What are the effects of Ovarian Cancer?

She is a private person and it's been difficult to get feedback from her. Francis is curious about the biochemical effects on the mind and if the cancer may have been affecting her psychologically before the diagnosis. He is looking for additional resources to educate himself and generate questions for her doctors. In summary, Francis is seeking support and information about ovarian cancer for his loved one who has been diagnosed, and is looking for additional resources to educate himself and generate questions for her doctors.
  • #1
The woman I love has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer; so any info, or personal experiences shared here would be much appreciated.

Of course she has a doctor to tell her what to expect. But it just so happens to be a very touchy subject with her; and getting any feedback on any matter at all, has always seemed to be just like pulling teeth. Needless to say: she is a very private person. I just hoped that maybe I could gather some information on my own, so that I could talk to her about it.

Specifically, aside from the obvious distressing effect of being faced with ones own mortality: what are the biochemical effects on the mind, if any, of this malady?

She had seemed somewhat depressed to me for a long time even before she was diagnosed; so I thought perhaps that the cancer was affecting her somehow, psychologically even.
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  • #2
FrancisZ said:
The woman I love has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer; so any info, or personal experiences shared here would be much appreciated.

Of course she has a doctor to tell her what to expect. But it just so happens to be a very touchy subject with her; and getting any feedback on any matter at all, has always seemed to be just like pulling teeth. Needless to say: she is a very private person. I just hoped that maybe I could gather some information on my own, so that I could talk to her about it.

Specifically, aside from the obvious distressing effect of being faced with ones own mortality: what are the biochemical effects on the mind, if any, of this malady?

She had seemed somewhat depressed to me for a long time even before she was diagnosed; so I thought perhaps that the cancer was affecting her somehow, psychologically even.

Sorry to hear of the diagnosis, Francis. Best wishes for a full recovery.

You may get some useful feedback here, but there are more directed web resources that you and your friend could take advantage of. Of course, the main reason for doing this extra reading is to make you are better informed so that you can generate more and better questions for her doctors. Your medical guidance should definitely come through her doctors and specialists.

This seems to be a pretty good web resource for Ovarian Cancer:


Maybe start there, and follow some of the links. And keep a list of questions for her doctors as you and she read through the information.

Best wishes, and good luck.
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  • #3
The link berkeman provided will be a good source of information. The best thing you can do is be supportive. Try and go along to the doctors office, that way you can support her and be informed of the situation.
  • #4
Much appreciation to you both.


Related to What are the effects of Ovarian Cancer?

1. What are the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer can cause a variety of symptoms, including abdominal bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly, frequent urination, and changes in bowel habits. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, so it is important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.

2. How is Ovarian Cancer diagnosed?

Ovarian cancer is typically diagnosed through a combination of imaging tests, such as ultrasound or CT scans, and blood tests to measure levels of certain proteins and hormones. A biopsy may also be performed to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

3. What are the treatment options for Ovarian Cancer?

The treatment for Ovarian cancer depends on the stage and type of cancer, as well as the patient's overall health. It may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these treatments. Targeted therapy and hormone therapy may also be used in certain cases.

4. Is Ovarian Cancer hereditary?

While most cases of Ovarian cancer are not hereditary, about 10% of cases are linked to inherited gene mutations, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women with a family history of Ovarian cancer or certain types of breast cancer may be at a higher risk and should talk to their doctor about genetic testing.

5. What are the risk factors for developing Ovarian Cancer?

Some factors that may increase a person's risk for Ovarian cancer include age (risk increases with age), genetics, family history, obesity, and certain fertility treatments. However, it is important to note that anyone can develop Ovarian cancer, even without any known risk factors.

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