What is Research: Definition and 998 Discussions

Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge". It involves the collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole.
The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery, interpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, technological, etc. The scientific study of research practices is known as meta-research.

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  1. S

    Summer PhD research or quant internship

    I've put myself in a sticky situation. One of my friends referred me for a quant internship in NYC and just for fun I went along with it. He already works there full time but he's also already finished his PhD. They flew me out last week for an interview and I recently got the offer... The main...
  2. Darth Frodo

    Advice on emailing Prof. regarding summer research

    Hi all, I am going to email my professor soon and I want to ask him for a position over the summer. Has anyone any advice as to how I should write the email. Formally? Straight to the point? Persuasive? With humility? Thanks. I'd appreciate any responses.
  3. A

    Schools Can I send a research paper to college?

    Hi, I'm 14 and i like physics too much to just stick with the Newton laws at school, I learned Calculus and Special Relativity, and now I'm learning Mathematical Background for Quantum, I was wondering... After I learn Quantum can I send a research to college (my dad gave me this idea)? And if I...
  4. U

    Research as a graduate student

    Hi, I'm most probably going to opt for an MS degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Heat and Mass Transfer after a couple of months. There are some questions that I have in regard to research as a graduate students, both MS and PhD. 1. Is it always possible to keep up...
  5. D

    Medical Good online sources for medical & health research

    I'm looking for a place online that lists and/or describes recent medical studies on various issues. For example, I've heard conflicting information on whether Omega 3 supplements (fish oil) can help prevent memory loss. Some studies have indicated yes, others no. What I'm looking for is a place...
  6. L

    REU or research at home institution?

    I was just wondering which people generally prefer to do and which is usually more productive if one has both options. I'm guessing that research at one's home institution is more productive because you can work on the project for a longer period of time, but REUs seem to be good for networking...
  7. P

    I really want to do research in advanced physics

    Hi I am new to this forum . I have almost completed my b.e in electronics n comm here in India and I really want to do research in advanced physics like quantum mechanics ... But as of now I am really clueless on what can I do for that to happen... Please any suggestions will be helpfull...
  8. A

    Research opportunities in Theory?

    So is anyone else having a hard time planning their summer in terms of research just because they're only interested in doing theory research over the summer (physics). I definitely am. So far the only option I've come across is a Professor who seems rather unwilling but has agreed that if I do...
  9. E

    Research group on Twistor in USA.

    Hello ladies and gentelmen. I am currently studying mathematics in middle-east, I want to study Twistor Theory in master. the problem is most of twistor specialists in UK(including Roger Penrose) and my scholarship allow me to choose only university in USA . I did quick search here are...
  10. G

    Programs Importance of Research for a Masters Degree

    I'm wondering how much undergraduate research really matters when applying for to get into a masters program. Obviously different schools have different requirements. I know that. Try as I might, though, I can't get any research experience. I'm a third year student in a physics-mathematics...
  11. M

    Research topic for Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

    I need suggestions of any research topics related to civil engineering for a bachelor level. My current fields of interest include Surveying/transportation, geotechnical engineering and construction materials and testing. Our title defense will take place on Thursday so I'm a bit on a hurry...
  12. L

    Contacting professors for research opportunities/volunteer work.

    I would like some advice on how to go about offering myself for any kind of research experience at a local physics/astroph. department(in the US). I am a graduating senior who isn't going to grad school this year, so formal REU's aren't an option (not to mention they always conflicted with my...
  13. M

    Emailing professors for research positions

    So my engineering adviser, let me know I should be talking to professors about research spots. However, I am having a hard time coming up with a plan on how to do this without seeming pushy or intrusive. What I started doing is reading one of their papers that have been published, and...
  14. C

    GPA not good enough for research award in Canada what to do?

    Hey, I'm at McGill in 2nd year Joint Honours Mathematics and Physics. I want to apply for a research award (I haven't done so before) in either maths or (preferably) physics. I had a tough bunch of classes to start with and have a 3.14 out of 4.00 GPA. It looks like an NSERC USRA is out of sight...
  15. S

    What is the Standard Model and How Does it Predict Missing Links in Physics?

    do we have tools to find missing links in physics like periodic table of elements that helped chemistry to predict elements not know at that time?
  16. H

    Research during undergrad: more is better?

    Hello, I'm in my 3rd year now, and intend to do PhD after graduation (I major in Electrical Engineering, not Physics). As far as I've known, normally grad schools require around 3 letters of recommendation, so I think I really get to know well 3 professors. That's the problem: so far only one...
  17. W

    Should a first-year be doing research?

    Hello, I'm a first-year undergrad at the University of Chicago. I'm having difficulty gauging when I'm supposed to get into research. I read some threads about the difficulties in getting into a REU over the summer- especially for students at large research universities (and the fact that...
  18. E

    Regression Analysis - Needed for research project

    Hello, I'm a second year mathematics and economics student, and I've been hired by an economic development organisation to conduct a research project on the probability of loan default in micro-credit borrowers in rural Kenya (I'll be heading there in person this summer). Basically, I'll...
  19. Z

    Physics Research Topics-advices

    Hi, can someone give my idea about my research project topic from theoretical physics. It's desirable that it has something with atomic or high energy particle physics, but it's not big problem if topic is from some different part of physics. I'm graduate student of physics.
  20. N

    Essential Skills for [Physics, Math, Eng.] Majors: Research Papers/Journals

    My Question is 1.What are the things one [Physics, Mathematics or Engineering Major] must have to know except their Academics. Some commonly are English & Russian. Typing. C or C++. 2.When one are completely able to Research Papers/Journals.and understand them. or, What are the things to...
  21. V

    Please suggest some good topics for Maths research paper

    There is a student in US. He has completed 4 hours of high school and is applying for college. As part of the application procedure, he has to submit a research paper in Mathematics. He is a very good student. He accelerated math and enrolled for Differential Equation, while still being in...
  22. M

    Schools Applying for grad school What to do about a not-so-good research experience?

    Hi, I worked for a professor as a visiting student at XYZ university this spring on a research project. He delegated the supervision to one of his assistants who didn't really seem to care about the project. I should have worked with more focus instead of simply doing what he wanted me to...
  23. T

    Research with DARPA | Physics & Math Double Major

    Hey I double major in physics and math. I do plan on going to grad school once I get my B.S. I was wondering would I be able to do research with DARPA if I went into astrophysics are do they usually just want engineers? Thanks for your help!
  24. H

    What areas of brain research should I get involved in?

    I'm doing double honours in Neuroscience, likely biochemistry as well. I have to find a thesis adviser for next year...I know everyone says "follow your heart" or something to that effect, but that's not what I'm looking for, not to impugn anyone will kind intent. Here's my interested in Med...
  25. D

    Summer Research Programs in Materials Science and/or Physics

    Can anyone recommend any REUs or other summer research programs in materials science and/or physics? I'm interested in your overall impression of the program, but pros/cons could also be helpful.
  26. A

    So How do I get Research Level good?

    So I've been wondering, how much of a subject do you study before you begin research on the subject? And how do you know when you're ready? Say that I'm working on general relativity. How do I: 1) Get really good on the subject? 2) Know when I'm ready to do research on the subject? Also...
  27. S

    Research Topics in Quantum Dots for Undergrad Summer Research?

    What Can be some Good Research Topics in Optical Applications of Quantum Dots? I'm Presently doing my B.Sc in electronics & require to Propose an Interesting Research Write-up for Summer Research(Duration~2 months). Personally I find Quantum Dots suits my Level of Understanding of Quantum...
  28. R

    Programs Is it possible for a geophysics major to get into astronomy/physics research?

    Hi, so I was initially planning on becoming a geologist, the subject does interest me but a major motivation for this was of course the money. Anyways I would always try to squeeze in astronomy classes as my electives and would spend a lot of time reading and watching documentaries about...
  29. H

    What graduate fields are best for pursuing weapons design and research?

    Hello, I'm curious about what kind of academic paths would lead to weapon design and research. Right now I'm doing a BS in physics and will likely pick a sub-minor in Mechanics or Electronics. There is also computational physics, condensed matter, and cosmology sub disciplines at my school...
  30. P

    DSP Software for Communication Systems

    Homework Statement DSP Technology Report Research a particular application of DSP, gathering enough information to deliver a 10 min oral report to the rest of the class. You can focus on hardware, software issues, or a specific algorithm. Give as much detail as possible. Homework Equations...
  31. D

    I need a research topic and need an etiquette request

    So I would like to learn more about PDEs. Background I have only one course in PDEs (intro obviously) and we covered the big three equations: Heat, Wave, and Laplace (Cartesian and Polar). Sturm-Louville, d'Alembert Solutions, Method of Characteristic lines (with nonvarying coeffiicents)...
  32. A

    Speculation of FDA research projected results, Ph in food processing

    Hi Everyone, First of all, I'm not a scientist ;) But I'm doing some experimentation and just want to confirm if I am on the right track. FDA pickle recipe for non fermented pickles has the following parameters: 50% vinegar 50% water I am using standard commercial 5% distilled...
  33. H

    Talking about research in statement of purpose

    Greetings, I am applying to physics PhD programs, and am currently working on my statement of purpose, a good chunk of which is dedicated to research that I have done. Right now, I have two drafts which I wrote in parallel, which take different approaches toward describing one of my research...
  34. retro10x

    Exploring GUT Research: Choosing Courses and Fields for Post-Graduate Study

    So I'm interested in doing research regarding a GUT after I graduate, but I don't know the best way to go about this. In regards to choosing my senior level courses, which courses should I be taking? Should I start thinking experimental or theoretical? I know this is a pretty wide subject...
  35. J

    What happens in a physics research lab?

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to find out a little more about physics research as a career and if it's right for me.I am a little unclear on what physics research is all about. SO Here's a few questions: 1) what area of research are you apart of? 2)what do you actually do in the lab WHILE...
  36. Y

    Math & Economics Research for Undergrads

    I'm currently an undergraduate student and I'm taking BS Mathematics. We're going to start our research this semester. I'm kinda interested in researching about Math and Economics so if you know any good sites for papers/articles about this field, feel free to post it here. Thanks guys! :)
  37. C

    Is there research in a topic such as this?

    I am wondering if there is such a subject as I am about to mention, I think it may be somewhere along the lines of computational fluid dynamics. Molecular/atomistic modeling of the components of a fluid to determine the flow properties of that fluid. This is a topic that would bridge the gaps...
  38. V

    Dealing with Unexpected Absences in a Research Lab: What Should I Do?

    I am an undergraduate student that started working in a research lab this semester and started out as a volunteer. It's my first research experience in a lab outside of the classroom and at this point, I have no idea how things are going. I work for the postdoc in the lab and have so far been...
  39. R

    Undergraduate Research in Science/Physics Education

    I am a physics undergraduate student and have a passion for education research. I have spoken to some professors I know that work in that field and have some possible undergraduate research opportunities lined up, but I was wondering if anybody knew of any other undergraduate research...
  40. M

    I'm Looking for a Summer Physics Research Internship

    The difficulty is that I am graduating from high school this year and most internships are either for undergraduates or high school students. I am not really sure which I am considered and I prefer to be in a program in which I am neither underqualified nor overqualified. I am a prospective...
  41. K

    I'm a freshman with sophomore knowledge. Should I join research?

    I'm a pHysics major freshman and I know lots of college physics and math, lots of which I don't get to skip in college.
  42. R

    Are National Security Agencies Hiding Cryptography Advancements?

    "Underground" research Reading some passages of the book by Simon Singh (The Code Book) about the shadowy works in cryptography by some mathematicians (only made know recently) and speculations about today advancements possibly made by national agencies. I've been wondering to what extent...
  43. T

    Which grad school spec for fusion research

    is nuclear physics or plasma physics a better grad concentration for current/future fusion research? thx
  44. S

    Details of research on using electricty from Lightening of the sky

    is it possible to harness the lightning to get electricity.
  45. J

    Engineering Engineer major doing physics research

    hello all, i am wondering if a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, or mechatronics engineer have the credentials to do physics research? i want to go into 1 of the 3(leaning more towards mechanical or mechatronics) so i want to know if it is possible to research in ANY area of physics...
  46. K

    Is it a good idea to join undergraduate research in freshman year or sophomore year?

    Is it a good idea to join undergraduate research in freshman year or sophomore year and why?
  47. B

    When to ask professors about undergrad summer research opportunities

    How far in advance should I contact professors about available summer research opportunities? For example, should I wait until a few weeks before summer begins? Right now seems like it'd be way too early. Thanks.
  48. Doofy

    Physics How easy/common is it to move from one branch of physics research to another?

    I'm currently a phd student and am doing high energy particle physics. I am unsure about what I will do when I graduate, but I suspect I willl apply for postdoc positions. What I'm wondering is, let's say I do decide to stay in physics. Am I completely limited to a career in HEP physics, or...
  49. P

    Is Elementary Particles important for research in Solid State?

    Hi, So here is the contents of this Elementary Particles course: introduction to families of particles , relativistic kinematics applied to reaction cross-sections and decay rates; symmetries and conservation laws, isospin, strangeness, charm, beauty; parity and CP violation in weak...
  50. B

    Research Plan w/o giving away ideas

    Can anyone offer advice on how to write a research plan for an academic position (in physics) that is competent and believable without giving away the farm and all your ideas? It seems to me these two things are mutually exclusive. A committee will not be convinced without a believable plan...