Recent content by timejim

  1. T

    PF Land Treasure Hunt: Are You Up for the Challenge?

    I'm interested but be aware, if there were a Nobel Prize for solving puzzles I would be the first winner, so bring it on, would be fun.
  2. T

    Delicious Tofu Recipes for a Unique Salad

    Hi Monique, how have you been?
  3. T

    Bird-Powered Car: How to Make It

    You know, I just had a thought "update" on my invention. If I use an Ostrich, it might be workable, but what do they eat? I would have to incorporate their preferences for "taste" on the end of my "enticement" pole.
  4. T

    Which came first; the Question or the Answer?

    I say the answer came first. All things out there that are to be known (and discovered) by man have always been there. The questions came about after mankind first discovered that there are answers out there!
  5. T

    Stop Judging: Breaking the Stigma of Asking Questions | Our Thoughts

    Let's face it, if you have to ask a question then that means you don't know the answer, right? So you must be stupid, right? Right?
  6. T

    Where in the World Am I and Why?

    when do yall want me to tell you the answer? I already gave you a hint: Gobble, gobble!
  7. T

    Bird-Powered Car: How to Make It

    Yow, but does anyone else have a "weird" method in mind for vehicle propulsion?
  8. T

    Where in the World Am I and Why?

    You alls not even close, yet. Keep going! Here's a hint: At certain times of the year it can be a nice place to be.
  9. T

    Bird-Powered Car: How to Make It

    I have it figured out how to make a car that is powered by a bird. First, it must be lightweight. Second, get a small cage (covered by a cloth with a string that you can pull to remove the cloth) and put a mouse in it and attach the cage to a pole and the pole to the end of car in the...
  10. T

    Where in the World Am I and Why?

    Can any of you guess where I Be (am at) right now and why I am there? Don't say I am on my PC but aside from the PC, guess the above? The winner will get an extra card on their birthday.
  11. T

    Poop Scoop: Get the Facts You Didn't Ask For

    Questions I've wondered about have now been answered. Phheeew, glad I got that out.
  12. T

    I'm Thinking of running away, should I?

    Should I run away? I mean, if one is unhappy (to some degree) with the day to day routine of life, then why not? If i did, where would I go? Maybe to the circus. Nah, there aren't any to speak of anymore. Also, should I get a pole and a bandana and wrap my belongings in it (as i have seen...
  13. T

    What Makes Me Me? Exploring Separate Observers & Existence

    You do! Of course, in life, we are all influenced by things, and others, in our environment that has a direct bearing on "who we are".
  14. T

    Brain's Gray Matter: Why is it Gray?

    I hope this question doesn't sound too stupid but is the brain really gray? That is, is the brain tissue itself gray in appearance? If it is, why is it? If it is, is it the only human organ that is Gray?
  15. T

    Banning Fox Hunting: A Look at its Pros and Cons

    The quickest and most humane way to catch a fox is with a chicken. Put a tracking collar on the chicken, then, with a sophisticated GPS tracking system you can locate the foxes den. Then, if they are bothering you, just go to the den, trap them and move them to another area. ??