Recent content by Ascendant78

  1. Ascendant78

    I Create Black Holes with Warping EM Fields: Feasible?

    A black hole is the intermediary to a wormhole, so I'm honestly at a loss as to how it *ISN'T* a HUGE market for people interested in inter-stellar travel? What I fail to understand is that for inter-stellar travel to occur, we understand (generally speaking in the respective realm of physics)...
  2. Ascendant78

    I Create Black Holes with Warping EM Fields: Feasible?

    Thanks for all the feedback. And thanks PeterDonis for clarifying some of the questions I was asking. As far as traveling faster than light, what I was meaning was travel through a wormhole - so getting from one point in space to another through the bending/folding of the space between both...
  3. Ascendant78

    I Create Black Holes with Warping EM Fields: Feasible?

    As a prior physics major (had to stop at my 3rd year of undergrad due to children and financial difficulties), there was something I was always extremely passionate about - finding feasible ways to travel faster than light. Obviously, the only feasible way seems to be to bend space-time, but I...
  4. Ascendant78

    3 Years Into Physics Major and Need to Make Money Now.

    Thanks. I will definitely look into my local utility company. As far as pizza delivery, my issue would definitely be the wear and tear on the car. As far as waiting tables, I have tried that in the past and I absolutely couldn't stand it. Thanks for the suggestions regardless, I appreciate...
  5. Ascendant78

    3 Years Into Physics Major and Need to Make Money Now.

    In short, I finished my AA at one college and had been working on my Bachelors from my current college. However, due to family circumstances, I had to take a break this semester (and possibly next semester too). I now desperately need to find a decent paying job for financial stability. I'm...
  6. Ascendant78

    Question about current flow and diode?

    Oh, ok I get it now. I was simply looking at it wrong. Thank you.
  7. Ascendant78

    Question about current flow and diode?

    That's what I thought, but then why is my voltage dropping when it is positive? I would think with this setup, the diode should allow the positive to flow, but impede the negative?
  8. Ascendant78

    Question about current flow and diode?

    Ok, I'm trying to simulate a circuit containing a diode and I am a bit confused. I thought the arrow direction on the diode symbol shows which direction the current is able to flow through it. However, in my simulation, it is showing that the diode is limiting current flow in the exact...
  9. Ascendant78

    Thermal Physics - energy, microstates, and probabilities

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The first part I'm not worried about, but the second part is worked out in the "relevant equations" section. Honestly, it looks like more magic than a Harry Potter movie going on there to me. I'm at a loss as to what...
  10. Ascendant78

    Engineering Circuits - DC Power pack (6-pin) questions?

    I think I messed up and thought the question was asking the same thing as (c), but with the -12V instead of 12V. After you made me take another look at it, I'm now thinking it should be -12V for (d).
  11. Ascendant78

    Engineering Circuits - DC Power pack (6-pin) questions?

    Well thank you for the feedback. I just wanted to make sure I was looking at it correctly, as the whole concept of a ground being necessary in a circuit as a reference point and some of this not having that reference point threw me a bit off.
  12. Ascendant78

    Engineering Circuits - DC Power pack (6-pin) questions?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations While equations should be unnecessary to solve these questions, I am not sure if I have done so properly. The Attempt at a Solution Well, I placed my answers on the paper already. I am unsure about the potential difference between 12V and 5V, as since...
  13. Ascendant78

    Motion of a mass of air around Earth.

    I figured it out. Thank you for asking though. The coordinates our professor wanted us to use weren't even in that section. Apparently, this is something he only covered during office hours and forgot to mention in class. Gotta love physics professors, lol.
  14. Ascendant78

    Motion of a mass of air around Earth.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For starters, I am a bit confused about how to work on this problem considering the only relevant equations given for this problem (in the chapter we are currently in) are the two equations for Fr and Fφ for a 2-D polar...
  15. Ascendant78

    Euler-Lagrange equation application

    Well, just calculating the derivative, I'm not sure why it is coming out the way it is? I get that the "t" component would be zeros, cancelling out its parts. However, I'm not sure what derivative/partial derivative rules are being applied to get the equation to look like the one asked for in a)?