What are the properties of the Higgs field?

In summary: For high-energy physics, it is not.In summary, the Higgs field is responsible for giving fermions mass and interacts with them to limit their speed. It permeates space and is not the cause of gravity. Each particle has its own field in quantum field theory and QFT deals with fields rather than individual particles. The Higgs particle is expected to be the Higgs boson, but further research is needed to confirm its properties.
  • #1
Does the Higgs field of a fermion exclusively attract just like a gravitational field? Or can it also have repulsion? Is the Higgs field separate from the gravitational field or is the Higgs field the cause of gravity? If the Higgs field is separate from the gravitational field, then what is its significance if gravity does the work of attracting objects on a large scale and electromagnetic and nuclear forces are responsible for attraction and repulsion on the microscopic scale?

It says in the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_field, on the Higgs field, that the Higgs field is responsible for giving fermions mass by transferring energy to the particles and that different fermions have different capacities for absorbing energy from the Higgs field and the limit to the energy capacity is the mass of the particle. So the Higgs field then interacts with the absorbed energy of the fermions which limits the speed of the fermions to below the speed of light.

Does the Higgs field simply permeate space? Or does each fermion carry its own Higgs field just like it has the other fields? Does a particle with a higher amount of mass have a corresponding increase in the strength of its Higgs and other fields, just like how an ionized atomic nucleus with more protons will be more massive and have correspondingly stronger electromagnetic fields?
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  • #2
The thread originator is requesting an answer to the questions.
  • #3
"Higgs field of a fermion" - There is only one Higgs field.
"is the Higgs field the cause of gravity?" - The Higgs field has nothing to do with gravity.
"what is its significance?" - The Higgs field breaks electroweak symmetry(*) in a way that permits particles to have nonzero mass. (*)That is, its primary effect is to make the electromagnetic and weak interaction different.
"It says in the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_field..." - This is a very shaky article, not up to Wikipedia standards.
"Does the Higgs field simply permeate space?" - Yes.
"Does a particle with a higher amount of mass have a corresponding increase in the strength of its Higgs and other fields?" - The mass of a particle is determined by how strongly it couples to the Higgs field. But the strength of this interaction (and therefore the real cause of mass) lies beyond the reach of current theory.
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  • #4
Bill_K said:
"Does the Higgs field simply permeate space?" - Yes.

So the concept of the Higgs field is like the space-time continuum said to be responsible for gravity. It is an omnipresent field unlike the concept of each charged particle being surrounded by its own electric field.

But since the particle discovered recently at the LHC is said to be only similar to the Higgs particle and has not yet been studied extensively, no conclusion can be made if the properties of the Higgs boson and the Higgs particle predicted by theories are true or not.
  • #5
Bararontok said:
The thread originator is requesting an answer to the questions.
Pay money to someone, and you can expect an answer from him. Otherwise, keep in mind that others might help you for free, and if that does not happen do not get impolite, please.

Bararontok said:
So the concept of the Higgs field is like the space-time continuum said to be responsible for gravity.
No. The fields in quantum field theory are not like the spacetime in general relativity.

But since the particle discovered recently at the LHC is said to be only similar to the Higgs particle and has not yet been studied extensively, no conclusion can be made if the properties of the Higgs boson and the Higgs particle predicted by theories are true or not.
Well, it is expected to be the Higgs boson. We will know more in 6 months, when the full 2012 dataset is analysed.
  • #6
mfb said:
No. The fields in quantum field theory are not like the spacetime in general relativity

So in quantum field theory, each fermion is surrounded by its own set of fields. Just like in this definition of an electric field which states that each charged particle is surrounded by its own field:

  • #7
Bararontok said:
So in quantum field theory, each fermion is surrounded by its own set of fields. Just like in this definition of an electric field which states that each charged particle is surrounded by its own field:


I think you are looking at it back to front. In QFT each particle type has its own field and the particle is an excitation of that field.
  • #8
cosmik debris said:
I think you are looking at it back to front. In QFT each particle type has its own field and the particle is an excitation of that field.

Which branch of quantum physics deals with the concept of fermions being surrounded by their own individual fields instead of bosons being excitations of omnipresent fields?
  • #9
Quantum field theory deals with fields - and as stated above, particles are "just" excitations of those fields. An electron is an excitation of the "electron field", a Higgs particle is an excitation of the Higgs field, and so on. In case of the electron, you have to take spin into account, but that is not relevant here.
  • #10
Is there a branch of quantum physics where elementary particles are not treated as excitations of fields?
  • #11
Classical and relativistic quantum physics.
For chemistry and everything similar, this is fine.

Related to What are the properties of the Higgs field?

1. What is the Higgs field and why is it important in particle physics?

The Higgs field is a theoretical concept in particle physics that is thought to pervade all of space and give particles their mass. It was proposed by physicist Peter Higgs in the 1960s as a way to explain why certain particles have mass while others do not. Its importance lies in its role in the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the most successful theory we have for describing the behavior of subatomic particles.

2. How does the Higgs field give particles their mass?

The Higgs field interacts with particles as they move through it, much like how a swimmer moving through water creates resistance. This interaction slows down particles, making them appear to have mass. The more strongly a particle interacts with the Higgs field, the more massive it is. Particles that do not interact with the Higgs field, such as photons, are massless.

3. How was the existence of the Higgs field confirmed?

The existence of the Higgs field was confirmed in 2012 by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists at the LHC were able to detect the Higgs boson, a particle that is associated with the Higgs field and is responsible for transferring the field's energy to other particles.

4. What are some potential implications of the Higgs field for our understanding of the universe?

The discovery of the Higgs field and the Higgs boson has provided evidence for the Standard Model of particle physics and has helped us understand how particles obtain their mass. It also provides a key piece of the puzzle in our quest to understand the fundamental laws of the universe. Additionally, the Higgs field may hold the key to understanding the phenomenon of mass and its connection to gravity.

5. Are there any ongoing research or experiments related to the Higgs field?

Yes, there are ongoing research and experiments related to the Higgs field. Scientists are studying the properties of the Higgs boson in more detail, as well as searching for other particles that may be associated with the Higgs field. Additionally, there are efforts to understand the role of the Higgs field in the early universe and how it may have influenced the formation of galaxies and other structures. The LHC is also currently undergoing upgrades to increase its energy and allow for more precise studies of the Higgs field.

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