What is Reading: Definition and 635 Discussions

Reading is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc., especially by sight or touch.For educators and researchers, reading is a multifaceted process involving such areas as word recognition, orthography (spelling), alphabetics, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.Other types of reading and writing, such as pictograms (e.g., a hazard symbol and an emoji), are not based on speech based writing systems. The common link is the interpretation of symbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations or tactile signals (as in the case of Braille).

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  1. N

    Having trouble reading the intentions of a friend part deux

    I made a thread a while back about a guy who was being avoidant and I said I was not sure whether he was being avoidant because he wanted nothing do with me or that he was extremely uncomfortable being in social situations like he once confessed the reason he avoided social situations with...
  2. Z

    Courses Transferring and reading courses

    I'm trying to decide whether to stay where I'm at (a big public state school) or transfer to Rice next semester (I just got accepted). I'm a pure mathematics major, and my ambitions for graduate school are high. I spoke with my advisor today for nearly an hour about my schedule next semester...
  3. D

    Reading the value of a qubit without changing its value

    From the http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/23637 How can that be possible? Isn't that a violation of the No-cloning theorem?
  4. Loren Booda

    Is reading backwards an effective way to review what you've read?

    Do you ever find it effective to review or scan from back to front what you have read? I find always editing from the beginning what I write somewhat redundant. I surmise that there are unique patterns in reverse reading.
  5. W

    Reading Feynmann's Lectures in the Holidays.

    I'm wanting to read some physics text these holidays. Would you recommend starting with Feynmann's lecture series 1-3? I can get this for approx. $99 AUD. Then I heard that Quantum Theory by David Bohm was also good and I would therefore proceed with Bohm's text following Feynmann's. Any...
  6. P

    Learning Math as a Language: Comparing to Reading

    I imagine everyone here is familiar with the idea of mathematics as a language. I have a few questions regarding the way people look at equations and math in general, using this analogy. I'm reasonably skilled in math up to basic calculus, and so I kind of understand what "math as a...
  7. D

    Reading up on what Geophysics is

    Heya, i live in the UK and at the moment I'm doing a lot of research as to what i want to specialize in in the future. Now I've done quite a bit of reading up on what Geophysics actually is, but i just can't nail the what's its [I]really[I] about. Some places i read its about harnessing the...
  8. A

    Computer acquisition of analog ammeter reading

    Hi, My friends and I are doing a project that involves some very high (multiples of 10 kV and above) voltage, but very low current. The controller for our transformer has an analog ammeter on it, but we would like to have a computer read and recored the current readings from it. We have a...
  9. S

    Reading textbooks on ebook reader

    Reading textbooks on ebook reader! Well I wonder that I am not the first with this Idea. I am reading lots great eBooks (by Walter Greiner) on my desktop. Well, I am so impressed by those books that I have decided to use them as my textbooks. But the problem is I can't sit in front of LCD for...
  10. J

    Au-196 decay: help reading tables

    I'm sorry, this is probably a pretty stupid question as I probably am just not understanding something basic about nuclear reactions. Can someone please help? I am trying to understand what happens when Au-196 goes to Hg-196. I am assuming it is something like: Au^{196}_{79} \rightarrow...
  11. N

    Which is warmer-dark sunglasses or reading glasses

    1. Sun falls both on a pair of reading glasses and a dark pair of sunglasses. Which pair would you expect to become warmer? defend you anser. At first it reminded me of the white car, black car type question. But then I realized sunglasses are meant to block UV ray, etc. and are usually...
  12. M

    Reading Analysis on Manifolds by Munkres

    Show that U(x0, ε) is an open set. I'm reading Analysis on Manifolds by Munkres. This question is in the review on Topology section. And I've just recently been introduced to basic-basic topology from Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin. I'm not really certain where to begin...
  13. J

    Reading Advice for a Non-physicist

    Hi, I'm a CPA here in Texas. I work in finance now and have for the past 5 years. Recently, I've developed the desire to understand at least parts of the relativity theories. I'm not considering changing careers or going back to college, as I'm 33 and happy in my current line of work...
  14. O

    Studying Mastering Physics: Tips for Effective Studying and Better Retention

    So I'm a pretty smart guy, I can do lots of abstract thinking, I have great memory, and am quite capable at forming conclusions and hypotheses on my own, but maybe I'm a slow reader or something, but whenever I study physics it seems to take forever to get through anything. I took anatomy and...
  15. K

    Philosophy Reading Group / Kant & Math

    In order to promote the informed discussion of philosophy, I thought it might help if we could all be on the same page on some of the issues, literally. I would like to invite suggestions on relatively accessible philosophy texts that we could read and discuss. What issues have been on your...
  16. N

    Trouble reading the intentions of a friend

    I am having trouble reading the intentions of a person I thought was a friend, but now I am not really sure what to call him. I am not sure whether he is avoiding me on purpose because he's too shy or doesn't want to talk to anyone or he has reasons for not contacting me that might be beyond...
  17. Shackleford

    What is the Material Conditional Paraphrasing in Logic?

    I have the following book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0072401893/?tag=pfamazon01-20 I'm currently going over symbolization and truth-functional connectives. I have a question considering a material conditional paraphrasing. Of course, you cannot state this backwards. If he applied for the...
  18. C

    MATLAB Matlab problen with reading from files -

    Hi, I have a formatted data file (obtained from fortran) which has 1 column and 24000 rows. The values are like -0.8736252526127E-9 -0.1928287267367E-11 0.28373737626278E-12 etc etc. I have tried to read these data in MATLAB using the following command : fid=fopen('filename')...
  19. W

    Reading Russell's ABC of Relativity, stuck in chapter 3 (about speed of sound)

    This is turning out to be difficult for me, and I haven't even reached the part where he explains the theory of relativity itself :( "Let us suppose that the shot is fired from the guard's-van, and the echo comes from a screen on the engine. We will suppose the distance from the guard's-van...
  20. J

    Permittivity (background reading from Wikipedia)

    Background reading from Wikipedia I read the following from Wikipedia, Question How does a dielectric's dipole becoming polarized
  21. A

    Fortran Reading formatted input in fortran

    format statement to read input in fortran hello everyone, I've to read this following line in fortran, I don't know to read the exponential form please help me 3.49E+03 2.73E+01 2.01E-01 9.16E-02 5.94E-02 5.11E-02 3.27E+04 3.27E+04 can somebody help me to write the format...
  22. D

    Can I Trust Myself? Reading This Alone

    I don't trust myself for reading this alone. Is this valid? http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0812/0812.1385v11.pdf
  23. L

    What is the reading shown by the ammeter?

    Homework Statement 3)An ammeter has a full scale deflection of 0.5 A.Internal resistance is 12 ohms.Explain with necessary calculations,how it should be converted to an ammeter of full scale deflection 2A. 4) does this modification change the sensitivity of the instrument?explain 5. The...
  24. J

    Fortran Fortran 90 help reading from file

    Hi All I'm completely new to Fortran 90 and I have to create a program that opens a formatted data file and reads in certain values into my program's variables. The variables are represented in the first six rows with ncols, nrows, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize and NODATA being the...
  25. U

    Iron ball in water, reading on weighing machine

    What is the reading on the scale for the first one?? My friend mentioned that upthrust need not be considered as its an 'internal force', i wonder why?? Shouldnt' the net force dowards be (Weight of stone - pVg) + (Weight of water + pVg) as the water experiences an equal an opposite downthrust...
  26. B

    Calculate Pressure Gauge Reading in Wide Section of Pipe

    Homework Statement Water flows at 3.64 L/s through a horizontal pipe that narrows smoothly from 10.2 cm diameter to 4.89 cm diameter. A pressure gauge in the narrow section reads 47.0 kPa. What is the reading of a pressure gauge in the wide section? Homework Equations F=PA P1+...
  27. G

    Recommended reading for undergraduate Physics major

    I am currently in my freshman/sophomore year of college and am majoring in physics. I was wondering what books you can recommend that I read. I really love physics and I just want to learn as much as I can about all different areas of physics. I have completed Calculus 3 and am willing to...
  28. T

    Quantum physics reading material

    hi. I'm relatively (no pun intended) new to quantum physics. I just finished my high school physics class which mainly dealt with the basics and classical physics. Can anyone suggest some papers or articles I can read in order to get my feet wet in this new realm? Thanks.
  29. K

    Voltage reading using a multimeter

    what is the voltage reading using a multimeter in the multisim workbench software? is it average or peak voltage?
  30. E

    Fortran Reading MS Excel Files in FORTRAN 77

    Dear Members, How can I read an MS Excel created csv or tab delimited file in FORTRAN 77? The two tab delimited and csv files are attached. Thank you, Ekin
  31. L

    Fractal Geometry Textbooks for Physics Applications

    I find Mandelbrot's Fractal Geometry of Nature relatively light reading, but am interested in a more standard textbook account to fill in my gaps in knowledge. Do people know of some good textbooks on the subjects - and other volumes relating to fractals and their application to physics.
  32. L

    Reading current through a capacitor

    I am working on an experiment involving Langmuir probes. I believe the probes act as capacitors when placed in a plasma to get a reading of the current density in the plasma. However, since we are biasing a voltage, I know that in order to read the current we must insert a resistor between the...
  33. S

    What is the Relationship Between Spin and Parity in Nuclei?

    My table of nuclides has a column for Spin/Parity for the nuclides when applicable. It says it is the nuclei's total spin... yet I was under the assumption that a nucleus would have different spins depending if the proton and neutrons have various combination of up and down spins.
  34. B

    I got a topic to research Recommended preparatory reading?

    I got a topic to research! Recommended preparatory reading? I have been invited to write a proposal for researching this: >> The basic idea is to calculate, in first approximation, the effect of electron-positron pairs on the quantum state of a photon. You will need to study some...
  35. Chandra214

    Troubleshooting Unstable ADC Reading for PT100 Signal Circuit

    We have a four wire PT100 signal conditioning circuit, which transpires resistance to voltage. 7mV constitutes one degree celsius. we are using a 12bit ADC to decode the analog input. When measured from a true RMS multi meter, the ADC input voltages are stable upto millivolt ( 4 1/2 digit...
  36. W

    Medical Reading in Sleep: Exploring the Mysterious Phenomenon

    Sometimes, usually early in the morning when I'm half awake/half asleep I dream of reading out of a book. The words appear very clearly and the image remains fixed, and I read from left to right, just like with a real book. Sometimes the words do not exist, it's gibberish, sometimes its fully in...
  37. P

    What are some recommended readings for precalculus and lower level calculus?

    Hi all, I'm a graduating senior and I'm interested in covering and recovering mathematics to the calculus level. I've been feeling that all of my math courses to this point, high school and before, haven't really taught me much of anything in the way of real mathematics. I was looking for some...
  38. T

    Reading the ming of a prof question

    i was told that i would be asked a question that deals with integrability and the link between the differentiability operation and the integration operation(the basic laws of Newton calculus) what question he can give that combines this things?? can you give an example?? i can't find a...
  39. P

    Gravity from the Ground Up: Physics Book for Engineers & Laypeople

    I found an excellent book through this forum: Gravity from the ground up by Bernard Schutz. I would appreciate more recommendations for good books on physics for the layman. I am not afraid of math (I am an engineer) but I think visually not mathematically. Once I get through the first...
  40. P

    Reading in ASCII Data in IDL with Format Codes

    Hi all, I have a tab delimited ASCII file (an output from IRAF). I need to read it into IDL, but it features a timestamp column (in UT - hh:mm:ss). I assume I need to read it in with some format codes, but I'm not familiar with fortran or C (or IDL to be honest), and it seems the format code...
  41. N

    Difficult reading non-math/physics books

    I have found it difficult to concentrate on books that don't have any math or physics involved. It feels unfulfilling. Does anyone else have this problem? I tried reading some philosophy lately. But the fact that there were no equations made made it dull:frown:
  42. M

    C/C++ Reading currents and controlling voltages in c++

    Hi all -- I'm writing a controller for an interferometer and I need to be able to control the voltage across a terminal and read the current from a photodiode in c++. What would be a good, reasonably priced peripheral that would accomplish this, preferably with linux support? Better yet, is...
  43. C

    How Do I Interpret Multimeter Units Correctly?

    I am trying to make sure that the data I read off my multimeter has the right units. I have a multimeter that is a similar model to this one: http://www.tequipment.net/BK2703B.html You can enlarge the image to see the settings. When I measure AC current, my result says "2.95" when the...
  44. P

    Reading Julian date into SuperMongo

    Hi all, I imagine this is an amazingly simple problem for anyone with the slightest bit of programing knowledge (which isn't me). I hope there are people out there familiar with supermongo, I realize it's one of the more niche graphics languages. Anyway, I have a column of Julian dates, in...
  45. K

    Reading frequency spectrum / Fourier Transform and Power Spectra

    So I have a power spectrum of a given function, which is supposed to be a superposition of four sinusoidal terms with frequencies that range from 1xomega to 4xomega. My spectrum looks something like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/Triangle-td_and_fd.png What exactly...
  46. G

    Thin Lenses: Lens Makers' Equation Proved

    I was reading on thin lenses, in which the lens makers' equation was proved. The proof first gave the lens (a biconvex lens) a thickness (which it would later consider negligible) so that the light would pass through one surface and out the other (so it comes into contact with 2 surfaces). The...
  47. H

    Reading a Potential Energy graph

    Homework Statement Potential Energy Graph A conservative force F(x) acts on a 2.0 kg particle that moves along the x axis. The potential energy U(x) associated with F(x) is graphed in Fig. 10-46. When the particle is at x = 2.5 m, its velocity is -2.0 m/s. The "kinks" in the graph occur at (1...
  48. P

    Finding the Value of Y at X=3 with No Reading of Y

    x 1 2 3 4 5 6 y h t t h t h if I map this on a graph.with out reading y. using just 'X' values or any other '...methods...' how to find out at x=3. y is H or T. Thanks.:zzz:
  49. T

    Calculating Distance and Size of Image on Blackboard Reading

    Homework Statement A student is reading a lecture written on a blackboard. The lenses in her eyes have a refractive power of 61.20 diopters, and the lens-to-retina distance is 1.643 cm. (a) How far (in meters) is the blackboard from her eyes? (b) If the writing on the blackboard is 6.00 cm...
  50. G

    Ive been reading ON THE ELECTRODYNAMICS

    Hi guys, I came across On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies while searching the net on relativity. I started reading it cause I thought It would be quite fun to do, not hoping to understand allot of it. I understand the basic (no-mathematical) concepts behind relativity, but I would like to...