What's the real truth about the Canadian?

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  • Thread starter CalcNerd
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In summary, Ted Cruz is a Canadian politician who fought against President Obama's eligibility to be president, but later had concerns about his own eligibility himself. He is a hypocrite, and it seems like the 2020 election might be difficult for him to win.
  • #1
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So, I actually acknowledge that Ted Cruz is eligible to run for president, but why did it take a genius (a bit of sarcasm here) like him, a supposed brilliant man in US law (someone who KNEW Barrack Obama was a Kenyan!) so long (2014 to be exact) to renounce his own Canadian Citizenship. And I believe he was a leading proponent of attacking the President during the 2008 and even 2012 elections (Pot, kettle, black anyone).
This makes Ted Cruz a hard candidate for me to like. If someone can explain why a politician of his supposed brilliance would overlook this issue when it was SO IMPORTANT for our current foreigner President, I am all ears.
I am almost to the point of praying for a dark horse candidate, but from what I see, this election year is a circus that I have to attend. I keep telling myself, "IT HAS TO GET BETTER!" , but it seems like every election cycle the candidates are worse. (Although, admittedly, 2012 was pretty bad, so Teddy "Canadian" Cruz and Donald T-Rump are certainly better than any of the 2012 Republican candidates). However, that isn't saying much...
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  • #2
As an Canadian and a Calgarian you Americans are welcome to keep Mr. Cruz.

But I do agree it seems a bit hypocritical for someone who fought for so long about how Obama wasn't eligible to be president (based off of false facts) to run for pres when he himself has legitimate concerns about his own eligibility.

But he up here we shouldn't judge. We have a PM who's more interested in being hip and taking selfies than actually trying to help parts of our country which are hurting bad these days.
  • #3
cpscdave said:
We have a PM who's more interested in being hip and taking selfies than actually trying to help parts of our country which are hurting bad these days.
I could not agree more.
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  • #4
I guess I owe the Canadian's an apology! :oldbiggrin:
  • #5
CalcNerd said:
I guess I owe the Canadian's an apology! :oldbiggrin:

We're sorry we made you feel that way.
And sorry for this apology.
and sorry for that apology. and well we're just sorry!
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  • #6
If it's YOUR fault we have Ted Cruz, then you SHOULD be sorry! :oldsurprised:.. Sadly, to balance the scale, we have the other candidates too!
  • #7
Choppy said:
I could not agree more.

This is getting off topic from the OP's thread, I would have to disagree with both cpcsdave and Choppy on their assessment of Justin Trudeau. The economic pain currently being felt in the province of Alberta (where both cpcsdave and Choppy are from) are a direct result of the fall in oil prices, which the Liberal Party is not responsible for. If anything, policies in place that encouraged investment in the oil sector at the possible expense or neglect of other sectors by the previous Conservative government under Stephen Harper would have had a far more direct impact on the current economic troubles facing Alberta and Canada as a whole. In the case of Alberta in particular, the fiscal mismanagement by the previous (Conservative) administrations of Alberta would likely have further contributed to the province's current fiscal and economic woes.

I should also add that the Liberal government under Trudeau has been in power for approximately 3 months. That is hardly enough time for any government to make a substantive impact on a nation's economy, to the extent that any government can.

[Disclaimer: I am a dual Canadian-American citizen, living in Toronto. I will not disclose how I have voted in the previous Canadian federal election, however -- anyone interested can PM me.]
  • #8
Back on topic -- I have always regarded Ted Cruz as a hypocrite in so many ways, including the whole "birther" controversy that both he and Trump stirred up (among many others within the extremist wing of the Republican Party, along with other right-wing extremists) regarding President Obama. The fact that Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother only further adds to the irony (btw, it pains me to even acknowledge the possibility that legally Cruz could be considered a Canadian ?:))

BTW, I would also like to add that John McCain, who ran against Obama as the Republican presidential candidate back in 2008, was actually not born in the US. (He was born in the Panama Canal zone, which at the time of his birth was under US control)

  • #9
It would be hilarious (not to Ted Cruz's camp, of course) if evidence was found that his mother had inadvertently renounced her US citizenship ie registered to vote in some local election or such where an oath of allegiance or something that could be construed to be that she became a Canadian citizen prior to having Teddy. The thought of losing such a fine candidate would have me ROTFLMAO due to the irony of Ted's earlier problems with the current POTUS. However, I cannot envision a young mother to be, with so many other problems/events/issues bothering to do so. So, I am resigned to the belief that he is eligible to run for president provided he has no other foreign allegiance ie dual citizenship.
But that gets me back to my original question. Why did he take so long to renounce his Canadian citizenship, especially if he had aspirations to be POTUS someday (that day being his first realization and aversion to having a Kenyan for our POTUS)? Was he so focused on that sliver in Barrack's eye, that he overlooked the log in his (as he is a great Christian, I thought I'd ask in parable that Jesus used so that Ted can quickly grasp). Is he stupid?? (I am kind of asking this rhetorically) He went to college, had a high GPA, renown for his debating skills and became a lawyer.
Any Ted Cruz supporters who can explain this away? How about you, Ted (as if Mr. Cruz would read this)? As many strikes as he has against him, he is a front runner and has a real possibility of winning this election. Can anyone provide a reason for this (not the possibility of winning, but Ted's reason to take so long to rid himself of the burden of dual allegiance. I suspect that if he wins, it will be by proxy ie the best of a bad lot)?
The sad truth is, that Ted's on my radar as potential candidate for me to vote for.
There is a saying, "we dug into the bottom of the pickle barrel for that one!" Well, in this case, "We kicked the barrel over and dug under the barrel for what we have NOW!" :headbang:
  • #10
CalcNerd said:
It would be hilarious (not to Ted Cruz's camp, of course) if evidence was found that his mother had inadvertently renounced her US citizenship ie registered to vote in some local election or such where an oath of allegiance or something that could be construed to be that she became a Canadian citizen prior to having Teddy. The thought of losing such a fine candidate would have me ROTFLMAO due to the irony of Ted's earlier problems with the current POTUS. However, I cannot envision a young mother to be, with so many other problems/events/issues bothering to do so. So, I am resigned to the belief that he is eligible to run for president provided he has no other foreign allegiance ie dual citizenship.

Hilarious perhaps, but impossible. The US allows for dual citizenship, and according to the 1967 US Supreme Court decision Afroyim v. Rusk, a US citizen cannot forfeit his/her citizenship involuntarily by becoming a citizen of another country or voting in an election in another country.


Therefore, Cruz's mother could not have renounced her citizenship inadvertently, nor would she have lost her citizenship by living in Canada or being on the electoral list in Canada back in 1970. So Cruz's mother was and is a US citizen, and so Cruz is a US citizen by birth.
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  • #11
No need to dig further for me, I don't think I am going to ever vote for this particular politician, EVER!

Related to What's the real truth about the Canadian?

1. What is the official language of Canada?

The official language of Canada is English and French. Both languages have equal status in government and other public institutions.

2. Is Canada a part of the United States?

No, Canada is a separate country located north of the United States. It is the second largest country in the world by land area.

3. What is the national symbol of Canada?

The national symbol of Canada is the maple leaf, which is featured on the country's flag and is used as a symbol of Canadian identity and pride.

4. Do all Canadians live in igloos?

No, the majority of Canadians live in modern houses and apartments just like people in other developed countries. Igloos are traditionally used by Inuit and other Indigenous peoples in the Arctic regions of Canada.

5. What is the healthcare system like in Canada?

Canada has a publicly funded universal healthcare system, which means that all Canadians have access to basic medical services. This system is often referred to as "Medicare" and is funded by taxes.

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