What is Effects: Definition and 1000 Discussions

An effects unit or effects pedal is an electronic device that alters the sound of a musical instrument or other audio source through audio signal processing.
Common effects include distortion/overdrive, often used with electric guitar in electric blues and rock music; dynamic effects such as volume pedals and compressors, which affect loudness; filters such as wah-wah pedals and graphic equalizers, which modify frequency ranges; modulation effects, such as chorus, flangers and phasers; pitch effects such as pitch shifters; and time effects, such as reverb and delay, which create echoing sounds and emulate the sound of different spaces.Most modern effects use solid-state electronics or digital signal processors. Some effects, particularly older ones such as Leslie speakers and spring reverbs, use mechanical components or vacuum tubes. Effects are often used as stompboxes, typically placed on the floor and controlled with footswitches. They may also be built into guitar amplifiers, instruments (such as the Hammond B-3 organ), tabletop units designed for DJs and record producers, and rackmounts, and are widely used as audio plug-ins in such common formats as VST, AAX, and AU.
Musicians, audio engineers and record producers use effects units during live performances or in the studio, typically with electric guitar, bass guitar, electronic keyboard or electric piano. While effects are most frequently used with electric or electronic instruments, they can be used with any audio source, such as acoustic instruments, drums, and vocals.

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  1. L

    Effects of Bathroom Cleaner on Humans

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  2. V

    What does modern physics say about uncaused effects

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  3. B

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  4. G

    The Sun Exploding: Effects on Earth

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  5. Z

    Exploring Tidal Forces - Learn about their Effects and Interactions

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  6. S

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  7. V

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  9. chemisttree

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  11. C

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  12. J

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  13. Ivan Seeking

    Exploring Food Deserts: Causes & Effects

  14. O

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  15. D

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  16. S

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  17. J

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  18. M

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  19. N

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  20. K

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  21. S

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  22. S

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  23. W

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  24. M

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  25. Y

    Does the Velocity of Magnetic Field Effects Violate Maxwell's Equations?

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  26. D

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  27. P

    Cosmological expansion effects

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  28. K

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  29. J

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  30. K

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  31. C

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  32. G

    Spin-Orbit Effects: Calculating Effective Magnetic Field?

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  33. S

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  34. B

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  35. D

    How Does Symmetry Impact Quantum Effects and Reality Transition?

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  36. A

    DeBroglie wavelength considering relativistic effects

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  37. S

    Em question - effects of wires

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  38. M

    Effects of Doubling Primary Coil Current on Secondary Coil Induced EMF

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  39. D

    Effects of plasma on friedman/fluid/acceleration equations

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  40. L

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  41. M

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  42. R

    Real time effects of light, light speed, and the sun?

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  43. A

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  44. R

    Gravity Effects Across Mountains: A WWII Mystery

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  45. B

    Effects of pressure changes in crystallization

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  46. S

    Simulating the Spiralling Motion of a Coin on a Table

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  47. J

    Does the expansion of the universe affect our observations in the real world?

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  48. Andre

    What is the real danger facing our civilization?

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  49. J

    Can Negative Feedback Improve Amplifier Performance?

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  50. Z

    Exploring GR Effects on Escape Velocity of a Star & a Black Hole

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