What is an inertial frame? A conflict of two definitions

In summary, this person is arguing that the definition of an inertial frame is broader than the first definition given. The second definition, that of an inertial frame as one in which no net force acts, is not valid.
  • #71
That's indeed nonsense: You have to define acceleration against what. Otherwise your results are completely meaningless. Of course we cannot discuss this in detail if you don't give the details about your accelerometer.
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  • #72
vanhees71 said:
There is also not a unique inertial reference frame. That's why we think about Galilei transformations which tell us how to convert the coordinates wrt. to one inertial frame to another. Of course there's also always (at least locally) a diffeomorphism between the observables as measured in one (inertial or accelerated) to any other (inertial or accelerated) frame of reference.

Sure but there is a unique inertial rest frame for a body moving inertially, which corresponds to a class of coordinate systems related by constant translations and rotations 😁.
  • #73
vanhees71 said:
Of course we cannot discuss this in detail if you don't give the details about your accelerometer.
How about a really cheap one, that only gives the magnitude of proper acceleration. Do we need a reference frame for that? What about a thermometer?
  • #74
Dale said:
Therefore even for inertial devices my above argument holds. You cannot have simultaneously ##Frame_A=Objects_X## and ##Frame_B=Objects_X## and ##Frame_A\ne Frame_B##. It is a logical impossibility. The only resolution that is consistent with the math and the principle of relativity is ##Frame \ne Objects##
I guess, we should end this discussion, because it's obvious that I cannot make my point clear.

If somebody is interested in these very fundamental questions, I recommend to read the 2nd paragraph in Sommerfeld, Lectures on Theoretical Physics, vol. 1 (mechanics) or, more detailed: Einstein, Relativity: the special and the general theory), where in the first chapter he carefully summarizes the important difference between geometry as an abstract mathematical entity and its meaning in connection with the observable physical world. It's an age-old subject starting with Leibniz and Newton with important contributions by Poincare, Mach, H. Hertz, and finally Einstein (to mention only a few).
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  • #75
vanhees71 said:
So how else would you call a "reference frame"?
You mean the physical objects used to define a reference frame? Since these objects could be almost anything, I would just name the objects used.
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  • #76
Then you cannot talk about physics in general, and that's what theoretical physics is about... I think Sommerfeld and more so Einstein have it put into the best words, and they simply use the word "reference frame", and that's how this word has been used since Newton's times!
  • #77
vanhees71 said:
Then you cannot talk about physics in general,
I can easily talk about physics while using the word "clock" to refer to clocks and the word "rod" to refer to rods, and the word "reference frame" to refer to any of the many corresponding mathematical objects that could derived from the measurements of clocks and rods.

What you cannot do is claim that the clocks and rods themselves are a reference frame because you cannot logically have simultaneously ##Frame_A=Objects_X## and ##Frame_B=Objects_X## and ##Frame_A\ne Frame_B##.
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  • #78
vanhees71 said:
That's indeed nonsense: You have to define acceleration against what. Otherwise your results are completely meaningless. Of course we cannot discuss this in detail if you don't give the details about your accelerometer.
I am taking a reading from an instrument. That reading is an invariant fact of the matter that will hold regardless of what reference frame is used. One does not need a reference frame to read a number from an instrument. Nor does one need a specific reference frame in order to compute an invariant quantity.
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  • #79
No, your accelerometer will show a different reading whether you hold it fixed relative to the Earth or let it fall. These are two different reference frames. The issue, in which frame you define physical quantities to be measured becomes very important in relativistic physics, e.g., in thermodynamics this has been clarified only in the mid 1960ies after half a century confusion and debates: the thermodynamical potentials (like internal energy, entropy, enthalpy, free energy) and observables like temperature, chemical potentials, etc. are defined to be measured in the (local) rest frame of the matter.

@Dale Of course two different reference frames from which you observe the same "events" consist of two different measurement apparati which realize these two different reference frames. In your language in #77: If ##\text{Frame}_A \neq \text{Frame}_B## you have ##\text{Frame}_A = \text{Objects}_X## and ##\text{Frame}_B = \text{Objects}_Y##.
  • #80
vanhees71 said:
Then you cannot talk about physics in general, and that's what theoretical physics is about.
I have no idea why you think there is a problem in using different words for abstract concepts and the physical objects that are used for measurements, which can be related to those abstract concepts.

Do you also have a problem with "time" & "clock" being different words? What about "length" & "ruler"?
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  • #81
vanhees71 said:
No, your accelerometer will show a different reading whether you hold it fixed relative to the Earth or let it fall. These are two different reference frames.
No, they are two different experiments. Each experiment can be analyzed using an infinite number of reference frames

vanhees71 said:
Of course two different reference frames from which you observe the same "events" consist of two different measurement apparati which realize these two different reference frames. In your language in #77: If FrameA≠FrameB you have FrameA=ObjectsX and FrameB=ObjectsY.
This violates the principle of relativity. The principle of relativity specifically says that you can use any frame for analyzing an experiment. It does not require you to use a specific frame. According to relativity you are indeed free to use both ##Frame_A## and ##Frame_B## to describe the exact same ##Objects_X##

Besides, if you make this argument then the GPS system becomes a counter example as no part of the GPS system is at rest in the ECI frame.
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  • #83
I think a key issue needs to be clarified for this discussion: the term "reference frame" can be used to mean multiple things in physics. In particular, it can be used to mean any of the following three things:

(1) A coordinate chart;

(2) A frame field (i.e., a mapping of points in spacetime to 4-tuples of orthonormal vectors, one timelike and three spacelike);

(3) A concrete measuring apparatus that physically realizes #1 or #2.

These are three distinct things that should not be conflated.

In terms of the above three distinct things (which I'll denote by their numbers above), I'll try to summarize what I think are the key points relevant to the original thread topic (what counts as "inertial"):

We can make physical measurements with #3 without having #1 or #2 at all. We can use our mathematical theories to make predictions using #1 or #2 without having #3 at all, but the predictions for physical measurement results should be independent of any particular choice of #1 or #2. To compare physical measurements with predictions, of course we need both, and we also need a way to set up a correspondence between #3 and either #1 or #2, so that the comparison between the predicted and actual measurement results is well defined.

In terms of #1, a chart is inertial if objects that are not subject to any forces (or subject to multiple forces whose vector sum is zero) have zero coordinate acceleration in the chart. The definition of "not subject to any forces", however, is different in Newtonian mechanics than in GR. In Newtonian mechanics, gravity counts as a force, so, for example, a non-rotating coordinate chart centered on the Earth and covering the entire Earth and its vicinity counts as inertial. (However, "fictitious" forces like centrifugal force do not count as forces for this purpose.) In GR, gravity is not a force (or, if you like, it is considered a "fictitious" force), and the chart just described is not inertial, since, for example, a rock dropped off a cliff and free-falling downward does not have zero coordinate acceleration in this frame.

In terms of #2, a frame field by itself can't really be called "inertial" or "non-inertial"; we have to add to the frame field a family of timelike worldlines, defined such that at each event in spacetime, the timelike vector of the 4-tuple assigned to that event is the tangent vector to the unique worldline passing through that event. Then the frame field is inertial if the worldlines are all worldlines of objects subject to no forces (with all the caveats given above).

In terms of #3, a measuring apparatus is inertial if, as a physical object, it is subject to no forces (with all the caveats given above).
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Likes cianfa72, vanhees71 and etotheipi
  • #84
After discussion among the moderators, this thread will remain closed.
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