What Is the Role of Density Matrices in Describing Quantum Mixtures?

In summary, The conversation is discussing the use and understanding of the density matrix and its relationship to particle number in quantum mechanics. The concept of a mixture in the continuous wave-mechanical formalism is questioned, as well as the structure and interpretation of the wavefunction. The summary concludes that in quantum field theory, particle number is an operator and in ordinary quantum mechanics, the number of particles is fixed.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Can mixed states be seen as many particles and formulas
Considering a mixture ##\sum p_i|\Psi_i\rangle\langle\Psi_i|##

This does not describe an ensemble of quantum systems since the particle number is defined by ##\Psi_i##.

The question is in the continuous wave-mechanical formalism where I don't understand what object the density matrix is : I know ##\langle\Psi_i|x\rangle=\Psi_i(x)=\int \Psi_i(x')\delta(x-x')dx'##. It seems that here I could exchange the order but what happen to the braces ? Is it ##|\Psi_i\rangle\langle\Psi_i|=\Psi_i(x)\int\Psi_i(x')\delta(x'-x'')[\circ]dx'## ?

Where ##\circ## means it's the place for a function in ##x''## ?

Why is then the sum different than a single term ?
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  • #2
jk22 said:
This does not describe an ensemble of quantum systems

It can. Whether or not it does depends on who is using the mixed state and for what purpose.

jk22 said:
the particle number is defined by ##\Psi_i##.

This makes no sense. Particle number is an operator, not a state.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
This makes no sense. Particle number is an operator, not a state.

I think it's the eigenvalues of that operator, but is it in quantum field theory ?
What I meant is old wavemechanics where the structure of the wavefunction depends on this number : ##\Psi(\vec{x}_1,...\vec{x}_n)## with n the number of particlesBut basically I understood : it because the sum of ##\sum f_i(x)f_i(x')\neq g(x)g(x')##
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  • #4
I think you should read a good book about quantum mechanics first. I'd recommend Sakurai, Modern Quantum mechanics.

In the "first-quantization formalism" you deal by definition with situations where the particle number is fixed. That's by the way, why this formalism doesn't work well for interacting relativistic quantum systems, and that's why today we only use relativistic quantum field theory to deal with relativistic quantum systems.

So now let's quickly get the first-quantization formalism for ##N## spinless dinstinguishable particles right. Here the Hilbert space is a product space ##\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_1 \otimes \mathcal{H}_2 \otimes \cdots \otimes \mathcal{H}_N##, where ##N## is the number of particles, which is fixed by definition once and for all. No particle can be destroyed and no new particles can be created in any way (by definition, and thus dealing with non-relativistic particles only, i.e., particles where the interaction energies are way less than the rest energies ##m_i c^2## of all particles involved).

Now one particular basis of this ##N##-particle Hilbert space are the common (generalized) position eigenvectors of the positions of the particles,
$$|\vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N \rangle = |\vec{x}_1 \rangle \otimes |\vec{x}_2 \rangle \otimes \cdots \otimes |\vec{x}_N \rangle.$$
For a given normalized vector ##|\Psi \rangle## the wave function is defined as
$$\Psi(\vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N)=\langle \vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N|\Psi \rangle.$$
A statistical operator, as any operator is, as any operator, is described in the position representation by
$$\rho(\vec{x}_1,\ldots \vec{x}_N;\vec{x}_1',\ldots,\vec{x}_N')=\langle \vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N|\hat{\rho}|\vec{x}_1',\ldots,\vec{x}_N' \rangle.$$
If your state is given by
$$\hat{\rho}=\sum_i p_i |\Psi_i \rangle \langle \Psi_i |,$$
from the general formula and the above definition of the wave functions you get
$$\rho(\vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N;\vec{x}_1',\ldots,\vec{x}_N')=\sum_i p_i \Psi_i(\vec{x}_1,\ldots,\vec{x}_N) \Psi_i^*(\vec{x}_1',\ldots,\vec{x}_N').$$
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  • #5
jk22 said:
I think it's the eigenvalues of that operator

A state is not an eigenvalue of an operator. It could be an eigenvector of an operator.

jk22 said:
is it in quantum field theory ?

Do you mean, is particle number an operator in QFT? Yes.

jk22 said:
What I meant is old wavemechanics where the structure of the wavefunction depends on this number : ##\Psi(\vec{x}_1,...\vec{x}_n)## with n the number of particles

In ordinary (non-relativistic) QM, the number of particles is fixed, yes, and there is no such thing as a particle number operator. But the state ##\Psi(\vec{x}_1,...\vec{x}_n)## can still describe an ensemble of systems instead of a single system; each system in the ensemble is a system of ##n## particles.
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Related to What Is the Role of Density Matrices in Describing Quantum Mixtures?

1. What is a mixed state in science?

A mixed state in science refers to a physical system that cannot be described by a single pure state. It is a combination of two or more pure states, and the system can exist in any of these states with a certain probability.

2. How are mixed states different from pure states?

Pure states are well-defined and can be described by a single set of physical properties, while mixed states are a combination of multiple pure states and do not have a single set of properties. In other words, pure states are deterministic, while mixed states are probabilistic.

3. What are some examples of mixed states?

Examples of mixed states include a particle with spin that can be either up or down, an atom that can be in an excited or ground state, and a photon that can have different polarization states. In each case, the system can exist in multiple states with different probabilities.

4. How are mixed states described in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, mixed states are described using density matrices. These matrices represent the probabilities of the system being in each of its pure states. The diagonal elements of the density matrix represent the probabilities of the system being in a pure state, while the off-diagonal elements represent the correlations between different pure states.

5. What is the significance of mixed states in science?

Mixed states are important in science because they allow us to describe and understand systems that cannot be fully described by a single pure state. They also play a crucial role in quantum mechanics and are essential for understanding phenomena such as quantum entanglement and decoherence.

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