What is Classes: Definition and 592 Discussions

The Olympic sailing classes have been used in the sport of Sailing/Yachting during the Olympic Summer Games since 1896. Since then, 46 different classes have been used.

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  1. S

    Graduate classes during undergrad?

    tl;dr version: EE senior, wants to take grad course next semester, is there a standard way to do this? Detailed version: I'm an Electrical Engineering major at a state university, and just obtained senior standing. For next semester, I'm interested in taking the graduate version of a class...
  2. M

    Engineering Engineering Careers That Will Use the Classes I take

    I'm aware that a lot of careers may only use one or two upper-level subjects that I study in an Engineering program, which is what I'm essentially in (Applied Physics Bachelor's with a co-terminal Master's in Mechanical Engineering). I doubt that there are any jobs out there that will use a...
  3. S

    Should I Retake Genchem 1 and 2 to Prove Myself?

    Ok! Here is the deal. In one of my earlier threads I had discussed that I was a high school dropout and a lousy student at that. After several years decided to get back in school. Got my GED...enrolled in a community college. I have been there for almost a year now. Will graduate with an...
  4. A

    MHB Describing equivalence classes

    Hi, I'm having trouble understanding the concept of equivalence classes and would like some help on what it means to describe an equivalence class. Here is an example that I have deemed to be an equivalence relation but I have no idea about how I can descrive its equivalence class
  5. J

    HTML element with multiple classes

    Suppose I write the following in my stylesheet .class1 { position: relative; } .class2 { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; } and then the following in my body <div class="class1 class2"> </div> Will that div take...
  6. 4

    Rounding out my Physics BS with other classes?

    Hi, I'm a physics undergrad at a pretty large university in the US. I would specify what year I am; but due to some recent complications in my life and the frustrating cyclical schedule of classes my school uses, (I think it's designed to work mainly for full time students who come in as...
  7. Dishsoap

    Taking Fluff Classes for College Graduation

    Taking "Fluff" Classes This is something I've noticed about college education in general which really irks me. I'm a pretty good student. Physics and mathematics major, 4.0 GPA, research, scholarships, blah blah blah. In order to avoid having to take difficult physics/math classes at the...
  8. C

    Equivalence Classes Homework Help - #1 & #5

    Homework Statement If you follow this link http://www.math.tamu.edu/~ciken/teaching/spring2014/math302/practice%20midterm%202.pdf There are several optional problems that have been posted for studying for my exam. I figured it would be easier to read the original than have me try to retype...
  9. J

    Schools 3.0s in most math classes and going to grad school for math? bad idea?

    I'm currently a freshman who is double majoring in Math and Mechanical Engineering. I took a class over the summer, and the instructor got me very interested in math again, which is why I added the second major. In high school, I was an average student (As in Bs) and As in Bs in all of my Math...
  10. Whovian

    A detail in a proof about isomorphism classes of groups of order 21

    Homework Statement While reading through my textbook on abstract algebra while studying for a test, I ran across the following statement: There are two isomorphism classes of groups of order 21: the class of ##C_{21}##, and the class of a group ##G## generated by two elements ##x## and...
  11. Fredrik

    (Terminology) bijective correspondence between proper classes?

    I'm just looking for the right words to use to talk about something like the "bijective correspondence" between the class of groups defined as pairs and the class of groups defined as 4-tuples. I'm talking about the "map" ##(G,\star,i,e)\mapsto (G,\star)##. It seems to me that it shouldn't be...
  12. Duderonimous

    Help in choosing 4 upper division physics classes.

    Hello, I am a transfer student that has been admitted to CSU Long Beach in the Fall '14 for a BS in electrical engineering and I would also like to pursue a BA in physics. I reckon this will take me 4 years. A BA in physics consist of taking lower division CALC I/II/III and PHYS ABC. Also...
  13. T

    Difficulty level of upper div physics classes?

    I'm not sure if this is off-topic for this section of the forum but I wasn't sure where else to post it. I'm substantially behind compared to other physics majors at the moment (3rd year student with enough credits to be considered mid 4th year student) so i wanted to pick up the pace. I like...
  14. H

    Useful Classes for Computational Physics?

    I'm an undergraduate Physics major. By next semester I'll be three classes away from a Computer Science minor. I've taken a few programming classes and really enjoyed them(java and C#), so I will most likely be going the theoretical/computational route for grad school. I've selected some...
  15. S

    Looking to round out my [math] classes.

    First off I want to apologize if there is a topic about this type of thing already that I missed. I went back through the last 5 pages and didn't see anything that seemed to fit it and am unsure of what I would need to search for to look through that function. Past that, I am a Mathematics...
  16. S

    The stifle-Whitney classes of a tensor product

    Homework Statement Let ξm and ηn be vector bundles over a paracompact base space. Show that the stifle-Whitney classes of the tensor product ξm ⊗ ηn (or of the isomorphic bundle Hom (ξm, ηn) can be computed as follows. If the fiber dimensions m and n are both 1 then: w1 (ξ1 ⊗ η1) = w1(ξ1) +...
  17. J

    Maximizing My Math Classes for a Future in Theoretical Physics

    I am currently in my third year of a physics and mathematics double major. I've taken almost enough mathematics to fulfill the mathematics degree requirements. I plan on becoming a theoretical physicist and attending graduate school. I've listed the courses I've done, and registered for, and...
  18. L

    Group Classes of Homework Statement: e, a,b,c,d,f

    Homework Statement ##e = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\[0.3em] 0 & 1 \\[0.3em] \end{bmatrix}##, ##a =\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & -\sqrt{3} \\[0.3em] -\sqrt{3} & -1 \\[0.3em] \end{bmatrix}##. ##b...
  19. M

    Differences Between Different Thermo Classes

    Also sorry if you feel this is in the wrong place. I was unsure where to put it. I was wondering what the main differences in content/way problems are solved in Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Materials ( for MSE), Thermal Physics...
  20. W

    Questions about upcoming classes.

    Hello all! I would like to transfer from a community college to a university with an A.A. in physics. With this term ending, I am looking at the rest of the classes I need for my A.A. The science and math related courses I took this term was Calculus 1 and Introduction to Chemistry. Next...
  21. T

    Can I Get to Know Her Without Classes Together?

    So I'm in my final year of high school and there's this girl I think is cute and would like to get to know. However we have no classes together and I've only ever had one class with her back in grade 10. I see her in the halls and the cafeteria, she usually sits at a table near mine. I'm not...
  22. H

    Good Books to Prepare for Junior Level Physics Classes?

    I'm a physics major and it looks like my next classes will be a 300-level mechanics class and 300-level E&M class next fall. The problem is, I'm at CC right now and I took all the "tough" classes last year (calculusII,III, University Physics, Diffy Q) and I just have programming and biology this...
  23. K

    How Can I Improve My Math Grades from B's to A's?

    I try extremely hard in my math classes, and I do decently in them, but I would really like to do better. I got a B in calc I, B+ in calc II and III, and a B in discrete math, and at this point it's looking like I will get a B or B- (or maybe even a C+) in linear algebra. I always do a lot...
  24. L

    For a group G, |G|>6, it must have at least 4 conjugacy classes?

    Homework Statement Let G be a group such that |G|>6. Then there are at least 4 conjugacy classes in GHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well, I tried by contradiction by using the group of order 7, which must be isomorphic to the cyclic group of order 7, which has 7 conjugacy classes...
  25. T

    Your thoughts on taking 3 math classes and Econometrics?

    So I in a couple more months I will be completing my Gen. ed. requirements(which I'm so happy about!), but now I am wondering if I should fill all my available time slots with all science and math courses. This coming semester I will be taking Intro to Probability Theory, Numerical Analysis, and...
  26. A

    What classes do I need? What do I need to study?

    Hey guys, so I'm just some teenager who is in first year Mathematics and Physics Bsc at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow UK. I am doing really well since it's first year it is so easy... I had a dream yesterday, where I designed some arbitrary piece of tech, and then after that I got...
  27. S

    What Are the Conjugacy Classes of the Alternating Group A4?

    Homework Statement Determine the conjugacy classes for A4, the set of even permutations of S4. The Attempt at a Solution I'm trying to figure out a correct way that doesn't involve much straight up computation. Here is my thinking; Elements being conjugate in A4 mean they are conjugate in...
  28. D

    Why does an abelian group of order G have G conjugacy classes

    Homework Statement Hi guys, The title pretty much says it. I need to explain why: (a) an abelian group of order |G| has precisely |G| conjugacy classes, and (b) why the irreducible representations of abelian groups are one-dimensional. Also in my description below, if I make any mathematical...
  29. C

    Suggestions for testing into higher math classes

    I have an absolute love for chemistry particleurly analytical and organic. my problem is I'm not the greatest when it comes to math as i never was granted the opertunity for higher level math classes in grad school. I'm the first in my family to actually graduate high school. I tested into math...
  30. MarkFL

    MHB The Different Classes and Flavors of Numbers

    Resident number theorist and global moderator at MMF (Charles R Greathouse IV) has graciously given me permission to reproduce an image he created to demonstrate the different classes of numbers: Rings are depicted in a ring, fields in an octagon, and algebraically closed fields in a...
  31. R

    Just started physics classes I'm hating the lab

    I'm starting on physics I (introductory classical mechanics) and although I love the theory class, I find the lab extremely tedious and tiresome. I'm just two experiments since starting (we've seen grafication and measurement uncertainty) and they are quite disencouraging, specially after...
  32. W

    Classes that are required vs classes that *might* be useful

    So my advisor is out of the country and I have to pick classes tomorrow, so I'm asking you guy's opinion. I'm a first year grad student and I've got 3 classes on my mind. I'm definitely taking graduate QM, but I'm trying to decide between stat mech and "grad level" electronics. I'm going to...
  33. S

    Should I Take 18 Credits to Graduate or Stay at My Job for Financial Stability?

    Good morning, I am currently a Senior in Computer Engineering over the summer i took 4 classes one of them were algorithm the teacher was not that great and failed half of the class (including my self), i didnt study as much as i could for the class so i kinda deserved failing, So at the moment...
  34. 462chevelle

    Classes other than math and physics

    does anyone find classes boring that aren't related to math and physics. like right now I am taking psych and it seems like I can't focus when I study like I can with math or physics. right now I have an 86. and I want to at least maintain a 4.0 my first 2 years of college. for when I get some...
  35. D

    Physics Summer classes for kids

    I am looking for any ideas to do for demos or fun physics demos to do with kids for a summer camp. I need ten lessons in total and I would like to involve the kids with activities as much as possible. kids are from about 6 to 14 and classes are 30 to 45 mins and i get two 1.5 hr demos. Some...
  36. M

    Schools Transfer Classes, do you send in other colleges transcripts?

    When applying to a graduate program, are you required to send in all transcripts? In my case, I go to a four year university, however I took three classes online during the summer at the local community college, so the credits just transfer over on to my university transcript as a 'T'...
  37. jbrussell93

    Geo classes for a physics major?

    I'm a physics major currently doing an REU in seismology, and I'm really enjoying it. I think I've finally found the field I'd like to pursue in grad school :approve:. I'm definitely planning on going for a geo science minor, but I'm wondering which classes would be useful to me going to grad...
  38. QuantumCurt

    What classes should I take to go into String Theory?

    Hey everyone, I've been trying to get a rough idea of what types of classes I should be taking for my upper level undergrad courses, and get an early idea of what type of graduate elective courses I should be taking. I'm a double major in physics and math, and plan to go to grad school for...
  39. M

    Suggest Classes for Fall Semester Electrical Engineering Degree

    I'm working on my bachelors in Electrical Engineering and for Fall Semester I'll be taking first semester circuits, linear algebra, and third semester university physics. Can someone recommend another class that would benefit me in electrical engineering. These are the classes I'm looking at...
  40. M

    Equivalence Classes: Solve for x in A

    Homework Statement Let A be the set, A = {0, 1, 2, 3}. Consider the relation R on A give by xRy iff there exists k \in \mathbb{Z} such that x - y = 3k. Describe the equivalence classes of R. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution E_x = \{y \in A: y - x = 3k, k \in...
  41. C

    Save core classes for final year?

    Good afternoon. I have thus far taken for my math major: Linear Algebra (with proofs), Complex Analysis for Applications, Linear/Nonlinear systems of ODE, Applied Combinatorics, and Foundations of Geometry. Next year will be my 3rd year of study. However, I've yet to complete the year long...
  42. B

    How hard is learning maths without specific maths classes?

    I'm going to university next year and I'm strongly considering doing physics. however the I'm slightly concerned because the physics degree at the uni I am going to has very little of the math that i thought is needed for physics. to illustrate my point, in the course there are no PDEs, diff...
  43. M

    Equivalence Classes: Example of 2 Classes

    Homework Statement Consider the relation on \mathbb{N} given by aRb if there exists k \in \mathbb{Z} such that a/b = 2k. Give an example of two different equivalence classes (that is, find x, y \in \mathbb{N} such that Ex \neq Ey, where Ex and Ey are the equivalence classes of x and...
  44. T

    Preparing for the New MCAT: What Science Classes Should You Take?

    It's been announced recently that the MCAT exam will have sections on psychology and sociology on its own exam component. For those starting undergraduate studies in the fall, and probably 2nd year students as well, what is the best strategy to prepare for the new exam? Pick sociology and...
  45. B

    Associative, Commutative, and Distributive Laws for Congruence Classes

    Homework Statement We are supposed to prove that the addition and multiplication of congruence classes for integers are associative, commutative, and distributive. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution To me, it seems like this would just be trivial as all these...
  46. L

    Mathematics classes that will help with physics (list included)

    Hello folks, I was wondering if anybody could give me some suggestions on which mathematics courses will be of the most use for theoretical physics. I am a sophomore at Wayne State university and am taking intro to quantum mechanics and a first course in optics this semester. I am taking...
  47. trollcast

    How important are power engineering classes?

    I'm trying to decide between 2 courses, Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Software and Electronic Engineering. I haven't got the complete class lists for both to compare but going by the bits I've got and the descriptions, the software and electronics course is basically the same as...
  48. J

    Solving Homotopy Classes: Proving [I,Y] Consists of Single Element

    The problem asks to show that if the space Y is path connected, then [I,Y], the set of homotopy classes of maps I into Y where I = [0,1], consists of a single element. What I tried to do is take two arbitrary continuous maps f,g: I -> Y and show that they are homotopic. For each s ε I, f(s) and...
  49. S

    How can I improve my performance in lab classes?

    I have my first real lab class this semester (intro to circuits), and I'm kind of nervous. In high school chemistry I always felt like a burden in lab class; I could do fine on the tests, but in lab I always felt behind. By the time I thought to do something my teammates were usually already...
  50. M

    Programs Physics major: which classes should I take for my two related electives?

    Its premature, but I definitely feel more aligned with theoretical physics over experimental. With that said, would math or computer science electives serve me better? I can choose 2 courses. Thanks!