Why is gravity stronger on earth than the moon?

In summary: The more mass you have, the more you warp the fabric of spacetime, and the stronger the gravity.In summary, the strength of gravity is determined by the mass and distance of an object. The larger the mass, the stronger the gravity. This is true whether looking at it from a Newtonian or Einsteinian perspective.
  • #1
If gravity is the effect of spacetime curvature, then why is it stronger on Earth than the moon? In other words, it is the curvature of space and time that gives the effect of pulling an object towards a larger object, so once that direction of pull is established why would the size of the larger object (earth) make gravity stronger? Once the direction of pull (due to curve) is established as in DOWN to the Earth or moon, why would greater mass make a difference?

I read somewhere else that if the Earth and moon were closer to the sun, that we would get pulled into the sun. That doesn't seem right. Why isn't mercury pulled into the sun too? I have only seen gravity portrayed as a 2D sheet, but we are in a 3D universe. In which direction is spacetime displaced in space, since space is not a 2D sheet? The sun is displacing spacetime in 3 dimensions, so why does one orbital plane take priority? The sun holds a large planet like Neptune in orbit due to curved spacetime, what keeps it from being pulled closer, or flying away into space?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Mercury is getting pulled toward the sun but it has sufficient orbital speed to stay in orbit. It it was a slower speed then it would spiral into th sun.

General Relativity spacetime curvature is often represented as a rubber sheet with the heavy body in the center stretching it downward and so smaller bodies follow the geometry of the sheet to reach the center. It's an analogy only and so you must imagine it in a higher dimensional space.

You should read more about it here:

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  • #3
greg5555 said:
If gravity is the effect of spacetime curvature, then why is it stronger on Earth than the moon? In other words, it is the curvature of space and time that gives the effect of pulling an object towards a larger object, so once that direction of pull is established why would the size of the larger object (earth) make gravity stronger? Once the direction of pull (due to curve) is established as in DOWN to the Earth or moon, why would greater mass make a difference?

Isn't this similar to asking why does a greater charge gives of a stronger electric field?

"Mass" is the source of gravity/spacetime curvature the same way "charge" is the source of electric field.

  • #4
It's a combination of mass and distance from the center of mass. The formula for calculating acceleration due to gravity is g = GM/R^2, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, G is the universal gravitational constant, M is mass, and R is distance. Plug in the mass and radius of the moon and Earth and do the math. Note that if the moon were much denser, it would be smaller as would its radius. So, acceleration due to gravity at the moon surface could be identical to that at the surface of Earth were it small enough.
  • #5
The reason that gravity on Earth is greater then the gravity on the Moon is because the larger the mass of an object then the higher the gravity. That is why we are orbiting the sun. Because its mass is greater then the planets that we know of in our solar system. And since the suns mass is larger than ours, the gravity is greater and is why we orbit the sun.
  • #6
greg5555 said:
If gravity is the effect of spacetime curvature, then why is it stronger on Earth than the moon?
The answer is quite simple: Earth has more atoms.

The gravity of any object is the sum total of the gravity of its individual components. You are being pulled toward each individual atom in the Earth by its own tiny gravitational field. The effect of gravity is cumulative.

This is true whether you look at it as a Newtonian classical gravity force, or as an Einsteinian relativistic spacetime curvature.

Related to Why is gravity stronger on earth than the moon?

1. Why is the gravitational force stronger on Earth than the moon?

The gravitational force between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. Earth has a much larger mass than the moon, so it exerts a stronger gravitational pull. The distance between Earth and the moon also plays a role, as the closer an object is to the center of mass, the stronger the gravitational force it experiences. Since the moon is much farther away from Earth than objects on Earth's surface, the gravitational force on the moon is weaker.

2. How does the mass of an object affect the strength of its gravitational force?

The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational force. This is because larger objects have more mass, which in turn creates a larger gravitational field that can attract other objects towards it. For example, the Earth's mass is over 80 times greater than the moon's mass, so its gravitational force is significantly stronger.

3. Why is the gravitational force on the moon not zero?

The moon does experience a gravitational force, but it is much weaker than the force experienced on Earth. This is because the moon has a much smaller mass than Earth, and the distance between the two objects is relatively small compared to the distance between Earth and other objects on its surface. Therefore, even though the gravitational force on the moon is significantly weaker, it is still present due to the moon's mass and proximity to Earth.

4. Is the gravitational force the same everywhere on Earth's surface?

No, the strength of the gravitational force on Earth's surface varies slightly depending on the object's location. This is because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, so the distance between an object and the center of mass varies slightly at different points on its surface. Additionally, factors such as altitude and local geology can also impact the strength of the gravitational force.

5. How does the strength of gravity on Earth affect daily life?

The strength of gravity on Earth plays a significant role in our daily lives. It keeps us grounded and gives us weight, allowing us to walk and move around without floating away. Gravity also affects the tides, the Earth's rotation, and the orbits of objects in our solar system. It also allows us to use tools such as scales and measuring devices that rely on the force of gravity to function accurately.

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