When are statements in propositional logic true or false?

In summary: But self-referential statements are not propositions. Therefore, we do not apply propositional logic to make statements about propositional logic. ( which is not to say that the theory of propositional logic cannot be used to describe the mathematics of self-reference. Just that the theory of propositional logic does not allow us to make statements about itself.)In summary, propositional logic is a field of mathematics that deals with combining propositions and using truth tables to analyze their truth values. However, when applied to real life situations, the truth values of propositions may not correspond to our common language notions of "truth". In mathematics, the truth values of statements depend on the chosen axioms, but the application of propositional logic itself does not
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I am studying propositional logic, and have studied how propositions can be combined with logical connectives and such, and truth tables can be used to analyze the resulted truth values, depending on the truth values of involved variables. However, when not talking in the theoretical, how do we know when propositions are actually true or false? For example, "The wall is blue." Is the truth value of this statement solely contingent on our definition of blue? Also, what about mathematical statements? For example, what is the truth value of "1 = 1" dependent on? Do the truth values of statements in mathematics depend on the axioms of the system in question, such as maybe the axioms of arithmetic? How do we "prove" that 1 = 1?
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  • #2
Mr Davis 97 said:
I am studying propositional logic, and have studied how propositions can be combined with logical connectives and such, and truth tables can be used to analyze the resulted truth values, depending on the truth values of involved variables. However, when not talking in the theoretical, how do we know when propositions are actually true or false? For example, "The wall is blue." Is the truth value of this statement solely contingent on our definition of blue?
I would say so, yes.
Mr Davis 97 said:
Also, what about mathematical statements? For example, what is the truth value of "1 = 1" dependent on? Do the truth values of statements in mathematics depend on the axioms of the system in question, such as maybe the axioms of arithmetic? How do we "prove" that 1 = 1?
There are several axioms involving the = operator. The relevant one here is the reflexive property of equatlity. I.e., a number is equal to itself.
  • #3
Mr Davis 97 said:
However, when not talking in the theoretical, how do we know when propositions are actually true or false?
That illustrates the difference between mathematics and applying mathematics. As I recall, the mathematics of propositional logic simply assumes or defines it to be the case that a proposition has been assigned a "truth value" of "true" or "false". Technically you could apply this mathematics to any set of things to which such a truth value has been assigned. The assignment of the truth value would not have to correspond to our common language notion of "truth". For example, at a terminal in an electrical circuit the property of "true" might mean to have a voltage of 5V and "false" might mean to have a different voltage. In common language, 5V is no "truer" or "falser" than 3V, but applying the mathematics does not require that we assign the truth values according to common language notions. The mathematics only requires that the values were assigned in some way.

There is nothing in mathematics that says "If you look at this real life situation, you must represent it in the following manner..." So mathematics does not tell you the "actual" truth values of things or even which things you must assign truth values to.
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  • #4
To the best of my limited knowledge equality is an example of a relation. That set of ordered pairs of numbers where (x,x) describes this equality. realtions were taken for granted in school but now this is the msot concrete definition of a relation i have learned. But a relation is also any set of ordered pairs that have no intuitive relation between them.
  • #5
Mr Davis 97 said:
Do the truth values of statements in mathematics depend on the axioms of the system in question, such as maybe the axioms of arithmetic?

In general in a formal systems (or "theory") you start with a system of axioms that are evidently true, then by logic rules you deduce theorems and propositions from this set of axioms ... (as example you can think to relativity theory and his axiom of constancy of the velocity of the light,the theory predicts new results respect hold theories ...) so yes statements depends on the axioms ...
  • #6
There is relation between the issues of your other post https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/logic-puzzle-and.894325/#post-5626096 and question of how and whether propositional logic is applied to mathematics. I don't whether you are studying material that takes up this issue - or whether that thread and this thread just came up coincidentally.

In the thread on the logic puzzle, as @haruspex pointed out:
Self-referential statements are not really allowed in a formal study of logic.

There are self-referential statements that do not meet the criteria of being "propositions" because they cannot be assigned a single truth value. ( For example, in your other thread, suppose you had only 1 statement (instead of 100) and that statement said "1. Exactly 1 of these 1 statements is false". )

Do we apply propositional logic when we do mathematics ? Yes, in a informal sense, but not in the formal sense. Propositional logic itself is a field of mathematics. If we applied propositional logic to make statements about propositional logic, that would require making self-referential statements.

Related to When are statements in propositional logic true or false?

1. What is propositional logic?

Propositional logic is a branch of mathematical logic that deals with logical relationships between propositions. It uses symbols and rules to represent and manipulate propositions, which are statements that can either be true or false.

2. How are statements in propositional logic evaluated to be true or false?

Statements in propositional logic are evaluated using truth tables, which list all possible combinations of truth values for the propositions in a statement and determine the truth value of the entire statement based on logical operations such as conjunction, disjunction, and negation.

3. What does it mean for a statement to be true in propositional logic?

In propositional logic, a statement is considered to be true when its truth value is always true, regardless of the truth values of its individual propositions. This is known as a tautology and is represented by the symbol "⊤".

4. Can a statement be both true and false in propositional logic?

No, a statement in propositional logic can only have one truth value, either true or false. This is known as the principle of bivalence, which states that every statement must be either true or false, with no middle ground.

5. How are contradictions and contingencies handled in propositional logic?

A contradiction in propositional logic is a statement that is always false, and a contingency is a statement that can be either true or false depending on the truth values of its individual propositions. These types of statements are important in identifying logical fallacies and evaluating the validity of arguments.

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