle Physics may be the path for me. I can only afford the local...
  37. N

    A better quant - theoretical particle or condensed matter physicist?

    Who makes the better quant, a theoretical particle physicist or a theoretical condensed matter physicist and why?
  38. L

    I want to think like a physicist

    I want to think like a " physicist" i used to use the scientific methodology in inquiring about things and interpreting actions and interactions, However, stuff happens, and I had "not" so good" a couple of years that reduced the ability to think like a physicist and to love physics to a limit...
  39. R

    Physicist Falsifies GH gas theory

    Dr. Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf D. Tscheuschner of the Institute for Mathematical Physics at the Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University, Germany, demonstrate the falsity of the greenhouse gas theory in lengthy technical discussion. The process that greenhouse gas advocates support doesn't...
  40. E

    You're too much of a physicist if

    Hi all, I thought it would be funny to open a thread like this. So feel free to post!You're too much of a physicist if ... ...if you wear a http://www.oceanoptics.com/applications/tshirt.asp on it. ...if you name your cat "Schrödinger". ...if you read "Quarkbällchen" and think of quarks...
  41. A

    Preparing for a Hobby in Theoretical Physics

    Hi guys, I've read the 'who wants to be a mathematician' thread, which mentions Zapher's guide to 'who wants to be a physicist' but can't find it anywhere. My end goal is to become a hobbist in theoretical physicist, but it's been so long since I've done any math and since I'm a bit of a...
  42. D

    Why bother becoming a physicist?

    I'm thinking about it, but why bother? We will never understand the universe at a basic level. It's futile. The universe is too vast and too complicated for us to ever understand.
  43. O

    Transitioning to Physicist: Tales of Occupation and Immigration

    I've recently found myself filling out a lot of customs and immigration forms in which I'm confronted by a blank for "occupation". I'm in the middle of making the transition from "student" to "researcher" - on one hand I'm really getting too old to be writing "student" but writing "physicist"...
  44. L

    Do I have any chance of becoming a physicist?

    Hi gang, As a rising senior, I'm very worried about what the future holds for me. Like most of my class mates, I would like to attend grad school for physics. Unlike most of my class mates, my academic history leaves much to be desired. I am graduating two years late due to a change of...
  45. M

    Become a Physicist: Zapper's Guide to Learning and Being in Physics

    I miss Zapper's wonderful guide to learning and being in physics. Although it has been around a while, I think there are always new people needing this information, and I still enjoy re - reading parts of it from time to time. Of course Disney too keeps interest high in their best videos by...
  46. D

    Isaac Newton was Not a Physicist?

    I have searched and searched. I cannot find any record of Isaac Newton performing experiments in mechanics that would have proven his proposed mathematical relations between force, mass, time, and velocity to be true. As far as I have found, Isaac Newton did perform experiments in optics, but...
  47. M

    Deciding My Senior Year: Math or Physics for a Mathematical Physicist

    Ok. I have to decided on which path to take next year. I want to be a mathematical physicist. I'm going into my senior year, and I have almost literally taken every math class offered. I took 8 pure math classes last year. I've taken the 1st year of physics too. Next year I can take...
  48. I

    How much math should a theoretical physicist know?

    i bet it's written down somewhere in the "so you want to be a physicist thread" but I am asking anyway? i like math, a whole lot, so the question is not what do i have to overcome but what do i have to look forward to? i wouldn't mind taking every single math and physics class offered at my uni...
  49. O

    Engineer -> Experimental Physicist -> Theoretical Physicist

    New member ! This is my first post. Long ago, I remember one of my friends talking about how engineers dream of becoming experimental physicists who in turn dream of becoming theoretical physicists. I remember the context but don't remember whether it was an explicit joke or musings of some...
  50. F

    Physics PhD Without a Bachelor's Degree - Does this Person Seem Familiar?

    I don't know if this is the right place to post it but I'm doing it. I remember reading a bio on someone who earned a physics Ph.D at Cambridge without having a bachelor's degree. I think he got into the program by impressing Einstein or some prominent physicist by exchanging ideas by mail...