What is Theoretical: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking. The process of contemplative and rational thinking is often associated with such processes as observational study or research. Theories may either be scientific or other than scientific (or scientific to less extent). Depending on the context, the results might, for example, include generalized explanations of how nature works. The word has its roots in ancient Greek, but in modern use it has taken on several related meanings.
In modern science, the term "theory" refers to scientific theories, a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science. Such theories are described in such a way that scientific tests should be able to provide empirical support for it, or empirical contradiction ("falsify") of it. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge, in contrast to more common uses of the word "theory" that imply that something is unproven or speculative (which in formal terms is better characterized by the word hypothesis). Scientific theories are distinguished from hypotheses, which are individual empirically testable conjectures, and from scientific laws, which are descriptive accounts of the way nature behaves under certain conditions.
Theories guide the enterprise of finding facts rather than of reaching goals, and are neutral concerning alternatives among values. A theory can be a body of knowledge, which may or may not be associated with particular explanatory models. To theorize is to develop this body of knowledge.The word theory or "in theory" is sometimes used erroneously by people to explain something which they individually did not experience or test before. In those instances, semantically, it is being substituted for another concept, a hypothesis. Instead of using the word "hypothetically", it is replaced by a phrase: "in theory". In some instances the theory's credibility could be contested by calling it "just a theory" (implying that the idea has not even been tested). Hence, that word "theory" is very often contrasted to "practice" (from Greek praxis, πρᾶξις) a Greek term for doing, which is opposed to theory. A "classical example" of the distinction between "theoretical" and "practical" uses the discipline of medicine: medical theory involves trying to understand the causes and nature of health and sickness, while the practical side of medicine is trying to make people healthy. These two things are related but can be independent, because it is possible to research health and sickness without curing specific patients, and it is possible to cure a patient without knowing how the cure worked.

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  1. L

    Can a Metal Suit Protect You from an Electrified Floor?

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  2. H

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  3. N

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  4. G

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  6. K

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  7. F

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  8. U

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  9. P

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  10. S

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  11. B

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  12. V

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  14. Y

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  16. B

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  18. C

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  19. B

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  20. H

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  21. ThomasMagnus

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  22. E

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  24. S

    Finding theoretical output of my hydro generaator thanks.

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  25. B

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  26. P

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  27. C

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  28. J

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  29. I

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  31. L

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  32. N

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  33. B

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  34. Y

    Why do you want to be a theoretical physist?

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  35. N

    Theoretical solid state physics

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  36. G

    NFL Scientists postulate theoretical down before First Down

  37. D

    Experimental Values vs. Theoretical Values

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  38. D

    Experimental Values vs. Theoretical Values

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  39. E

    Could GR's background independence be a theoretical artifact?

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  40. H

    Theoretical lift slope for thin airfoils

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  41. C

    Theoretical Application For Acceleration In Space

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  42. A

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  43. R

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  44. MathematicalPhysicist

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  45. M

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  46. M

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  47. X

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  48. R

    Theoretical AC/DC Circuits: 1.5V Light Bulb & Battery

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  49. maverick_starstrider

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  50. F

    Topics in modern theoretical physics with interesting philosophical implications

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