Recent content by gmr535

  1. G

    Schools How many college courses are "TOO" many?

    I am in high school and my school offers very little in the way of higher level STEM classes. I want very badly to delve deeper into this topics so I want to take college classes over the summer. I want to take a Computer Science class and if possible I want to take an Enginnering or Science...
  2. G

    Studying How Can I Learn Coding Before College Without Spending a Lot of Money?

    I am a sophomore and I want to learn coding before I start college. I don't have much money and I need to know what resources I could use to learn a language. I have tried free online sites and apps but the abstract nature of the teaching and the lack of "real" coding makes me lose interest...
  3. G

    Admissions AP or IB for admission to CalTech?

    I want to study Computer Science at CalTech and I wanted to know whether getting an IB diploma is worth it. Is it better to get IB or sacrifice a bit of rigor for more flexibility in the classes I choose? I know CalTech doesn't accept credit aside from their own placement test so purely in terms...