Why is my new PSU causing my monitor to lose display?

In summary, the person's computer is failing and they have tried different things to fix it, including replacing the power supply unit (PSU). They have also tried to resolve the issue with a different CPU, but to no avail. They have finally replaced the PSU with another one and the problem has disappeared.
  • #1
Really need your help peoples... Built my own computer a couple years ago and the new case came with a cheap Power Supply Unit that recently began failing. While booting, the power connection fails and everything shuts off and I have to wiggle the power cord plug and try again. No...its not the power cord. So I bought a PC Power and Cooling Silencer 610. From reading independent tests and reviews - this power supply should "rock". My power needs are fairly low and simple. I don't game on this computer. Motherboard is ASUS P4P800-E Deluxe, with Intel Pentium 4 2.4 G single core processor, medium duty Asus 128 meg video card, dual SATA hard drives run in RAID array (stripe), cd rom and floppy drive...no big power demands for checking email and surfing.

I should note that my new Silencer 610 has a 24 pin main plug and my motherboard is a 20 pin. I surfed this before buying and learned this is no issue...the extra 4 pins are "extra". The +4 are detachable for that reason - just detach and go. Plugged it all in, turned it on...lights, fans, beep, hard drives singing...all seems a go...but no display! The monitor "sleep mode" light stays orange rather than going greem and powering up. WTF? Rechecked all the plug ins, reseated the video card, reseated the ram sticks(2 512 Crucial 3200 sticks)...to no avail.

Finally went downstairs to an old pentium 4 pc and pulled the 300 watt psu from it...and installed it in my computer. Powers right up! Display works fine. I concluded something must be wrong with the new psu and RMA'd it back to Newegg. Received the new replacement unit last night. SAME THING!

Please don't respond with guesses like reseating the video card or ram sticks. I really need something more informed if anyone out there has experience with this type of issue and might be able to direct me on what to search or how to resolve. I suspect the power units are fine and there is some incompatibility issue here. But what? Can I resolve it with a bios setting or ? I don't want to use this old 300 watt unit...need it in the other computer and I'm "stuck" with the Silencer (which is supposed to be a great unit!).

I'm ready to add another computer to the collection and I'll use the Silencer in a new one if impossible with this system. So it won't collect dust.

BTW - running windows XP w/SP2. Anyone?
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  • #2
Update - My Asus motherboard has an option to do voice messages during the Post part of bootup (as an option rather than the normal "beeps"). I enabled it in the bios, then installed the Silencer psu that doesn't wake the monitor out of sleep mode. The message that sounds is that a problem exists with the cpu. So I swapped the cpu with another Pent 4 I have. Same message...problem with cpu. I reinstalled the cheapo 300 watt psu and presto...the 2nd cpu works fine also. What is with these Silencer psu? Incompatible or faulty?
  • #3

Dear fellow scientist,

I understand your frustration with your new PSU and the loss of your monitor display. It seems like you have done a thorough troubleshooting process and have determined that the issue lies with the new PSU. I agree with your suspicion that there may be some incompatibility issue with your system.

My suggestion would be to check the compatibility of the new PSU with your specific motherboard and components. It is possible that the new PSU may not be compatible with your motherboard or may not be providing enough power for your system. You can also try updating your BIOS to see if that resolves the issue.

If the compatibility and BIOS updates do not solve the problem, it may be best to contact the manufacturer of the PSU for further assistance. They may be able to provide specific troubleshooting steps or offer a replacement that is compatible with your system.

In the meantime, I would recommend using the old PSU in your computer to avoid any further issues. I hope this helps and you are able to resolve the issue soon.

Best of luck in your computer building endeavors!


Related to Why is my new PSU causing my monitor to lose display?

1. Why did my monitor stop displaying after installing a new PSU?

There could be several reasons for this. One possibility is that the new PSU is not providing enough power to the monitor, causing it to not turn on. Another possibility is that the new PSU is not compatible with your monitor, resulting in compatibility issues. Additionally, the new PSU may have caused a malfunction in the monitor's circuitry. It is recommended to check the compatibility of the PSU with your monitor and ensure that it is providing enough power.

2. How can I fix my monitor display after installing a new PSU?

If the issue is related to compatibility, you may need to replace the new PSU with one that is compatible with your monitor. If the issue is related to power, try plugging the monitor into a different power outlet or using a different power cable. You can also try resetting the monitor by unplugging it for a few minutes and then plugging it back in. If none of these solutions work, it is best to consult a professional technician for further assistance.

3. Can a faulty PSU cause a monitor to lose display?

Yes, a faulty PSU can potentially cause a monitor to lose display. If the PSU is not providing enough power or if it is causing a malfunction in the monitor's circuitry, the display may not turn on. It is important to ensure that the PSU is functioning properly and is compatible with your monitor.

4. How do I know if the new PSU is causing the monitor display issue?

You can troubleshoot this issue by testing the monitor with a different power source, such as a different outlet or a different power cable. If the monitor turns on with the new power source, then the issue is likely related to the new PSU. You can also try using the old PSU and see if the monitor display returns. If it does, then the new PSU is most likely the cause of the issue.

5. Can a power surge from a new PSU damage a monitor?

Yes, a power surge from a new PSU can potentially damage a monitor. This is why it is important to ensure that the PSU is compatible with your monitor and is providing the correct amount of power. If a power surge has occurred, it is best to have a professional technician inspect both the PSU and the monitor for any potential damage.

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