What is Carbon: Definition and 519 Discussions

Carbon (from Latin: carbo "coal") is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6. It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. It belongs to group 14 of the periodic table. Carbon makes up only about 0.025 percent of Earth's crust. Three isotopes occur naturally, 12C and 13C being stable, while 14C is a radionuclide, decaying with a half-life of about 5,730 years. Carbon is one of the few elements known since antiquity.Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth's crust, and the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. Carbon's abundance, its unique diversity of organic compounds, and its unusual ability to form polymers at the temperatures commonly encountered on Earth enables this element to serve as a common element of all known life. It is the second most abundant element in the human body by mass (about 18.5%) after oxygen.The atoms of carbon can bond together in diverse ways, resulting in various allotropes of carbon. Well-known allotropes include graphite, diamond, amorphous carbon and fullerenes. The physical properties of carbon vary widely with the allotropic form. For example, graphite is opaque and black while diamond is highly transparent. Graphite is soft enough to form a streak on paper (hence its name, from the Greek verb "γράφειν" which means "to write"), while diamond is the hardest naturally occurring material known. Graphite is a good electrical conductor while diamond has a low electrical conductivity. Under normal conditions, diamond, carbon nanotubes, and graphene have the highest thermal conductivities of all known materials. All carbon allotropes are solids under normal conditions, with graphite being the most thermodynamically stable form at standard temperature and pressure. They are chemically resistant and require high temperature to react even with oxygen.
The most common oxidation state of carbon in inorganic compounds is +4, while +2 is found in carbon monoxide and transition metal carbonyl complexes. The largest sources of inorganic carbon are limestones, dolomites and carbon dioxide, but significant quantities occur in organic deposits of coal, peat, oil, and methane clathrates. Carbon forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, with almost ten million compounds described to date, and yet that number is but a fraction of the number of theoretically possible compounds under standard conditions. For this reason, carbon has often been referred to as the "king of the elements".

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  1. D

    Hoyle's calculation of 7.65 MeV level of carbon nucleus

    Mass of helium-4 (4.0015 u) plus mass of beryllium-8 (8.0053 u) gives 12.0068 u, which is 6.35 MeV above fundamental level of carbon-12. For triple alpha process T= 100 MK, which corresponds to a kinetic energy of 2 x 3/2 kBT = 0.03 MeV for the particles. This amounts to 6.38 MeV, way below 7.65...
  2. A

    The structure of carbon graphite

    hi everyone I found out that graphite carbon conduct just in one side if there is anyone who can inform me how is the structure of this material?
  3. M

    Molecular Modeling: Geometry Optimization, Vibration Analyses & More

    Hi there! Is there an online, hopefully free resource (preferably textbook) that details the process of molecular modeling? Specifically, computationally performing geometry optimizations, vibrational analyses, calculating Raman spectra, detailing the theory behind Hartree-Fock, DFT, post-HF...
  4. Sirluke

    Vapor pressure curve for carbon dioxide

    Hello to everyone. I would like to ask a question: I'm analyzing the properties of CO2 for a project and I have noticed that for temperatures between 220 -300 K the Clasius Clapeyron curve is linear on 1/T, that is in the Antoine equation of the form logP = A-B/(T+C), C is almost 0. In my...
  5. C

    Efficient, carbon neutral fuel for cars

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  6. R

    Making a Nylon - Fibre Composite

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  7. W

    Carbon-14 Half-Life: Calculating Decays After 50,000 Years

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  8. Suraj M

    Why is the molar specific heat of carbon so different from the predicted value?

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  9. D

    Fossil Fuels vs. Natural Gas: Carbon Emissions Explained

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  10. E

    How Does Carbon Monoxide Affect Plant Growth and Photosynthesis?

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  11. E

    Will (NH4)HCO3 Form in Polar Solvents?

    I know aqueous Ammonium Bicarbonate forms when NH4+ and HCO3- ions are present in water after they've dissolved from their gaseous states of NH3(g) and CO2(g). This occurs in the reaction: NH3(g) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) => (NH4)HCO3(aq) If Ammonia gas and CO2 are present above a polar organic...
  12. R

    Design, Manufacture and Machining of Carbon composites for RC planes

    Hi Guys Recently I have started a new hobby into RC planes. What I have noticed is extensive use of Carbon composites weight yet sturdy structures. Now the problem is that these structures seem to be cut (milling/drilling/laser cutting/water jet cutting) from a sheet (or laminates) of carbon...
  13. S

    Silicon: The Key to Solar Panel Efficiency & Why Carbon Isn't Used

    How does the crystalline structure of silicon make it useful in solar panels? Why is carbon not used?
  14. J

    Speed After Collision of Proton & Carbon Atom

    A proton is traveling to the right at 3.50×107 m/s. It has a head-on perfectly elastic collision with a carbon atom. The mass of the carbon atom is 12 times the mass of the proton. What is the magnitude of proton speed after the collision? What is the magnitude of carbon atom speed after the...
  15. K

    Heating Water with Coal Gas: Calculating Gas Consumption

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  16. Khatti

    Carbon Extraction from the atmosphere

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  17. D

    Coefficient of friction of medium carbon steel

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  18. J

    Carbon based Life vs. Plasma based Life.

    Life based on carbon needs very especial conditions to thrive, life on Earth is a clear example of that. Lots of time and research have been dedicated trying to find carbon based life elsewhere on the Universe, but that search may be too narrow because that search assumes that life can only be...
  19. A

    How to detect simple carbon structures

    I'm in high school and I have a science project, I must test for carbon without testing gas emissions using the following materials. 1.) Take the center carbon rod out of a heavy duty battery and scrape some of the powder off/ or use it directly. 2.) Create a chemical test and/or process...
  20. T

    Carbon Fiber Strip Buckling Force Problem

    Hey, So I`ve been trying to wrap my mind on how to solve this problem. I`m trying to use a CFRP Sheet as sort of a spring actuator by using it`s buckling phenomena to deliver a force to the body it`s attached to. Kind of vague so here is a video: This video does it electrically, but I...
  21. D

    Carbon ions in Tandem Accelerator

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  22. Warpspeed13

    Question about an experiment to make carbon boride

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  23. Q

    Carbon steel fatigue and temperature properties

    Hi everyone, I need some specific mechanical properties of A516 carbon steel, but as yet I am unable to find it online. Can you help me find the fatigue limit and the relation between yield strength and temperature? Are there tabulated values for this? Thanks! Mark edit: found it! seems i...
  24. T

    Properties of carbon and sulfur questions

    what is the properties of chimcal reaction for carbon and sulfur in gunpowder...and what different reaction happens if the gunpowder have just carbon without sulfur
  25. N

    Is carbon dioxide equally distrubuted throughout the Earth?

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  26. Feodalherren

    Electrons inside a carbon nanotube - Quatum Mechanics

    Homework Statement Electrons inside a carbon nanotube can be approximated as a one dimensional "particle in a box". If the nanotube is 3 micrometers long, what is the minimum speed of an electron inside the tube?Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The minimum occurs as n=1 so...
  27. Q

    Electrophilic nature of Carbon in CO2

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  28. N

    Understanding Carbon Dating: Assumptions, Ratios, and Half-Life

    Before I start, I'm not some young Earth believer or anything, just want to understand how it works and if the assumptions are fair. So my understanding of carbon dating is that the ratio of C14 to C 12 is known (About 1 trillion to 1) and it is the same in the atmosphere as it is in organic...
  29. D

    Unburnt Carbon equation balancing in Boilers

    Hi there, Hope you all are doing good. I was reading a book on boilers and burners design and had a problem in understanding some part of the text which I have attached below The problem is I not comprehend that 1. How unburnt carbon mass can be achieved by subtracting CO2 *...
  30. Infinite/Zero

    Carbon dioxide & oxygen balance

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  31. T

    Which gas has the highest flame temperature - hydrogen or carbon

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  32. T

    What Color is Liquid Carbon at the Atomic Level?

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  33. P

    How to modell Carbon nano-tubes in ABAQUS ?

    Dear Colleagues I want to start some research on the Carbon nano - tubes. In the beginning I need to model a CNT in the ABAQUS. I wrote a code for generating the xyz Coordinates of the atoms in a CNT. The problem is that I can not import them in abaqus. Does anyone has an Idea ? Thanks...
  34. T

    What is more reactive carbon or phosphor

    also what is more reactive sulfur or nitrogen. ...
  35. T

    Confused - nucleosynthesis of carbon

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  36. M

    Carbon Dating on Mars: Possibility & Limitations

    Hi! I would like to know two things: 1. Is it possible to use radiometric dating on samples of rocks collected from Mars? 2. If so, in which situations would such method be impossible to use or would wield inaccurate results? Thanks a lot for your help!
  37. V

    Addition of carbon to cast iron beyond 6.67%

    can anyone please give me the answer for addition of carbon to cast iron beyond 6.67%..
  38. M

    What is the relationship between Fermi Energy and carbon nanotubes?

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  39. J

    What Form Did Carbon Exist in During the Formation of Earth?

    Hi, I hope this question is appropriate for this forum - if not can anyone suggest a place to ask it? There is a lot of carbon based matter around, on an in the earth. But,as I understand it, other than gaseous forms all the other liquid and solid forms have been generated/created by living...
  40. L

    Where would you buy carbon nanotubes?

    Wouldn't have to be long ones. Cheap and cheerful amounts. A google search brought up one called cheaptubes.com, anyone had experience with them?
  41. G

    Why does carbon nanotube index determine whether it is metallic?

    We briefly got an intro to carbon nanotubes in our nanomaterials class, and the professor only briefly introduced carbon nanotubes and the ways to describe the different types of tubes via their indices. Why is it that if the indices of the carbon nanotube have the property such that n-m =...
  42. P

    Quadruple bond between two carbon atoms

    I was wondering if a quadruple bond between two carbon atoms would be possible. I found this on wikipedia about "dicarbon": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatomic_carbon, which is related to this question, since what I'm describing is an isomer of dicarbon. Anyone have any ideas?
  43. N

    Dissolving carbon dioxide from air without dissolving any other gases.

    Hello, Me and two other people are doing a science research competition for high school students and for our project we thought of a machine that takes in air through a pump and dissolves CO2 and only CO2. The problem is I don't know what to put in for a solution or pure liquid that would...
  44. S

    Carbon Dioxide Output Percentage Change

    Homework Statement Question: If petroleum used in transportation were replaced by electricity generated by coal, what would be the percentage change in carbon dioxide output? Refer to the following diagrams for values...
  45. M

    Total Carbon Dioxide emissions for 2013

    Hello there I've been searching the internet for any information about the total carbon emissions for this year (tonnes/year). However, I've only come across data which is most recently been gather a few years ago (2009 - 2011). However, I'm really curious to what the total emissions are...
  46. G

    Why is cyanide writted as CN- when the negative charge is on carbon?

    The Title pretty much sums it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanide Why is it written like that when it is clear that the carbon must be the one with the negative charge?
  47. Vigardo

    Modelling buckling of long thin carbon fibre tubes

    Hi all, I´m a researcher in computational biology thinking on topics quite far from my field. I want to model long thin-walled tubes of dimensions like those treated here, for example: ≈2 m long, radius ≈50mm and thickness ≈1mm. The tubes I´m interested in should be made of...
  48. E

    Carbon Atom Arrangement in Organic Compounds: Exploring Covalent Bond Angles

    How are the atoms of carbon arranged when it combines with other atoms in organic compounds? is there any particular formula for the angles being exhibited by covalent bonds of the compound?
  49. R

    What Does C0.2 Refer to in Carbon-Based Materials?

    What is mean by carbon based material "C0.2"
  50. S

    Carbyne - New Carbon Allotrope Stronger Than Diamond, Graphene

    Carbyne is comprised of chains of double- and triple-bonded carbons and is believed to be stronger and stiffer than graphene, nanotubes, or diamond: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/518301/new-form-of-carbon-is-stronger-than-graphene-and-diamond/ To me, this reminds of Arthur C Clarke's...