What is Simulation: Definition and 880 Discussions

A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time. Often, computers are used to execute the simulation.
Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for performance tuning or optimizing, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video games. Simulation is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain insight into their functioning, as in economics. Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.Key issues in modeling and simulation include the acquisition of valid sources of information about the relevant selection of key characteristics and behaviors used to build the model, the use of simplifying approximations and assumptions within the model, and fidelity and validity of the simulation outcomes. Procedures and protocols for model verification and validation are an ongoing field of academic study, refinement, research and development in simulations technology or practice, particularly in the work of computer simulation.

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  1. W

    Troubleshooting a Circuit in TINA Software: Help Needed!

    I have TINA software and created a circuit "Dancing Light" but the circuit is not even working. Can anyone help me with this.?
  2. V

    Simulation sandwich structure ANSYS Mechanical

    Hello everyone! I’m using APDL to simulate the behavior of a specimen in tension with a sandwich structure made of honeycomb and glass fiber. It was modeled in CATIA V5 and exported to APDL in a parasolid file. Only a half of the structure has been modeled because of symmetry condition. NOTE...
  3. E

    Simulation low frequency ferrite core recieving antenna

    Hi everybody i want to simulate, low frequency ferrite core receiving antenna . but i can't find a good and complete software or method to do this. what is your suggestion or experience? thanks for your attention.
  4. Jarvis323

    Using M.L. to Learn Good Parameters for Physics Simulation

    I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of any work that has been done, to use machine learning methods to try to learn parameters good for a physics simulation. Or if anyone has any insight about how this can be done.
  5. Shahryar

    Clockwise direction rotational motion in MCS Adams software

    I am working on a simulation but i want to put a constraint that my shaft rotates clockwise only, If a force is applied on anti clock wise direction, it doesn't go back. Working on MSC adams software. Thank you in advance for any kind of advice anyone can help with.
  6. Astronuc

    Computational Methods for Reactor Physics (Core Simulation)

    The question of neutronics or reactor physics methods has come up at various times and with respect to different aspects. I thought it would be worthwhile to explore various methods, the technology and their applications. Broadly, reactor physics calculations involve solving equations related...
  7. B

    Need help programming an Orbital Simulator

    Homework Statement Hey, so basically I'm doing Advanced Higher Computing Science at school (It's a Scottish qualification), and I need to build an orbital simulator in VB.Net 2008 (nothing too fancy), but I'm having issues planning it all out. I'm only going to have one planet orbiting a star...
  8. Kolton

    Solving Magnetic Field Problems w/ Ansoft Maxwell 14.0?

    So I'm trying to run some 3D transient simulations based on magnetic field focusing/shielding, but I'm not getting the expected results. Does anyone know if Ansoft Maxwell 14.0 will solve for the magnetic fields created due to the eddy currents? It doesn't appear to.
  9. tony873004

    Simulation of New Horizons arrival day at Pluto

    Pluto, Charon, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos and Styx rapidly grow larger as New Horizons approaches, and then passes through the system. It then proceeds to pass through the umbra shadows of both Pluto and Charon so scientists can study their atmospheres. In this simulation, you can control the speed...
  10. S

    Simulation of poroelastic material with COMSOL Multiphysics

    Good morning, I was wondering if you could help me solve a problem with a poroelastic model with COMSOL Multiphysics. It is a very simple model preliminary to my real study to understand the role of Poisson's ratio on the simulation, keeping all other parameters constant. The model is a...
  11. S

    [ansys] simulation of permanent magnet in 3D

    Homework Statement The problem is to model a permanent magnet with a torus core .I just wanted to know how to attach attribute of magnet to a volume in ansys 15.0. I solved the problem in 2D but in 3D the results are not satisfactory and I'm not able to point out the mistake by me. the...
  12. S

    [ansys] simulation of permanent magnet in 3D

    I''m facing problem in modelling and analyzing a permanent magnet in 3D. kindly help me out.
  13. C

    How much faster is Python than Mathematica?

    I've been running some of my own simulations of a variation on a standard map using Verlet integration on Mathematica, and I would like to start generating maps of phase space using ~25,000 initial points. I'm currently at 1000 points using Mathematica, and each simulation takes about 15 minutes...
  14. C

    Troubleshooting a Simulation: Acceleration & Velocity Lost in a Jump

    Hello! I have been trying to make a simulation and it doesn't quite work right, don't exactly know why. I have two questions! 1. Acceleration I have been trying I need a formula that uses. frames till full speed (f) (if framerate is 60fps and this value is 60 then player is at full speed...
  15. FrancescoMi

    MATLAB [Matlab] Simulation of Stochastic Process

    Hi all, I have this dynamic: is a Mean Reverting process. I want to simulate the sde with MATLAB but I am a beginner and I have some problems. I show you the code that I have created: %% Simulazione prezzo Geometric Ornstein-Ulenbeck clear all clc %Parameters mu = 0.5; sigma = 0.12; eta =...
  16. R

    Transient FEM Simulation of a Solenoid Actuator with MAXWELL

    Hey Guys! Hi Guys! Well I am new here and I have to confess that I somehow got stuck in a 3D transient electromagnetic simulation of a solenoid actuator and… I’m a mechanical engineer^^ So I would appreciate some help of you guys! 1. I imported the geometry from CAD-files. But I remodeled...
  17. K

    When can globular clusters be considered collisionless?

    Hi all. I'd like to use a software package, that has been designed for collisionless dynamics, to investigate general globular clusters. As they are highly collisional, at least in their inner parts, this perhaps makes no sense. However, it may be meaningful for some time- or length-scales or...
  18. JK423

    What do we mean by Classical Simulation of Quantum Algorithm

    In the quest of searching what are the basic ingredients of quantum theory that provide exponential speed-up to some quantum algorithms, a basic question that is pursued in the literature is when a quantum circuit (or algorithm) can be classically simulated efficiently. One example is this paper...
  19. N

    Simulation of dual porosity in coal using COMSOL Multiphysic

    Hi, I would kindly appreciate it if someone could help me with my simulation problem. I am trying to simulate dual porosity in coal and the interaction of coal matrix and fracture flow. The problem I'm having is I can't assign separate domains with different pressures for matrix and fracture in...
  20. E

    Computer Simulation of Fresnel Diffraction

    Considering this system (from Wikipedia), The Fresnel Diffraction at x, y, and z is ##E \left(x, y, z\right) = \frac{z}{i \lambda} \int \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty} E \left(x', y', 0\right) \frac{e^{ikr}}{r^2} dx' dy'## where ##r = \sqrt{\left(x - x'\right)^2 + \left(y - y'\right)^2 + z^2}##...
  21. O

    Test set-up for full dark matter simulation

    Hey, I'm trying to look for a single test set-up for a dark matter-only simulation I and my friend are building. It's currently based on a particle-in-cell approach and we are calculating the Poisson equation and particle trajectories in a co-moving frame (so expansion of the Universe is taken...
  22. K

    Holographic Universe. 2D Universe = Matrix?

    Hi people. I just read some articles about physicist starting to gain more and more evidence for the Universe to be a 3D Hologram of a 2D world (or that's how I understood it). And apparently for us living in a "Matrix", like the one in the movie. Now I would like to understand the relation...
  23. C

    Computer simulation of ray of light passing near massive object

    I'd like to write a computer program that simulates and visualizes the trajectory of a ray of light as it passes near a massive object (e.g., neutron star). In other words, I'd like to model light deflection in space. (FWIW, I have extensive programming experience, but my physics and...
  24. J

    What would it take to fully simulate a physical system?

    Many people out there today seem to think that we'll soon have computers powerful enough to simulate the physical world well enough that we'll be able to upload ourselves and live in such a simulation. People really seem to think a Matrix situation is possible. Some, like Nick Bostrom, have...
  25. C

    How can a simulation improve understanding of the inclined plane for students?

    Hi. As a teacher I know that many of my students find it difficult to understand the inclined plane and the forces involved. So I decided to create a simulation using geogebra. I uploaded a video to Youtube showing how the simulation works: The simulation is free to download if you want to...
  26. Peter Jackson

    Computer simulation of seismic waves

    Hello, I am working in Papua New Guinea where there is a great deal of seismic activity. I am interested in using MS Excel for simulation of SHM due to seismic waves. To investigate the how frequency and wavelength of the waves affects buildings. Does anyone have any experience of this type of...
  27. O

    Building a Non-Ideal HCP Lattice in MD Simulation

    Dear Friends, I'm trying to bulid a non-ideal hcp lattice in order to use in MD simualtion. I have12 lattice basis. but 2 of them are negative values. Can anyone tell me how I can convert the negative values to positive? 0.66667 0.33333 -0.0416 0.66667 0.33333 -0.1668
  28. D

    PC Characteristics: Simulation FEM professional purpose

    Dear all, I'm an electric engineer, and I usually work with software as Ansoft Maxwell, Matlab, Ansys, COMSOL... I need a PC for serious professional simulation, and I would like if someone can give me some tips of the characteristics I should ask for this purpose. I don't want to spend more...
  29. I

    Verlet alghoritm and Lennard Jones simulation in Python

    Hello, I created script which draw plot of Lennard Jones potential for two particles. Now i want to create 2D simulation for 10 particles with verlet alghoritm but I have no idea how to create that. My problem is implementation of verlet alghoritm and calculating forces. I implemented boundaries...
  30. Borek

    Simulation of mechanical systems - FLOPS required?

    I suppose some of you know the game called "Bridge Builder" (or Pontifex, or clones). I need some help determining how many FLOPS are required during the simulation and how do they scale with the bridge size (number of elements). Some of these bridges contain hundreds of elements and tens of...
  31. D

    Simulation of small satellite dynamics in software

    Hello, First time poster in this forum. I am tasked with simulating small satellite dynamics in software this summer. I am new to this and am wondering how such a simulation is carried out. More specifically I am supposed to output the vector [ x y z xdot ydot zdot q1 q2 q3 q4 w1dot...
  32. N

    Matlab Simulink: Simulate the height of ball thrown upward

    Homework Statement Upthrow simulation Conditions: initial velocity v=10m/s, initial height h=0m when t=0. Gravity acceleration g=10m/s2 . Using Simulink to simulate the variation of height with time when t≥0. Homework Equations I figured that the governing equation should be: Height =...
  33. S

    Magnetostatic simulation in ansys maxwell

    i am doing a project on effect of high voltage transmission on human. here, i am facing problem in assigning current excitation to power cable in ansys maxwell. whenever i assign current excitation i get an error message " no conduction path found". please, someone help me in this matter.
  34. N

    Rigid body physics simulation math issue

    Hey all, I'm making a physics simulation for training an algorithm of mine, I'm running into issues on the rigid body physics simulation. Let's say I have a leg composed of a calf and a thigh. gravity will be acting on both, and the calf is attached to the thigh, Any suggestions on how I would...
  35. Igor_247

    Can an Inverted V-Tail Provide Sufficient Control for a Model Aircraft?

    Hi Guys, I am working on a design trying to control a model through inverted V-tail/ruddervators only. No aileron or horizontal stabilizer. Do you think it is possible as apparently I am facing instability issues. Any guidance in this regard would be helpful. Thanks
  36. Zaent

    Physics What adds value to a Physicist?

    Particularly, I mean trained skills rather than traits. For example, for a blank student/graduate who knows only physics theory, learning LaTeX would put them a little bit ahead. Then maybe some programming, learning simulation software etc. I'm finishing up my 2nd year in undergraduate right...
  37. M

    Simulation error messages solidworks - invalid goals

    I am running a simulation on a flat plate heat exchanger and the solver is coming up with some error messages. The first says that a vortex crosses the pressure opening and the second says that my heat transfer rate goals are invalid. How can I get the heat transfer goals to be valid as I need...
  38. B

    Physic simulator ( Pc Software )

    Hello all, i need your help. And thank you forward for those who will. Im looking for a computer program, that would simulate physic...most important would be simulation of magnetism , gravity and mass. Simple form of what i am looking for: Make cube in 3D world, set its mass, set its material...
  39. A

    Recommendation for a Physics Simulation Software

    Hi All, I'm studying physics by myself and would like a recommendation for a physics simulation software I can play with. Something I can play around with the variables and see what happens. Suggestions? Andre
  40. A

    Simulating the Solar System with N-Body Simulation in Java

    I have a made a fully functional n-body simulation for a project in high school, written in Java. Right now, to "simulate" the solar system, I am simply spawning the different bodies at their respective distance from the sun with an initial velocity calculated by v = sqrt(G*M/r), as shown in...
  41. akashverma

    Which Simulation Software is Best for Calculating Magnetic Force Interactions?

    A warm greeting to all reputed members of physicsforum.com. I'm an undergraduate student. I'm trying to create a mathematical model for calculation of force of interaction between two identical bar magnets and force of interaction between a magnet and a steel disc. If I go with standard formulae...
  42. G

    Problems in explicit dynamics simulation in ANSYS Workbench

    I'm new with ansys if I can help it would be helpful. the problem is that two solids are shocked, but one of them is going through the other, have already implemented several things different tutorials but the answer is the same. the only question when I change the location fixed support the...
  43. xortdsc

    Simulation of internal mechanics of materials of high restitution

    Hello, just for some basic understanding I wrote a (1D) numerical simulation to investigate the internal mechanics of collision impact in different materials. For a start I work with a really simple model which consists of: - basic elements (circles of fixed radius and mass and their current...
  44. N

    How can I simulate a rolling non-rigid tire with obstacles using ANSYS 14.5?

    Urgent help required! I need to simulate a rolling non-rigid tyre on a ground with obstacle(s). How should i proceed with ansys 14.5? Any help will be deeply appreciated.
  45. S

    Shielding simulation and nuclide vector

    I have to make a shielding calculation of some radioactive scrap metal in a cask, using Geant4 (hence Monte-Carlo). I will be given a nuclide vector and I'll have to calculate the ambient dose equivalent rate outside of the cask. The nuclide vector I will be given will be something like: Co60...
  46. S

    Troubleshooting Transformer Core Loss Simulation Error

    Hello Engineers, while simulating transformer core losses in transient Maxwell sollution, I have got an error: Current leak to the air. does anyone ahev idea to solve this problem Thank you
  47. A

    Heat simulation in electrical/mechanical engineering

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone uses simulation software's to tackle the heat related issues in electrical/mechanical engineering? Regards
  48. pretty_fly

    Designing and Simulating Shaping Amplifiers for Detector Applications

    Hello everybody, nowadays I am working on shaping amlifiers and need guidiance about how to design one and do its simulations before pcb design and manufacturing. When googling about shaping amplifiers i found documents mostly about filters (active and passive), which i know works for rejecting...
  49. G

    Help Solve FORTRAN Post Newtonian Gravity Simulation

    Hi all: In my free time, I've been playing with creating a code to help do toy simulations of gravity in my personal code of choice, FORTRAN. The first step was to get Newtonian gravity up and running and this has been pretty successful so far and I've been able to implement about 4 different...
  50. R

    What is the best way to build a physics simulation

    Hello. I know a bit of programming, python, C and I tried once the processing language. I'd like to make, sometimes, some simulation on mechanics, with gravity, collisions, springs, ecc... But I have not very much time to spend in creating these things (supposing I could), so I would like to...