Why Does Redshift Occur?; Other Factors That Cause Elongation Of Wavelength?

In summary, my Dad explained that light is affected by gravity and that it must elongate its wavelength in order to overcome these gravitational effects. He also mentioned that redshift is a generic term for any effect that shifts an electromagnetic wave's frequency downward, and that there are different types of redshifts depending on the underlying physics. Finally, he explained that redshift can cause cosmological redshifts, which are just different mathematical descriptions of the same thing.
  • #1
Me and my Dad were having a conversation about the elongation of EMR wavelengths over an extended period of time. He began to explain to me what Red Shift was but I couldn't understand what he was trying to get at (he's a poor explainer, or I'm bad listener). But his explanation did spark an idea I had that goes like this:

Since light is affected by gravity and also must maintain its velocity constancy, to overcome gravitational effects energy must be given up. In doing so, it must also elongate its wavelength. Over time, these gravitational effects from surrounding bodies would lower the energy of the photon.

I asked him if that was Red Shift and he said no. So what is Red Shift, and much of a role does it play compared to the phenomena explained above?
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  • #2
"Redshift" is simply a generic term for any effect that shifts an electromagnetic wave's frequency downward.

In special relativity, you get redshifts because the source and receiver are in relative motion away from each other, blueshifts when approaching. For instance, we get this when we receive radio waves from a space probe that's moving away from us. Roughly speaking, the reasons for this type of shift are the same as the reasons for any other Doppler shift, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_shift , but you also get a shift when the motion is transverse, which can be interpreted as coming from time dilation.

In general relativity, in the context of a static gravitational field, you get a redshift whenever an electromagnetic wave moves from a lower gravitational potential to a higher one, a blueshift in the opposite case. An example would the 1962 Pound-Rebka experiment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound-Rebka_experiment. One way to understand this is in terms of the equivalence principle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalence_principle . Another way of looking at it is that there is gravitational time dilation. E.g., time flows at a different rate aboard a GPS satellite than it does on earth.

Also in general relativity, you can get cosmological redshifts. These can be verbally described in more than one way. You can describe them as kinematic redshifts, or you can say that both the source's galaxy and the observer's galaxy are at rest, but the space between them is expanding, causing the light waves to stretch. These are just two different verbal descriptions of the same mathematical result in GR. There is no way to say which one is right, because GR doesn't have a well-defined way of talking about the relative velocities of cosmologically distant objects.
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Related to Why Does Redshift Occur?; Other Factors That Cause Elongation Of Wavelength?

1. What is redshift and why does it occur?

Redshift is a phenomenon in which the wavelength of light appears longer than expected. It occurs because the object emitting the light is moving away from the observer at a high speed, causing the light waves to stretch and appear redder. This is known as the Doppler effect.

2. How does the Doppler effect cause redshift?

The Doppler effect is a change in the frequency and wavelength of a wave due to the relative motion between the source and the observer. When an object is moving away from the observer, the waves are stretched and appear longer, resulting in a redshift. This effect is also seen in sound waves, such as the change in pitch of an ambulance siren as it moves away from you.

3. Are there other factors that can cause elongation of wavelength besides redshift?

Yes, other factors such as gravitational redshift and cosmological redshift can also cause elongation of wavelength. Gravitational redshift occurs when light waves pass through a strong gravitational field, causing them to lose energy and appear redder. Cosmological redshift, on the other hand, is caused by the expansion of the universe, which stretches the light waves as they travel through space.

4. How does the expansion of the universe cause cosmological redshift?

The expansion of the universe causes space itself to stretch, carrying light waves along with it. As the light waves travel through this stretched space, their wavelength increases, resulting in a redshift. This effect is more prominent in distant objects, as the expansion of the universe has had more time to stretch the light waves.

5. Can redshift be used to measure the distance of objects in space?

Yes, redshift can be used to measure the distance of objects in space. This is because the amount of redshift is directly proportional to the distance of the object. The farther an object is from us, the more its light waves will be stretched and the higher the redshift will be. This relationship is known as Hubble's Law and is used by scientists to estimate the distances of objects in the universe.

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