What need to do to be a physicist

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In summary, to become a physicist, you should first improve your English skills and then get a bachelor's degree in physics from an accredited university. While pursuing your bachelor's, try to gain research experience and publish your work. After graduating, apply to reputable graduate schools for a physics PhD and aim for a high score on the GRE. During your graduate studies, continue doing research and publishing your work. Finally, you can pursue a career in research or academia. It may not be easy, but it will be worth the effort.
  • #1
guys, what do i need to do to be a physicist, my major was economy, but I'm interested in physics,too. Now after university life, i started to do a job. BUT I want to go further on the study of science.I have learned video lectures of MIT on general mechanics and electricity and magnetism, i also took some courses in math too,which include calculus and probablity(these lessons seem to be easy for me,but i find the complex analysis and advanced algeber a bit difficult), as to the experiment ,due to some limit, few could be done.I also know the intuition is important for research,are there ways to improve it ,any advice from you is valued
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1) Improve your English. You can't be a scientist with communication skills resembling the quality displayed in your post.

2) Get a bachelor of science in physics at an accredited university.

1.5) While doing your bachelor, do research with faculty or labs, and try really hard to get published.

3) Apply to reputable grad schools for a physics PhD in the specialty of your choice.

2.9) Before grad school, take the GRE and all that jazz, and get a near-perfect on the quantitative part.

4) Do research and get published during grad school.

5) ?

6) Profit (or, well, earn mediocre but liveable wages)
  • #4
:0), thx,great help,i will aim that goal,it's not easy but worth the effort,by the way ,i'm from china
  • #5

To become a physicist, you will need to have a strong foundation in mathematics and a deep understanding of the principles of physics. It is great that you have already taken some courses in math and have watched video lectures on mechanics and electricity and magnetism. To continue your studies in physics, I would recommend taking more advanced math courses, such as complex analysis and advanced algebra, as these are essential for understanding the more complex theories in physics.

In addition, it would be beneficial for you to gain hands-on experience in conducting experiments. While it may be challenging to do so on your own, you can try to find internships or research opportunities with professors or organizations that allow you to work on scientific projects.

Furthermore, developing your intuition is crucial for research in physics. One way to improve your intuition is by continuously practicing problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Additionally, reading and discussing scientific articles and attending conferences and seminars can also help develop your intuition.

Overall, my advice is to continue studying and expanding your knowledge in physics and mathematics, gain hands-on experience through internships or research opportunities, and actively work on improving your intuition through constant practice and exposure to scientific discussions and research. Good luck on your journey to becoming a physicist!

Related to What need to do to be a physicist

1. What education do I need to become a physicist?

To become a physicist, you will need at least a bachelor's degree in physics or a related field such as astronomy or engineering. Many physicists also go on to earn a master's or doctoral degree in their specific area of interest.

2. What skills are required to be a physicist?

Strong mathematical and analytical skills are essential for a career in physics. Other important skills include critical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. A strong background in computer programming and data analysis is also beneficial.

3. What kind of job opportunities are available for physicists?

Physicists have a wide range of career options, including research and development positions in academia, government agencies, and private industry. Some physicists also work in fields such as medicine, finance, and education. Additionally, many physicists go on to become professors or researchers at universities.

4. Is there a high demand for physicists in the job market?

Yes, there is a high demand for physicists in various industries, particularly in fields related to technology and innovation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 7% growth in employment for physicists and astronomers from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

5. What can I do to prepare for a career in physics?

In addition to completing a strong academic program in physics, it is beneficial to gain research experience through internships or assistantships. Building a strong foundation in mathematics, computer programming, and data analysis will also be helpful. Networking with professionals in the field and staying updated on advancements and trends in physics can also be beneficial.

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