What is the Convergence of Z to a Normal Distribution as n Tends to Infinity?

In summary, Z converges to a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1 as n tends to infinity. This can be proven by using the moment generating function approach and showing that the mean and variance are 0 and 1, respectively. The cumulative distribution function Fk(Xk) is a sequence of independent random variables with values from 0 to 1 and tends to the cumulative distribution function F(X) as n tends to infinity. This can be shown by using the property that the cdf represents a uniform random variable on [0,1].
  • #1
Z=(-1/sqrt(n)) * sum from k=1 to n of [1+log(1-Fk)]

Fk is a cumulative distribution function which is continious and strictly increasing.

Show that as n->infinity, Z converges to a normal distribution with mean 0 and var 1


From Taylor series, log(1-x) = -sum from 1 to infinity of (x^n)/n but don't see how this can help at the moment
Ive been looking for anything around the summation of c.d.fs but haven't found anything so I think I am unaware of a few theorems which are essential to solving this. Any help appreciated. Been working on this for hours with no success.
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  • #2
can you exlpain what you mean by Fk? and how it depends on k?

I understand its a cumulative distribution function, continuous & strictly increasing...

however I may be missing something as I can't see where the randomness is coming into Z - otherwise I'd be thinking something long the lines of central limit theorem...
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  • #3
Sorry, didnt make that clear. Xk is a sequence of independent random variables and Fk is its associated cumulative distribution function.

So Fk is a sequence of cumulative distribution functions taking on values form 0 to 1. Can we simply look at it like this? And hence assume it is equivalent to a sequence of independent random variables with values 0 to 1?
  • #4
Some identities that are useful:

Expected value of X = integration from 0 to inf of [1-F(t)] dt where F(t) is the cdf
I need to obtain exp(-x^2/2) from the sum and log. Integrating x will obtain x^2/2 and taking the anti-log will obtain the exponential.

Not sure how all this fits together though
  • #5
After looking at this more, it seems the moment generating function approach is the way to go.
By obtaining the mgf and finding the mean and variance to be 0 and 1, we prove it is a normal distribution.
Does anyone know if this is acceptable?
  • #6
i still don't understand your explanation of Fk

is there only a single cdf F(x)?

so for every Xk has the same cdf Fi(x) = P(Xi<=x)?

if so, then the map between Xk & Fk is one to one monotonic and the random varable Fk, becomes a uniform random variable between 0 and 1
  • #7
No, there is a cdf for each x.

Fk(xk) for k=1 to n
F1(x1), F2(x2) etc

Sorry, it's the lack of latex that makes it hard to show subscript
  • #8
I looked at taking the mgf thinking if I can show the mean to be 0 and variance 1 from this approach and hence prove normality

g(t) = 1(1/sqrt(n) sum(from 1 to inf) exp(tk) [1+log(1-Fk(Xk))]

but this approach goes nowhere
  • #9
even if they're different you should be able to show any Fk(x=Xk) represents a uniform random variable on [0,1], by definition of the cdf - have you tried using that property?
  • #10
As n tends to infinity, the cumulative distribution function Fk(Xk) tends to F(X)

I think this is ok. I don't see how to show this tends to a normal distribution though.

I think I'm making this much harder than it is. Don't see anything close in any textbook or on the web!

Related to What is the Convergence of Z to a Normal Distribution as n Tends to Infinity?

What is a normal distribution?

A normal distribution is a statistical distribution that is symmetrical and bell-shaped. It is also known as a Gaussian distribution. In this distribution, the majority of the data points are clustered around the mean, with fewer data points falling on the tails.

How do you prove that a dataset follows a normal distribution?

To prove that a dataset follows a normal distribution, we can use various statistical tests such as the Shapiro-Wilk test or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. These tests compare the dataset to a theoretical normal distribution and provide a p-value. If the p-value is greater than a chosen significance level (usually 0.05), then we can conclude that the dataset follows a normal distribution.

What is the importance of proving a normal distribution?

Proving a normal distribution is important because many statistical tests and models assume that the data follows a normal distribution. If the data does not follow a normal distribution, these tests and models may provide inaccurate results. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the data fits a normal distribution before using these methods.

What are some visual methods to check for a normal distribution?

Some visual methods to check for a normal distribution include creating a histogram or a box plot of the data. A normal distribution will have a symmetric and bell-shaped histogram, with the majority of the data points falling in the middle. A box plot of a normal distribution will have a box that is centered on the median and whiskers that are approximately equal in length.

Can a dataset follow a normal distribution if it has outliers?

Yes, a dataset can still follow a normal distribution even if it has outliers. Outliers are data points that are significantly different from the rest of the data. They can affect the mean and standard deviation of the dataset but do not necessarily impact the overall shape of the distribution. Therefore, a dataset can still be considered normally distributed even if it has outliers.

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