Admission process in Russian universities

In summary, the admission process for Russian universities is open and generally takes about 1.5-2 months. Most programs are available in Russian, English, and French mediums, with a variety of programs offered in English including IT/Computer Sciences/Computer Engineering, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Functional methods in differential equations and interdisciplinary researches, Information systems in Civil Engineering, Innovation management, and Telecommunications. Exchange programs are not well developed yet, but some state universities in Voronezh, Tomsk, Nizhnyi Novogorod, Tomsk, and Moscow offer English-medium programs for undergraduate and graduate study in Physics and Mathematics. However, the majority of programs start in September and fluency in Russian may be required for certain
  • #1
CEP Russia
The admission to Russian universities is open. Here is some information on general steps of application for a study in Russia.
For getting in contact with the university you may send just of the documents by E-mail. Application packege consists of application form (persnal data), copies of documents on previous education (both certificate/diploma and transcript/marksheet) and copy of passport. As a rule, decision making takes not more than 7-10 days.

Then in a case the application is approved, the university shall initiate issuing of the state invitation letter. The document is to be released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The process requires at least 3-4 weeks. The original invitation letter (as well as confirmation of admission) are required while applying for Russian student visa. So, the applicant is to pay for the express mail service to receive the documents with no delay.

Application for visa may take a couple of weeks.
Thus, the application process as a rule takes up to 1,5-2 months in total.

Pre-university programs (study of the language and core subjects) start within a period September – November (depends on the university and the subject).
(Under)Graduate programs are to start in September – October.
Postgraduate programs are to start in October – November.

The study is available in Russian, English and French medium.
The following programs in the field are available in English:
IT/Computer Sciences/ Computer Engineering
Theoretical and Mathemathical Physics
Functional methods in differential equations and interdisciplinary researches
Information systems in Civil Engineering
Innovation management

Here you may ask any more information regarding admission.
Physics news on
  • #2
Interesting. I have seen information on the "Math in Moscow" program:

Are there other Russian universities that offer 1 or 2 term exchange programs in English?
  • #3
CEP Russia said:
The admission to Russian universities is open. Here is some information on general steps of application for a study in Russia.
For getting in contact with the university you may send just of the documents by E-mail. Application packege consists of application form (persnal data), copies of documents on previous education (both certificate/diploma and transcript/marksheet) and copy of passport. As a rule, decision making takes not more than 7-10 days.

Then in a case the application is approved, the university shall initiate issuing of the state invitation letter. The document is to be released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The process requires at least 3-4 weeks. The original invitation letter (as well as confirmation of admission) are required while applying for Russian student visa. So, the applicant is to pay for the express mail service to receive the documents with no delay.

Application for visa may take a couple of weeks.
Thus, the application process as a rule takes up to 1,5-2 months in total.

Pre-university programs (study of the language and core subjects) start within a period September – November (depends on the university and the subject).
(Under)Graduate programs are to start in September – October.
Postgraduate programs are to start in October – November.

The study is available in Russian, English and French medium.
The following programs in the field are available in English:
IT/Computer Sciences/ Computer Engineering
Theoretical and Mathemathical Physics
Functional methods in differential equations and interdisciplinary researches
Information systems in Civil Engineering
Innovation management

Here you may ask any more information regarding admission.


I am interested in studying in Europe, in general. I would like to do Physics or some kind of Applied Maths. (Bachelor's) English or French medium is fine.

I have previously tried looking into Russian universities teaching in English but I had no such luck...

Any help would be appreciated. :)
  • #4
In Russia, universities study you.
  • #5
streeters said:
In Russia, universities study you.

ROFL. It had to be said, didn't it.
  • #6
Sankaku said:
Interesting. I have seen information on the "Math in Moscow" program:

Are there other Russian universities that offer 1 or 2 term exchange programs in English?

To my point of veiw, exchange program are not well developed yet. Almost Russian universities don’t offer any English-medium programs and the universities/students rarely are ready to pay for a study abroad.
Study of Phys and Math in English is conducted in state universities of Voronezh, Tomsk, Nizhnyi Novogorod, Tomsk and Moscow (probably, St Petersburg). We usually deal with applications for (under)graduate/postgraduate study. So, I am not able to offer any details on short-term study opportunities.
Also, you may consider “Semester study abroad” programs. For instance, Moscow State annually accepts 10-20 US students. The head school in the project is the Faculty of Basic Medicine, but they offer for study Math and Physics as well (delivered by stuff of schools of Physics and Mathematics).
  • #7
Thy Apathy said:
I am interested in studying in Europe, in general. I would like to do Physics or some kind of Applied Maths. (Bachelor's) English or French medium is fine.
I have previously tried looking into Russian universities teaching in English but I had no such luck...
Any help would be appreciated. :)

French medium study in Russia is offered by medical schools only (MD, Dentistry, Pharmacy). In Moscow Bachelor study in English is available for Informatics/Computers Sciences/Computer Engineering/Telecommunications. Regional universities also offer: Physics, Engineering, and some other programs.
A list of Master programs in English is longer: + Theoretical and Mathematical Physics , Functional methods in differential equations and interdisciplinary researches, Information systems in Civil Engineering, Innovation management, Biotechnology.
Please, be aware that almost programs are starting in September.
  • #8
Perfect timing for this post.
I will graduate with my BS in physics and (nearly) a BS in mathematics in April/May 2012.
Thus, I am applying for graduate schools in the next few months. I have actually taken Russian I and II recently and I self taught myself some Russian a couple years ago. My wife speaks conversational Russian (from Moldova.)

I would definitely be interested in completing my PhD in Russia or at least a Masters.
I don't speak Russian fluently (as you can imagine) and thus would much prefer an english medium.

What is available to me?

I almost went to Russian for a language intensive program this past summer but I stayed to apply for REU's and study for my GRE's. I regret the decision to be honest.

If possible, my research interests would be magnetohydrodynamics, plasma, inertial confinement and related subject matter.
  • #9
CEP Russia said:
French medium study in Russia is offered by medical schools only (MD, Dentistry, Pharmacy). In Moscow Bachelor study in English is available for Informatics/Computers Sciences/Computer Engineering/Telecommunications.
Please, be aware that almost programs are starting in September.

Any links to these universities? (including med school)

I tried searching but I couldn't find anything. Thanks.
  • #10
multiphasic said:
I will graduate with my BS in physics and (nearly) a BS in mathematics in April/May 2012. Thus, I am applying for graduate schools in the next few months. I have actually taken Russian I and II recently and I self taught myself some Russian a couple years ago. My wife speaks conversational Russian (from Moldova.)
I would definitely be interested in completing my PhD in Russia or at least a Masters.
I don't speak Russian fluently (as you can imagine) and thus would much prefer an english medium.
What is available to me?

I see the following opportunities:
*) Master study starts in September. Since you have some preliminary experience in studying (and probably practising) Russian, you may consider in April joining ongoing groupe of pre-university students (who started the program in October) and in July take a sit for TORFL. I bet it is quite possible to pass it. Then you will have much more options for Master study.
**) English medium Master study: the programs available are mentioned above. The study starts in September. Since application process requires 1,5 month, you are expected to initiate it at the beginning of July 2012.
***) I am not sure, holders of Bachelor degree are eligible for PhD study in Russia
  • #11
Thy Apathy said:
Any links to these universities? (including med school)

I tried searching but I couldn't find anything. Thanks.

Sorry, we are having hectic times because of pick in admission season. As the agency, we do not keep records on official site of universities whereas I do not have time to make a search.
French medium medical programs are mainly represented by our colleagues from St Petersburg (www. In terms of Science/Engineering programs, you may publish your questions here or, please, send it to
  • #12
So, this is basically a spam thread, right?

Do you sell viagra too?
  • #13
I don't see any reason to consider the thread as spam. The text is really about admission, not the universities. We do not keep names of the universities secret. It is easy to google their official sites.
Medical schools are published at the site I mentioned. This company is not my business. French medium programs are adverticed on a base of outsourcing. I bet the medical schools may even do not publish information on programs in French at their sites. So, those who are interested may find more information at private site. And it still does not affect their abilities to contact the schools.

As to viagra, it dilates regional blood vessels and provides it with blood redistributed from brain and heart. I bet the person, the blood of whom initially do not supply the brain, does not need viagra.

Related to Admission process in Russian universities

What are the general requirements for admission to Russian universities?

To be admitted to a Russian university, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent, a good command of the Russian language, and pass the Unified State Exam (EGE) or other entrance exams required by the university. Some universities may also require additional entrance exams or interviews.

What is the application process for Russian universities?

The application process for Russian universities usually involves filling out an online application form, submitting required documents (such as transcripts and language proficiency test results), and paying an application fee. The specific requirements and deadlines may vary depending on the university and program.

Are there any scholarships available for international students in Russian universities?

Yes, there are various scholarships and grants available for international students in Russian universities. These may be offered by the Russian government, the university itself, or other organizations. It is recommended to research and apply for scholarships well in advance of the application deadline.

How long does it take to process an admission application for a Russian university?

The processing time for admission applications to Russian universities can vary, but on average it takes 1-2 months. It is recommended to submit your application as early as possible to allow for enough time for processing and obtaining a student visa.

Can I study in English at a Russian university?

Yes, there are many universities in Russia that offer programs taught in English. These are mostly at the graduate level, but there are also some undergraduate programs available. It is important to check the language requirements for your chosen program before applying.

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