What is Prime: Definition and 776 Discussions

A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, involve 5 itself.
However, 4 is composite because it is a product (2 × 2) in which both numbers are smaller than 4. Primes are central in number theory because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic: every natural number greater than 1 is either a prime itself or can be factorized as a product of primes that is unique up to their order.
The property of being prime is called primality. A simple but slow method of checking the primality of a given number


{\displaystyle n}
, called trial division, tests whether


{\displaystyle n}
is a multiple of any integer between 2 and


{\displaystyle {\sqrt {n}}}
. Faster algorithms include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small chance of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of December 2018 the largest known prime number is a Mersenne prime with 24,862,048 decimal digits.There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. No known simple formula separates prime numbers from composite numbers. However, the distribution of primes within the natural numbers in the large can be statistically modelled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability of a randomly chosen number being prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, that is, to its logarithm.
Several historical questions regarding prime numbers are still unsolved. These include Goldbach's conjecture, that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, and the twin prime conjecture, that there are infinitely many pairs of primes having just one even number between them. Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing on analytic or algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such as public-key cryptography, which relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. In abstract algebra, objects that behave in a generalized way like prime numbers include prime elements and prime ideals.

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  1. O

    Normal subgroup with prime index

    Homework Statement Prove that if p is a prime and G is a group of order p^a for some a in Z+, then every subgroup of index p is normal in G. Homework Equations We know the order of H is p^(a-1). H is a maximal subgroup, if that matters. The Attempt at a Solution Suppose H≤G and...
  2. Y

    Series of exponential prime reciprocals

    Sum of reciprocal of some base (I just chose e as example) to prime power? Ʃ \frac{1}{e^{p}} = \frac{1}{e^2}+\frac{1}{e^3}+\frac{1}{e^5}+\frac{1}{e^7}+\frac{1}{e^{11}}+\frac{1}{e^{13}}+\frac{1}{e^{17}}+... p\inP Brute force simulation gives me ~0.19279118970439518 Is there an...
  3. anemone

    MHB Prime number and the coefficients of polynomial

    Hi, I've got an equation stating p=a(r-1). If p represents prime number and r is a positive integer, and a is a constant, what can we conclude for the constant a? Like a $\in${-1, 1, -p, p}? I suspect this has something to do with modular arithmetic...:confused: Thanks.
  4. R

    Python highest prime factor problem.

    Homework Statement The problem is taken straight from the Project Euler website: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? The answer is 6857 as I must have solved it before but I can't figure out how I worked it out...
  5. W

    3^n+1 has an odd prime divisor

    Prove that 3n + 1 has an odd prime divisor for all natural numbers > 1. I tried using order but it didn't really get me anywhere. Would prefer hints rather than complete solutions. Thanks.
  6. R

    A prime limit that seems to approach a constant

    Ok here's the problem: Using wolfram the first 100 results are these heres a plot of a couple points As you can see it doesn't seem to be approaching exactly zero, even though its very similar to 1/x (exactly the same if you replace Pn with just n) Is there any way to prove whether this...
  7. R

    Questions about the prime counting function

    greetings . i have a couple of questions about the prime counting function . when \pi _{0}(x) changes by 1, then it's logical to assume that it should happen at a prime argument . meaning : \lim_{\xi\rightarrow 0}\pi _{0}(x+\xi )-\pi _{0}(x-\xi )=1 implies that x is a prime . is this a true...
  8. J

    MHB Why Do All Factors of a Number Arise from Combinations of Its Prime Factors?

    When I teach GCF to students, I show them how to find via the prime factorization and explain to them how the PF can get you all the factors of a number by multiplying different combinations of the Prime Factors and then proceed to explain why they are supposed to multiply the common Prime...
  9. J

    Prime Ideals of direct sum of Z and Z

    I am trying to find nonzero prime ideals of \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb {Z}, specifically those which are not also maximal. If I try to do direct sums of prime ideals, the resulting set is not a prime ideal. (e.g., 2 \mathbb{Z} \oplus 3 \mathbb{Z} is not prime since (3,3) \cdot (2,2) = (6,6)\in...
  10. M

    Efficient Prime Number Algorithm: Seeking Feedback and Offering Unique Insights

    I would really like to get some constructive feed back on this prime-seeking algorithm. Computationally it's no better than the rest. However, it does offer some unique insight. I have partitioned the set of naturals between prime and composites using a rigorous structural schema that I prove...
  11. N

    Pairwise Relatively Prime Proof

    Hi, Can anyone help me how to prove that the two numbers 2^((n-2)/2) -1, 2^(2n) + 1 are relatively prime? Thanks.
  12. N

    How reasonable to assume a prime gap of at least 10 before a pair of Twin Primes?

    If we assume that the Twin Prime Conjecture is true (and thus there are infinite number of primes that are 2 apart), how reasonable is it to assume that there will be an infinite number of Twin Primes that are preceded by a prime that is at least 10 lower than the first of the Twin Primes? (I...
  13. S

    Prime Number Homework: If 1+2^n+4^n is Prime, n is Power of 3?

    Homework Statement if 1 + 2^n + 4^n is a prime number then n is a power of 3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If n is not a power of 3, i need to show that we can factorize 1 + 2^n + 4^n But I am not really sure what should n be if it is not a power of 3 ? is...
  14. I

    Importance of prime numbers in strings

    What is the probability that the stability of strings depends on prime quantities in order to be unique? Without prime numbers, would the strings break into composite states.
  15. N

    Bounding a prime number based equation

    Hello all! I realize I am new to the community of online math forums, so I'm probably breaking a few etiquette rules (and possibly more important rules too - if so, please let me know and I'll fix what I can.) However, I am working on a math problem, and I am stuck on bounding a particular...
  16. I

    A prime by itself is considered a (length one) product of primes?

    Hi all, I am spending some time learning discrete mathematics on my own using the MIT OpenCourseWare materials. On page the second to last page of the Chapter 2 notes from here...
  17. G

    An approach to the Twin Prime Conjecture

    The prime numbers are the multiplicative building blocks of the integers. Even so, their distribution escapes all methods of rationalization. As with building a pyramid, the primes are most densely distributed near zero, the point of origin, and as we move towards larger numbers the primes are...
  18. S

    Order of SL(2,Zp), p is a prime.

    Homework Statement Determine the index [G:H], where H is a subgroup of the group G and; G = GL(2,Z_p) H = SL(2,Z_p) p is a prime Where GL(2,Z_p) is the general linear group of 2x2 invertible matrices with entries in Z_p, SL(2,Z_p) is the general linear group of 2x2 invertible matrices...
  19. S

    Help with Mobius Inversion in Riemann's Zeta Function by Edwards (J to Prime Pi)

    Help with Mobius Inversion in "Riemann's Zeta Function" by Edwards (J to Prime Pi) Can someone please add more detail or give references to help explain the lines of math in "Riemann's Zeta Function" by Edwards. At the bottom of page 34 where it says "Very simply this inversion is effected...
  20. V

    Product of a specific sequence of prime number squares

    Here is a good question for maths enthusiasts. I really find this sum very tough. Any help, advice or guidance for this question will be greatly appreciated. find the product upto n terms (1+(1/2^2)) . (1+(1/3^2)) . (1+(1/5^2)) . (1+(1/7^2)) . (1+(1/11^2))...upto n terms Where the nth...
  21. R

    Troubleshooting Prime Factors Program

    I'm trying to write a program that will find and then display the prime factor of a number. I have written this in C# but it works for some numbers but doesn't work for others? using System; class primefactors { public static void Main() { int number; bool...
  22. F

    Rationals Mod Ideal & Prime: Isomorphic to Z_p

    Homework Statement Show that the ring of rational numbers whose reduced form denominator is not divisble by a prime, p, mod an ideal the set of elements of the above set whose numerators are divisible by p is isomorphic to Z_pHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It seems very trivial...
  23. A

    If p is prime, prove the group (Zp*,x) has exactly one element of order 2.

    Hi. I need to: prove the group (Zp*,x) has exactly one element of order 2. Here, p is prime and (Zp*,x) is the set {1, 2,..., p-1} under multiplication modulo p. Any help would be much appreciated!
  24. H

    Prove infinitely many prime of the form 6k+5

    Homework Statement Prove that there are infinitely many prime of the form 6k+5, where k is nonnegative integer. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Prove by contradiction. Suppose there are finitely many prime of the form 6k+5. Then i get stucked. Anyone can help me ??
  25. P

    Proth Primes: Coefficient & Exponent Relations

    Definition: Proth number is a number of the form : k\cdot 2^n+1 where k is an odd positive integer and n is a positive integer such that : 2^n>k My question : If Proth number is prime number are there some other known relations in addition to 2^n>k , between exponent n and coefficient k ?
  26. A

    Does this polynomial produce only prime numbers?

    I'm trying to find a general formula for an algebraic equation, I'm studying the behavior of ∏_{i=2}^n(1-\frac{1}{i^m}) for m=3 and so far I've seen that I can find a general formula if n^2 + n + 1 produces only prime numbers. if not, it would get way harder to find a general formula for it by...
  27. S

    How Can You Find Prime Ideals in Products Like Z/3Z x Z/9Z?

    Having worked on prime ideals recently and finding them for Z_n I was wondering how you can to find all the prime ideals of a multiplication of Z/3Z X Z/9Z or Z/2Z X Z/4Z for example. I'm mostly having trouble starting this problem and feel that if I could get an idea where to start that I...
  28. L

    Discovering the Prime and Factored Parts of Positive Integers

    Is there a way within reasonable errors to say what part of the positive integers are prime and what part is factored greater than one? Oh course one is a factor of all numbers greater than zero. Yeats ago playing around a floating constant became known to me. to the tenth decimal place is...
  29. M

    Python code for generating prime# list and evaluting a number

    Homework Statement I am attempting to allow a user to enter a number and check to see if it is in a list of already generated prime numbers Here's my attempt Where can I put the code to allow the number to be checked, the prime list generator works fine alonedef buildPrimeList ()...
  30. L

    Prove or disprove whether number is prime using theorem listed in post

    So the problem has to deal with Mersenne numbers 2^p-1 where p is a odd prime, and Mp may or may not end up being prime. The theorem given is: If p is an odd prime, but Mp=2^p-1 is not a Mersenne prime, then every divisor of the Mersenne number 2^p-1 is of the form 2*c*p+1 where c is a...
  31. R

    Proving no primitive root mod mn, where m&n prime

    Homework Statement if m, n are distinct odd primes, show that the set of units mod mn has no primitive root. Homework Equations [ hint: phi(mn) = (m-1)(n-1) so we can show for a, a unit mod mn, a((m-1)(n-1))/2 = 1 ] and a \equiv b mod mn iff a\equiv b mod m and a \equiv b mod nThe Attempt at...
  32. P

    Proving the Division Property of Prime Numbers in Positive Integers

    Homework Statement (2) P is a prime number and a and b are positive integers . We Know... p | a^6 \ and p | a^3 + b^7. how do i find out how to prove that p | b? Homework Equations if a | b, then a | bx for every x in Z if a | b, and a | c, then a | bx + cy for any...
  33. P

    Proving the Divisibility of 8 and Odd Squares

    Prime Division HELP! Homework Statement I need to be able to understand and likely prove that for any positive odd integer n, 8 | (n^2 -1 ) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution odd can be said to be n = 2k +1 so 8 | (2k + 1)^2 -1
  34. M

    Find a prime divisor of 1111 (13 1's)

    Hello friends, The problem I am trying to solve sounds simple, but I still haven't been able to find the solution: Find a prime divisor of 1111111111111 (13 ones), also known as a repunit. I know the answer(53, 79 and some big prime), but I have no idea how Mathematica calculated those values...
  35. V

    Calculation of Large Exponents Modulo a Prime

    Homework Statement In my Number Theory class, we learned how to calculate the value of large exponents modulo primes using Euler's Theorem. I understand how to do this with exponents larger than the value of the totient function of the prime, which is p-1, but what about when the exponent is...
  36. B

    Zp[x]/(x^2 + 1) is a field iff p is a prime p ≠ 1 (mod 4)

    I am stuck on this proof. Zp[x]/(x^2 + 1) is a field iff p is a prime p = 3 (mod 4) We're assuming p is odd, so p is either 4m + 1 or 4m + 3. ==>/ let Zp[x]/(x^2 + 1) be a field I need to find that x^2 + 1 is reducible if p =4m+1 I can see it for Z5, Z13, Z17 for instance but I...
  37. H

    Sum of prime numbers taken from the command-line

    Homework Statement Write a program that takes a command line argument N and a sequence of N positive integers and prints the numbers that are prime only, followed by their sum. Homework Equations for loop The Attempt at a Solution This has been a vexing program to think of. We...
  38. G

    Found Some Pattern in prime numbers

    Hi guys, I always wanted to know if one could generate prime numbers according to an equation,so I wanted to go and study prime numbers little bit and know how exactly its gets formed and its logic. So as we all know that prime number is any natural number that is divisable by itself and 1...
  39. V

    Show -1 and +1 are only solutions to x^2 = 1 (mod p^2) for odd prime p.

    Homework Statement Let p be an odd prime and n be an integer. Show that -1 and +1 and the only solutions to x^2 \equiv 1\ mod\ p^n. Hint: What does a \equiv b\ mod\ m mean, then think a bit.Homework Equations x^2 \equiv 1\ mod\ p^n \rightarrow x^2 = 1 + p^nk for k an integer. The...
  40. V

    Number Theory: Define G(n) and show property for any prime p

    Homework Statement Define the numbers G_n = \prod_{k=1}^n (\prod_{j=1}^{k-1}\frac{k}{j}). (a) Show that G_n is an integer, n>1; (b) Show that for each prime p, there are infinitely many n>1 such that p does not divide G_n. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can see that the...
  41. K

    Prime Number Related Notation Question

    Is there any standard (or reasonably standard) notation for the following function? Basically, it's ∏(n) - ∏(n-1) or, which is the same thing, \frac{\Lambda(n)}{\log n} (where ∏(n) is the Riemann prime counting function and \Lambda(n) is the Von Mangoldt function) Basically...
  42. C

    Solving Systems of Congruences when mods not pairwise relatively prime

    Hi folks, The CRT says there's a unique solution to the system of congruences x = a (mod m) x = b (mod n) x = c (mod p) in (mod mnp) when m, n, p are pairwise relatively prime. But what if m, n, p are NOT pairwise relatively prime. Is there a systematic way to solve...
  43. E

    GCD of a and b Prime and Odd: 1 or p?

    Show that if a,b\in\mathbb{N}^+,\ \gcd(a,b) = 1 and p is an odd prime, then \gcd\left(a+b,\frac{a^p+b^p}{a+b}\right)\in \{1,p\}
  44. Y

    Prime divisors hyperelliptic curves

    Every divisor D associated to a hyperelliptic curve over \mathbb{F}_q can be represented by a couple of polynomials D=div(a(x),b(x)) (Mumfor representation)...
  45. L

    Is there any way to find the product of prime numbers?

    According to the prime number theorem, the number of prime numbers that are less than N is approximately N\ln(N) for a sufficiently large N. But can we find the product of prime numbers that are less than N? (For example, N=20 then 2x3x5x7x11x13x17x19 although I think 20 isn't large enough haha)
  46. A

    Prime factorization for large numbers

    I need to factorize large numbers (some of them have about 200 decimal digits). Wolfram alpha is a dead end and programming with python is not working for me too. Any suggestions?
  47. T

    Does doubling the sum of prime factors always lead to 16?

    Here is the process: For example, take 28. Its prime factors (taken with multiplicity) are 2, 2, and 7. The sum of these is 11. Double it and you get 22. So, the sum of prime factors of 28 multiplied by 2 is 22. Repeat this process until you reach a loop or a stable number. For 28, if you...
  48. M

    Additive Prime Numbers: Is There Anything Known About them?

    A positive integer is called an additive prime number if it is prime and the sum of its digits is also prime. For example, 11 and 83 are additive prime numbers. OEIS gives the sequence of additive primes the number http://oeis.org/A046704" for that info). I've done many Google and...
  49. 8

    Prove that if a is prime, then b is prime

    Prove that if "a" is prime, then "b" is prime Homework Statement Suppose that "a" and "b" are associates. Prove that if "a" is prime, then "b" is prime. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution By the definition of an associate a=ub where u is a unit.
  50. A

    Two Prime Fields Isomorphic to Zp and Zq

    Why is it not possible for a filed to have have two prime fileds one isomorphic to Zp and the other isomorphic to Zq for p and q primes. Thank you