What Do You Do If You Were a Rock Star?

  • Thread starter Zargawee
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a game where users ask and answer hypothetical questions starting with "What do you do if". The topics of the questions range from being a rock star, to being able to see the future, to living on Mars, and having control over the world. The conversation also includes some jokes and off-topic comments.
  • #491
you get on the internet and ask what to do on this thread.

what do you do if you ask what to do on this thread and their answer is, "you get on the internet and ask what to do on this thread?"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #492
what do you do if you ask what to do on this thread and their answer is, "you get on the internet and ask what to do on this thread?"

I'd scream out,"Phoenixthoth, you've driven us onto the Mobius Strip highway".

How do find the exit from the Mobius Strip highway?
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  • #493
most of the time, the last place you look for something is where you find it (unless you continue the search after you find it). therefore, look in the last place you would look for the exit.

what do you do if after you die, you find yourself in a never-ending "got milk" commercial?
  • #494
Originally posted by phoenixthoth
what do you do if after you die, you find yourself in a never-ending "got milk" commercial?
Smile alot, and ask, where do you spend those paycheques?

What do you do if you spend all of your paycheques, and need an additional five dollar$ ($5.00) to get back into heaven?
  • #495
i would sell my soul on ebay for $5.

what do you do if heaven refuses you since you don't have a soul anymore and the buyer won't refund your money in exchange for your soul back?
  • #496
Originally posted by phoenixthoth
what do you do if heaven refuses you since you don't have a soul anymore and the buyer won't refund your money in exchange for your soul back?
You could start your own little corner of the afterlife called "Thothen" and start refusing people entry according to your whims. What do you do if you take the top off the garbage can to put the trash in and a six-legged, hard-shelled creature with a face like Robert DeNiro and a tail like a gila monster skitters out and crawls under the house?
  • #497
Originally asked by a running, and frightened, zoobyshoe
What do you do if you take the top off the garbage can to put the trash in and a six-legged, hard-shelled creature with a face like Robert DeNiro and a tail like a gila monster skitters out and crawls under the house?
You call upon the 'Great Pumpkin' to rise up out of the Pumpkin Patch and slay the Insectizoidial lizardlike'asaurus by raining down upon it's corporealness a shower of pumkin seeds, as to inudate THE THING to immobility!

What do you do if once imobile, and covered with pumpkin seeds, (directly from the "Great Pumpkin" himself!) you realize that you have no place to make a Bar B'Q?
  • #498
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if once imobile, and covered with pumpkin seeds, (directly from the "Great Pumpkin" himself!) you realize that you have no place to make a Bar B'Q?
You donate the carcass to the world famous Museum Of Strange And DeNiroesque Phenomena (Ivan Seeking's cousin, Igor Seeking is the head docent there, by the way), in exchange for a free pass to the world famous Museum Of Strange And Brandoesque Phenomena next door (alot of fat things in there).What do you do if a tree falls over in the woods right in front of you and doesn't make the slightest sound?
  • #499
Originally posted by a silent zoobyshoe
What do you do if a tree falls over in the woods right in front of you and doesn't make the slightest sound?
Remove your earphones! whatelse!

What do you do if when you remove your earphones and the hearing protection stops, you are suddenly met with a cacophony of deliterious noises that are 'tattooing' your eardrums??
  • #500
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if when you remove your earphones and the hearing protection stops, you are suddenly met with a cacophony of deliterious noises that are 'tattooing' your eardrums??
Then you know that you are in a remake of "The Birds" with an all-Woodpecker cast.What do you do if you forget to feed the neighbor hood stray cat and you wake up one morning to find him maniacally chewing on your arm?
  • #501
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you forget to feed the neighbor hood stray cat and you wake up one morning to find him maniacally chewing on your arm?
Collapse the cats wavefunction using the energy to remake your missing arm parts!

What do you do if while out strolling around 'the grounds', you are abducted??
  • #502
I, as the abductee, would surrender unabashed to my abductor and then immediately abdicate my position as abductee. Whereby, my abductor would release me and take my successor as his abductee.

Where did my abduction specifically take place?
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  • #503
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski Where did my abduction specifically take place?
As specified, it took place on "the grounds". What that means is the estate you have been supposing is your private country manor is, in fact, a facility for the sequestration of the "reality challenged".What do you do if the master of the Brain Teaser thread stil doesn't get the difference between a stupid quetion and a "What do you do if" question after all this time?
  • #504
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if the master of the Brain Teaser thread stil doesn't get the difference between a stupid quetion and a "What do you do if" question after all this time?
Ask the Master a "Stupid Quention" in the form of A "What do you do if" question, it's in a 'Stupid Quention' format, so they won't have a clue what to do, if??

What do you do if your outside, but you are surrounded by four walls, a floor, and a ceiling?
  • #505
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if your outside, but you are surrounded by four walls, a floor, and a ceiling?
I would try to figure out how come I get trapped Outside .

]What do you do if you met someone you should know, but you don't remember, and this person is talking to you and remembers everything about you ?
BTW: I hate these situations so much !
  • #506
Originally posted by Zargawee
What do you do if you met someone you should know, but you don't remember, and this person is talking to you and remembers everything about you ?
Pretend to be his Evil tWin brother.

What do you do if you are pretenting to be the 'Evil tWin' brother, and he shows up!??
  • #507
Keep pretending because only I and my twin would know who's who.

what do you do if your head fuses to a wall?
  • #508
Originally posted by Andy what do you do if your head fuses to a wall?
Oh, Andy! That is a very tough question. I always sucked at head to wall fusion problems in my Human Anatomy To Building Structure Fusion Physics classes, so I'm going to have to pass on this one.What do you do if your pinky finger fuses to a window pane? (This one's elementary, anyone can get this one.)
  • #509
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if your pinky finger fuses to a window pane? (This one's elementary, anyone can get this one.) [/B]

A: Take some PANE killer for it.

Q: What do you do if you want to visit a particle zoo and it is closed?
  • #510
Q: What do you do if you want to visit a particle zoo and it is closed?
Trun on the TV , and watch Discovery Channel :P

What do you do if you have only 1$ ?
  • #511
Originally posted by Zargawee What do you do if you have only 1$ ? [/B]
Start a religious cult which claims that money is evil and that God has revealed to you that if you can only purify enough souls in the world by getting them to abandon their money (by giving it to you) then paradise will exist on earth. What do you do if you slip and fall into a spring-fed pool while holding a fistfull of pebbles and crying out "See? See?", and once under the water, you are approached by a goldfish named Harold, who signals in American Goldfish Sign Langauge that your trouser fly is unzipped, your shoestrings are untied, and your Mudah wears army boots?
  • #512
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you slip and fall into a spring-fed pool while holding a fistfull of pebbles and crying out "See? See?", and once under the water, you are approached by a goldfish named Harold, who signals in American Goldfish Sign Langauge that your trouser fly is unzipped, your shoestrings are untied, and your Mudah wears army boots?
You grab Harold by the tail, smack him over the head with your rocks, dropping them in the process, thus bouyancy starts you back to the surface where you grab a plastic bag, fill it with water, placing Harold into the bag, and going to the local theater. There, you rent the theater stage for the next month, start sending out everywhere the advertizing telling everyone that you have a TALKING GOLDFISH!, that will bring you in the capital you need to start all of the lawsuits that you are now going to file against everyone who never responded to you when you said "See! See!"

What do you do if your talking goldfish only speaks in "Franglais"??
  • #513
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if your talking goldfish only speaks in "Franglais"?? [/B]

A: Send him to New Orleans next Mardi Gras (Fat Wednesday). I hear they have Goldfish Swallowing contests there during their parades each year.

Q: What do you do if you daughter dressed like Einstein for Halloween and now you can't get off the makeup?
  • #514
Originally posted by sandinmyears
Q: What do you do if you daughter dressed like Einstein for Halloween and now you can't get off the makeup?
Push her tongue back into her mouth*, give her a good hair wash, and cut, styled to whatever attracts the least amount of attention towards her now oversized nose, and prey that no one notices.

What do you do if you don't actually have a daughter, but she still looks like Einstein?? Huh?

*(Einsteins famous picture)
  • #515
I won't do anything, just let my wife sort the mess out.

What do you do if I giant Marzipan monster comes after you and won't stop at anything until he has killed you.
  • #516
Originally posted by Andy What do you do if I giant Marzipan monster comes after you and won't stop at anything until he has killed you.
Since Marzipan is a mixture of honey and ground almonds most people being pursued make the mistake of running to the nearest body of water and jumping in with the mistaken notion the monster will dissolve upon hitting the water. In fact, it takes hours for a Marzipan monster to dissolve in water. So, avoid this common mistake and go for setting it on fire somehow, instead.What do you do if you're hit from behind by a particularly intense blast of Gamma Rays, from a Gamma Ray Burst somewhere out in space while you are photographing the Queen of England and all that shows up on the negative is an x-ray of your own chest?
  • #517
Originally posted by a 'slightly glowing' zoobyshoe
What do you do if you're hit from behind by a particularly intense blast of Gamma Rays, from a Gamma Ray Burst somewhere out in space while you are photographing the Queen of England and all that shows up on the negative is an x-ray of your own chest?
Don't tell anyone that it is really your chest x-ray, tell them all it was a supernatural phenomenon and you captured one the the Queens dead ancestors on film, (Develop the positive!) and sell your story, to the tabloids, for "Mililililililillions of Dollars", take all of the money you get, and spend the rest of your life, traveling the world, investing in all the 'right' flourishing stocks/bonds/markets, and sharing your wealth, of spirit, and life by assisting in charitable fundraising, and funding, for the rest of the needy in the world!

What do you do if you follow that path but find in less then half of your lifetime there are no more 'Needy' left?
  • #518
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if you follow that path but find in less then half of your lifetime there are no more 'Needy' left? [/B]

A: Join me in reading "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. (My favorite poet BTW). I'm probably the only one on this forum who thinks with the left side of the brain.

Q: What do they (the DMV) do if you take "The Road Not Taken?" Do they have to re-name it: "The Road Once Taken?"
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  • #519
Originally posted by sandinmyears What do they (the DMV) do if you take "The Road Not Taken?" Do they have to re-name it: "The Road Once Taken?"
I immagine they'll rename it "Frost Heave Road".What do you do if you're riding down Frost Heave Road in a chariot pulled by Kangaroos and with each jump they only cover half the remaining distance to your destination?
  • #520
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you're riding down Frost Heave Road in a chariot pulled by Kangaroos and with each jump they only cover half the remaining distance to your destination?
Same thing I always do when traveling to Xeno's place, call ahead and have the inn moved!

What do you do if A halloween pumpkin chased you down the road, last night, yelling at you that he was going to "get you back" for what you did, on Devils night?

EDIT added the 'i' to the word thng to make thing
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  • #521
What do you do if A halloween pumpkin chased you down the road, last night, yelling at you that he was going to "get you back" for what you did, on Devils night?
Get my knife and fight the new monster, and then EAT it :D

What do you do if you were asked to sing at the radio and while singing you suddenly choked ?
  • #522
Originally posted by Zargawee
What do you do if you were asked to sing at the radio and while singing you suddenly choked ?
Go from choking, to gagging, to spitting, to raging, to laughing, as to make it seem like it's all a part of the chorus!

What do you do if "The Great Pumpkin" rises up in the Pumpkin patch, tonight, and shouts out; "I'm Coming to get you!"?
  • #523
i will wake up :wink:

what do you do if you were a donut in hands of 6 years old boy?
  • #524
Originally posted by MSI what do you do if you were a donut in hands of 6 years old boy?
It's funny you should ask that quetion because once, when I was riding aboard a steam locomotive bound for Tierra del Fuego via Bogota and Buenos Aires, a donut vendor came on board and began selling his greasy topographical monstrosities as the finest chicken feed that could be had. He began to demonstrate how the donuts could be slipped over the feet of the chickens who were sharing the train car with us, such that the birds became responsible for carrying their own food supply. He sold out. A couple hours later when all the chickens were dead, slippery, and crumby, he was nowhere to be found.What do you do if your teenage daughter comes home unexpectedly from college and walks in on you while you're dressed up like Albert Einstein standing in front of a blackboard in the living room giving a lecture to an imaginary group of students?
  • #525
bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

what do you do if you're debra messing and you have no ass?

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