Why is potential energy negative?

In summary, the total energy for a classical non-rotating object can be represented by the equation \frac{1}{2}mv^{2}-mgh=C, where C is determined based on an arbitrary initial condition. This may seem counterintuitive, as the definition of total energy may suggest that it should be represented by \frac{1}{2}mv^{2}+mgh, but it ultimately depends on the direction of the conservative force field and the definition of h.
  • #1
Total energy is [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}-mgh=C[/itex] for a classical non-rotating object right? C can be determined based on an arbitrary initial condition that suits the problem, right? How come it's not [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}+mgh=C[/itex]? This seems like a more suitable definition of "total" energy. I'm sure there's a reason it's minus and not plus, but what is the reason? o_O

Does it have something to do with the direction of the conservative force field that the object is in?
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  • #2
It just depends on the definition of h. If h is upwards, it is +mgh, otherwise it is -mgh.
  • #3
Hertz said:
Total energy is [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}-mgh=C[/itex] for a classical non-rotating object right?

According to who? That's not what I see in the textbooks that I've used, which all have a + sign, and define h as increasing in the upwards direction.
  • #4
Hertz said:
Total energy is [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}-mgh=C[/itex] for a classical non-rotating object right?

If you have taken the surface of the Earth as the reference point for your potential energy, then the potential energy of a body of mass m at a height h (small compared to Earth's radius) is mgh. It is a positive quantity with respect to the reference point. The total energy in such a case is [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}+mgh[/itex]. The Lagrangian can be [itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}-mgh=L[/itex].
  • #5

Yes, the reason potential energy is negative in this equation is due to the direction of the conservative force field that the object is in. When an object is in a gravitational field, the force exerted on it is always in the direction of decreasing potential energy. This means that as the object moves closer to the source of the gravitational field, its potential energy decreases and becomes more negative.

In this equation, the term -mgh represents the potential energy due to gravity. Since the gravitational force is always in the direction of decreasing potential energy, it makes sense for this term to be negative. This negative sign is necessary to ensure that the total energy of the system is conserved, as it takes into account the change in potential energy as the object moves through the gravitational field.

Furthermore, potential energy is defined as the energy an object has due to its position or configuration in a force field. In the case of a gravitational field, it is the energy an object has due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field. Since this energy is relative to a reference point (usually chosen as the ground level), it is important to define it as a negative value in order to accurately represent the energy of the system.

In summary, the negative sign in the potential energy term is necessary to accurately describe the energy of the system and account for the direction of the conservative force field. It is a fundamental aspect of the equation and cannot be changed to a positive sign.

Related to Why is potential energy negative?

1. Why is potential energy negative?

Potential energy can be negative because it is a relative quantity. It is measured with respect to a reference point, and if the object is below the reference point, its potential energy will be negative. This is just a convention and does not affect the physical properties of the system.

2. Is negative potential energy bad?

No, negative potential energy is not necessarily "bad." It is simply a way to describe the energy of a system relative to a chosen reference point. Negative potential energy does not indicate a problem or a negative value in terms of the physical properties of the system.

3. Can potential energy ever be positive?

Yes, potential energy can be positive. It depends on the reference point and the position of the object in relation to that reference point. If the object is above the reference point, its potential energy will be positive.

4. Why do we use negative values for potential energy in physics equations?

In physics, we often use the concept of potential energy to describe the energy stored in a system. By using negative values for potential energy, we can easily differentiate between the energy stored in a system and the energy required to move an object to its current position. It also allows for simpler equations and calculations.

5. Does negative potential energy affect the total energy of a system?

No, negative potential energy does not affect the total energy of a system. The total energy of a system is the sum of its kinetic and potential energies. The fact that potential energy can be negative is just a way to describe the energy of the system relative to a reference point, and it does not change the total energy of the system.

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