Recent content by mpatryluk

  1. M

    The probability of an event occurring at least x times?

    That turned out to be exactly the right approach. It's a sum of terms using exactly n times, and I found that equation pretty easily online thanks!
  2. M

    The probability of an event occurring at least x times?

    I'm really not sure how that relates to what I asked. I am well aware that combined probability of multiple independent events is multiplicative. But I'm asking about the odds (for example) of an event occurring at least 5 times out of 8 chances. Not exactly 5 times, at least 5 times, and in...
  3. M

    The probability of an event occurring at least x times?

    Assuming that an event has 80% chance of occurrence and 20% of not occurring per "round", what is the formula to calculate the likelihood that it will occur at least n times assuming that there are x rounds? i.e. If you flip a coin 3 times, what are the chances that at least 2 times will turn...
  4. M

    How could I make an exponential function which has a limit of around 1.53?

    I'm modelling a variable output Y which has a value of 1 at x=0. I've noticed that in the system I'm modelling, as x increases, y increases at an exponentially decreasing rate, up until a limit of around 1.53. I view this as changes in x causing the Y value to increase by a max of 53%. The...
  5. M

    Where do I start in math for physics comprehension?

    Thank you so much, I'll do it in that order then!
  6. M

    Where do I start in math for physics comprehension?

    I am looking to work my way through classical physics and into more complex modern physics topics. I try to learn from a combination of internet resources and textbooks, but on the internet I find them often using terminology which is too mathematically advanced for me. Some examples are...
  7. M

    Error in applying Coulomb's law

    Ahhh ok, everything has to be expressed in terms of scientific notation in relation to the coulomb being 10^1. I see, thank you.
  8. M

    Error in applying Coulomb's law

    Well, it's not so much an error as it is a fundamental lack of understanding about multiplication of units greater than vs less than 1. 1. If two charges are repelling each other which have values greater than 1, then the value of q1q2 will be greater than the individual values charge values of...
  9. M

    What is wrong with my reasoning here?

    I've just noticed that i have a fundamental lack of understanding in a specific aspect of math, and I can't find where my reasoning is flawed. x = -5 x^2 = (-5)^2 x^2 = 25 x = 5 So in squaring the negative I remove it, and then when I root the number back to original magnitude, the negative...
  10. M

    Difficulty working with SI and derived SI conversions

    The physics textbook I'm working with doesn't seem to give me the required background for working with and understanding SI and derived units. Here is an example of something i am struggling with: In studying fluid resistance, the book starts by displaying 2 equations. 1 is for fluid...
  11. M

    Resources or learning how SI units work?

    I found that page ages ago and keep it religiously open as a means of memorizing the different units themselves. But as far as explanations for beginners, in terms of the math and principles behind SI, I haven't found wikipedia to be very helpful. I've looked through some resources online...
  12. M

    Resources or learning how SI units work?

    Hi, I'm looking for an in-depth guide/tutorial about how to use and understand SI notation. As it stands, I've realized it's a source of confusion in physics for me because i never took the time to properly learn. If anyone knows of any resources which would help me to understand it would be...
  13. M

    How do i gain intuition to learn and remember physics?

    Throughout my life, most of the things I've learned have come naturally, and seem to commit to memory without the need for much effort. However now while I'm in the process of self-studying math and physics, i find that i constantly seem to forget everything i learn and can only make progress...