Recent content by valleyman

  1. V

    Understanding Classical & Quantum Coherence in Optics

    I really have to thank you, I'm not still sure about it but your simple explanation has opened me a world :D I'll keep studying, maybe the fog is clearing, thanks again
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    Understanding Classical & Quantum Coherence in Optics

    Hello all, I'm studying classical and quantum coherence in optics and I can't understand what's the physical meaning of second order coherence. I mean, what's the fundamental difference between it and the first order one? I know they are defined differently but I can't see in which case and why...
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    What Happens When Two Up-Up Fermions Collide?

    This morning I've been thinking about a simple problem whose I can't find out a satisfying solution. We all know that two "close" fermions can't exist in a up-up or down-down spin configuration because of vanishing state function as expressed by the exclusion principle. But what does...
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    Excitation of optical branch phonons

    As I studied, the optical branch of a crystal is called so because it can be excited with e.m. fields but I wondered whether it is possible to excite the optical branch also with chargeless particles like neutrons or the charge/action-on-charge is necessary for the process? And if so, why? I...
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    How Are Multiplets in Group Theory Related to Spin States in Quantum Mechanics?

    hello, does anyone know what relationship exists, if exists, between the concept of multiplets in group theory and the multiplet as spin state of a system of particles? Thanks, valleyman
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    Entanglement carrying data variant

    I know this might has be posted a lot of times and I should know why entanglement doesn't carry data but this time I've thought something different. I know that if Alice and Bob share a singlet state and Alice measures her particle' spin she can't communicate anything to Bob because she can't...
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    [nuclear physics]Understanding what's type of interaction is

    Thanks for the help those rules are very useful but there are still some things I don't understand! what if my reaction doesn't show either photons or neutrinos? And how do I check if quark flavour is conserved? For example e+e^-\rightarrow p+\overline{p} this is e.m., right? But what if it...
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    [nuclear physics]Understanding what's type of interaction is

    Homework Statement My problem is on questions like "say if the following interactions are allowed or prohibited, and explain why." where the interactions are something like p + p -> K^+ + K^- or e^- + p -> n + \nu_e The Attempt at a Solution Now the first one is not allowed...
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    Mediators and propagators of particle interactions

    Thanks for the clarification guys. @Tom.stoer: I particularly appreciated ur explanation, very clear, but now what I'm wondering is: if mediator particles are just mathematical entities is the e.m. field compound by particles or is it a vector field? I heard that Newton said that a force acting...
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    Mediators and propagators of particle interactions

    thanks for the help but I'm sorry to say that I still can't understand the answer to my question...
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    Mediators and propagators of particle interactions

    hello I'm studying nuclear physics and I have a lot of questions which I can't figure out. The first thing has been thrown in my mind by a colleague of mine about propagators of particle interactions. It has been said that, for example, photons are the mediators for the electromagnetic...
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    Fine structure diagrams-drawing program

    well I have to make many diagrams and gnuplot - as it's not made for this - would be slower and harder than simple graphic softwares so I think it's not the correct way to do this. I'm looking for some *specialized* program for this kind of graphs, maybe the one that the books' authors use to...
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    Fine structure diagrams-drawing program

    hey I was trying to draw some fine structure diagrams like this one but it is too slow and unflexible with normal graphic softwares. Does anyone know a good graphing software *expecifically* designed for atom structure diagrams like the above one? Thanks, valleyman
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    [Data acquisition] Data Studio?

    [Data acquisition] Data Studio? Hey, I urgently need to know where to download or have more info about DataStudio, that is a data acquisition program used in laboratories to get data from sensors and plot the results. Anybody knows anything about it? I've looked for it everywhere but found...
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    [Thermodynamics] Doubt about the relation between internal and external work

    ok, now is it clear, thanks a lot for the help!