What is Grad: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Grad (pronounced [ˈɡɾaːt]; formerly Gornja Lendava, Hungarian: Felsőlendva) is a village in the Municipality of Grad in the Prekmurje region of northeastern Slovenia. It is the seat of the municipality and is the largest and oldest settlement in the Goričko region.

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  1. C

    Schools Deciding Grad School: Same Institution for BA & PhD?

    Hi. I'm in condensed matter experiment, and I was wondering whether employers (in academia or industry) would look less favorably on hiring people whose BA institution and PhD institution are the same. I've heard different answers from different people about this question. Some say that...
  2. C

    Schools Does a BA in physics look bad for grad school?

    Okay, so I originally planned a B.S. but because I wanted to pursue a computer science minor and still graduate in 4 years, I thought about doing a BA in physics. Basically, I'm substituting the difference in BS and BA physics units with computer science courses. Does this look bad for PhD...
  3. L

    Grad Quantum Intro: Best Books for Undergraduates?

    Hey everybody, I'm an undergraduate taking an intro grad qm course and I was wondering what books people recommend. I've taken one semester of qm (griffiths level) My school recommends three, landau lifgarbagez, sakurai and merzbacher. We have three L-Ls in the library that can be taken...
  4. G

    Physics How likely is Physics grad school for me?

    Hi all. I am a Math and Philosophy double major at a top 20 university. I have recently been putting a lot of thought into what I want to do after graduation but am basically pretty lost. I was the best physics student in my high school during my junior and senior years and really enjoyed...
  5. Simfish

    What percent of professors have open positions for new grad students?

    It seems that most professors seem to have positions open for undergrads (although undergrads don't need pay). But what about graduate students? Is it a good idea to *always* email any prospective advisor, asking him if he has open positions available for new grad students? It seems that...
  6. P

    Physics What are some potential career options for a 27 year old physics grad in the UK?

    Hi, I'm a 27 year old with undergraduate masters in physics. I am currently working as a process engineer in UK and trying to write up a phd in semiconductor physics. However, I'm seriously lacking the motivation to write up and wondering if there is something better I could do as a career -...
  7. M

    Schools Grad School: 2nd Year Undergrad, Questionable Academic History

    I'm an international student who has been in the US for a long time. I go to a state college that excels in engineering, but it's mainly focused on industry. My major is chem e, and I'm still trying to decide between industry and grad school. My gut tells me I'm a better fit for grad school, but...
  8. B

    Research in grad school affecting career options

    I'm about to graduate with a BS in Physics and am currently trying to decide which graduate school to attend. I'm trying to decide between four right now (UIUC, U of Michigan, Northwestern, and Indiana U). I'm not completely set on an area of research yet, and I'm trying to consider the various...
  9. L

    Schools Questions about recommended courses to prepare for grad school in Physics

    Hello, I'm currently a 3rd year physics student (will be finishing next year) with some questions about recommended courses which would facilitate my ability to tackle graduate courses. First, due to financial issues I cannot take more than a fixed number of hours in the coming year so I have to...
  10. G

    Schools Dropped Out of the Same Grad School Thrice

    Is it normal for my interest in pursuing a MS and PhD to keep waning and for me to keep holding on thinking it will increase? Am I just being lazy, or should I truly shift gears and leave academia?
  11. R

    Schools Grad School Applications and Choosing the Right Program: Help Needed!

    I'm pretty sure there was a grad school FAQ sticky, but I can't find it (am I just blind?). Search didn't bring it up. I've heard a lot of different things about grad school applications. Grades are everything, all that matters is if you've done research; being published is a huge boost...
  12. D

    Schools How can I stand out as a grad school applicant?

    Good evening! I'm currently a junior at a top 10 US university. I'll walk away next year with a BS in physics and probably with some type of honor due to GPA/honors thesis. I'm sure like half the posters on here, I have deluded dreams of attending certain grad schools. I don't prescribe to...
  13. J

    Schools Want to go into grad school for physics

    So I've been discussing on here a lot of my issues right now with majors. I want to go into grad school for physics, without a doubt.. but the thing is this...it will take me an extra year to finish a physics major, as opposed to a mathematics major. I've been told, however, that I...
  14. O

    Schools Applying for grad school in the US with a masters degree

    I am thinking about applying for grad school in the US (Chicago to be exact) and I have some questions. First of all, some background. In 10 months I will have a masters degree from University of Iceland. A masters degree here is one year of graduate level courses (60 ECTS) and one year of...
  15. Simfish

    Schools Are grad school admissions offices generally horrible at replying to emails?

    And if so, what other routes have you tried? Does calling them usually work? I've emailed a lot of grad school admission offices, but I generally get horrible reply rates (as in, I usually only get around 1 reply for every 5 emails). I do try to keep my questions short and simple. Here's...
  16. C

    Emailing grad students to ask about their experience?

    so I recently visited a grad program Open house but didn't get a chance to meet some faculty whose research I was interested in and didn't get to meet their grad students. Would it be appropriate to email those grad students to ask how they like working for their PIs and what their opinions...
  17. C

    Schools Importance of attending grad school Open house with other admits?

    so a few of the grad programs I got admitted to don't have their open houses until April. However, if I wish, I could visit the program before then, but I of course won't be able to meet the incoming class of grad students. Since I already graduated over a year ago, I've had a couple...
  18. N

    Schools Question about grad school open house

    Hello, I will be attending an Open House this week and was wondering what things I should be looking for when I visit the department as well as what I could ask them to get the best general idea of what life as a grad student there will be like. I know this is a very broad question, but I was...
  19. X

    Grad student quality of life at Harvard and Stanford?

    Can anyone tell me about the quality of life as a grad student at Harvard and Stanford? I've been accepted to the PhD physics programs at both schools and have no idea which one to choose. Since both schools are excellent academically and I don't yet have a specific area I want to specialize...
  20. Simfish

    How common is research where the student (undergrad or grad) has to find the tool to

    Searching for the tool often takes a lot of time, so the professor is often better off outsourcing the work to the student (and the student can often take advantage of his Web 2.0 connections). I'm just curious. I actually think that this is the type of research that I would do best at, since...
  21. E

    Schools Is Commuting to Grad School Worth It?

    Hey I've been in grad school around Worcester for a year already, and I'm planning to move out for various reasons. The problem that bothers me is probably the opposite of what you'd expect - I am keen of moving further away from campus, maybe purely for the sake of city life. 1) I grew up...
  22. A

    Schools Alg. Geometry/Topology Grad Schools?

    I'm finding myself interested in studying something like Algebraic Geometry or Algebraic Topology for graduate school, and I'm just wondering what schools are out there at have strong programs in these areas? I already know about Columbia, Michigan, Texas, and Utah for AG, and about UChicago for...
  23. Shackleford

    Found some interesting grad programs

    As some of you may know, I'll graduate next Spring with a B.S. Mathematics and Physics minor. From my perspective, I wanted to gain a broad and fundamental technical education in undergrad. I view grad school as career training. Applied math is an option at my university. It would be the easiest...
  24. D

    How important are publications for grad schol acceptance?

    I was wondering this today. has it almost become necessary to have publications to get into grad school? I was talking to a grad student today who got denied by state schools with a 3.5 or 3.6 GPA, and no publications. I have plenty of research experience but as of yet have no publications. will...
  25. P

    Schools General question about Grad school.

    I'm a sophomore so I'm not going to be looking into gradschool for a while, but I'm just curious how it works. When you apply, do you apply specifically to work with a certain professor or team (maybe you are interested in their work), or do you just apply similar to how you would for an...
  26. D

    Schools Undergrad Math Electives (with an eye on Grad School)?

    Hello there, I'm currently an undergrad working towards a B.S. in Mathematics. I'm not too far along; I've completed the Calculus sequence and a couple classes after that. I'm currently in the equivalent of an "Intro to Proofs" class, required by my school. I work full-time, so during...
  27. A

    Schools What type of physics can I do at grad school having done these courses?

    I want to end up in theoretical physics but would rather do a maths major. I'm just starting second year undergrad at the moment. If I did a maths major, the courses I'd have under my belt would include: ODEs/PDEs differential geometry general relativity a lot of linear algebra and...
  28. W

    Schools Which of these should I take before Grad School?

    Hi, I am currently a Mechanical Engineering major (freshman) looking to eventually go into Nuclear Engineering, specifically fission or fusion power production. My school only offers a Nuclear Engineering minor so only a few classes. So is this necesarily a bad thing? If I want to head into...
  29. O

    Schools Getting into grad school with a below 3.0 gpa?

    I'm trying to figure out how hard it would be for me to get into grad school. I graduated with a 2.79 and a BA in physics, two and a half years ago. I did publish 3 papers in apj, won 4 research awards, one campus-wide calculus competition, 4 grants (not including the ones I won more than...
  30. H

    Schools Which Grad School - Math PhD: Rensselaer vs FSU

    This is essentially a poll question. Here's the deal. I love math, physics, computers... essentially, if it's quantitative and involves puzzling over problems, I love it. However, I'm pretty concerned about getting a well-paying job--or even a mediocre job that involves using what I know...
  31. I

    1st Year Grad Student (need advice).

    I'm a 1st year graduate student, and until yesterday I was absolutely certain I wanted to do theoretical physics. After talking to the 1st year graduate advisor, I am not not so sure. While he didn't say anything I didn't know (3 postdocs minimum, few academic jobs, less industry jobs than...
  32. C

    Maryland Grad Students: Share Your Experiences

    One of the graduate schools I got accepted to was Maryland. Its for the Applied Math program, but since I'm also interested in physics, I may later decide to choose to have a physics professor as my research advisor. Anyways, I was just wondering what people's thoughts were on the quality of the...
  33. M

    Div, grad and curl in cylindrical polar coordinates

    Homework Statement Hi, i am trying to find the div, grad and curl in cylindrical polar coordinates for the scalar field \ phi = U(R+a^2/R)cos(theta) + k*theta for cylindrical polar coordinates (R,theta,z) I have attempted all three and would really appreciate it if someone could tell me...
  34. H

    Schools Applying to Aerospace Grad School as a Physics Major

    Hello, I'm currently a junior undergraduate majoring in Physics/Math at a well ranked university. I've recently decided that I'm way more excited by the new commercial space industry than I am by pretty much anything in frontier physics (although I find many topics in frontier physics really...
  35. S

    Schools Returning to the US for Grad School in Physics

    I am currently a third year student in Scotland, originally from America. I will most likely graduate in 2012 with a joint honours degree in mathematics and physics. I am strongly considering returning to the US for grad school. If I graduate in 2012, I'll have a BSc. As I understand, most...
  36. J

    Schools Autumn deadlines for US grad schools?

    Hi I'm graduating for a european physics/applied maths M.Sc. around September. I thought about applying for US grad school already during last autumn but I couldn't be sure I would be done in time, and my application would really have lacked the final beefing up of good results in the really...
  37. T

    Exploring Graduate Studies in Physics and Electrical Engineering: Pros and Cons

    I'm trying to decide between the undergrad physics and EE route. My main interests are obviously mathematics and physics. By the way I'm from Quebec and we have a required 2 year of "Cegep" we must take before applying to a university, I think it's the equivalent of colleges everywhere else...
  38. D

    Schools Acceptance rates of canadian grad schools

    Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is for some Canadian grad schools in either physics or math
  39. E

    UW Nanotechnology Grad School Prospects

    Hi all, The first few paragraphs are background about me. If you don’t want to read this, please skip it and answer my questions at the bottom. I’m a nanotechnology engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Over the past two years of my studies (I’ve finished 2B,) I’ve found that...
  40. D

    Schools Is a Co-op undergrad program more beneficial for grad school?

    If you aren't sure what a co-op program is, it's a program where you go to a university to take classes and to work for a company while you complete your undergraduate work. I am thinking of going to Kettering University which, (according to their website) is one of the more premier...
  41. C

    Schools Severe emotional distress and applying to grad school

    So, I'm currently a third year undergrad physics major. I've always had health anxiety issues, since I was a child. However, very recently they've begun to worsen, and I've been going through a lot of depression/paranoia states. I've seen a psychologist and therapist. My therapist said I had...
  42. G

    Schools Physics Grad School with Historical Method Pedagogy?

    Physics Grad School with "Historical Method" Pedagogy? Are there graduate schools in physics that teach physics with a history and philosophy (HPS) emphasis? http://sites.huji.ac.il/science/stc/staff_h/galili_h.htm" and optics that adopted this approach remain to be valuable and interesting...
  43. stringy

    Grad School Decision: Leveraging Offers?

    Hello everybody, I applied to eight graduate schools in mathematics and so far I have received two acceptances. Out of those eight, there are really only four that I'm truly interested in, with the other four being safety schools. Of the two acceptances that I've received so far, one of them...
  44. G

    Schools Withdrawls and grad school applications

    Because I'm transferring programs (Engineering -> CompSci), I may have three withdrawls this term. If I explain that the withdrawls are because of this program transfer, the admissions committee will most-likely understand right? I don't enjoy these courses and the courses will not be program...
  45. D

    Can a Finance Major Get into a Masters Program in Applied Mathematics?

    Hello I'm new here. I've wanted to ask this for quite a while to someone but didn't know where to. You see, I made a mistake, I majored in finance during my undergrad education and now I want to do an MS in Applied Mathematics (or similar). Yes, I understand it should have been the other way...
  46. R

    Vector grad as a normal vector

    i have done a little on multivariable calculus in school -partial derivates and tangent planes to f(x,y), but now we have moved on to functions of more than 2 variables my teacher, however, doesn't really teach us - she gives us equations and tells us to do questions and i usually find myself...
  47. M

    Schools Applying to physics grad school with MS in chemistry

    I'm trying to figure a way to get into a physics program, from a less-than-ideal position. I've seen a lot of advice on this forum aimed at college students, which is perfectly reasonable, but unfortunately I don't have a blank slate. Anyway, here's a brief summary of my rotten little CV: I went...
  48. E

    Schools Can one skip masters courses in US grad school if already got masters in Europe?

    Can one apply to the US grad school and skip masters level courses to start working on PhD in the first year? Because in Europe, masters degree is usually obtained instantly after undergrad, whereas PhD level studies are separated. One really wouldn't want after obtaining masters and getting...
  49. B

    Schools How much does your course load each semester affect grad school admission?

    I'm currently double majoring in ChemE and physics with the intent of going to grad school. This semester I'm taking 6 courses this semester totaling 19 hours, with about 10-15 hours per week spent in a research lab. I was considering dropping one course and taking it another semester, but I...
  50. Z

    Schools Do grad schools look at if you majored or specialized in physics?

    For my school, a major involve taking 60% pre-selected physics/math courses. And a specialist invove taking 80% pre-selected physics/math courses. But you can go in between and take 70% physics/math courses to earn a major. This can definitely boost one's GPA and schedule flexibility. So I...