What is Evolution: Definition and 731 Discussions

Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction. Different characteristics tend to exist within any given population as a result of mutation, genetic recombination and other sources of genetic variation. Evolution occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection (including sexual selection) and genetic drift act on this variation, resulting in certain characteristics becoming more common or rare within a population. It is this process of evolution that has given rise to biodiversity at every level of biological organisation, including the levels of species, individual organisms and molecules.The scientific theory of evolution by natural selection was conceived independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-19th century and was set out in detail in Darwin's book On the Origin of Species. Evolution by natural selection was first demonstrated by the observation that more offspring are often produced than can possibly survive. This is followed by three observable facts about living organisms: (1) traits vary among individuals with respect to their morphology, physiology and behaviour (phenotypic variation), (2) different traits confer different rates of survival and reproduction (differential fitness) and (3) traits can be passed from generation to generation (heritability of fitness). Thus, in successive generations members of a population are more likely to be replaced by the progenies of parents with favourable characteristics that have enabled them to survive and reproduce in their respective environments. In the early 20th century, other competing ideas of evolution such as mutationism and orthogenesis were refuted as the modern synthesis reconciled Darwinian evolution with classical genetics, which established adaptive evolution as being caused by natural selection acting on Mendelian genetic variation.All life on Earth shares a last universal common ancestor (LUCA) that lived approximately 3.5–3.8 billion years ago. The fossil record includes a progression from early biogenic graphite, to microbial mat fossils, to fossilised multicellular organisms. Existing patterns of biodiversity have been shaped by repeated formations of new species (speciation), changes within species (anagenesis) and loss of species (extinction) throughout the evolutionary history of life on Earth. Morphological and biochemical traits are more similar among species that share a more recent common ancestor, and can be used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees.Evolutionary biologists have continued to study various aspects of evolution by forming and testing hypotheses as well as constructing theories based on evidence from the field or laboratory and on data generated by the methods of mathematical and theoretical biology. Their discoveries have influenced not just the development of biology but numerous other scientific and industrial fields, including agriculture, medicine and computer science.

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  1. Chronos

    Evolution of the Observable Universe

    Note from SpaceTiger: This discussion originated in the "what existed before the big bang?" thread. Well put marcus. I think we are on the same page [albeit you are more eloquent] - and I tend toward being brutally blunt. We reside in an OBSERVABLE universe. And, by definition, it includes...
  2. J

    Adiabatic evolution of eigenvalues

    If I have two positive definite Hermitian NxN matrices A and B, if I adiabatically change the components of A to B (constraining any intermediate matrices to be Hermitian as well, but not necessarily positive definite) while \"following\" the eigenvalues ... will the mapping of the eigenvalues...
  3. D

    Vampires, Evolution, and Realism

    I am going to attempt to write a story. Future humans have polluted the Earth far beyond repair, and they seek to create/alter humans (not sure yet) to survive in the harsh new climate. For some reason, a scientist is going to design the people like vampires (not sure why yet). Regardless, the...
  4. T

    Understanding Metabolic Processes: Energy Conservation and Heat Release

    OK I apologize I did it again and overlooked a point and thus you sparked an interest, thanks. Metabolic Process In oxidations of glucose, as described in respiration, energy is released and is shown to be held within atp’s as reserved energy but we also know this reaction is what gives...
  5. H

    Mutation and Evolution: A Common Logic

    Hello all, First I'd like to say that I'm not a great scientists nor a great thinker. All I do is try to derive a common logic. A few days ago, I had a lesson on "how do mutations affect us." And so I copied all the definitions into my notebook. One of them was 'Germ-line mutation" and...
  6. E

    Do Animals Play a Role in Evolution?

    do they have any role on evolution?
  7. Mk

    What is Evolution? Exploring Genetic Variation, Mutation & More

    Ok, so evolution is the process in which traits are passed on from generation to generation, and I read the basic mechanisms are natural selection and genetic drift acting on genetic variation created by mutation, sex, and gene flow. What does all that mean, I'm a bit confused with all this...
  8. S

    Can Bacteria Prove Evolution Beyond Species?

    Because Bacteria evolve far faster than humans, bacteria would be ideal for testing evolution. If you isolate one bacteria population from another after a while they should evolve into different species, right? Actually, I have heard this test has already been carried out but is this true? If...
  9. T

    Quantum mechanics without unitary evolution

    A philosophy that underpins many approaches to understanding quantum mechanics (the many worlds interpretation in particular, but collapse models and other related ideas also) is that continuous Schroedinger evolution is somehow `nicer', `preferred', or `more fundamental' than the "damned...
  10. fargoth

    Some questions on star evolution

    ok, some stuff doesn't make sense to me, so i'll just sum up all i know... maybe it will clear things up, and i'll mark the parts I am unsure of\want clearification on. for your convenience i'll write numbers for each remark so you can just write the number and your response to it. at first...
  11. F

    What are the Unanswered Questions of Evolution?

    Great "why?"s of evolution. We know what happened in evolution - about how cells formed, became eukaryotes. then clumped together, became vertebrates (fish,) amphibians and reptiles, who evolved into mammals and birds. But... why? What was the point of coming out of water? What caused these...
  12. Chronos

    The Mysteries of Stellar Evolution in Low Metallicity Environments

    Stellar evolution modeling is a science that, to put it charitably, plods along. Here is one of the more interesting papers I've seen in awhile: http://www.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0601502 Stellar evolution of massive stars at very low metallicities
  13. Loren Booda

    Is Creationism Adapting to Scientific Progress or Stagnating in Dogma?

    How has Creationism compensated and compromised itself in the face of irrefutable scientific evidence over the past 150 years? Will there come a day when all scientific discovery is alternatively "explained" for zealots in terms of the fundamentalist premise of Scripture, rivaling the...
  14. LeonhardEuler

    Evolution of Poison: How Ladybugs Gained a Defensive Trait

    I was just thinking today that I remember hearing that some insects like ladybugs and monarch butterflies are poisonous to birds that eat them. I got around to wondering how such a trait could evolve. The thing is that, while I see how being poisonous is advantageous to ladybugs in general, I...
  15. V

    Evolution & Genetics: Human-Chimp-Fly Comparisons

    Something I read promoting intelligent design states that science is disproving the connection between chimps and people. Now I read a science article on the matter and it states that the base pairs compare and there is about 1 or 2 % difference, but of the actual genes they are as much as 80%...
  16. B

    Surviving Evolution: The Ongoing Battle Between Pathogens and Human Immunity

    I have been thinking of the evolution of the human race over time. Obviously, environmental factors have prevented those with detrimental traits from passing them on, bringing us to our current form. However, with the amount of technological advances in our current time and in the near future...
  17. zoobyshoe

    Is Human Evolution Responsible for Mathematical Challenges?

    http://www.origins.tv/darwin/pagetree.jpg I was googling for a hominid timeline when I stumbled on this chart which seems to be saying that all our struggles up from a primordial protoplasmic globule have been leading us to Barbi. http://www.origins.tv/darwin/trees.htm
  18. J

    Humans and Species Evolution: Is Our Influence Fair?

    Humans have a big influence on the evolution process of many species. Do you think they should? Is this fair?
  19. D

    Is Evolution a Fact or Theory? Understanding the Scientific Perspective

    Wikipedia states that evolution is fact; however, how evolution works is theory. Is this true? A friend of mine doesn't believe in evolution, and I have been trying to convince him. Is there a scientific dictionary that will give me an answer?
  20. S

    Mimicry: Evolution explanation?

    Hey, Just wondering: How does evolution explains the process by which some species, spceially from insects, have mimicry tactics for defense? Thx in advance, Mimicry: The phenomenon in which some species [the mimic] resembles another species [the model] and gains protection from the...
  21. T

    Wierd question about evolution

    This is a question geared toward human evolution, but I figured a biologist would be able to answer it. There are two parts: 1. If supposedly, we physically evolved (less hair, stand up straight, etc.) because we changed our behaviour, would it be safe to say that generally, as something...
  22. L

    Mathematica Biological Thermodynamics & Evolution: Proving the 2nd Law

    I was wondering if it was possible, via biological thermodynamics, to demonstrate that evolution does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics in mathematical terms. From my understanding, the Earth is a closed system (this seemed odd, but I read this in a book on biological thermodynamics. I...
  23. K

    Was the universe created? (not an evolution discussion)

    Hi. I have a problem with a statement that was in the first chapter of my "World Religions" book for school. It first explains that the word "God" can have many different meanings. It then concludes the chapter with "It is a fact, not a mystery, that God, whatever or whoever God might be...
  24. R

    Vatican Defends Evolution Against Intelligent Design

    Here you go people :smile: :smile: :smile: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,17162341-13762,00.html *EDIT*oops.. meant Intelligent Design:shy:
  25. T

    Does evolution violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics

    people who believe in creation say evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. those who believe in evolution say it does not. who's right? if it does violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics why and how? i just want to know who's right on this issue. p.s. sorry if this has been asked before...
  26. wolram

    Is human evolution at a standstill?

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4348751,00.html For those who dream of a better life, science has bad news: this is the best it is going to get. Our species has reached its biological pinnacle and is no longer capable of changing. That is the stark, controversial view of a...
  27. D

    History of Evolution: Historians of Science to the Rescue!

    Disclaimer: While I think I'm pretty well educated in math and the physical sciences, I'm pretty much a moron in biology. Be nice to me.:redface: I read the following statement from one George Olshevsky, responding to a Creationist argument: He was responding to the claim that...
  28. G

    Understanding the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Superbugs

    Why do antibiotic super bugs keep evolving more and more so they are resistant to antibiotics? Wouldn't this evolution be considered on a macroscale or would you say microscale seeing as how they are becoming stronger and stronger? It's interesting to learn that these things are becoming more...
  29. Chronos

    Galactic Evolution: Recent Papers Reveal Important Insights

    I've notice a rash of recent papers on galactic evolution. Clearly, this is an important area of study with serious theoretical implications. Comments? GDDS Highlights: Galaxy Evolution Revealed http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0510056 Significant evolution of the stellar mass-metallicity...
  30. wolram

    Will Mental Illness and Genius Evolve Differently in Famous Individuals?

    Many famous people have suffer some form of mental illness, but it is also linked to genius, will this mental illness genius group evolve differently to the rest of the human race ?
  31. S

    Uncovering Unknowns in the Evolution Timeline

    Where are the current unknowns in the evolution timeline? It is my knowledge that the progressions from gaslike "soup" to amino acids is believed to have been caused by intense lightning and UV radiation. But the mystery is how we went from amino acid to protein? Are there any other unknowns...
  32. B

    Lingusitics Did Humans Devolve in Language Evolution?

    It seems the study of Evolution is always geared toward physical matter; but what about language? If we are so far advanced why are we speaking a backwards language? :confused: According to history all mankind once spoke biblical Hebrew which is much more advanced than English, or any...
  33. T

    Famous living scientists about evolution.

    I am not good in Biology and I do not have much knowledge. Also I do not have enough time to search all the topics in this forum concerning evolution. I would ask you to help me find some information (articles/webpages) concering what famous living scientists say about evolution. I am not to...
  34. M

    Is there a connection between ice cream and evolution?

    Oh hello This's just strange. We did a small project "Making ice-cream" You know, put milk and sugar and vanilla into a zimploc, place the pack into a bigger one stuffed with ice and salt. We've luckily gone through the questions he asked. But the last question just doesn't make sense to me...
  35. marcus

    Evolution on Jon Stewart Daily Show, starts Monday 12th

    ---quote from the science blog Pharyngula---Evolution Schmevolution info PZ Myers • 21 Comments This is going to be good: Science vs. Religion. Evolution vs. Creation. It is an age-old battle whose time has come. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" will gather together all the experts (or at...
  36. B

    Creationism vs Evolution: Is there a place for religion in science?

    Here's a little something that I read on another forum the other day. Care to share some thoughts regarding this matter? Ok if you say you are a creationist then you are saying the universe was created as we experience it today, and god created a man named adam. etc. And that you take the...
  37. P

    Ongoing human evolution (Myers quote)

    I recall there being several past topics where we debated whether evolution is still ongoing for humans. I just found & wanted to share http://pharyngula.org/index/weblog/comments/or_maybe_its_an_example_of_absurdist_british_humor/" ...
  38. Les Sleeth

    The Most Fertile Path of Human Evolution: Intellect or Feeling?

    I’d guess the majority of people participating at this site would say intellect. After all, isn’t that what most of us believe sets us apart from other animals? In fact, I am fairly certain there are those here who would say the ability to reason entirely distinguishes human consciousness...
  39. P

    Time Evolution of Quantum systems.

    In non-relativistic quantum mechanics time evolution is given by the usual e^{\frac{-i\hat{H}t}{\hbar}} (for non time dependent hamiltonians). How does one time evolve a quantum system in the context of relativity, where time and space have been placed on equal footing? We clearly cannot use...
  40. Pengwuino

    Evolution = years of natural selection?

    Someone posted in another forum that "Evolution is the result of hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection." Is that true?
  41. Ivan Seeking

    The jury is still out on evolution

    "the jury is still out" on evolution http://www.rednova.com/news/display/?id=151471&source=r_science
  42. wolram

    Chemical Evolution Modeling: Comparing Empirical & Static Models

    http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0506086 Authors: Jeong-Eun Lee, Neal J. Evans II, Edwin A. Bergin Comments: 13 pages, 12 figures, To be published in the Astrophysical Journal We compare an evolutionary chemical model with simple empirical models of the abundance and with static chemical...
  43. D

    Can We Predict the Evolution of Future Humans?

    From http://www.whatwemaybe.org/ His new book is free to download from http://www.whatwemaybe.org/
  44. wolram

    Exploring a New Interpretation of the Universe's Evolution

    http://arxiv.org/ftp/gr-qc/papers/0506/0506007.pdf Title: A New Interpretation about the Evolution of the Cosmos Authors: Fang-Pei Chen Comments: 16 pages Based on Lorentz and Levi-Civita's conservation laws, it can be shown that the energy of the matter field in the universe might...
  45. H

    Smithsonian to Screen a Movie That Makes a Case Against Evolution

    http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/28/national/28smithsonian.html Sell-outs. I can't believe this.
  46. Loren Booda

    Convergent cosmological evolution

    There are many examples of convergent evolution here on Earth, such as the separate development of wings on birds, bats and insects. I propose that the midpoint of evolution be marked by an equivalence between convergent and divergent adaptations. For the universe as a...
  47. T

    Is natural selection the driving force behind evolution and adaptation?

    I hope this topic belongs in this forum. If not, please move it to where it should be. What is the difference between evolution and adaptation? Is evolution just the term used to embody all the adaptation that an organism has gone through?
  48. S

    When the unitary evolution is derived from the collapse postulate in QM

    If we treat space and time equally, in classical QM, by defining, formally, a time observable (and a conjugate observable), we can see that the postulates of QM have a simpler form: we can derive the unitary evolution from the measurment collapse postule. (We use the units hbar=1). Just take...
  49. N

    Evolution and Complex Organization of Matter

    This idea came out pondering the question if scientific research is limited in what it can achieve. Evolution is the process that can lead to the organization of matter as complex as the human mind. Scientific research can lead to different (not necessarily as complex) organizations of...