What is Curvature: Definition and 912 Discussions

In mathematics, curvature is any of several strongly related concepts in geometry. Intuitively, the curvature is the amount by which a curve deviates from being a straight line, or a surface deviates from being a plane.
For curves, the canonical example is that of a circle, which has a curvature equal to the reciprocal of its radius. Smaller circles bend more sharply, and hence have higher curvature. The curvature at a point of a differentiable curve is the curvature of its osculating circle, that is the circle that best approximates the curve near this point. The curvature of a straight line is zero. In contrast to the tangent, which is a vector quantity, the curvature at a point is typically a scalar quantity, that is, it is expressed by a single real number.
For surfaces (and, more generally for higher-dimensional manifolds), that are embedded in a Euclidean space, the concept of curvature is more complex, as it depends on the choice of a direction on the surface or manifold. This leads to the concepts of maximal curvature, minimal curvature, and mean curvature.
For Riemannian manifolds (of dimension at least two) that are not necessarily embedded in a Euclidean space, one can define the curvature intrinsically, that is without referring to an external space. See Curvature of Riemannian manifolds for the definition, which is done in terms of lengths of curves traced on the manifold, and expressed, using linear algebra, by the Riemann curvature tensor.

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  1. ORF

    Spacetime Curvature: Does It Affect Objects?

    Hello Does the spacetime curvature produced by an object affect the object itself? Thank you in advance :) Greetings!
  2. S

    Gravity & Spacetime Curvature: Have I Understood?

    When spacetime is not bent the two objects, red ball and blue ball, will move strait up the y-axis as they move through time. (Space is x and time is y). Now I've made the assumption that either a) All things want to move the smallest possible distance to the next point in time or b) all...
  3. G

    Spacetime Curvature Difference: Gravity vs Speed

    Gravity causes spacetime to warp. Relative speed also causes an apparent warp from the point of view of the stationary observer. But warp due to relative speed will cause rods to contract, rods will effectively measure shorter for the stationary observer. Accordingly we should also infer that...
  4. S

    Graviton vs Einstein's Curvature of Spacetime

    As far as I understand it, Einstein theorized that gravity was the result of the curvature of space created by the presence of mater/energy, but that idea seems like it does not meld well with the idea that gravity is the result of a specific force carrying particle, as with the other...
  5. Isaac0427

    Exploring Spacetime Curvature and Light

    Hi, So according to GR, energy bends spacetime, right? So that would include both light and mass. If I am understanding this right, light bends spacetime, and is also affected by the spacetime curvature. Could someone explain exactly what the spacetime curvature does to light (I mean like how...
  6. Stephanus

    Unravelling the Mystery of Gravity's Speed & Bend

    Dear PF Forum, I realize that there are 4 basic forces in our universe. Two of them are gravity and electromagnetic force. Electromagnetic travels at the speed of light. And it seems that Gravity travels/propagates at the speed of light also. Light is bent by gravity. What about gravity? Is...
  7. J

    Spacetime Curvature: Which Tensor Gives Coordinates?

    In the Einstein Field Equations: Rμν - 1/2gμνR + Λgμν = 8πG/c^4 × Tμν, which tensor will describe the coordinates for the curvature of spacetime? The equations above describe the curvature of spacetime as it relates to mass and energy, but if I were to want to graph the curvature of spacetime...
  8. T

    What is the value of curvature which caused by earth

    What is the value of curvature which caused by earth(geodetic effect) on space-time?
  9. K

    Principal normal and curvature of a helix

    Hi, ##x(s)=\cos\frac{s}{\sqrt{2}}## ##y(s)=\sin\frac{s}{\sqrt{2}}## ##z(s)=\frac{s}{\sqrt{2}}##, it is a unit-speed helix. Its curvature is ##\kappa=||\ddot{r}||=\frac{1}{2}##. Principal unit normal is ##{\mathbf n}=(\cos\frac{s}{\sqrt{2}},\sin\frac{s}{\sqrt{2}},0)##. So far so good... But the...
  10. C

    True Cartesian curvature equation, trying to solve it

    Homework Statement Solve the following equation: v is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable Homework Equations \frac{d^2v/dx^2}{(1+\frac{dv}{dx}^2)^{3/2}}=1 The Attempt at a Solution Hi, I am trying to solve the following equation...
  11. Atlas3

    Does light receive a spacetime curvature upon refraction?

    could the bend be described mathematically? Not the vector the curvature.
  12. Derektquestions

    Pressure & Curvature: Exploring the Impact of Gravity

    [Moderator note: This has been spun off into a separate thread from here.] I've never been on a forum so I apologize if I'm asking a question in the wrong place. If so, would someone kindly directing me where to post. If gravity warps space around mass, wouldn't the curving of space create...
  13. gracy

    Center of Curvature: PhysicsClassroom.com

    As per ww.physicsclassroom.com/class/refln/Lesson-3/The-Anatomy-of-a-Curved-Mirror The point in the center of the sphere from which the mirror was sliced is known as the center of curvature,I am not able to understand this.Please help.
  14. Buzz Bloom

    Can a radius of curvature be calulated from omega-k?

    A 2013 paper ( http://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.4854v1.pdf ) gives the following: Ωk = 0.0010 ± 0.0029. Can a value for the radius of curvature be determined from Ωk = 0.0010? If so, what is it, and what is the formula? If not, why not?
  15. RisingSun361

    How does the curvature of spacetime affect space?

    If the fabric of the universe is made of both space and time, and curving spacetime affects time, then I'm guessing it also affects space. I'm aware that an object shortens in length as it approaches the speed of light. But in the case of gravity, is space relative like time? Does an object on...
  16. C

    Radius of curvature along a spring

    Hello friends, I am working on a design project for my capstone course in my engineering curriculum. Part of the design involves a cord consisting of wires tightly wrapped helically (à la a spring) around a nylon rope core. An important specification of this design is the radius of curvature...
  17. M

    Find the curvature at the point (x, y) on the ellipse?

    Homework Statement Find the curvature at the point (x, y) on the ellipse x^2/9+y^2/4=1. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1 so I know that a=3 and b=2 for this problem. x(t)=acos(t) and y(t)=bsin(t) so x(t)=3cos(t) and y(t)=2sin(t) now what? What's the...
  18. J

    Optics question with radius of curvature

    Hi, I am a first time poster and I am completely lost with this question. Any help would be greatly appreciated Filling the space between a contact lens and the cornea is a small quantity of liquid of refractive index of 1.336. Assuming the refractive index of the lens material is 1.490 find...
  19. J

    Help with radius of curvature and refractive index of lens

    Hi, I am a first time poster and I am completely lost with this question. Any help would be greatly appreciated Filling the space between a contact lens and the cornea is a small quantity of liquid of refractive index of 1.336. Assuming the refractive index of the lens material is 1.490 find...
  20. S

    Space Curvature: Friedmann Models Explained

    Currently reading Peter Coles, Cosmology a very short introduction. There is a bit I don't understand. In a section discussing Friedmann Models, and how going on the cosmological principle density of the universe is the same in every place, and therefore space must be warped in the same way at...
  21. binbagsss

    Curvature Singularity: Necessary & Sufficient Conditions

    For a physical singularity I think it is sufficient that anyone scalar quantity blows up, Why is it not a necessary condition that all blow up? For a curvature singularity am I correct in thinking that it is a sufficient condition to find a coordinate system in which the metric coefficient no...
  22. N

    Curvature, Geodesics and Acceleration in GR

    I am trying to get my head around curvature, geodesics and acceleration in GR. I've put together the following paragraph that attempts to describe qualitatively how I think these things play together. In Newtonian mechanics, a freely falling object accelerating towards the Earth implies a force...
  23. 5

    Realizing Warp Drive with Matter-Antimatter Fuel Cells

    My question is related to M. Alcubierres paper on the warp drive within general relativity. I was wondering about the realizability of this, setting the three energy conditions aside for the moment. Assuming the highest energy density known to me as an energy source, namely something like...
  24. C

    Pi and the curvature of the universe

    The ratio of the circumference of a circle to the radius is Pi. Our value of Pi is an irrational number and is calculated assuming a flat curvature of space-time. But our universe as a whole, while very flat, probably has some small amount of curvature -- in addition to the greater local...
  25. T

    Instantaneous Curvature in Mass Warp Spacetime?

    Assuming a mass warp spacetime such that the curvature of spacetime extend one light year away from that object. If I am standing at 1 light year away from the object and the object start losing mass by emitting light, will you feel the change in the curvature first before the radiation reach...
  26. M

    Find the curvature of y=sec x.

    Homework Statement Find the curvature of y=sec x. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution k(x)=abs(y")/[1+(y')^2]^(3/2) y'=secx*tanx y"=secx(sec^2 x+tan^2 x) k(x)=abs(secx(sec^2 x+tan^2 x))/[1+(secx*tanx)^2]^(3/2) how do I simplify this?
  27. xortdsc

    Computing Curvature of Space at Point from Mass - Help Needed

    Hello, given a stationary pointlike particle with mass m at some position, I'm trying to compute just how much space is curved/deformed at a distance r from that particle due to its gravitational field. I'm not really into all that tensor calculus, so I really struggle with the equations given...
  28. M

    Curvature=|r'(t)xr''(t)|/|r'(t)|^3Find Curvature of r(t)=t*i+(1/2)t^2*j+t^2*k

    Homework Statement Find the curvature of r(t)=t*i+(1/2)t^2*j+t^2*k. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution r'(t)=<1, t, 2t> r"(t)=<0, 1, 2> r'(t)xr''(t)=<0, t, 4t>
  29. hideelo

    Difference between "intrinsic"and "parametric" curvature

    I am studying differential geometry of surfaces. I am trying to understand some features of the first fundamental form. The first fundamental form is given by ds2 = αijdxidxj Now if the αijs are all constants (not functions of your variables) then I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that the...
  30. Lord_Segan

    Can I Calculate Satellite Dish Curvature for a Specific Radio Wavelength?

    How can I mathematically determine curvature for a satellite dish for a specific radio wavelength?
  31. gulfcoastfella

    How to measure curvature of 3-sphere from inside its surface

    How is 3-sphere curvature measured? If a 2-D being living "in" the surface of a sphere tried to measure the 3-D curvature of the sphere, how would they go about it? They couldn't detect the curvature by looking for curvature in the paths of signals, because if the surface of their sphere was as...
  32. L

    Radius of curvature using spherometer

    which formula is correct? or
  33. T

    Learning to Simplify the Curvature Tensor

    I just watched susskind video on EFE but he didnt show us how to convert curvature tensor(the one with 4 indices) to that of Ricci tensor. Can anyone help me with this? Try to simplify it as I just started this.
  34. T

    Curvature of Space-Time: Why is Covariant Derivative Nonzero?

    I recently watched Susskind video on general relativity. I am unsure why the commutator of the covariant derivative of the vectors is nonzero when there is curvature. E.g. DrDsVm-DsDrVm In flat space, that difference is zero. But why is it non zero in curved space? Someone please enlightened...
  35. binbagsss

    Christoffel Connection & Curvature in GR: Understanding Singularities

    I'm looking at lecture notes on General Relativity by Sean M. Carroll, and after defining the Riemannanian tensor in the usual theorem, the extent to which the partial derivatives of a vector field fail to commute, it says ' having defined curvature tensor as something which characterizes the...
  36. M

    Find Curvature of r(t)=2ti+2tj+k

    Homework Statement Find the curvature of r(t)=2ti+2tj+k. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution The answer is 0 in the book. I know the formula for curvature is k(t)=abs(r'(t)xr"(t))/abs(r'(t))^3. I know that r'(t)=2i+2j and r"(t)=0, so r'(t)xr"(t)=0? How to find r'(t)xr"(t) and...
  37. K

    (Tribology) Can someone explain Contact Curvature Sum to me?

    I am having a hard time grasping contact curvature sums. Can someone give me a link to where there is a guide or a youtube video? or can someone help me here please. Here are the equations: 1/Rx = 1/rax + 1/rbx 1/Ry = 1/ray + 1/rby 1/R = 1/Rx + 1/Ry The question is this: The ball-outer...
  38. Matterwave

    Remind me why FLRW curvature can't switch between cases

    Hi, as we all know, the FLRW metric has 3 types of spatial curvatures, spherical, flat, and hyperbolic. I understand that of course due to homogeneity, this curvature must be spatially everywhere the same and so can not depend on the spatial coordinates. However, I can't recall what is the...
  39. binbagsss

    GR: FRW Metric relation between the scale factor & curvature

    Mod note: OP warned about not using the homework template. I have read that 'a(t) determines the value of the constant spatial curvature'.. Where a(t) is the scale factor, and we must have constant spatial curvature - this can be deduced from the isotropic at every point assumption. I'm trying...
  40. S

    General Relativity: Curvature and Stress Energy Tensor

    Hello all, I have a quick question regarding the relation of the space-time metric and the curvature. I have determined the space-time metric, g_(alpha beta), but I am unsure as how to go from the line element ds^2 = [ 1 + (dz/dr)^2] dr^2 + r^2 dtheta^2 and the space-time metric g to the...
  41. S

    Inverse curvature of space-time

    Assuming that my understanding is correct, I believe it was Einstein who proposed that gravity is the result of the warping or curving of space-time. My question is this: if gravity, which is solely attractive in nature, is the result of warped or curved space time, then is it possible for the...
  42. R

    Ball Thrown Up Follows Curvature of Spacetime

    A ball thrown up comes down again because the ball follows the curvature of spacetime. So is it possible that the ball comes down and before hitting the surface, goes up again due to curvature of the spacetime,which now point upward.
  43. twistor

    Is the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis a Viable Alternative to Inflation?

    Hello guys. I was thinking about alternatives to inflation, especially old ones (such as the hawking-hartle state and imaginary time) and I remebered a theory put foward by Penrose, in which his relatively new CCC is based. Called the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis. No idea of what it is. Could you...
  44. S

    How to explain the curvature of space-time to students

    I teach a class on astronomy and recently tried to explain the curving of space time by massive objects like neutron stars and black holes. I even used a sheet of spandex to represent space-time which we bent using different weights. However my students were very confused how space, which they...
  45. FreeThinking

    What is equation for Lie derivative in Riemann curvature?

    Homework Statement (Self study.) Several sources give the following for the Riemann Curvature Tensor: The above is from Wikipedia. My question is what is \nabla_{[u,v]} ? Homework Equations [A,B] as general purpose commutator: AB-BA (where A & B are, possibly, non-commutative operators)...
  46. Breo

    Gauss - Bonnet Gravity -> Curvature variations

    So I am working on the next quadratic Lagrangian: $$ L = \alpha R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu} + \beta R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}R^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} + \gamma R² $$ I have already derived $$ \delta (R_{\mu\nu}R^{\mu\nu}) = [- \frac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu}R_{\alpha\beta}R^{\alpha\beta} +...
  47. aditya ver.2.0

    Where should I ask about mathematical problems with Riemann curvature tensor

    I have come about few mathematical problems related to Riemann Tensor analysis while learning General Relativity. Should I ask these questions in this section or in the homework section. They are pretty hard!
  48. Shackleford

    Prove its Gauss curvature K = 1

    Homework Statement Assume that the surface has the first fundamental form as E = G = 4(1+u2+v2)-2 F = 0[/B] Homework Equations K = \frac{-1}{2\sqrt{EG}}[(\frac{E_v}{\sqrt{EG}})_v + (\frac{G_u}{\sqrt{EG}})_u][/B]The Attempt at a Solution Ev = -16v*(1+u2+v2)-3 Gu = -16u*(1+u2+v2)-3 When...
  49. C

    Is a Third-Rank Tensor Viable for Expressing Manifold Curvature?

    Hi, I am curious about expressing the curvature of a manifold using a third-rank tensor. The fourth order Riemann tensor can be contracted to give the second order Ricci tensor and zeroth order Ricci scalar, but is there no way of obtaining a third- or first-order tensors, or would this simply...
  50. V

    Reaction force due to the curvature and gradient drift

    We know that a charged particle will have a drift velocity in both a curved magnetic field and when there is a transverse spatial gradient in the magnitude of the magnetic field. This drift velocity is added to the rotation velocity around the the field line. In both cases the force vector on...