What Does It Take to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineer?

In summary, if you want to be a mechanical engineer, you should have a degree in mechanical engineering, some years of practical experience, and be willing to work hard. The starting salary is around £20,000, and the benefits include paid holidays, pension, and profit sharing. The job environment is team-based, and technology is used extensively in the field. There are many opportunities for advancement, and the future growth prospects are good.
  • #1
I am a high school senior and I was required to interview a profession based upon what I have chosen(mechanical engineer).Basically, what I ask is it is possible for a mechanical engineer with some years in the field take some time to answer these interview questions of mine.The questions are as followed:

How did you get started in this field, and what was your educational preparation and training? What school, major, or courses would you recommend for preparation in this area? What degree or certificate do employers look for in this field?

What is the beginning salary range for this and other related fields?

How are you paid in this type of work? Hourly, piece work, salary, commission, etc.?

How many hours do you work per week? What is a typical work schedule? Typical duties?

What are the benefits? Medical, dental, vision insurance? Paid holidays? Profit sharing, etc.?

Please describe the physical and social job environment.

How is technology used in this field?

What are the opportunities for advancement?

What are the most important personal characteristics a person should possesses in order to be successful in this field?

Other than salary, what is the main satisfaction and fulfillment you find in your career?

What are the future growth prospects in this field?

What recommendations or advice would you give to a student wishing to enter this field?

If someone could reply to these questions I'd be especially appreciative.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
You asked nicely, so why not?

Nguyend said:
How did you get started in this field, and what was your educational preparation and training? What school, major, or courses would you recommend for preparation in this area? What degree or certificate do employers look for in this field?

I took a degree in mechanical engineering, and tried to get as much practical and industrial experience as I could along the way. Most of my peers followed a similar route, though an 'apprenticeship' type route is viable for a more hands-on approach.

What is the beginning salary range for this and other related fields?

Over here, graduate mechanical engineer jobs start between £20k - £30k, with graduate chemical engineer jobs seeming to be the best paid (perhaps £25k - £35k starting). The range for a true engineer probably extends to around £80k, but many people qualified as engineers earn much more than this in higher management, consultancy, and setting up their own businesses.

How are you paid in this type of work? Hourly, piece work, salary, commission, etc.?

Salaried. Low-grade technicians are typically hourly paid, but as soon as any real skill level is achieved, salaried pay is most common.

How many hours do you work per week? What is a typical work schedule? Typical duties?

Contracted for 37 hours a week, I typically work 45, possibly up to 50 on a bad week. My work schedule involves a lot of test planning and testing, some customer interaction, and some project management.

What are the benefits? Medical, dental, vision insurance? Paid holidays? Profit sharing, etc.?

This depends hugely from one employer to another. I get 5 weeks paid holiday, pension, profit share, and options of medical cover.

Please describe the physical and social job environment.

Team working is fundamental; there are very few jobs these days for insular engineers wanting to work on their own.

How is technology used in this field?

To quote a wise man, "technology is engineering which doesn't work yet". Technology is driven by innovation, and drives the application of science to solve problems creatively. Technology is fundamental to most engineering, whether it's computer modelling, data capture, new design techniques, or breakthroughs in materials science.

What are the opportunities for advancement?

The world is your oyster. Many company directors originally qualified (and worked) as engineers. If you can work as a team, are self-motivated and have a good grasp of how the world works, you can do anything.

What are the most important personal characteristics a person should possesses in order to be successful in this field?

Listening more than contributing, great interpersonal skills, an eye for detail, tenacity, sound technical knowledge, and a good problem solving ethic.

Other than salary, what is the main satisfaction and fulfillment you find in your career?

Seeing my products producing great value for the business and for the customer.

What are the future growth prospects in this field?

The way I see it, engineering is fundamental to global growth and social advancement.

What recommendations or advice would you give to a student wishing to enter this field?

Make damn sure it's what you really want to do, get as much early work experience as possible, and never stop questioning.

Good luck!

Related to What Does It Take to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineer?

1. What skills do you believe are essential for a successful career as a mechanical engineer?

As a mechanical engineer, it is important to have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a solid understanding of mathematics and physics. Good communication and teamwork abilities are also crucial in working with a team on complex projects. Additionally, a strong knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) software and project management skills are highly beneficial in this field.

2. Can you provide an example of a challenging project you have worked on and how you overcame any obstacles?

One challenging project I worked on was designing a new engine for a company. We faced obstacles such as tight deadlines, budget constraints, and technical issues. To overcome these challenges, we divided the project into smaller tasks and set achievable goals for each team member. We also utilized our problem-solving skills and collaborated with other departments to find creative solutions. Through effective communication and teamwork, we were able to successfully complete the project within the given timeframe and budget.

3. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in the field of mechanical engineering?

I believe it is important to continuously learn and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field of mechanical engineering. I attend conferences, workshops, and seminars to learn about new technologies and techniques. I also read industry publications and follow influential engineers and organizations on social media to stay informed. Additionally, I actively participate in online forums and engage in discussions with other professionals to exchange knowledge and ideas.

4. How do you handle conflicting priorities and manage your time effectively?

In my experience, effective time management is crucial in handling conflicting priorities. I prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance and create a schedule or to-do list to stay organized. I also make sure to communicate with my team and stakeholders to set realistic deadlines and manage expectations. In case of unexpected challenges, I am adaptable and can adjust my priorities accordingly. Additionally, I regularly review my schedule and progress to make necessary changes and ensure timely completion of projects.

5. What do you think sets you apart from other mechanical engineers?

I believe my strong technical skills, attention to detail, and ability to think outside the box set me apart from other mechanical engineers. I am also a highly adaptable and quick learner, which allows me to take on new challenges and tasks with ease. Additionally, my experience in collaborating with cross-functional teams and my effective communication skills have helped me successfully complete projects and build strong relationships with colleagues and clients.

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