Recent content by PCarson85

  1. PCarson85

    Effect of thrust force on torque?

    If I have a motor that is turning a shaft with only a small torque required but the shaft is also being forced into the motor, axially at a large force, what is the effect on the motor here? If Faxial is large, does this effect T and how does this effect the motor?
  2. PCarson85

    Multiple constraints: Connecting rods for high performance engines

    Of course... b x w is area... much appreciated!
  3. PCarson85

    Multiple constraints: Connecting rods for high performance engines

    Summary:: How to combine two formulas to find the material index Attached is the problem I am having trouble understanding. I have been able to do the first two combinations by transposing for A in the mass equation then subsituting into the stress equation. The next combinations (in red box)...