Who is the Newest A&C Mentor at PF?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, SpaceTiger has been welcomed into the A&C Mentor club and is set to take over for Nereid and Phobos. He's promised not to crack down on the astro forums, and to enforce the PF guidelines as they always have been. He's also looking forward to joining in on the hate club that will be created in his honor.
  • #1
Please join me in welcoming SpaceTiger as the newest A&C Mentor! :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is great to have you aboard ST!
  • #3
God bless poor crackpots!:rolleyes:

Congrats, SpaceTiger!
  • #4
Welcome to the fold. You'll do just fine as long as you remember that I take my coffee decaf with cream and sweetener.:biggrin:
  • #5
YAY SpaceTiger! :approve:

I take amaretto creamer in my coffee. You can get the mop from LYN, we need a little cleanup around the mentor's hottub.
  • #6
:cool: Congratulations ST!

And remember, a parsec is very, very far. :biggrin:
  • #7
Congratulations. It is a fine addition to the Mentor club, since LYN has been neglecting the clean up duties.


  • #8
Thanks guys and gals, it's an honor. Now, how many people can I ban in a day?

(kidding) :smile:

Nereid and Phobos were great mentors. I hope I can be half the mentor they were. And no, I'm not going to crack down on anyone or anything in the astro forums. The PF guidelines will be enforced as they always have been.
  • #9
Oooh, sweet, I get to keep my medal too. :biggrin:
  • #10
SpaceTiger said:
The PF guidelines will be enforced as they always have been.
With utter dedication and ruthlessness. :biggrin:
  • #11
Take note that you don't officially become a mentor until the members organize a hate club in your honor.


  • #12
ZapperZ said:
Take note that you don't officially become a mentor until the members organize a hate club in your honor.

I've always wanted to see my effigy being burnt!
  • #13
ZapperZ said:
Take note that you don't officially become a mentor until the [edit]Crackpot[/edit] members organize a hate club in your honor.

It's crackpot members not just members.

Have you locked your first theard yet?
  • #14
And now the important question:
Does SpaceTiger change his name, or do we lobby the IAU to change the name of one of the moons in the Solar System?
  • #15
Welcome to mentorhood ST! Glad to have you joining us! Oh, and I want coffee with CAFFEINE :bugeye: :bugeye: one sugar and milk (whole milk or half and half, none of that skim stuff). :biggrin: Greg stocked up on some industrial strength Lysol for you to start scrubbing around the hot tub since LYN has so woefully neglected it. And since the mentor's bathroom is unisex, please be mindful of which way the sign on the door is turned before entering!

I think that's all the important stuff. :biggrin:
  • #16
SpaceTiger said:
I've always wanted to see my effigy being burnt!
Just be careful to not be in your effigy when it gets burned. :biggrin:
  • #17

Delighted to have you on board, ST. Congrats! :approve:
  • #18
Astronuc said:
Just be careful to not be in your effigy when it gets burned. :biggrin:

If that happens, we'll just call him Joan!

<OK, that wasn't as funny as I thought!>


  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
Please join me in welcoming SpaceTiger as the newest A&C Mentor! :smile:

Way to go, Tiger!

You're now going to be a chick magnet! I hope you are prepared!

Take it easy,
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  • #20
Congratulations Space Tiger!

...Do me a favor, ban that pengwuino for me will ya? I will pay you...
  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
Congratulations Space Tiger!

...Do me a favor, ban that pengwuino for me will ya? I will pay you...
Don't fall for that. He never pays up, and then we have to unban pengwuino again. :biggrin:
  • #22
Unban him, again?. Do tell...I'll giveee you chocolattteee...
  • #23
I'l give you chocolattteee and moneeeyyy...!
  • #24
I'l give you chocolattteee and moneeeyyy...!

But money can't buy me love...

...oh, right, I'll have the chocolate.
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  • #25
I am very pleased to see this 'promotion' [he has always been a mentor in my mind].
  • #26
SpaceTiger said:
Nereid and Phobos were great mentors.
Conspiracy theories are driving me crazy...j/k:rolleyes:

Oh great! St's avatar really suits his title!:smile:
  • #27
'grats, ST! :cool:
  • #28
Congratulations Space Tiger! :smile:
Janus said:
And now the important question:
Does SpaceTiger change his name, or do we lobby the IAU to change the name of one of the moons in the Solar System?
In keeping with tradition, we have a Martian, Saturnian, and Neptunian moon already, so that leaves the choice of one from either Jupiter, Uranus, or Pluto (if you consider it a planet).

IIRC, there are several recently discovered moons around all three, that have yet to be named by the IAU, so SpaceTiger could choose one, and we could lobby the IAU for it to be called SpaceTiger.
  • #29
Congrats, and welcome! I'm sorry to see Nereid go, but I'm glad that we've got someone like you to receive the torch.
  • #30
Congrats ST! I'm sure you'll do a great job as A&C Mentor. (Informally you've already been like one for a while, just keep up the good work!)
  • #31
Have you locked your first thread yet?
  • #32
scott1 said:
Have you locked your first thread yet?

The way I'm going, I expect to have Greg on permanent ban by the end of the month. :devil:
  • #33
Congratulations ST, be sure that the power does not corrupt you.

  • #34
I was unable to connect to PF yesterday, so I missed the latest developments. Anyways, hearty congrats to SpaceTiger! Well deserved!
  • #35
marlon said:
Congratulations ST, be sure that the power does not corrupt you.
Too late!

Reshma said:
I was unable to connect to PF yesterday, . . .
Same with the rest of us. :rolleyes:

Space Tiger said:
The way I'm going, I expect to have Greg on permanent ban by the end of the month.
How long has it been, and already delusions of grandeur. That's what prolonged gazing at the heavens will do to a person. :biggrin:

Or is it just 'lunacy'? :smile:
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