What is Earth: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor and support life. About 29.2% of Earth's surface is land consisting of continents and islands. The remaining 70.8% is covered with water, mostly by oceans, seas, gulfs, and other salt-water bodies, but also by lakes, rivers, and other freshwater, which together constitute the hydrosphere. Much of Earth's polar regions are covered in ice. Earth's outer layer is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over many millions of years, while its interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates Earth's magnetic field, and a convective mantle that drives plate tectonics.
Earth's atmosphere consists mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. More solar energy is received by tropical regions than polar regions and is redistributed by atmospheric and ocean circulation. Greenhouse gases also play an important role in regulating the surface temperature. A region's climate is not only determined by latitude, but also by elevation and proximity to moderating oceans, among other factors. Severe weather, such as tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, and heatwaves, occurs in most areas and greatly impacts life.
Earth's gravity interacts with other objects in space, especially the Moon, which is Earth's only natural satellite. Earth orbits around the Sun in about 365.25 days. Earth's axis of rotation is tilted with respect to its orbital plane, producing seasons on Earth. The gravitational interaction between Earth and the Moon causes tides, stabilizes Earth's orientation on its axis, and gradually slows its rotation. Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest and most massive of the four rocky planets.
According to radiometric dating estimation and other evidence, Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago. Within the first billion years of Earth's history, life appeared in the oceans and began to affect Earth's atmosphere and surface, leading to the proliferation of anaerobic and, later, aerobic organisms. Some geological evidence indicates that life may have arisen as early as 4.1 billion years ago. Since then, the combination of Earth's distance from the Sun, physical properties, and geological history have allowed life to evolve and thrive. In the history of life on Earth, biodiversity has gone through long periods of expansion, occasionally punctuated by mass extinctions. Over 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth are extinct. Almost 8 billion humans live on Earth and depend on its biosphere and natural resources for their survival. Humans increasingly impact Earth's surface, hydrology, atmospheric processes, and other life.

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  1. caters

    Building a City on New Earth: A Couple's Story

    I have completed a few chapters. I am writing a story about a couple on New Earth which is this planet that is not 4.5 billion years old but still habitable by all Earth species. Right now in my story they have made some cow's milk cheeses and butter and they have a child but they want some...
  2. russ_watters

    How Solar Power is Not a Solution to Replacing Nuclear Power

    ...and to a larger extent, the mainstream environmentalist movement. Here's an article on CNN.com, with one author being the founder of Earth Day and the other I can't identify (no bio provided for either): http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/22/opinion/hayes-denman-solar-power/index.html?hpt=hp_bn7...
  3. L

    An asteroid is approaching Earth

    Hi, I am writing a sci-fi comic and would need an info, which is very similar to this thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=4724396#post4724396 My question is, how much would it take for an asteroid to reach Earth after detection? A cca 'from to' range would be sufficient...
  4. W

    Expanding earth possible on mars?

    In 1889 and 1909 Roberto Mantovani published a hypothesis of Earth expansion and continental drift. He assumed that a closed continent covered the entire surface of a smaller Earth. He believed thermal expansion led to volcanic activity, which broke the big continent into smaller continents. The...
  5. WannabeNewton

    Quick question on CMB anisotropy in Earth frame

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  6. T

    Space probe between the earth and moon

    Homework Statement The mass of the Earth is Me and the mass of the Moon is Mm. The (center to center) Earth to moon distance is d. a) If a space probe is sent directly from the Earth to the moon, how far from the center of the Earth would the net gravitational force (due to the Earth and...
  7. Drakkith

    Measuring Oxygen Content of the Ancient Earth

    I read that the level of oxygen in the atmosphere reached its highest concentration during the Carboniferous period, with over 32% of the atmosphere by volume as O2. I was wondering, how is this measured? The reference on wiki only links to a graph with no other content. Thanks.
  8. K

    If we could put Earth in a weighing machine

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  9. D

    Rise in sea level due to increased temp. on earth

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  10. C

    Why did Earth lose its first atmosphere but keep its second?

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  11. T

    Time the Earth requires to go towards Pluto?

    Homework Statement Suppose that, suddendly, the gravitational attraction between the Earht and the Sun goes away. How many time will the Earth require to reach an orbital distance from the Sun equal to the actual orbital radius of Pluto? (Sun-Earth: 150*10^6 km; Sun-Pluto: 5900*10^6 km...
  12. Prashasti

    Charge inside the Earth. Where does it go?

    Current passes through us if we hold a conductor barefoot and it goes inside the earth. What happens next? What happens with that charge as it enters the ground? Does it combine with the cations present in the soil?
  13. T

    How does U 238 change to U 235 in natural in earth

    how does U 238 change to U 235 in nature earth or how does uranium enrichment in nature
  14. C

    Magnetic field lines of earth

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  15. us40

    Can Sun's Gravity Alter Earth's Landscape Over Billions of Years?

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  16. E

    Analogy between satelite orbit and mass oscillating through earth

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  17. C

    A satellite will crash into the Earth if its velocity:

    Homework Statement A satellite will crash int the Earth if its velocity: stays constant increases dramatically decreases dramatically Answer: decreases dramatically.??
  18. C

    The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is:

    Homework Statement The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is: constantly changing the same as on the moon basically constant Answer: Basically constant? The gravity on Earth doesn't really change much day to day.
  19. amind

    Earth falling into sun problem

    Homework Statement If Earth stops rotating Sun suddenly , how long would it take for Earth to collide with Sun ? G = gravitational constant m_s = 2e30kg m_e = 6e24kg where m_s is the mass of the sun and m_e , mass of earth x = 1au =1.5e11m 2. The attempt at a solution Gravitational...
  20. Greg Bernhardt

    50 incredible facts about earth

    Fantastic infographic! http://lightsinthedark.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/50-facts-about-earth3.jpg
  21. A

    Time dilation, length contraction and relative simultaneity on Earth

    The three main effects of SR occur in inertial frames and change the description of space-time relative to a particular observer. My question here is how do these effects occur on Earth, since we know that motion on Earth is non-inertial. I know that we travel at small speeds and that we can't...
  22. S

    Centrifugal force? Why does the Earth bulge at the equator?

    I'm trying to understand why a superdeformed nucleus may be represented as bulging perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and I'm guessing this is akin to why the Earth does so too. I've gone through secondary school and 3 years of University to have professors/teachers snigger every time they...
  23. T

    Why does the air we breath float on Earth?

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  24. S

    Nearest Stars to Earth: Red Dwarfs Dominant

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  25. N

    The magnitude of Earth from Moon

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  26. 8

    A rope in tension between Earth and Moon

    I attatch a rope of a constant density to the Moon and fasten it down to the surface. I set the other end in space right above Earth's atmosphere. The angular speed of the entire rope is brought up to the same angular speed as the Moon at time=0. http://i.imgur.com/kHlVvnM.png What would...
  27. B

    Potential energy of earth and gravity

    Assume Earth's radius R and there is a mass m. We put that mass in height of R from the Earth's surface. I want to calculate it's potential energy. I calculated it and got mgR/4 but my teacher said the answer is mgR/2 . Why my answer is wrong? I just calculated the gravity in the height of R...
  28. S

    Programming the forces the sun applies on earth

    Hey guys, I am trying to create a 2d simulation of the Earth going around the sun. However I am facing an issue. I am not sure what are the forces that apply on the Earth in a 2d aspect. I know there is the gravitational pull GM1M2/R^2. I know there is momentum, which is P = V * R...
  29. J

    Why is this calculation of earth gravitational acceleration incorrect?

    Hello there, I was taught: a = {v^2 \over R}. I substitute v for the speed of the rotating Earth at the equator, and the radius, R = 6378m. And I get a = 0.03 \rm m/s^2. It looks like the equation a = {v^2 \over R} may incorrect. Why am I taught this equation in University if it is false...
  30. H

    Surface integral, spherical coordinates, earth

    Homework Statement Find the surface area of the Earth (as a fraction of the total surface of the earth) that lies above 50 degrees latitude North. Homework Equations $$A = \int_R\sqrt{|\det(g)|}d\theta d\phi$$ The Attempt at a Solution Hence I get $$\int_0^{360}...
  31. jdawg

    Projectile Distance: Earth vs. Moon

    Homework Statement Would the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile on Earth be the same as one on the moon? I feel like the distances would be different, but when I was calculating the initial velocity of the projectile on the moon I used the same x value(distance) that I did for...
  32. C

    Redshifting Through Hole in Earth

    I have been wondering what to expect if there was a hole, from pole to pole, that inside which we could measure the Einstein red and blue shifts due to gravity. At first, I suspect a blue-shift as light travels from the surface of the Earth to the center; just less and less as the center is...
  33. Y

    Calculate Air Resistance on Objects Thrown Into Air by Earth Stopping

    So I was just thinking about what would happen if the Earth stopped rotating on it's axis. Everything unattached would be thrown into the air. The questions been bugging me for a while, how would you calculate the air resistance on objects thrown into the air? All I have to go on is that the...
  34. S

    Electric flux through the earth

    Homework Statement The Earth's radius is 6370 km . There is a downward-pointing electric field in the atmosphere above the Earth's surface, of average magnitude 140. N/C . a) What is the flux of the electric field out of the Earth? b) What is the charge on the Earth? Homework...
  35. F

    Moon Earth and Satellite gravitation

    Homework Statement At a certain instant, the earth, the moon, and a stationary 1030kg spacecraft lie at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are 3.84×10^5km in length. Find the magnitude of the net gravitational force exerted on the spacecraft by the Earth and moon.Homework...
  36. G

    Earth Slowing Down: What Would People Feel?

    I was watching a documentary that examines what happens if the Earth slowed to a halt in the span of 5 years. One point they didn't cover was that since the Earth is slowing down at a greatly accelerated pace, what would the people feel? How much apparent force would they feel acting on them?
  37. U

    Coriolis effect on eastward\westward movement on earth

    Given an example of a rifle bullet traveling east or west, why does the bullet deviates HORIZONTALLY? (right on the northern hemisphere, left on the southern hemisphere) As rotation speed in the same latitude coordinates stays roughly the same, I wouldn't expect the bullet, or any other...
  38. N

    How Can We Calculate Displacement and Average Velocity for a Complex Trip?

    Homework Statement A car drives north at 40mi/h for 10mins then turns east and goes 5min at 60mi/hr. Finally it goes southwest at 30mi/h for 6min. a) determine the displacement b)average velocity for this trip The Attempt at a Solution x-component: 60mi/hr/60min x 5min = 5mi...
  39. AbhiFromXtraZ

    Can any object with positive mechanical energy collide earth?

    Object with positive mechanical energy in an attractive force field moves along a hyperbolic path and whose energy is zero, moves along parabolic path...isn't it?...But why?...Can't any object with ve energy move along the line joining centre of force?...If its radial component of kinetic...
  40. G

    Gravity - Why do we Use Radius of Earth in Calculating Surface Gravity

    Newton showed that F=G(m1m2)/r2 When calculating the force of gravity on the surface of the Earth, why do we use the radius of the Earth for our r value? Of course, the above Newtonian equation suggests we should, but it seems rather counter-intuitive. I must admit to not having taken a...
  41. S

    Nukes on the Moon - visible from Earth?

    From Earth with the naked eye, the Moon is pretty small. If a nuclear weapon were detonated on the Moon, would it be visible from Earth? Would it make a difference if the device were detonated during local daytime (in full sunlight) as far as visibility is concerned? If it makes a...
  42. O

    Satellites in various orbits above the earth exploded?

    1) What would happen if artificial satellites in various orbits above the Earth exploded? Where would the fragments go? 2) How do constituents of asteroid belts stay in their orbit? Why don't they change orbits? Why that particular distance? Thanks
  43. T

    Could Earth Capture a SECOND Satellite the size of the Moon?

    I'm doing a research paper based on mining asteroids or near Earth objects. I was wondering, could we pull/move a relatively large asteroid About half as large as the moon could we use is as an anchor to launch missions? Thanks!
  44. O

    Challenge 10b: Temperatures of the Earth

    For the sake of this challenge, you can assume that the world behaves nicely (everything is continuous, differentiable etc, the world is a sphere blah blah blah) but figurative bonus points if you assume fewer things. If you're looking for an easier challenge check out Challenge 10a. The...
  45. O

    Challenge 10a: Temperatures of the Earth

    For the sake of this challenge, you can assume that the world behaves nicely (everything is continuous, differentiable etc, the world is a sphere blah blah blah) but figurative bonus points if you assume fewer things. If you're looking for a bigger challenge check out Challenge 10b. The...
  46. S

    A bullet falling to earth and g being the only pull

    Hi, I'm sure this topic has come up before, however, it was always under the requirements of being realistic, i.e. taking drag, air resistance, Earth rotation and what not into account. Also, I couldn't find any equations so that I can do the math myself. Hence, here is my question...
  47. jouncey

    Why does the Earth have an equatorial bulge?

    I understand there are two factors: the gravitational forces from the sun and the moon and rotation. Rotation has a greater effect than the gravitational forces, so rotation is what I'd like to focus on. When the Earth spins, a centripetal force acts on the Earth's crust and points to the core...
  48. N

    What Charge Must a Wooden Sphere Have to Float Above the Earth?

    Hello, everyone :-) We have a wooden sphere at a height of h = 1 m above the surface of the Earth which has a perimeter of RZ = 6 378 km and a weight of MZ = 5.97 · 10^24 kg. The sphere has a perimeter of r = 1 cm and is made of a wood which has the density of ρ = 550 kg·m − 3. Assume that...
  49. W

    Earth's Atmosphere Without Magnetic Field & Geology

    Lets say Earth lost its magnetic field 4 billion years ago and lacked geological activity like mars. Would the atmosphere of Earth be comparable to Mars atmosphere? How thin could it have been without a magnetic field and constant geological activity? Thank you.