Recent content by bincy

  1. B

    MHB Summation: Evaluate \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{a^{n}}{n^{1-m}}

    Hii All, Can anyone give me a hint to evaluate \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{a^{n}}{n^{1-m}}; Here 0<m,\,a<1. Please note that the summation converges and < \frac{a}{1-a}. A tighter upper bound can be achieved as 1+\int_{1}^{\infty}\frac{a^{x}}{x^{1-m}}dx. Is there any way to get the exact...
  2. B

    MHB Can an Upper Bound Be Determined for This Infinite Series?

    Hi all, Can I get an upper bound of the below expression in terms of $\textbf{all } r,v,b$? $\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \quad \frac{r^{kb}}{\left(1-r^{k+1}\right)^{a}-\left(1-r^{k}\right)^{a}} \quad : b>1 , 0<r,a<1$ Can we atleast obtain an upper bound for $\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}...
  3. B

    MHB An approximated lower bound of an expression.

    Hii, Thanks everyone. Now I understand that, to prove only the lower bound, we don't have to do much. It is just $\sum_{i=1}^{n}i^{k}>\int_{0}^{n}x^{k}dx$ (Dividing the area of the curve into rectangles) regards, Bincy
  4. B

    MHB An approximated lower bound of an expression.

    Hii All, $ \sum_{i=1}^{x}i^{N}:N>2 $. Is there any approximated lower bound for the above summation? Is it > $ \frac{1}{N+1}x^{(N+1)}$ ? If yes, how to prove that?regards, Bincy
  5. B

    MHB Average steps required to terminate a game.

    Hi, Eg. Say I have 10 balls. My $a_i=\frac{1}{2}$ irrespective of $i$, Then in the first take, i may take 5, second 2, 3rd 2, 4th 1. This is just a sample path. In an average i take 5 in 1st, 2( round it from $\frac{5}{2}$) in the second, 1( $\frac{3}{2}$ )in the third, 1( $\frac{2}{2}$...
  6. B

    MHB Average steps required to terminate a game.

    Hii Everyone, A a box contains $N$ balls. In each step, we remove some number of balls from the box according to some distribution, where the distributions are independent but not identical. We don't know any other details of the distributions but their averages. It means in...
  7. B

    MHB Integrating $\frac{1}{x^r-1}$ with r>1

    Can you please explain me the source of these formula?
  8. B

    MHB Integrating $\frac{1}{x^r-1}$ with r>1

    Hii Everyone, \int\frac{1}{x^{r}-1}dx where r is a real no. greater than 1regards, Bincy
  9. B

    MHB Limit of Function w/ 0<q<1: Solved by Bincy

    Thanks a ton (Bow)(Bow)
  10. B

    MHB Limit of Function w/ 0<q<1: Solved by Bincy

    Hello, \underset{n\rightarrow\infty}{Lt} \frac{n^{(1+q)}}{e^{(\frac{1}{2})n^{(1-q)}}} where0<q<1 I tried using L' Hospitals rule but could not able to do since same pattern was repeating. I strongly believe that the limit is 0.regards, Bincy
  11. B

    MHB Sum of a discrete finite sequence

    Hii everyone, I have a sequence {ai,1<= i <=k} where i know the sum of this sequence(say x). I want to know the sum of another sequence {bi, 1<=i <=k}(at least a tight upper bound) where bi=ai*(1/2^i). Or in other words, if you know the sum of the ratio sequence and sum of 1 sequence, how to...
  12. B

    MHB Order of Expression: c,m,logm,2^j-1/2, m^o(logm) Explained

    Hii Every one, In one paper I read that, {\displaystyle \sum_{j\geq1}\left(\frac{c*m*logm}{2^{\left(\frac{j-1}{2}\right)}}\right)}^{j}<=m^{o(logm)} with the explanation "Since the sum is of the same order as its largest term". c>0, m>=2. m is an integer. Can anyone pls...
  13. B

    MHB Finding an Upper Bound for ln(x) in [0,1]

    Thanks. May I know the source of it?
  14. B

    MHB Finding an Upper Bound for ln(x) in [0,1]

    Hii, Thanks for your spontaneous reply. But what i want is a function f(x), such that Ln(x)<=f(x) which can mimic the variations of Ln(x). For eg (1-x)/x is a lower bound of Ln[x].
  15. B

    MHB Finding an Upper Bound for ln(x) in [0,1]

    Hii everyone, Can anyone tell me a decent upper bound of Ln[x](which can mimic Ln[x]) where x is in [0,1]regards, Bincy