What is Paper: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying. Although paper was originally made in single sheets by hand, almost all is now made on large machines—some making reels 10 metres wide, running at 2,000 metres per minute and up to 600,000 tonnes a year. It is a versatile material with many uses, including printing, packaging, decorating, writing, cleaning, filter paper, wallpaper, book endpaper, conservation paper, laminated worktops, toilet tissue, currency and security paper and a number of industrial and construction processes.
The papermaking process developed in east Asia, probably China, at least as early as 105 CE, by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BCE in China. The modern pulp and paper industry is global, with China leading its production and the United States following.

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  1. L

    Why are Pigment Spots Different Sizes?

    1. Why are some pigment spots larger (area and volume) than others? I understand that pigments move up the porous paper by capillary action, from research. But why are some pigment colours (areas) larger? THanks
  2. marcus

    How Does the Neutrino Mass Matrix Connect to Up-Quark Masses?

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.3101 Empirical Neutrino Mass Matrix Related to Up-Quark Masses Yoshio Koide 12 pages, 2 figures (Submitted on 21 Mar 2008) "A new approach to quark and lepton masses is proposed: the mass spectra originate in vacuum expectation values of U(3) flavor nonet (gauge...
  3. marcus

    Most important paper: first quarter 2008 forecast poll

    Which of these first quarter 2008 papers/presentations do you expect to contribute most to future research? 1. http://cift.fuw.edu.pl/users/kostecki/zakopane08/rovelli.pdf Looppy & Foammy: at long last, falling in love Carlo Rovelli This is Rovelli's report at the March 2008 Zakopane...
  4. M

    Building a Paper Pipe Organ: Tips & Advice

    Hello, I am trying to make a cardboard pipe organ...After a few days of research, I kind of have a idea of how the keys work, but I still have trouble on -make a workable pipe -make the air pass through the pipe I have made a 16cm * 1.5 cm * 1.5 cm cardboard (thickness: 1mm) pipe , with a...
  5. S

    Albert Einstein 1911 "On the Influence of Gravity on Light

    can anyone give me the webpage link of this paper by Einstein Einstein, Albert, 1911, "On the Influence of Gravity on the Propagation of Light", Annalen der Physik, 35: 898–90 I heard that in this paper Einstein tells that velocity of light is changed by gravitational field...i want to...
  6. Fra

    Paper: Rovelli's What is observable in classical and quantum gravity?

    Paper: Rovelli's "What is observable in classical and quantum gravity?" I'm reading Rovelli's QG book and found a reference to his own article: "What is observable in classical and quantum gravity?" I fail to find it on arxiv - anyone know if this is available or do you have to buy it from...
  7. S

    Creating Wrong Answers for a Question Paper

    I'm making a question paper with answers having multiple options. I made/got the questions and right answer, but I'm unable to get wrong answers. Please people try to make some basic level mistake to get a wrong answer and tell me (Pardon me if I've posted this in wrong place) 1) Find the...
  8. M

    Need ideas for chemistry paper

    we are supposed to find a recent news article that relates to chemistry and contains at least 3 chemical compounds and write a paper about it anyone know of anything interesting that i could write about?
  9. A

    Paper presentation(Electronics and telecommunication engineering)

    Hi there, As u might have understood I am an Electronics and telecommunication engineering student.I am hoping to participate in some of the technical paper presentation competitions in my area.I wanted some suggestions for the topic I might choose.The topic should be from my field and if...
  10. E

    Ideas for review paper on combustion

    For a project in my combustion class, I have to do a review paper on an area of combustion research. I don't know a lot about this field or the technologies that are at the forefront, so I was hoping the people on this board could help me out. I'm kind of a sci-fi geek, so I would like...
  11. S

    Poincaré's 1900 paper on Lorentz's theory

    In case anyone's interested, I've put an English translation of Poincaré's 1900 paper, "La Théorie de Lorentz et Le Principe de Réaction", here: http://physicsinsights.org/poincare-1900.pdf" It's a moderately interesting paper which occasionally comes up in discussions of the history of...
  12. J

    Help with topic for 10 page paper

    Ok, my physics teacher has a assigned a 10 page paper to be completed by the end of the year. this is my senior year just for refrence. I would like to pick a topic in the Aerospace engineering field, and who better than u guys to help me find a good topic to do my project on. Here are my...
  13. A

    On Snyder's paper on Quantized Space-Time

    Hello, I have been trying to work out the mathematical details of H Snyder's 1947 paper, titled http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v71/i1/p38_1" , and I am stuck at something. When the space-time variables are considered as Hermitian operators, and we need to verify that they satisfy Lorentz...
  14. P

    Need Help Choosing A Topic To Write A Physics Paper On

    I'm in undergraduate physics 2 and I'm looking for an interesting (but not too broad) topic to write an 8-10 page paper on. I've considered color vision & color blindness, lasers, quantum theory, etc. What would be a good topic to write on? Thanks.
  15. M

    Physics is a pen on paper subject?

    I've recently purchased a laptop for my schoolwork, planning to do most of it on the laptop, but have found that the actual constructive work coming out of it is minimal. How do you learn best? Do you learn best writing on a computer or just pen and paper? I find with pen and paper so much more...
  16. G

    Help with Poisson Brackets (original paper)

    Here I have a translation from French to English of the original paper by Poisson about his brackets. I cannot understand why the function a=f(q,u,t) doesn't have a second order derivative (in q or u). The problem is on the top of the third page (second .JPG) after he took the time derivative...
  17. B

    Susy introduction paper superspace

    Hello, I have read in a susy introduction paper that if we call Q the charge which links fermions and bosons, then we have the following anticommutation relation : {Q_a, Q_b} = 2 sigma_ab P where P is 4-momentum. So, is this relation only due to Coleman-Mandula theorem which force the...
  18. Saladsamurai

    Anyone know where I can get nice hardcover/graph paper filled/composition book?

    Sorry for the ridiculously long title! But, for some of my and my girlfriend's classes this semester, we need to get very specific notebooks. You know those composition notebooks? (they actually say "COMPOSITION" right on the covers) They have a black and white "marble" looking cover...
  19. Cyrus

    Making My Own Paper Airplane Model

    I got bored, and I found this cool sheet that you can print out and make your own paper airplane. It happens to look almost exactly like the airplane I fly, so I made it. Pretty neat! (I printed it on medium card stock paper I had laying around). I added a few extras like the antennas and...
  20. M

    The 7-Fold Paper Dilemma: Is There an Explanation?

    Hey, well recently I've found out at the late age of 17, that you can only fold a sheet of paper 7 times over, no matter how thin, or large the piece of paper is. Is there any scientific reasoning behind this? I can't think of anything??
  21. E

    Which Strategy Maximizes Expected Reward in a Paper-Picking Game?

    [SOLVED] Which Paper Do I Pick? Homework Statement A philanthropist writes a positive number x on a piece of paper, shows it to an impartial observer, and then turns it face down on the table. The observer then flips a fair coin. If it shows heads, she writes the value 2x, and, if tails, the...
  22. P

    Why I can burn a paper with magnifying glass and sun?

    Why I can burn a paper with magnifying glass and sun? Isn't it something to do with the electromagnetic field (because light is itself electromagnetic field)?
  23. S

    Dark energy a furphy, says new paper

    http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2007/12/21/2124258.htm He makes some interesting claims:
  24. marcus

    What were the major QG advancements in 2007?

    QG Paper of the Year---2007 In the poll please ignore the "(blue)" and "(green)" that got in by mistake. I tried but was unable to edit them out. To me, for QG paper of the year, looks like a clear choice between Marseille and Utrecht. Both have made major progress this year, which can be...
  25. wolram

    Paper Cut Soreness: Envelopes Need Warning Signs

    Doing the staff christmas cards ,and i just paper cut my tongue licking an envelope, and it feels realy, realy, sore. envelopes should have warning signs on.
  26. R

    New Warp Drive Paper: Read the Co-Authored Journal Article

    Hey folks. If anyones interested in warp drives I've co-written a new paper. http://xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0712/0712.1649v2.pdf Its being published inthe Journal of the British Interplanetary Society early 08. Anyone else interested in warp drives/ wormholes etc?
  27. N

    Reference to a peer reviewed paper

    Hello I am new to this forum and I just wanted to post about a paper that I found in Physical Review Letters. It is in Volume 90, number 20, 201102 (2003). It is titled "Traversable Wormholes with Arbitrarily Small Energy Condition Violations", by Matt Visser et al. In this paper, it is...
  28. W

    Cooperstock &Tieu's most recent paper

    You may be interested in http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.0019" recent pre-print. Edit: I thought I should add some more info. The paper I linked to argues that the weak field GR result for a smooth lump of mass is not the same as the Newtonian one. While they agree that the weak-field results agree...
  29. arivero

    Veneziano before the trialogue paper.

    Just noticed that http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0110060 has an antecedent in http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?j=EULEE,2,199 It is a deep meditation. If one takes C and l (The Planck length, not the Planck mass) as fundamentals, then one can to build an angular momentum...
  30. marcus

    If observing the universe affects its duration ? (recent Krauss Dent paper)

    Highly speculative recent paper by Lawrence Krauss and James Dent. Can't help suspecting there is some logical flaw or unjustified assumption. In any case the paper is short (only 4 pages) and contains several striking speculative ideas, so some may want to check it out if only from curiosity...
  31. E

    A paper by Garrett Lisi that John Beaz will enjoy

    "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything" by A. Garrett Lisi. http://arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770 He uses the Lie Algebra E8.
  32. S

    How can I write a 5 page paper on the origin of the solar system?

    Today I told my astronomy teacher I would like to write my 5 page paper, that is due Monday, on the origin of the solar system. I am in no way one of the best writers out there and have no clue on how I could write 5 pages about this. Hopefully someone here can give me some helpfull input...
  33. chemisttree

    Who really invented Liquid Paper?

    Bette Nesmith Graham is credited with the invention but she had help. Anyone know who and why she needed the help?
  34. J

    How to do 1565 x 1197 in 10 seconds without a calculator and paper?

    How to do this in 10 seconds without a calculator and scratch paper? 1565 x 1197 = ?
  35. P

    Which Design Should I Use for a Paper Bridge

    I'm trying to build a bridge but I have no clue where to start. I need to make a poster first but I don't know which design to use. I have found a website with the exact same project I need to make. For all the details, please go to www.gravitykills.net. It has to be made of paper, hold...
  36. L

    Paper discussing the mathematics of relativity

    Hello I am looking for a paper that discusses the mathematics behind the special/general theories of relativity. The majority of the papers I have come across so far discuss the principals of relativity and do not support it with mathematical conclusions. One of the papers I am looking for...
  37. marcus

    2007 Paper of the Year (A+ for leadership ability )

    2007 Paper of the Year (A+ for "leadership ability") in junior high school they started telling us about "leadership ability" which apparently was exemplified by some guy who was good at sports, didn't bug the teachers, and was perhaps a bit cleaner than usual. It certainly wasn't clear to me...
  38. I

    What Are Some Innovative Topics for a Classical Mechanics Term Project?

    Does anybody know a good topic for a classical mechanics term project. I just don't have any ideas. It can just be a high degree of problem solving for a traditional trivial question or be a Phenomenon.
  39. C

    Questions about writing a computer science paper

    So I'm writing a computer science paper and i had a few questions. I have created some algorithms; i see a lot of papers presented in the algorithm, theorem, proof layout. So, when i say algorithm x.x i basically describe what my algorithm? and when i have a theorem, is it basically saying that...
  40. W

    Finding a Cubic Root: Pencil and Paper Technique

    I still remember how to extract a square root without a computer but could somebody remind me the technique to find a cubic root just with the pencil and paper?
  41. L

    Creating a Paper Egg Drop: Challenges & Ideas

    yes, the famous egg drop experiment. i really need help with ideas on what to construct...i was thinking that i would put a small box cushioned inside with toilet paper or tissue paper and lined with folded(like an accordion) paper / inside a bigger...the problem is: • The over all dimensions...
  42. S

    Publishing my research paper- Safe methods?

    Hello everyone, I am an undergraduate student. I am doing some research on my own, and almost two thirds through it. I was planning to contact a Professor for some advise, and some feedback ..etc Couple of days ago, a friend of mine, a PhD student in Nuclear Engineering, was shocked that...
  43. C

    Matrices Paper: Problem Modeling & C++ Solutions

    Im doing a short technical paper on matrices for my college magazine, and I am looking for some problem I can model. From what I gather, I would be using the problem/model to explain a certain concept of matrices. I was thinking about using C++ to model it, but don't know what model to...
  44. P

    Optimized Developing Mn+2 - Best Reagent Explained

    [SOLVED] paper chromatography Homework Statement Which reagent is the best to develop Mn+2? Briefly explain. Homework Equations Mn^+2 + 2OH- -> Mn(OH)_2 (s)(pale pink) Mn^+2 + C_2O_4^-2 -> MnC2O4 (s)(pale pink) 2Mn^+2 + [Fe(CN)_6]^-4 -> Mn_2Fe(CN)_6 (s pale green) 2Mn^+2 +...
  45. C

    Question about using we in research paper

    Question about using "we" in research paper is it ok to use "we" in a research paper even if you're the only author?
  46. marcus

    Most Influential Paper, third quarter 2007

    This quarter the poll is focused on four dark horse longshots. AASTRUP GRIMSTRUP (Missed them when they came out, but better late than never.) They have found a way to construct the Connes' Standard Model of particle physics, on the LQG configuration space of all geometries of a given...
  47. E

    What Forces Influence a Paper's Leap Toward a Charged Comb?

    Homework Statement What interactions are at play in the following scenario, and what objects are involved in the interactions? A tiny bit of paper jumps from a tabletop toward an electrically charged comb. (Consider the bit after it has left the tabletop but before it reaches the comb.)...
  48. B

    Need an Arxiv endorsement for preprinting my paper

    Hi, I've just completed a paper looking at the possiblity of adding a new force between neutrinos. And I'm looking to get an Endorsement from a publishing physicist so i can uploaded it to arXiv. Its almost an fully orignal idea, although L.M. Slad, did derive a similar force, he didn't look...
  49. marcus

    Minimal length and a new paper on deformed relativity

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3813 Non-Commutativity of Effective Space-Time Coordinates and the Minimal Length Florian Girelli, Etera R. Livine 5 pages (Submitted on 28 Aug 2007) "Considering that a position measurement can effectively involve a momentum-dependent shift and rescaling of the "true"...
  50. C

    Help with writing a research paper.

    I'm doing some research in which I'm using homology theory to solve a problem in computer science / engineering. Most of the work is on the CS part, but I know enough homology to get me around. I'm not really coming up with any new math per se. I'm not doing any hardcore proofs or anything. My...