Recent content by noblerare

  1. N

    Component of Force downward on Loppers (the kind for trimming bushes)

    Okay, so if I were the break up F into the orthogonal and parallel components to the diagonal bar (upper handle) would it be: Parallel: F*csc(theta) Orthogonal:F*csc(theta+90) ? Not sure if that is right... Edit: No, it seems the orthogonal is Fcos(theta)..
  2. N

    Component of Force downward on Loppers (the kind for trimming bushes)

    Hi people, I have a lopper (the kind for trimming bushes or tree branches). I have it rigged up like the diagram below. The blades are on the bottom left. The bottom arm is straight while the top arm is at an angle theta. I have a load cell which is applying a constant force downward and...
  3. N

    What is the proper etiquette for waiting at a restaurant when meeting someone?

    Hi folks, When you arrange to meet someone at a restaurant and you may arrive at different times, what is the social protocol in terms of where to wait? Should I go inside, grab a table and wait or should I stand outside the restaurant and wait for the person to arrive? Will doing one or...
  4. N

    Free WiFi at Airports: Why LAX & DFW Don't Offer It

    I don't know how many of you travel but I am wondering if any of you know the story behind free Wifi at airports? More specifically, why is it that Seattle, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Tucson, San Francisco, Denver, San Antonio, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Washington and other major cities offer free...
  5. N

    Random Walk - Falling into a pool

    Homework Statement A clown stands at the side of a swimming pool. In his hand is a bag containing n red balls and n blue balls. At each step he puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a random ball and throws it away. If the ball is red, he makes a step towards the pool and if it is blue...
  6. N

    Exploring Closed Form Solutions for Infinite Series: Tips and Tricks

    Homework Statement I want to find a closed form formula for: x+2x^2+3x^3+4x^4+\ldots I know that this can be written as: \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}nx^n but I would like to have a closed formula for this. The formula for an infinite geometric series is: \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}x^n =...
  7. N

    Virtual Desktops: Is Picture in Picture Possible?

    Thanks, but I'd like to do this in a Windows environment.
  8. N

    Virtual Desktops: Is Picture in Picture Possible?

    Hi, I don't know how many of you have played around with virtual desktops either in Linux or Windows environments. I realize that most virtual desktop software for Windows displays only one desktop on the monitor at a time. I am wondering whether or not it's possible to get one or...
  9. N

    Medical Does Sleeping in Total Darkness Aid in Detoxification?

    I don't see how bringing prehistoric humans into the picture really answers anything. As a human, there must be things that we do that are healthy and things that we do that are unhealthy. For example, you must agree that having a diet of the right amount of fruits, vegetables and meat...
  10. N

    Medical Does Sleeping in Total Darkness Aid in Detoxification?

    I can't really find info about it but what I am talking about is alluded to here: (Scroll to about halfway down the page) "Now, if for example, you regularly go to bed about 10pm, then your body gets in its first 3 sleep cycles between the hours of 10pm and about...
  11. N

    Medical Does Sleeping in Total Darkness Aid in Detoxification?

    I remember hearing somewhere that the body undergoes a series of detoxification phases as you sleep. The body can only perform this process when you are asleep so getting 7-9 hours of sleep is not enough; it's when you get the sleep that's also important. However, I tried using Google to...
  12. N

    Open Source and Free Software Movement

    Hi all, I hear all this talk about how open source is awesome and how software should be free and accessible to anyone. While I do enjoy gaining access to free software and whatnot, I can't help but wonder, how do software developers actually make money if the open source thing catches on...
  13. N

    Counting Balls in Boxes: Finding Solutions with Upper-Bound on Number of Balls

    Homework Statement Specifically, How many ways can you divide up 20 distinct balls into 5 distinct boxes so that no box contains more than 10 balls? Homework Equations This is similar to another problem in which we have to find the number of ways to divide up r balls into k boxes...