Why does integral of 1/x have absolute value?

In summary: The derivative of ln(kx) is 1/x, no matter what the value of k.By the chain rule isn't the derivative of ln(kx) with respect to x, (kx)' \cdot \frac{1}{x}=\frac{k}{x}.In summary, the derivative of ln(kx) is always 1/x, regardless of the value of k. This is because ln(kx) can be rewritten as ln(k) + ln(x), and ln(k) becomes 0 when k is plugged in. The confusion may come from not applying the chain rule correctly, as the derivative of ln(kx) with respect to x is not the same as the derivative of ln(kx) with
  • #1
I lost a mark for integrating \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{x} \)to \(\displaystyle ln(x)\) instead of \(\displaystyle ln\left| x \right|\). Since the derivative of \(\displaystyle ln(x)\) is \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{x}\) not \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{\left| x \right|}\) why is this the case?
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  • #2
The derivative of ln(kx) is 1/x, no matter what the value of k.

Notice that if k > 0, then ln(kx) is only defined when x > 0, while if k < 0 then ln(kx) is only defined for x < 0.

The easy way to take into account what happens with positive and negative values of x is to use an absolute value.
  • #3
The problem is all about what an indefinite integral is. It represents area under the curve drawn by graphing the integrand alright, but you just don't know the "bounds" of your domain, in other words, which part of the area you are actually going to choose.

For example, you can pick $\displaystyle \int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x}$ to be the area under $y = 1/x$ for $x < 0$. In that case, you'll get $\log(-x)$ as the result of integration. So $\displaystyle \int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x}$ is really defined piecewise as $\log(x)$ if $x > 0$ and $\log(-x)$ if $x < 0$. At $x = 0$, the integrand $y(x) = 1/x$ blows up, so it's none of our concern.

Note that $|x|$ always "positifies" any real number, i.e., for $x > 0$, $|x| = x$ but if $x < 0$, $|x|$ multiplies by a minus sign to make the number positive, i.e., $|x| = -x$. But this is exactly what is happening to the argument of $\log$!

So the best way to make the piecewise function work up in a single equivalence is to say

$$\int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x} = \log|x| + C$$

EDIT To make this more convincing, consider $(\log|x|)'$. This is NOT $1/|x|$. Note that $y = |x|$ is also a function, and $\log|x|$ is thus a composition of two functions. To differentiate this, you need to apply the chain rule, which gives $(\log|x|)' = (\log|x|)'_{|x|} \cdot (|x|)'_x$. It is clear that $(\log|x|)'_{|x|} = 1/|x|$, so we just need to work out the other part. $y(x) = |x|$ is everywhere differentiable except $x = 0$, but there $\log(x)$ blow up, so we don't need to care about it. By definition, $(|x|)'$ is $1$ if $x > 0$ and $-1$ if $x < 0$, i.e., this acts like a "sign" of the real number $x$. Let's call it $\text{sgn}(x)$.

Hence we have $(\log|x|)' = \text{sgn}(x)/|x|$. But then we are multiplying the absolute value of the real number $x$ by it's sign, which gives us back the original real number $x$. Hence,

$$(\log|x|)' = \frac1{x}$$

And by definition of antiderivatives, the equality above is verified.
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  • #4
Prove It said:
The derivative of ln(kx) is 1/x, no matter what the value of k.

Notice that if k > 0, then ln(kx) is only defined when x > 0, while if k < 0 then ln(kx) is only defined for x < 0.

The easy way to take into account what happens with positive and negative values of x is to use an absolute value.

I'm not very good at math.

Prove It said:
The derivative of ln(kx) is 1/x, no matter what the value of k.

By the chain rule isn't the derivative of ln(kx) with respect to x, \(\displaystyle (kx)' \cdot \frac{1}{x}=\frac{k}{x}\).

I used an online calculator and it did ln(kx)=ln(k)+ln(x) and ln(k) goes to zero. But this doesn't disprove what I did with the chain rule :confused:
  • #5
You're not applying the chain rule correctly.

$$\frac{d \log(kx)}{dx}= \frac{d \log(kx)}{d(kx)} \cdot \frac{d(kx)}{dx} = \frac1{\cancel{k}x} \cdot \cancel{k} = \frac1{x}$$

Related to Why does integral of 1/x have absolute value?

1. Why does the integral of 1/x have absolute value?

The integral of 1/x has absolute value because the function 1/x is not defined at x=0. When taking the integral of a function, we are finding the area under the curve. Since the function is undefined at x=0, we need to take the absolute value in order to account for the area on both sides of the y-axis.

2. Can the absolute value be removed from the integral of 1/x?

No, the absolute value cannot be removed from the integral of 1/x. As mentioned before, the absolute value is necessary to account for the area on both sides of the y-axis. Removing it would result in an incorrect calculation of the integral.

3. Does the absolute value have any effect on the value of the integral?

Yes, the absolute value does have an effect on the value of the integral. It essentially doubles the area under the curve, since it is accounting for the area on both sides of the y-axis. This can also be seen by graphing the function 1/x and observing the shape of the curve on either side of the y-axis.

4. Is the absolute value necessary for all integrals?

No, the absolute value is not necessary for all integrals. It is only necessary for integrals of functions that are not defined at certain points, such as 1/x at x=0. For other functions, the absolute value may not be needed in the calculation of the integral.

5. Can the absolute value be replaced with a different operation in the integral of 1/x?

No, the absolute value cannot be replaced with a different operation in the integral of 1/x. As mentioned before, it is necessary to account for the area on both sides of the y-axis. Replacing it with a different operation would result in an incorrect calculation of the integral.

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