Recent content by Atominate

  1. Atominate

    Can you tell the Physical Properties of a Messier Object?

    Thanks. I was just wondering if there was an easier way. Ha! I sure hope not!
  2. Atominate

    Can you tell the Physical Properties of a Messier Object?

    Can you tell any physical properties of a Messier object by its name, such as M1 or M42? I know this may sound like a silly question, but I am doing an Astronomy GCSE and I thought that maybe there was a better way of just looking it up online and remembering it. Thanks.
  3. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    Okay. Thanks for your help.
  4. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    I don't understand what you mean. I am not rounding any of the figures. Can you explain?
  5. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    I see, so the wavelength is increasing by 4.9nm meaning the Galaxy is moving away? I've been told to consider the speed of light as 300,000km/s for this question. Is this what you mean about rounding?
  6. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    Thanks for moving it to the more specific section. The wavelength would get shorter. What do you mean about the digit?
  7. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    I am doing a GCSE Astronomy course, but it's not for school. It is a long distance learning course, and this is a question on one of the assignments. I know that the nm means the nanometers. From the nm of the absorption line, one can draw the temperature and radial velocity. To determine the...
  8. Atominate

    Absorption Line's Different Wavelengths

    Hey Guys. If an absorption line of hydrogen was observed in the spectrum of the Galaxy, and it's wavelength was 494.9nm, and then the same line was found to be 490nm in the laboratory (in orbit around Earth), what could be drawn from that? Thanks, Atominate
  9. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    Kepler's third law says that T2/R3 = constant = 4π2 /GM. I was okay with that part, it was just that I was unsure about GM, but I'm okay now as everyone has helped a lot with their replies.
  10. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    It is very clear now! Thanks.
  11. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    Thanks very much. That helps a lot! P.S. I completely agree. I am lacking with the more mathematical part of course. I will do further learning!
  12. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    Is the period doubled? That would make everything a lot simpler! Thanks.
  13. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    Oh. Could you please elaborate?
  14. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    I I looked it up online, but it looks like M, kg and s are required?
  15. Atominate

    Help with a Universal Gravitational Constant

    Okay. That's very helpful. Thank you.