What is the rank of the SU(2)xSU(2) algebra?

In summary, the conversation discusses the commutation relations of the Lie algebra of SO(3) and how they lead to the understanding that the algebra has a rank of 1. The concept of the rank is linked to the number of mutually commuting generators and the construction of Casimir operators. The conversation also touches on the rank of the Lie group and the dimension of the Cartan subalgebra, and how this applies to different groups such as SU(3) and SL(2,C). Finally, it considers the case of SU(2)xSU(2) and how it relates to the rank of 1.
  • #1
I am reading in my group theory book the well known commutation relations of the Lie algebra of SO(3), i.e. [J,J]=i\epsilon J.

What I don't understand is the statement that "from the relations we can infer that the algebra has rank 1".

Any ideas?
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  • #2
The rank of a Lie Group is the maximum number of its mutually commuting generators..In other words it's how many Casimir operators you can construct (Racah's theorem)... for SO(3) that's 1 because if you take [itex]J_1, J_2, J_3[/itex] they don't commute with each other. The Casimir operator is the [itex]J^2 = J_1^2 +J_2^2 +J_3^2[/itex] which commutes with the generators [itex]J_i[/itex]: [itex] [J_i, J^2]=0[/itex]
  • #3
Thank you very much, very clear. So, I suppose there is a way to find out how many Casimir operators I can construct, given an algebra with its commutation relations. I know SO(3) has J^2, but it is not clear to me how I know that it is the only Casimir there is.

Also, the rank of the Lie group corresponds to the rank of the Lie algebra, which is given by the dimension of the Cartan subalgebra (as you said, the number of mutually commuting group generators); so which is the one element of the dimension-1 Cartan subalgebra here? Is it correct to think that the Cartan is of dimension 1 since each generator commutes only with itself?
  • #4
how many elements does the Cartan subalgebra of SU(3) have?
  • #5
Ok, what I said above was correct; I see now that from the commutation relations there are no commuting generators, but I can always pick one at random and see that it commutes trivially with itself. This is one way to see that the rank is 1. And from this I can infer there will be only one Casimir by Racah's theorem.

Why the reference to SU(3) ?
  • #6
because I think that the Cartan subalgebra of SU(3) is not of dimension 1.
  • #7
Sure, the rank of SU(3) is 2, so is the dimension of the Cartan subalgebra. There one could see more clearly from the (modified) commutation relations that there are indeed two commuting generators.
  • #8
ΟΚ then, it seems I misunderstood what you meant with this:
gentsagree said:
Is it correct to think that the Cartan is of dimension 1 since each generator commutes only with itself?
  • #9
ChrisVer said:
ΟΚ then, it seems I misunderstood what you meant with this:
I see. Thanks for the help anyway.
  • #10
Ok, I think I confused myself again. I thought I was thinking about this the right way, but I can't apply my reasoning to a slightly harder case: the proper orthochronous Lorentz group, SO(3,1), or equivalently, SL(2,C).

Here the commutators read[tex]
[J_{i}, J_{j}] &= i\epsilon_{ijk}J_{k} \\
[K_{i}, K_{j}] &= i\epsilon_{ijk}J_{k}\\
[J_{i}, K_{j}] &= i\epsilon_{ijk}K_{k}

and my book says very confidently that from these I can read off that the rank of the algebra is 2. And there is no way I can think of in which I can see it. I don't see any commuting generators, apart from the trivial case where each specific generator, eg [itex]J_{1}[/itex], commutes with itself.
  • #11
First a fast investigation: the generators of the sl(2,c) are for exaple the pauli matrices and the identity matrix... In fact any complex matrix 2x2 can be written as a linear combination of those four:
[itex] M = a_0 I_2 + \sum_{i=1}^3 a_i \sigma_i[/itex]
Obviously you can simultaneously diagonalize the [itex]\sigma_3[/itex] and [itex]I_2[/itex], so it's rank 2...

Now in the case of the su(2)x su(2)
I am pretty sure that taking [itex]J_3,K_3[/itex] as the diagonalizable matrices.
So the [itex]\{J_3,K_3\}[/itex] (not anticommutation) is a set of mutually commuting/simultaneously diagonalizable generators?
In fact this is like have 2 SU(2)s, so the rank you'd expect is 1 ( either because SU(2) is pretty much like SO(3) or by checking out the commutations each has 1 diagonalizable generator per time which we choose by convention the 3rd J3 ) from each, sum=2.
Would it be easier for you if you tried to define [itex]K^{\pm}=c( K_1 \pm i K_2 )[/itex], [itex]J^{\pm}=c(J_1 \pm iJ_2)[/itex] and [itex]K_3,J_3[/itex]?
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Related to What is the rank of the SU(2)xSU(2) algebra?

What is the SO(3) algebra?

The SO(3) algebra, also known as the special orthogonal algebra in three dimensions, is a mathematical structure that describes the rotations in three-dimensional space. It is used in physics, engineering, and other fields to study the properties of rotation and symmetry.

How is the SO(3) algebra represented mathematically?

The SO(3) algebra is represented by a set of 3x3 matrices that satisfy certain properties. These matrices are called the generators of the algebra and can be used to perform rotations in three-dimensional space. The algebra also has a Lie bracket operation that defines the commutator between two generators.

What is the significance of the rank of the SO(3) algebra?

The rank of the SO(3) algebra is the number of independent generators that can be used to describe the rotations in three-dimensional space. It is a measure of the complexity of the algebra and determines the dimension of the algebra. The higher the rank, the more complex the algebra and the more generators are needed to describe it.

What are the applications of the SO(3) algebra?

The SO(3) algebra has many applications in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to study the properties of rotation and symmetry in physical systems, such as the motion of celestial bodies or the behavior of molecules. In computer graphics, it is used to create realistic 3D animations and simulations.

How does the SO(3) algebra relate to other algebras?

The SO(3) algebra is a special case of the more general SO(n) algebra, which describes rotations in n-dimensional space. It is also related to the Lie algebra, a type of algebra that is used to study continuous symmetries in mathematics and physics. The SO(3) algebra is a fundamental structure that plays a significant role in many other mathematical and scientific fields.

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