What is Intro: Definition and 563 Discussions

The Intro is the debut EP by Canadian singer/songwriter Ruth B. It was released on November 27, 2015, and was met with generally positive reviews.

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  1. Lobos

    What's a good intro computer science book?

    I'm going to be taking a computer science course next semester, what is a good intro computer science book or C++ programming book I can buy?
  2. Ravenalia

    How Can I Get Help with Physics on the Physics Forums?

    Hiya, my name's Raven, and I have a lot of problems with physics. I often have trouble with (you guessed it) MASTERING PHYSICS! I used this site a number of times for homework help prior to joining (primarily because most other sites for physics help are blocked on my school computer), so I...
  3. art sanchez

    Exploring the Intersection of Physics and Music: A Scientist's Journey

    Welcome. I spent a lot of time on PF last semester when Googling for similar problems to homework I had trouble with. This site helped me a lot back then. Now, I'm finally registering (I don't know why it took me this long.) I am a BS Physics major. I hope to learn a lot here. Thanks for being...
  4. N

    Physics 141B at Berkeley: Intro Solid State Physics

    Hi. I plan on being an exchange student at Berkeley next year. I cannot find any course description for this course, I only find the description for 141A+141B: http://general-catalog.berkeley.edu/catalog/gcc_list_crse_req?p_dept_name=Physics&p_dept_cd=PHYSICS 141A. Solid State Physics. (4)...
  5. T

    What are the intellectual interests of this new PF member?

    Just joined today after reading a couple seemingly intellectually challenging posts. Interests are in E&M fields, and particles primarily, especially as they relate to new technologies, space travel and energy sources. (fairly broad). I tend to discuss in English more so than mathematics, but...
  6. Coffee_

    Different angle in different frames, intro relativity

    1.( Everything is in natural units, hbar= 1 , c =1 ) Situation: Frame A is the lab frame. Frame B is moving at velocity ##\beta## away from frame A along the x-axis. At some point a photon is released from the origin in the B frame. The photon makes an angle ##\theta_{B}## with the x'-axis. 2...
  7. P

    Rigorous Precalculus and Calculus Textbooks + Intro to Linear Algebra

    I am currently studying A level Further Pure Mathematics, and I will be joining university next year. I want to brush up on precalculus (algebra, trigonometry, geometry) and calculus (differential, integral [single variable]), except that this time I need a more rigorous treatment of those...
  8. Abhisek Roy

    What is the study of physics and its applications?

    I'm Abhisek Roy... N I'm studying physics major from India.. Hi everybody...
  9. N

    Schroeder: Intro to thermal physics, Diff. between editions?

    Hi, I'm facing a slight problem with getting a good version of the Schroeder: Introduction to thermal physics. According to my lecturer the newest 2013 international edition by Pearson (ISBN: 9781292026213) is not recommended, as it lacks some aspects. And anyway the course is built around the...
  10. K

    The basic math of quantum mechanics

    From another thread, this link was posted. I would love to read this paper, however I'm stumped in the very first equation. |\psi \rangle =\sum|a_k\rangle\langle a_k|\psi\rangle I actually have some basis in the ideas behind QM, and a general love of math, but I just have no idea how to...
  11. Coffee_

    Intro to elementary particles, electron - nucleus collision

    1.Problem: An electron with energy ##E## which is much higher than its restmass collides with a much much heavier particle "A" of mass ##m## which is at rest. Find the maximal transfer of four-momentum. (Elastic collision)2. Conservation of four momentum3. Everything in natural units. So I go...
  12. S

    Seeking Discussion on Fluid Dynamics in Engineering Studies?

    Hi all! New here. Env Eng major looking for some discussion. Specifically have a tough fluids class and looking o bounce some ides off of people. Tough because the professor is not willing to clarify himself not because the material is particularly difficult. cheers!
  13. J

    Intro & What does it mean to normalize a function/an image?

    Hi Guy, My name is John Dolan and I am an Irish student studying Astronomy in the university of Groningen in the Netherlands. I have been interested in Physics and Astronomy since I was knee high to a grasshopper and I look forward to asking questions, finding out new ideas and new ways of...
  14. K

    Is Introduction to Physics the Same for Undergrad and High School Students?

    Hi everyone. I just want to ask what exactly is intro to physics? Is that what undergrad physics students study or is it high school physics? I am currently studying the textbook physics by David Halliday.
  15. J

    Intro to Differential equations: Vector Spaces

    Good evening everyone, I hope everyone is having a better evening than myself thanks to this homework problem. Let P be the set of positive numbers. For a,b in P, define a+b=a x b; for a in P and a real number r, define r x a= a^r. Show that P is a vector space using ⊕ as addition and (circle...
  16. H

    All Great Minds Think Alike?

    Hello fellow thinkers, my name is Sofa King (haha). I'm looking forward to being apart of this community. They say that all great minds think alike, but why are we all so different? In terms of physics, and math in general, there are so many ways of getting an answer that it proves a form of...
  17. Ghost117

    Kleppner & Kolenkow's "intro"

    Hi everyone, I'm using this book to study independently and was wondering if I focus mostly on the end of chapter problems, instead of spending countless hours understanding the abstract explanations, would this be ok?
  18. \Theta

    Intro to Java book for scientific computing?

    Hey everybody, I need to learn Java for a course I'm taking in the spring(my C++ course fulfills the prereq for our java intro to data structures course) and I need to get a working knowledge of java. I've been reading the book for the class I'm not taking, but it's essentially built around a...
  19. K

    Intro physics question involving magnitudes and vectors

    You’re hanging from a chinning bar, with your ;arms at right angles to each other. The magnitudes of the forces exerted by both your arms are the same, and together they exert just enough upward force to support your weight, 620 N. (a) Sketch the two force vectors for your arms, along with their...
  20. D

    Intro to differential geometry with worked examples

    Hi. I am looking for the most basic intro to differential geometry with plenty of worked examples. I want it to cover the following - differential forms , pull-backs , manifolds , tensors , metrics , Lie derivatives and groups and killing vectors. Problems with solutions would also be good as I...
  21. P

    Intro help for quantum theory -Middle School

    Ok -- My son is in Middle School (Math Level Algebra 2) and currently is on the math team with an aptitude for science and is interested in Quantum Theory. He just picked up a copy of Illustrated Brief History of time and the Universe in a Nut Shell -- As a parent I am a little lost and I am...
  22. I

    MHB Calculating Triangle Area Using C++ Programming

    Hi everyone (Wave) In this project, given three sides from users, the area of a triangle is required to be printed out. If the three sides do not form a valid triangle, an error message should be displayed. Google for the formula and call math functions to calculate the area. Check the attached...
  23. F

    Programs Taken an intro level class, should I change my major?

    Hi all, So far, I have taken two, non-calc based intro level Physics classes (101 and 102). I really enjoyed the material covered in both classes. For once, I actually enjoyed working through problem sets and I found myself researching topics outside of the classroom. I am seriously considering...
  24. Greg Bernhardt

    Insights So I Am Your Intro Physics Instructor - Comments

    Author: ZapperZ https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/intro-physics-instructor/
  25. trollcast

    Need a Refresher on Basic EE Theory Before Starting University?

    I'm going to be starting university in september studying electrical engineering and I'm just looking for a textbook, website, online course or whatever to give me a bit of a refresher / head start on basic EE theory. In high school I have covered topics like faradays law, basic Kirchoffs laws...
  26. matqkks

    MHB Exploring Perfect Numbers: Applications & Intro to Number Theory

    Why are perfect numbers important? What is the best way of introducing these numbers on a first course in number theory? I could not find any application apart from their connection to Mersenne primes. Are there any applications of such numbers?
  27. C

    How Do You Calculate Phase Difference in a Traveling Harmonic Wave?

    Homework Statement A traveling harmonic wave has a frequency of 10Hz and a speed of 200ms-1. Calculate the phase difference at a given instant at two positions which are 3m
  28. T

    Kleppner then Morin or quick intro then Morin?

    I have choice between using Kleppner then doing Morin right after or using some quick intro to mechanics then Morin, what do you guys think? Thank you for your input :) With my heart on my sleeve, The Thinker
  29. D

    Diffraction condition - Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th ed.

    Homework Statement How to derive equation (22) on page 31 of Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th edition. The equation is: 2\vec{k}\cdot\vec{G}+G^2=0 Homework Equations The diffraction condition is given by \Delta\vec{k}=\vec{G} which from what I can surmise is the starting...
  30. S

    Intro Quantum Mechanics Text for the Summer?

    Hey guys I've been thinking for the summer I'd like to get a bit of an introduction to QM. I'll be doing research so something that I can just read through and do some problems every now and then is great. My math background so far is most of the Calculus sequence (haven't done the vector...
  31. A

    Can the Triangle Inequality Be Applied to Functions?

    ignore Sorry for the post. I'll take it down soon. Thanks for the help
  32. DocZaius

    A Figure in Griffith's Intro to Electrodynamics

    A Figure in Griffiths' Intro to Electrodynamics I am really loving this book. But I have come across a figure whose purpose I just don't understand. It is shown when Griffiths is introducing the concept of self-inductance. He talks about how a changing current not only induces an electromotive...
  33. O

    Is there any intro topics involving topology and physics?

    I have recently been assigned a project in my undergraduate topology class. I would like to do something in physics which involves topology, but I am having trouble finding a basic topic. I understand that there are some very advanced topics in string theory and the like, but I would like to...
  34. O

    Intro to BEC: An Accessible Guide for Undergrads

    I'm a Junior-year physics major and I've just gotten an invitation to do some theoretical research with a couple of the professors at my school, which I'm really excited about. They're looking at Bose-Einstein condensation of molecules with electric dipole interactions, so although I get the...
  35. N

    This integral equation from (intro) quantum mechanics confuses me

    Homework Statement Hi. As you all know, ##<F> = <F>^*##, where ##F## is an observable linked with the operator ##\hat{F}##. This means ## <F> = \int \Psi^* \hat{F} \Psi d\tau = <F>^* = [\int \Psi^* (\hat{F} \Psi) d \tau]^* = \int \Psi (\hat{F} \Psi)^* d \tau \Rightarrow \int \Psi (\hat{F}...
  36. END

    Standard Deviation Conceptual [intro. Stats]

    Hello, PF! [My question pertains to a non-rigorous, undergraduate introductory Probability and Statistics course. I'm no math major, so please correct me if I've mishandled any terms or concepts as I try to express myself. I'm always eager to learn!] * * * In a discussion of the...
  37. T

    Intro Thermodynamics equilibrium problem

    Homework Statement A 3.6-kg block of ice originally at 263 K is placed in thermal contact with a 13-kg block of silver (cAg = 233 J/kg-K) which is initially at 1006 K. The H2O and silver system is insulated from any other heat transfer. 1)At what temperature will the system achieve...
  38. N

    How Can You Make Friends and Rivals in a Mathematics Community?

    Intro: Creating New Friendships :) Hey. How are you all, nice to meet you all! :) I am new to this site and I hope to make as many friends as I can make rivals, so please help challenge my brain >:O it is in some serious need to be challenged! My main interest is in mathematics, the purest of...
  39. E

    Unique Solution for Linear Algebra System with Nonsingular Matrix

    Homework Statement Consider the system: (1) 6x + ky = 0 (2) 4x + 6y = 0 The system will have a unique solution when k is: (a) equal to 9 (b) any real number Which statements are true. Homework Equations (1) 6x + ky = 0 (2) 4x + 6y = 0The Attempt at a Solution If m=n (number of equations is...
  40. sheldonrocks97

    Intro to Linear Algebra vs Calculus II

    I am thinking of taking an Intro to Linear Algebra course at a community college to save money while I am at a university. It is a 200 level course just like Calc II and I just was wondering if it was harder than Calc II. I really struggled in that class and I am taking it again this semester so...
  41. D

    Recommendations for SEVERAL intro science texts

    Check out this image from the wikipedia article on "science": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Scientific_Universe.png I'm looking for some recommendations. I'm interested in checking out one (or possibly two) introductory textbooks on each of the subjects in the "hierarchy of science"...
  42. W

    Best learning material for intro to Linear Algebra?

    I'd post in the learning materials section but I am unable to do so there for some reason. Which of these is the best to learn from...
  43. D

    Need Opinions: Intro to Diff Eq or Statics

    Good morning everyone. I need some guidance regarding which course to take next semester. For some background, I am active duty Navy with three kids majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Due to my work schedule, I can only take 2 classes per semester (for now). I am already locked into Physics...
  44. T

    Is an Intro to Logic Class Helpful for Transitioning into Higher Mathematics?

    Alright, so I will be registering for classes at my community college here in a few days and I am having a hard time deciding on classes. I am hoping to major in mathematics or physics (leaning toward pure math) and I hope to transfer to UC Berkeley (I have a 3.7 first semester) Some of the...
  45. stripes

    More intro abstract algebra problems

    Homework Statement Define the set Q[√2] to be the set {a + b√2 | a, b are rationals}, and define addition and multiplication as "usual" (so 2×4 = 8, 2 + 4 = 6, you know, the usual). Show that for any nonzero A in the set Q[√2], there exists an inverse element so that A×A-1 = 1Q[√2]. There...
  46. stripes

    Intro abstract algebra along with basic set theory

    Homework Statement An interesting example of a ring: Begin with a nonempty set X and form the power set of X, P(X), which is the set of all subsets of X. On P(X), define addition + and multiplication × as follows: For A, B in P(X): A × B = A ∩ B A + B = (A\B) ∪ (B\A), where as...
  47. P

    Discrete Math, Intro Proof

    Homework Statement Using the rules of inference, prove that if ∀x(P(x) ∨ Q(x)) and ∀x((¬P(x) ∧ Q(x)) → R(x)) are true, then ∀x(¬R(x) → P(x)) is true as well. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The problem arises step 5. I feel this is correct but the...
  48. M

    Is the Inverse Square Law Really a Law or a Theory?

    One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you a means to explain 'why'. Well Newton's 1st Law doesn't satisfy why but how about the inverse sq law? Can't you logically deduce that? If so, that's satisfying why So according to the italicized, the inverse...
  49. D

    Intro physics proportion question

    Homework Statement The radius of a proton is roughly 10^-15m, while the radius of a hydrogen atom is about 0.5x10^-10m. If we were to enlarge both proportionally until the proton was as large as a marble, about how large would the atom be? Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  50. S

    Alternatives to Intro Physics Physics for Scientists -Jewett

    Alternatives to "Intro Physics Physics for Scientists"--Jewett My community college Calculus/Physics course is going to use this textbook (Intro Physics for Scientists and Engineers). Does anyone have any better textbooks to learn from, either plainly better in the sense that is explains...