What would happen if there was no air resistance during rain?

In summary, the rain on Zelth is much lighter than on Earth, and therefore would not have the same effect on objects. The acceleration due to gravity on Zelth is about .16m/s^2, which is about a third of the gravity on Earth. Your weight on Zelth is 7.9N.
  • #1
My teacher gave us these extra credit problems and I couldn't really solve them. Here they are:

"If air resistance did not exist, would rain be dangerous? Why?"

"On the imaginary planet Zelth, a 100 kg mass weighs 15.8N. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Zelth? How does it compare to gravity on Earth? What is your weight on Zelth?"

Also don't just give me the answers, show me how to do them.
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  • #2
I found that the average height of rain clouds are above 1000 meters and the formula: Vf^2=Vi^2+2AD would find the final velocity of over 140 m/s but I'm not sure if water could hurt people.
  • #3
We neither give you the answers nor show you exactly how to do the problems. We try to help guide you into solving the problems yourself. You wouldn't learn much if we just solved the problems for you.

So, what would be different for the rain if there were no air resistance? What does air resistance do as the raindrops fall?

What equation do you use to relate a force F to the acceleration a of a mass m? What is the similar equation that gives your weight in terms of your mass and the acceleration due to gravity "g"?
  • #4
Arkronus said:
I found that the average height of rain clouds are above 1000 meters and the formula: Vf^2=Vi^2+2AD would find the final velocity of over 140 m/s but I'm not sure if water could hurt people.
That's a good start. I don't think the drops would kill anybody, but they sure would sting!
  • #5
I found that 1 Newton is equal to about .102 kilograms, so If I weigh about 50 kg, my weight in Newton on Earth would be 500N, and if I converted it from N to kg on the planet Zelth, I would weigh over 3000 kg. Is this right?
  • #6
Also, I know that the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is 9.8m/s^2, but how can I use F=ma to find the mass of the Earth?
  • #7
Let's be a little clearer here. You don't need to know the mass of the Earth. That is what creates the acceleration of gravity, [tex]9.8 \frac{m}{s^2}[/tex]

So you are correct that if your mass is 50kg, then your weight (the force down due to the acceleration of gravity) is 50*9.8 = 490N.

But on Zelth, 100kg has a pretty light weight, right? What is the acceleration due to Zelth's gravity? Call it z. Then calculate your weight on Zelth as F=mz, where m is your mass.
  • #8
oh, i get it now, you're the coolest berkeman!
  • #9
so is the acceleration on Zelth .16m/s^2 and my weight on Zelth is 7.9N?
  • #10
Arkronus said:
so is the acceleration on Zelth .16m/s^2 and my weight on Zelth is 7.9N?
If you weigh 50N on Earth, then yes. Good work.

BTW, I thought more about the "dangerous rain" question, and although it won't kill any people outright, it would sure make it harder for planes to fly and other activities. Birds would have to "run" for cover as well. Maybe put some creative thought into your final answer to that part of the question. It is an extra credit question, after all, and you'll be expected to put in some extra thought into your answers.

Welcome to PF, BTW.

Related to What would happen if there was no air resistance during rain?

1. What is the "Gravity and Rain Problem"?

The "Gravity and Rain Problem" is a hypothetical scenario used to demonstrate the relationship between gravity and rain. It poses the question: if gravity pulls everything towards the center of the Earth, why does rain fall from the sky instead of being pulled towards the ground?

2. What causes rain to fall from the sky?

Rain is caused by the water cycle, in which water evaporates from bodies of water and rises into the atmosphere. As it cools and condenses, it forms clouds. When the water droplets in the clouds become too heavy, they fall to the ground as rain.

3. How does gravity play a role in the formation of rain?

Gravity is responsible for holding the Earth's atmosphere in place. As water evaporates and rises into the atmosphere, it is still affected by the pull of gravity. However, it is also influenced by other factors such as wind and air pressure, which can cause the water droplets to move and form clouds.

4. Why doesn't gravity pull rain towards the ground?

Gravity does pull rain towards the ground, but it is not the only force acting on the rain. The air resistance and the movement of air around the droplets can counteract the force of gravity, causing the rain to fall at a slower rate or even be pushed upwards. Additionally, the size and shape of the rain droplets also play a role in how they fall.

5. Can gravity be manipulated to stop rain from falling?

No, gravity is a fundamental force of nature and cannot be manipulated or controlled. Even if we were able to somehow alter the strength of gravity, it would have widespread and unpredictable effects on the entire Earth and its systems. Therefore, gravity cannot be used to stop rain from falling.

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