What is Example: Definition and 878 Discussions

The domain names example.com, example.net, example.org, and example.edu are second-level domain names in the Domain Name System of the Internet. They are reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) at the direction of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as special-use domain names for documentation purposes. The domain names are used widely in books, tutorials, sample network configurations, and generally as examples for the use of domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) operates web sites for these domains with content that reflects their purpose.

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  1. S

    Griffiths - example 5.5 Electrodynamics - Calculate B Field

    Homework Statement Greetings, In Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, example 5.5 (page 216), calculating the B field a distance “S” away from a current carrying wire. l' (dl’) is the horizontal current carry wire – will be segmented to dl’ tan(\theta) = \frac{l’}{s} In the next...
  2. LarryS

    Can Measuring One Spin Disentangle Electrons?

    Given, say, two electrons whose spins are entangled in the singlet state. Over time, the two electrons have become somewhat spatially separated. What would be an example of a physical experiment that disentangles the spins of two electrons? As always, thanks in advance.
  3. L

    Starting a Proof for Show 4 < 5

    How do you start a proof for "Show 4 < 5"?
  4. E

    Example please for matrix norm

    My book goes on to say: "If we consider both C^n and C^m with norms, then we define the norm of an M x N matrix A by.." Then the formula says norm of A=sup (over abs(v)=1) of abs(Av) = sup (over v does not equal 0) abs(Av)/abs(v) Can someone please provide me at least one example of what this...
  5. K

    AM-GM Inequality - Troubles with an example

    Homework Statement Let ##a## and ##b## real numbers such that ##a>b>0##. Determine the least possible value of ##a+ \frac{1}{b(a-b)}## I took this example from page 3 of this paper Homework Equations In the article previously linked, explaining the example, the author writes...
  6. L

    Divergence theorem example question (Thomas' Calculus)

    Hey guys, I have a general question about example 4 in section 16.8 of the book "Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcedentials". So far I understand the material given in the book without any problems but this particular example is a little bit unclear to me. Homework Statement Given a vector field...
  7. Y

    MHB Linear Dependence of Vectors Spanning a Space: Example Needed

    Hello A base of some space is a set of vectors which span the space, and are also linearly independent. I am looking for an example of vectors which DO span some space, but are dependent and thus not a base...can anyone give me a simple example of such a case ? thanks !
  8. TheFerruccio

    Complex simplification example, do not see how it follows

    This is an example in Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics section 14.1, example 6. There are two things I do not understand about the book's example.Homework Statement They are integrating around a loop containing z_0 with radius \rho of the complex function \frac{1}{z^m}. Would it be...
  9. J

    Example of a Quotient Map That Is Neither Open Nor Closed

    We are just looking for an example of a quotient map that is not open nor closed. Let π: ℝxℝ -> ℝ be a projection onto the first coordinate. Let A be the subspace of ℝxℝ consisting of all points (x,y) such that x≥0 or y=0 or both. Let q:A -> ℝ be a restriction of π. ( Note: assume that q was...
  10. J

    Example of a non-Gaussian stochastic process?

    Consider stochastic process ##X(t)## with properties $$ \langle X(t) \rangle = 0, $$ $$ \langle X(t) X(t-\tau) \rangle = C_0e^{-|\tau|/\tau_c}. $$ For example, the position of a Brownian particle in harmonic potential can be described by ##X##. In that case, the probability...
  11. L

    Permutation meaning and example

    what is the permutation? and like what example? anyone knows?
  12. E

    Example of cover (of a set) having finite sub-covers in collection.

    I think I am not understanding the concept of compactness. Can anyone give me an example of a cover that contains finite sub-covers? for example:- G = {S1,S2, ... }, Sn={(1/n,2/n): n ≥ 2} is an example of cover of set (0,1) but it is an infinite collection.
  13. J

    What is the Uniqueness Theorem and its Application in Physics?

    Could someone give me an applied math example of the uniqueness theorem in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, biology)? Because I am not sure of its application. I understand that there is an interval (x,y)~intial conditions.
  14. N

    I have got next interesting geometry example :-)I have got regular

    I have got next interesting geometry example :-) I have got regular hexagon ABCDEF, when S (mark for area in Czech... and in the USA, British I don't know :D) 30cm2. In the hexagon is M. You know: ABM(S)=3cm2 and BCM(S)=2cm2. What is S of: CDM, DEM, EFM and FAM? So, about me... I don't...
  15. F

    Pellet colliding with hanging mass example. Having trouble finding height.

    A 1-kg pellet travels with velocity 280 m/s to the right when it collides with a 39-kg hanging mass which is initially at rest. After the collision, the pellet remains lodged in the hanging mass, i.e., it is a completely inelastic collision. The hanging mass (+pellet) then swings upward and...
  16. B

    Vector Spaces: Provide a counter example to disprove

    Demonstrate with the help of a counter-example why the following is not a vector space. 1. A= ((x,y) \ni R^{2}/ x\geq0) I have many more questions like this, but since I cannot get the first one I think I might have a chance if I understand it. As far as an attempt at an answer, I can...
  17. M

    How to Calculate Expectation Values in Spherical Coordinates?

    Hey, can you explain how to find expectation value in spherical coordinates? and give me a numeric example? to make this clearer, if we considered potential wells.. how can this question be included in such an exercise? thanks loads, answer as much as you can.. whatever comes to mind
  18. D

    Divergence Theorm example for 28 Nov 12:00

    Homework Statement Let S be a smooth surface enclosing the volume V, and let \vec{n} to be the unit outward normal. Using the Divergence Theorm show that: ∫∫ x \vec{r} ° \vec{n} dS = 4 * ∫∫∫ x dV, where \vec{r}=(x,y,z) Homework Equations Divergence theorm...
  19. D

    Divergence theorm example for 28 Nov 12:00

    Homework Statement Hi. I think it will be easiest to understand if I upload a word document as it has some complicated characters. The bold letters stand for vectors. http://www.sendspace.pl/file/1f830d4ff025d966f71b62c Homework Equations Divergence theorm...
  20. G

    Example in the book I don't understand fully

    In a nuclear reactor, neutrons lose energy by making collisions with nuclei of atomf of the materials that maay be present in the core of the reactor. If a neutron of mass mn has initial kinetic energy of 5.0 MeV,how much kinetic energy will it lose if it makes head on elastic collision with...
  21. M

    Example of Commutative but Not Associative Binary Operation

    hi , I met lot's of binary operation which is associative and commtative and I also met lot's of binary operation which is associative and not abelian but is there an example for a binary operation which is commtative and not associative ? I don't remmber that I've met one likes this...
  22. J

    Example for divergent probability distribution ?

    Sometimes it is said that the probability distribution which does not add up to 1 still can be used to find relative probabilities. For example, consider probability distribution p_n = 1/n for all natural numbers. Does it make sense to say n = 1 is twice as probable as n=2, even if total...
  23. X

    Real-Life Aerospace Structure Buckling Example Needed

    Can someone give me a real-life example of an aerospace structure buckling? I need a real example to discuss column buckling theory..etc. I couldn't find any online. Thanks.
  24. B

    FEA - Static Condensation Example?

    Folks, Can anyone point me to an online source detailing an example of the static condensation process in finite elements. I believe sub structuring is another term used to describe the same process. Regards Bugatti
  25. O

    Thermodynamics example in industry

    In thermodynamics, can give any example in industry that is involving the first law ,second law ,entropy ,third law ,compressibility,expansibility,I just want to know what is the point for me to study them~~~~ One complicated example will do , thank you
  26. A

    Einstein's Train Example: Speed of Light and Simultaneity

    hello About Einestien's train example I can't get what it really does with the constancy of the speed of light , what would be the difference if , instead of two bolts , we have two balls thrown at the same angle ?! the observer in the train would still see the front ball first...
  27. F

    Small confusion about an improper integral example.

    We have that \int^{1}_{0}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}=lim_{\stackrel{}{t \rightarrow 0^{+}}}\int^{1}_{t}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}=lim_{\stackrel{}{t \rightarrow 0^{+}}}[arcsin(x)]^{1}_{t}=\frac{\pi}{2} However, I think \int^{1}_{0}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-x^{2}}} should equal to lim_{\stackrel{}{t...
  28. J

    Confusing Integration Example: Solving Problems with Constant Factors of n

    So, um, I am getting confused on integration problems where you have to do something with "a constant factor of n". Like, this example... \int\sqrt{1 + e^{4x^{3}}}e^{4x^{3}}x^{2}dx Then the example says to match it to the formula \int u^{n}du Okay... so it does that, but then...
  29. S

    How is charge/mass ratio derived in this example?

    How is charge/mass ratio derived in this example?? Hello, I know there are many ways to derive an expression for "q/m", but I am having some troubles with this one. We are given: (1/2)mv^2 = qV (mass, velocity, charge, voltage) qvB = (mv^2) / r (charge...
  30. R

    Kenneth Krane's Modern Physics muon example (SR)

    This is the frirst SR problem in his book. I think the question is flawed. The solution assumes a speed of 3.00 E8 m/s to calculate Δt=333us since it traveled 100km. Next, 333us and 2.2us is used to solve for velocity using the time dilation formula. Velocity is reported to be .999978c.This...
  31. F

    On an example of neighborhood.

    Hi folks, as I was reviewing the metric space section in Amann- Escher textbook, I came across the following example of neighborhood: "For \left[0,1\right] with the metric induced from R, \left[\frac{1}{2},1\right] is a neighborhood of 1, but not of \frac{1}{2}." However I can't point out the...
  32. K

    Example of a bounded, increasing, discontinuous function

    Homework Statement Define a function f:ℝ->ℝ that is increasing, bounded, and discontinuous at every integer. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried defining a fuction using the greatest integer function but I cannot get it to be bounded with jump discontinuities...
  33. D

    Mass Diffusion and Heat Conduction: A Steel Carburization Example

    One can show that mass diffusion without chemical reactions obeys the same basic equation as heat conduction. The one dimensional equation in dimensionless variables is given by $$ D_{AB}\frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial x^2} = \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t} $$ where C_A is the concentration...
  34. R

    Acceleration function of velocity example

    Homework Statement Because the drag on objects moving through air increases as the square of the velocity, the acceleration of a bicyclist coasting down a slight hill is (v) = a - cv where a and c are constant. Determine the velocity of the bicyclist as a function of distance if the velocity...
  35. J

    What is the reaction time for a batter facing a 45.0 m/s fastball?

    Homework Statement A baseball pitcher throws a fastball horizontally at a speed of 45.0 m/s toward home plate, 17.1 m away. Ignore air resistance. (a) If the batter’s combined reaction and swing times total 0.340 s, how long can the batter watch the ball after it has left the pitcher’s...
  36. A

    Example of onto function R->R^2

    What is an example of an "onto" function f: ℝ→ℝ2 ? Any combination of vectors along the x-axis will not be able to leave the x-axis to cover the entire xy plane, so i was thinking of something like f(x) = \left|\stackrel{t}{x}\right| for any t\inℝ, but I was wondering if there are more...
  37. D

    Example of a linear transformation L which is injective but not surj, or vice versa

    Homework Statement Give an example of a linear vector space V and a linear transformation L: V-> V that is 1.injective, but not surjective (or 2. vice versa) Homework Equations -If L:V-> V is a linear transformation of a finitedimensional vector space, then L is surjective, L is...
  38. C

    Lim x→inf text book example confusing step

    I was hoping someone could clarify a step of an example in my calculus textbook. lim x→∞ (√(2*x2+1))/(3*x-5) = lim x→∞ (√(2+(1/x2)))/(3-(5/x)), (since √x2=x for x>0) The description for the step says to divide numerator and denominator by x. I understand to divide top and bottom of a...
  39. zonde

    Graphical example of BH formation by PAllen

    I liked this graphical example of black hole formation posted by PAllen in another thread and I want to discuss it. It is not unusual that arguments defending existence of black hole go like that: 1. Assume that BH exists. 2. Then observer falling into BH ... I think that point 1. is...

    C/C++ Passing a VBA array to a C++ dll - Example Needed

    Hi all, In the book "Financial Applications Using Excel add-in Development in C/C++" 2nd edition by Steve Dalton in Section 3.7.2 Passing arrays and ranges from Excel to VBA to C/C++ and in that section a description of how this can be done is given. No example of how to do this is given and...
  41. kq6up

    Does this example give a transcendental equation?

    I am teaching AP Physics, and wrote a problem on the board as an example of how to attack a problem. I new the answer would be nasty, but I didn't actually want them to solve it. I only wanted them to reduce the problem to one e.q. and one unknown. I was wondering if there is an analytic...
  42. T

    Whittaker and Watson Theory of Residues example one

    Hi all, I have been struggling with this exercise as well as number 4. I was wondering if there is a solution / hint manual for this well known text available somewhere ? Otherwise I would very much appreciate any hints on this one to start with Homework Statement -See attached image, more...
  43. A

    Energy-momentum pseudotensor example problem

    Homework Statement I'm following the derivation of finding the energy flux of a gravitational wave propagating along the z-axis where they use the energy-momentum pseudotensor to achieve this, but I can't seem to get an answer that matches theirs. Homework Equations We are given a general...
  44. P

    Modern Philosophical Science Books(a very old example would be Mach)

    Einstein drew much of his inspiration for his reworkings of space and time from philosophical books such as those written by Ernst Mach. Are there any modern philosophical science books that focus on the dilemmas of today's physics (hopefully that are respectable and not completely wacky)...
  45. M

    Confusion about squeeze theorem example; plugging 0 into x when x ≠ 0.

    This is from a textbook but it is not a homework problem, it's an example following the introduction of the "Sandwich Theorem". It says "for all x ≠ 0", but then it appears to assume that x = 0 when it finds the limits of g(x) and h(x). Clearly 1 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1 means u(x) = 1, I don't dispute...
  46. C

    Example of encryption key pair algorithm?

    Greetings, I know that when encrypting something with the public key of a key pair, the encrypted data can only be decrypted with the private key of the pair. And it can not be decrypted with the public key that was just used. I do not understand how it is possible to perform a mathematical...
  47. E

    An example of a continuous function in L1 space with no limit at infinity

    Homework Statement I am trying to come up with a continuous function in L1[0,infinity) that doesn't converge to 0 as the function goes out to infinity. Homework Equations I am trying to show an example of an f in L1[0,infinity) (i.e. ∫abs(f) < infinity) where the limit as the function...
  48. G

    Studying Example Books For College Level Courses

    Has anyone heard of some sort of book series that is meant to supplement college courses with boatloads of examples and solutions? I've always thought it would be helpful if someone were to publish a big set of these. I've been searching for just a book full of challenging examples and step by...
  49. B

    What does this example say about the applicability of Bell's inequalities?

    It is commonly believed that Bell's inequalities are a theoretical derivation of a condition that must be satisfied by locally causal theories. Therefore, it is often concluded that violation of these inequalities by experiments provides very strong evidence (if not conclusive proof, the only...
  50. T

    Maple Can I find a Maple program example for solving tensors on Planet Source Code?

    Hi. I really need an maple program example that solve tensor. Plz help me