What is General physics: Definition and 158 Discussions

The Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by IOP Publishing. It is part of the Journal of Physics series and covers theoretical physics focusing on sophisticated mathematical and computational techniques. It was established in 1968 from the division of the earlier title, Proceedings of the Physical Society.
The journal is divided into six sections covering: statistical physics; chaotic and complex systems; mathematical physics; quantum mechanics and quantum information theory; classical and quantum field theory; fluid and plasma theory.
The editor in chief is Martin R Evans (University of Edinburgh).

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  1. Handsome jack

    Solving the Mystery: Plane of Reference Question

    I saw random question somewhere on the internet a couple of weeks ago and it got me really thinking about it. Supposedly you got a remote control miniature toy helicopter hovering inside a bullet train, if the bullet train suddenly started and accelerated to 200km/hr in 3.5 sec, will the toy...
  2. C

    Intro Physics Alternative physics intro books to Young and Halliday?

    Hi I know eveyone buys Young University physics, and i think it's great for easy problem solving, a bit wordy but quite clear, however I like books that give a bit more insight into the reasoning and mathematical development and/or derivations of the theories, instead of just telling you "this...
  3. B

    Exploring Light and Physics: A Scientist's Journey of Discovery and Learning

    Hi. 4 years ago my child asked to me a question... What will be happen, if the light is stop? I tried to answer it ... But my knowledge is insufficient. (I had been educated at social science, specially labor laws) . So I searched, tried to learn something new... So I liked physics. Of course it...
  4. S

    "General physics" vs. "Classical physics"

    Dear fellows, I wonder about what is the difference between general physics (i.e. Halliday and the like) and the classical mechanics/electromagnetic theory/etc sequence (i.e. Fowles, Purcell, etc). Someone told me that it is only about the mathematics required, but in that case, is general...
  5. manogyana25

    How does heat transfer take place?

    I'm having a problem with understanding how energy flows from one body to the other. So gases at high pressure travel towards low pressured areas. So there is a reason behind this. Since molecules of gases have the tendency to move away from each other, they travel towards low pressured areas...
  6. T

    Force of Gravitation, Determining dM

    Homework Statement After doing some general solution problems for the force of gravitation on various objects (rods, thin rings, semi-circles, etc), I have noticed that dM varies drastically. For instance on a rod, dM=(M/L)dr while for a semi-circle its (M/2*pi*r)*Rd(theta). I was not able to...
  7. N

    Are Physical Waves Real Objects?

    Are physical waves, like sound waves, or water waves, real physical objects like matter?
  8. V

    Ionospheric electron under non-uniform acceleration

    In 'Introduction to Mechanics' by Kleppner and Kolenkow...motion of ionospheric electron under non-uniform acceleration is x = (a0/w)t - (a0/w^2)sin wt...my question is when there is non-uniform acceleration, it makes sense to have sinusoidal part in the motion...but how come there is uniform...
  9. P

    Understanding the Center of Gravity: Effects of Mass, Size, Weight, and Density

    Hello everybody I am new here and I would like to ask a simple question about the centre of gravity and how it changes with mass, size , weight , density. etc.etc I would like to understand how this phenomenon happens and I have tried searching online to no avail so please help me understand how...
  10. HaLAA

    How Fast Must the Boat Travel to Clear the Shark Tank Stunt?

    Homework Statement You've taken a summer job at a water park. In one stunt, a water skier is going to glide up the 2.0-m-high frictionless ramp shown, then sail over a 5.0-m-wide tank filled with hungry sharks. You will be driving the boat that pulls her to the ramp. She'll drop the tow rope at...
  11. P

    Why water become thinner when falling?

    why water become thinner when falling? thanks guys.
  12. K

    Best Physics Books for Beginners - Read and Learn Now!

    I haven't studied much physics or mathematics in a few years, and I was wondering if someone could recommend me a few good books to get started? I don't want to miss anything important. I've been taking some free courses online, but I would love some reading materials to supplement.
  13. R

    Idea i got in honors chemistry

    im only 17 and have recently joined an honors chemistry class and i found that people are trying to make new elements. now i have already heard about this before but recently i have been interested. i don't know if this has been tried before i don't know but i was wondering if you take element...
  14. E

    Designing a Self-Supporting Egg Catcher: A Scientific Approach

    Hello, I'm looking for any ideas that you geniuses may have! We have to design a device that will catch a (hardboiled) egg from 7 meters high. It can be made from any material/objects but must be under 5 cm tall (the sides can be as wide as wanted) and must be self-supporting. The device will...
  15. A

    Best calculus-based general physics textbook?

    I just finished taking first semester of calc-based general physics. My professor decided to use Serway's Physics for Engineers and Scientists, which at the end of the semester, even he agreed was a bad idea. The text itself was pretty good and filled with colorful pictures, but most of the...
  16. M

    Random Questions on General Physics

    I don't understand, if everything in this world is relative to something else, then cannot we essentially say that nothing exists independently? We say that the universe is considered to be the ultimate 'background'. However, if we say it is expanding, shouldn't it be expanding relative to...
  17. sheldonrocks97

    Is General Physics II harder than General Physics I?

    I am transferring from community college to university in the fall with only General Physics I completed, so I need to take General Physics II at university. I felt like I did okay in Physics I (I got a B), but I definitely would like to review some of the topics in that class, so what topics...
  18. S

    Classical Mechanics or General Physics?

    I'm thinking about being a physics major with a double major in Earth Science. At my college Classical Mechanics is a required course for a physics major, whereas General Physics is required for the Earth Science major. There is an option at my school to take General Physics instead of Classical...
  19. P

    Math level to solve Irodov Problems in General Physics

    Greetings, PF. With many recommendations and just enough confidence in my ability to solve problems, I've recently purchased the renowned Problems in General Physics by I. E. Irodov. With excitement, I opened the book and read the first problem. It took a lot of thinking to solve the first few...
  20. L

    Electrical Circuit Analysis vs General Physics w/ Calculus

    Hi. So, currently I'm a senior in high school taking classes at the community college (my high school is paying for them) and I am having trouble deciding between these two courses. I learned that General Physics w/ Calculus doesn't actually have that much calculus, and I already learned a...
  21. P

    What is the difference between General Physics and Physics?

    I was going to register for a science class but found out that there's General Physics and just Physics. What's the difference between the two? Which class is more challenging?Ω
  22. N

    General physics main equations

    Hi everyone, i I was reading a physics book, (calculus based), and i resumed all the equations (almost I think) with two equations: x(t)=x(starting) + ∫v(t)dt v(t)=v(starting) + ∫a(t)dt .. etc... i want to know if there is a list of these general equations, physics general formulas...
  23. A

    Matrix operations in a general physics problem

    Homework Statement A lemming marches off an ice berg, falling directly downward from a height of 12.40 meters. 0.10 seconds later, he is 9.151 meters above the ocean below. 0.20 seconds this altitude is reduced to 5.804 meters, and at 0.30 seconds he as fallen to 2.359 meters above the...
  24. micromass

    Problems in General Physics by Irodov

    Author: I.E. Irodov Title: Problems in General Physics Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/8183552153/?tag=pfamazon01-20
  25. Astrum

    Schools General Physics vs. University Physics (and help in class selection)

    I'm taking General Physics I (already taken and passed) and II at a CC this year (in other words, algebra based). The adviser told me that it would make no difference when transferring to a university. Now I'm not too sure. From my understanding, Gen Phys 1 is not much different than calculus...
  26. D

    Do I have to know general physics before Calc-based-physics?

    Hello physicists, I am taking calc-based physics next semester, but I have a really bad background in high school physics. Do I have to know general physics before Calc-based-physics? Or recommended? Also, I am taking calulus 1 this semester, and have an A so far. Would that guarantees me...
  27. Julio Cesar

    General Physics for the new guy

    Good Morning! I just now signed up, although I've been lurking for a while now. I am just finishing up my first semester in college physics (non-calc based) and I truly enjoy learning about the dynamics of how this awesome universe works. However, and this is where my question comes in, I am...
  28. B

    General Physics essentials/summary book

    Does anyone have a good book which covers the basics of classical and modern physics in a concise fashion? Something like "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" by Tipler and Mosca but with 1/4 of the page count would be ideal.
  29. D

    General physics (or EM) book using vector forms for EM

    So far the best general physics book for EM I've found has been Alonso and Finn. The problem is that I just spent too much time trying to understand electric displacement using the hand-wave magic mathematical definitions they give. The rest of the book seems fine (it gives vector forms for...
  30. R

    Good book for calculus-based general physics?

    I had two semesters of algebra-based general physics. Right now, I'm taking a "conversion" class which pretty much goes over everything I did in those past two classes but it also adds calculus methods. There is no textbook for the course so I'm relying solely on the instructor's notes and...
  31. I

    Schools Chapman University: Taking General Physics I Without Ever Having Taken Calculus

    Is it doable to take a calculus-based Physics class without ever having taken Calculus? I am currently registered in the class and it has been a week and half. Some of the stuff is completely new to me and I want to see if others have done the same. I need to take General Physics I & II for...
  32. P

    General Physics- Frictional Forces on Objects

    Homework Statement A block of mass 3 kg, which has an initial speed of 9 m/s at time t = 0, slides on a horizontal surface. Find the magnitude of the work that must be done on the block to bring it to rest. Answer in units of J I already got 121.5 for this problem If a constant...
  33. B

    Does Gravity Influence the Speed of Light in Space?

    Hi, Energy is mass times lightspeed squared. Outside our Earth spere there is zero gravity. Why wouldn't gravity determine lightspeed to be between 1 and 2 squared "c"?Is there a single variable for distance between the planets? This is induction, not sure what it means and what not. Is it...
  34. A

    Exploring Topics in General Physics - Which Ones are Easier?

    I was thinking of putting this in the General Physics forum but there it stated that I'm not allowed to post anything dealing with school, but on this forum it states that I'm only allowed to post problems, but my question doesn't deal with a problem, it deals with topics in general. If this...
  35. M

    General physics- can I learn it on my own?

    Hi, I'm currently majoring in physics. And with how low my calculus grade was my first semester, I've been devoting a lot more time to calculus two and a lot less time to my physics class. My physics classes I've been doing well in (A's), but as for my actual knowledge of it- not anywhere close...
  36. T

    Where Can I Take General Physics II in Summer I?

    Hey guys, I'm going to graduate in July. I need to take General Physics II to graduate in summer. Do you guys know which colleges offer General Physics II in Summer I? Thank you very much.
  37. N

    General Physics (I) Kinetic energy and momentum

    Betty Bodycheck (mB = 51.1 kg, vB = 22.0 km/h in the positive x-direction) and Sally Slasher (mS = 40.5 kg, vS = 28.0 km/h in the positive y-direction) are both racing to get to a hockey puck. Immediately after the collision, Betty is heading in a direction that is 76.0° counterclockwise from...
  38. D

    A Few Questions Pertaining to Irodov's Problems in General Physics

    A Few Questions Pertaining to Irodov's "Problems in General Physics" I've been informed that Irodov's "Problems in General Physics" is a renowned text in the realm of physics problem-solving, and I've downloaded it off the Net not too long ago. I've only skimmed cursorily through the...
  39. P

    Where is this equation derived from? (general physics)

    Hey, I was wondering what equations the following equation is derived from: v=w√(A2-x2) I figure v=wA is one of them but I'm not sure how A2=A-x Thanks. edit: The only reason I don't think this is an equation I have to memorize, but one that I can build from equations I already have...
  40. H

    How Does an Air Bag Cause Deceleration During a Crash?

    Homework Statement During a test crash, an air bag inflates to stop a dummy's forward motion. The dummy's mass is 75 kg. If the net force on the dummy is 825 N toward the rear of the car, what is the dummy's deceleration? Homework Equations w=mg The Attempt at a Solution...
  41. M

    Question about general physics

    Why soap bubble is formed?
  42. G

    Conceptual general physics help?

    I have some concept problems that I cannot seem to master. I have them narrowed down to what I think the answers are but I keep getting them wrong. I'm supposed to choose all the statements that are false. A motorcycle moved along a straight road at a constant speed. The magnitude of its...
  43. G

    Conceptual general physics help?

    I have some concept problems that I cannot seem to master. I have them narrowed down to what I think the answers are but I keep getting them wrong. I'm supposed to choose all the statements that are false. A motorcycle moved along a straight road at a constant speed. The magnitude of its...
  44. N

    Math review for general physics

    This is my first post, so I hope am writing it in the correct sub-forum. Hello guys, I am a post-bachelor, pre-med student that will be starting the general physics requirements in the fall (2011). Medical schools only require algebra based physics, and the vast majority have dropped...
  45. M

    Best Non-Calculus General Physics Book

    I am currently taking AP Physics B, and my teacher doesn't really teach the class. I really want to learn in depth physics that doesn't include calculus (even though I am taking AP Calculus AB right now). I have the Fundamentals of Physics 8th edition and University Physics with Modern Science...
  46. E

    How Much of the Rod Is Submerged When Partially Made of Metal?

    Homework Statement one cm of a 10cm long rod is made of metal and the rest wood. Th metal has a density of 5,000kgm^3 and the wood has a density of 500kg/m^3. When the metal part points down ward, how much of the rod is underwater. Homework Equations water density = 1000kg/m^3...
  47. dkotschessaa

    What Does the Current General Physics Landscape Look Like?

    I'm probably stating the obvious, but I'm currently learning what the general physics landscape is right now as I start pursuing my degree after a brief time off from college. (About 13 years...) Turns out it's not all string theory and black holes. :rolleyes: Who'd have thunk? Is it...
  48. Y

    Need a website that explains general physics 2 (electricity and magnetism)

    I'm taking gen. physics 2, which consists of electric fields, magnetism, stuff like that. Big difference from classical mechanics in physics 1. I remember in calc III, I learned nothing from my professor because he didn't know how to teach. I basically learned the entire course from Paul's...
  49. J

    Any suggestion for general physics books for a beginner?

    I'm an IT student. I hated physics in high school and always wanted to skip physics classes,but recently after reading Stephen Hawking's book "the grand design" i think I'm interested in physics. i found this interest shocking but i can't help it. i want to read more and more. when i start...
  50. I

    Textbook recommendations for General Physics I

    Sorry if this topic has been covered before or if I'm posting it in the wrong section. I'm new to the forum. I am about to start General Physics 1 this summer (start date June 3rd) and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for additional textbooks to purchase that could really help...