What is Engineering: Definition and 996 Discussions

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning "cleverness" and ingeniare, meaning "to contrive, devise".

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  1. A

    I can't deduce the third view of an engineering drawing

    Hi What are the general algorithmic steps of producing a third view from existing two. I can't do it for all cases. So I am searching for an algorithm to follow. Famous books don't pay a lot of attention to the subject. But in my school it is ! Can someone please help me with the steps. And by...
  2. Q

    Switching to chemical engineering from physics?

    Summary:: Would it make sense for me to switch from physics to chemical engineering if I have no interest in most chemical engineering jobs? I’m currently a first-year physics major. Over time, I’ve come to the conclusion that my general interests lie in applied science rather than in pure...
  3. cellist542

    Programs Engineering Triple Major (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science)

    I am currently an ambitious sophomore in high school aspiring to become an engineer. Generally, I love physics, chemistry, biology, and I'm interested in computer science. I am interested in aeronautical, biomedical, chemical, electrical, environmental, computer, mechanical, materials, nuclear...
  4. fissifizz

    Physics From Software Engineering to Astrophysics Grad School

    Greetings everyone. I am an undergrad currently majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Physics. I entered college as a physics student because I wanted to pursue astrophysics as a career. After my first 1.5 years of courses and a summer research experience, I concluded that a career in...
  5. S

    Aeronautical Engineering or Nuclear Engineering?

    How did you find PF?: Via Google Hello, I am a new member here. Thano you for having me ! Im going through a dilemma. Next year I will have to choose a subject for higher studies. I want to work in space organisations in future and I like space researches. So basically Aeronautical Engineer...
  6. F

    Engineering Which Engineering Degree is Best for Working in Energy?

    Hello, I've googled my issue, but couldn't find some practical advice on the matter, rather some differences between Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in general. So, which one would be better if one wishes to work in the energy industry, namely Nuclear Energy, but maybe also...
  7. binbagsss

    Droplets on a solid / liquid surface (engineering)

    Why is it important to study this? And what makes them interesting to study?
  8. I

    Engineering Help with computer engineering problem

    Have been trying to figure out this problem for quite some time but don't know how to approach it.
  9. binbagsss

    Is an engineering PhD generally easier to get than maths / physics?

    As a maths & Physics graduate. This seems to be the pattern I tend to be spotting but maybe it's just a coincident? Many thanks
  10. A

    Can we create science from engineering?

    Can we create science from engineering or just engineering from science?
  11. S

    Online Mechanical Engineering program

    Summary:: From Physics to Mechanical Engineering Hi All, I am in search of some guidance to start my education/career in Mechanical Engineering. I have an undergraduate degree in Physic and would like to go for Master’s in Mechanical Engineering if possible. Does anyone have an experience...
  12. P

    Good Software to download and familiarize myself with

    Hey Everyone, I am a junior Physics major who would like to pursue a career in Renewable Energy Engineering. I am interested in the part of the development in which I would be designing the software, machine and every other component that goes along with the actual device (whether it be for...
  13. S

    Engineering Career and job search (teaching or engineering work)

    Hello I am new here lived in New York with my 2 kids and looking for a teaching job. I applied online but can't get response from them. I have received an email yesterday stated that they are going to give me an opportunity an engineering firm. They want me to fill a form with my all details...
  14. U

    How Engineering physics impact on technology?

    I have an assignment and i want to complete it before Tuesday. I have some questions regards to my assignment 1) How Engineering physics impact on technology ? 2) Engineering physics Inventions 3) Engineering physics related information
  15. A

    Recommend beginner engineering books

    Hi I am a first year engineering student I want to start by learning general engineering So I want books recommendation I want to understand the engineering behind the following Referegration Fans Car and automobiles Computers Civil works Buildings Planes Space craft Kitchen tools...
  16. amelune

    Schools Universität Leipzig - Mechanical Engineering

    Hello everyone, This year I'm planning to apply for the bachelor program of IPSP. Since my high school is not qualified by DAAD, I have to complete at least one year in any other university and apply through uni-assist. I'm already in my second undergraduate year of Mechanical Engineering and...
  17. M

    Engineering Can IStill Get Hired as a Civil Engineer at 40 with Prior Experience?

    Hi guys and girls, So I have a 4 year degree in surveying (Spatial Science) and I'm considering studying for a civil engineering degree. The maths and physics units already studied result in all but one math unit to complete. I also get recognition of prior learning for some of my other...
  18. A

    What are best civil engineering books for beginners?

    Hi What are best civil engineering books for beginners. I want them to be easy to understand for an Egyptian I mean easy language and good content Thanks
  19. H

    Engineering Entry level Renewable energy engineering positions?

    I'm not out of college yet, but I'm curious if any companies are offering entry level positions renewable energy engineers right now
  20. MrCosmic

    Courses Overcoming Math Fear to Pursue Hobby Engineering

    Hi, been lurking for 10 years. Never posted. edx.org has classes on aero/mech engineering. I lack the math and physics background to understand them. Math has terrified me since the 4th grade. We fear what we don't understand. I plan to take math classes at my local community college. If I...
  21. F

    Physics Phd Teaching Engineering

    Hello, Does anyone know if a Phd in physics can teach engineering courses at a university? Or do you need to have an engineering degree? Thanks you!
  22. pkress

    Engineering Minimum Critical Power Ratio (nuclear engineering applications)

    Im having a really tough time with this problem, I am assuming that in order for q'(z) to be a maximum, e^(-az/L)sin (pi(z)/L) must be a maximum. I believe this occurs when the derivative with respect to with respect to z/L is zero, which gives me z = 0.322L, but I am not sure if this is correct...
  23. A

    Engineering Manufacturing engineering books -- Follow-on questions

    Hi guys What are best manufacturing engineering academic books for beginners
  24. M

    Courses Advice on switching from physics to (biomed) Engineering?

    So I'm currently a fresher at a UK university doing (joint-honours, but not actually missing any first year physics) maths and physics but I've come to realize I don't really have a passion for pure maths and physics. I've realized I fell in love with the "pop-culture" idea of physics and...
  25. A

    Engineering Drawing: An Essential Tool for the Egyptian Engineer

    Hi I'm a first year Egyptian engineering student. I have a problem with engineering drawing. In our country Egypt the focus is on grades and exams nobody cares about understanding any thing. Nobody really does understand anything. Nobody even loves engineering. My problem is that I can not be...
  26. G

    Engineering: Top 3 Reasons to Pursue a Career

    Top 3 reasons why you wanted to pursue a career in engineering... GO!
  27. A

    Trends in Trainings on Engineering Standards

    Hi, Could anybody please help me with the following information: 1) Frequency of engineers receiving trainings on standards/competencies set by organizations such as ASME, IEEE, ASTM, etc.? Average number of trainings per engineer per year? 2) Corporates spend per year per engineer on...
  28. Z

    What are the latest discoveries in the world of physics?

    Nothing much yet..
  29. L

    Engineering Multimeter values different and fluctuations

    I measured current through a parrallel circuit and my multimeter fluctuated massively and compared to theoretical values they are miles out. multimeter was changed over to ampmeter. I used duel power supply. Throughtout the measuring i kept getting short circuits. The circuit on the...
  30. CricK0es

    How can I evaluate the power produced by a WEC unit? (wave energy)

    I'm currently researching if I could implement some wave energy into my small scale hypothetical project. I've identified some commercial models, namely Seabased and SINNPower, and I assumed that they would have approximate values of power output given wave period, height (among many other...
  31. Boltzman Oscillation

    Engineering What is the best EE route for someone living in North Texas (DFW)?

    Good afternoon, I will be graduating with an EE bachelors in a year. To keep this brief, next semester I will be taking courses that branch off from general Electrical Engineering. I have the options of Telecom, Electronics, Control Systems, or Power Systems. Living in the DFW area, what would...
  32. gareth-hayter

    What engineering and math features is Excel missing?

    Hi All Background I'm nearing the end of development of an Excel add-in (commercial) which adds new engineering and math features to Excel. I'd like to have a discussion with people that use Excel on a daily basis to ensure that the product adds true value and meets their needs and desires by...
  33. Waffle24

    Civil engineering - dike improvement

    [Moderator moved this thread from the homework section.] I'm a civil engineering student, and it's my first year at the University of Applied Sciences, and I'm doing an exercise but can't figure out one of its parts. The question: what are the advantages and disadvantages of reinforcement...
  34. Rahulx084

    What is the Validity of the Rate Equation in Different Reactor Types?

    What is the definition of rate ##(-r_a)=-\frac{dCa}{dt}## or ##(-r_a)=-1/V\frac{dNa}{dt}## ? I think the general one is the second one and first one is for constant volume reaction system. Is the above written rate equation only valid to batch reactor? If not can we use this in a PFR or MFR? In...
  35. M

    Do you have to be beyond smart to be an engineer in the Star Wars galaxy?

    I could never be an engineer here on Earth. I’m too dumb. My math skills and spatial intelligence suck. I wonder. If I lived in the Star Wars galaxy, would it even be harder to be an engineer since everything is so much more advanced? I imagine engineering schools in the Star Ward galaxy only...
  36. D

    Physics Love physics: study engineering

    I love physics, I’m literarily fascinated and passionate about it. Although I would like to focus on applying physics on real world projects (more than on research or discovery). Like making a better combustion system on rockets, helping build the fusion reactors they’re trying to make, using...
  37. R

    Nuclear Looking for Nuclear Engineering must reads

    I'm asking for suggestions in various categories as some of them might be more important for coursework whereas others might be more recreational and to expand knowledge. I know for example that Knoll is the go to for radiation detection and Lamarsh and Baratta is the most important for intro...
  38. G

    Suggestions for research topics for M.Sc. in Nuclear Power Engineering

    Summary: Suggestion on experimental research related to reactor for master's degree dissertation. Summary: Suggestion on experimental research related to reactor for master's degree dissertation. I have just started my master's degree course in Nuclear Power Engineering and decided to...
  39. M

    Engineering Help with pressure drop/transposing formula to get pipe diameter

    Hello. My attempt at the solution is as follows: l = 160m Q= 300 ls-1 R= p2/p1= 6+1.01/1.01 = 6.94 (2dp) d = Unknown Pressure drop = 0.3 Bar 0.3 = 800*160*300^2/6.94*d^5.31 0.3 = 1.152x10^10/6.94*d^5.31 0.3 ( 6.94*d^5.31) = 1.152x10^10 6.94*d^5.31 = 1.152x10^10/0.3 d^5.31 =...
  40. hamin4

    Ethical Discussion -- Engineering used to create innovation versus destruction

    I have always wondered about the ethical aspect of engineering in general. Considering engineers of all kind are responsible for the creation of some of the worlds most useful and innovative technology and some of the most destructive, do engineers feel that they may hold responsibility in what...
  41. H

    How to get admission into Master's in Astronomy after electrical engineering

    Hello, I am Harshil from india. I have completed my Bachelor's in electrical and now i want to do Master's in Astronomy, so i have few questions please answre it... 1) Can i get the admission in MS/Msc astronomy if i have done electrical engineering? 2) If the answer of first question is...
  42. GeneralKnoxx343

    Engineering Applied Physics, Engineering or something else?

    Howdy! A little background info: I am a soon-to-be high school graduate from an eastern european country (Romania). Since things are not so good as far as higher education is concerned in my country, I am looking into going to study abroad, specifically in Holland. However, I have a very hard...
  43. D

    Engineering Should I Study Mechanical or Electrical Engineering to Design Magnetic Systems?

    Hello, I want to do what a mechanical engineer does but with the electromagnetic force. What should I study mechanical or electrical engineering? An ideal job for me would be designing the magnetic system for motion in a maglev train, for example.
  44. D

    Thoughts on Undergraduate Engineering Research

    The topic of "undergraduate research" is much discussed today. Speaking particularly to engineering education, I wonder if we all have the same understanding of the term "research." I would like to hear from other folks just what they think is meant by the term "undergraduate engineering...
  45. TonyKonya

    Specific Heat at High Temperatures

    I am working on some simulations to determine pressures for extremely high-pressure combustion events. The temperatures in these events can range anywhere from 3000 K to 6000 K. In order to do this I need to find valuers for specific heats of gases at these temp ranges as I know they vary to a...
  46. Emmo Amaranth

    Electrical Engineering Beginner's Resources

    As the title suggests, I'm hoping some of you have some favorite resources for a self-studying novice. I'm sure there are a LOT of places online (and in print) to learn, but if anyone can help point me in the right direction I'd be very appreciative. Cheers!