Want to improve math skills, need some suggestions

In summary, the conversation is about a person looking for recommendations on how to improve their math skills for various reasons such as interest in the subject, studying physics, and needing strong quantitative skills for their future master's degree. They are also seeking advice on where to start and which areas to focus on. Some book recommendations are given, and there is a discussion on the importance of having a broad understanding of pure, rigorous mathematics for fields like physics.
  • #1
Hey guys this is my first post, glad to have found this awesome forum.

As the title suggests I want to improve my math skills and I'd highly appreciate if some of you could recommend me some books and in general tell me which areas I should focus on.
I feel that my current math skills are rather superficial( I'm an economics student...^^), although I've covered calculus and linear algebra in my studies, I feel that I don't have a deep understanding of those areas at all, basically what we did was just take derivatives, do integrals or form matrix inverses, but never really solve problems.
I'd like to improve my math skills for several reasons, first of all I find math really interesting and important, I highly envy people who have really mastered math and can apply it to a lot of areas in life. Second, I'm interested in physics and want to study it in my spare time. I'm really interested in astronomy and would like to be able to read rather advanced material later on. I know that this will take me a lot of years to get there, since I can't spend as much time on learning physics as I'd like to, but hopefully I will one day get there. And last, but probably the most important reason, is that I will need really good quantitative skills for the master's degree that I plan to take. I have a little more than a year to get my math skills to a respectable level and I'm willing to invest 1-1.5 hrs per day.
So how do I best approach this? I think my current math level is comparable to that of a good math student coming out of high school. I figured that I'd start with a good calculus book that you can use as a self-study book and a calculus based physics textbook. Do any of you have some book recommendations? And in which order should I tackle linear algebra, differential equations and stochastic calculus( contrary to my math skills, I feel that I have a solid foundation in probability theory and statistics)?

Best regards
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to the forums Polymath89!

I'm glad you want to learn math on a deeper level. Let's see if I can recommend some books for that.

First of all, modern math is being done with proofs, so the first thing you will need to do is get a good grasp on proofs. A very popular book is


In this book, you will learn logic, set theory and the basic structure of proofs. This is the language in which mathematics is written. An alternative book, which is entirely free and at least as good as Velleman, is


After this, you're ready for calculus. The best calculus text out there is without a doubt


You absolutely must read this. However, the book is pretty hard and the exercises are quite difficult. So perhaps you might like an easier calculus book first, like


As for linear algebra, I like these two excellent books:



As you can see, the second book is a follow-up on the first book, which is significantly harder.

As for physics, I think the usual suspects are good enough. This are books like


The order in which to read these books doesn't matter. If you want to do physics, then you can start immediately with Halliday & Resnick. If you want to do math, then read the proof book first. Afterwards, you can go to calculus and linear algebra (doesn't really matter which one you do first).
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  • #4
Thanks a lot you two for your replies. Micromass, I really appreciate your effort. I think I will start with the proof book first and then start with calculus and the physics book.

I have one more question though. Although I want to improve my math skills, I'd like to do this from a more applied math standpoint. How important is it, for example for a physicist, to have a very broad understanding of pure, rigorous mathematics( e.g number theory)?
  • #5
Well that dichotomy doesn't quite capture everything. On one hand you have applied/applicable/practical math, like calculus, statistics, fluid dynamics, probability theory which are of course imporant for such fields as physics, and on the other extreme side of the spectrum you have things like mathematical logic and number theory. These latter things are absolutely irrelevant to a physicist (to be clear "logic" is more than just the concept of proving, the mathematical branch of "logic" is really quite abstract and advanced). But the thing is, for physics you don't have everything you need with just the former side of the spectrum. You also need stuff from the middle, from such fields as analysis, algebra, topology, geometry. For example quantum mechanics works with infinite dimensial vector spaces with certain properties that make up a Hilbert space, which is a large piece of (functional) analysis, and that's just the basics, if you want to get into advanced theoretical QM you'll need more advanced notions of functional analysis (regarding properties of so-called Banach spaces of operators on the aforementioned Hilbert spaces). For general relativity you need a lot of differential geometry, which is advanced geometry. For QM and pretty much any of the more recent fields like particle physics you also need (abstract) algebra: fundamental theories about nature got really, really abstract since the 20th century. Notions of topology are dispersed all throughout.

That being said you probably shouldn't spend your time reading books about analysis, algebra, geometry, topology. Well, you should read a basic book about analysis and algebra, as advised above by micro, but you don't need to go very far: usually physics authors don't assume you know the advanced math already and usually give a shorter (and consequently also less rigourous) introduction and summary of the necessary math, but I wanted to make you aware of it before you start, so that you understand that only the truly purest fields of math (like logic and number theory) can be ignored for physics purposes (and even they have some applications, but you won't bump into those unless you specifically go search for them).

Have fun!
  • #6
Polymath89 said:
Thanks a lot you two for your replies. Micromass, I really appreciate your effort. I think I will start with the proof book first and then start with calculus and the physics book.

I have one more question though. Although I want to improve my math skills, I'd like to do this from a more applied math standpoint. How important is it, for example for a physicist, to have a very broad understanding of pure, rigorous mathematics( e.g number theory)?

To be clear. I recommended those books from the point of view that you would like a deeper understanding of math. In that case, the books are very good.
If you would just like to know physics, then books like the proof book or Spivak are unnecesary. They won't help you understand physics more and you could do without them.
  • #7
Presumably the OP wants both: math for itself and its importance in physics, and he would like these two to go hand in hand. More specifically, I'd imagine he'd like to learn rigourously about for example analysis and algebra: the rigour itself might not be "necessary" for understanding physics (as many physicists don't, more specifically experimentalists), but it gives a better grasp, whereas for example rigour in number theory is pretty useless.
  • #8
Yes, I want pure math to a certain extent. I've had problems with the notation in pure math books up to this point, because I'm not really used to the extremely compact argumentation so to say. Also my proof skills are basically non-existent, which always bothered me a little, so I will definitely read Velleman's book.
Furthermore as mr. vodka said, I think it's imortant to build a really solid foundation in topics such as calculus, that are required for more advanced stuff and I think that the pure math component is part of a solid foundation.
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate your help.
  • #9
For me to help you out, I need you to answer the following questions.

Are you interested in math for the sake of math, or are you seeking to study math to learn and understand physics?

What area of physics tends would you like to work your way up to?
  • #10
Nano-Passion said:
For me to help you out, I need you to answer the following questions.

Are you interested in math for the sake of math, or are you seeking to study math to learn and understand physics?

What area of physics tends would you like to work your way up to?
Well I'm more interested in learning math than physics. I'd like to learn physics because I find it very interesting and because, based on what I've heard, it's basically the science that applies math to the real world in a way that no other science does. As I said, although I find pure math interesting and want to improve in that area, overall I'd like to have my focus on applied math.

As for what I want to do in physics: I honestly don't really know that much about all the branches in physics yet. I'm interested in cosmology and would also like to be able to dig deeper into special and general relativity and quantum mechanics. Honestly I have no idea whether I'm even going to be able to acquire the skills necessary to understand those areas considering the amount of time that I can only invest, but at least I'd like to try and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes me.
  • #11
Polymath89 said:
Well I'm more interested in learning math than physics. I'd like to learn physics because I find it very interesting and because, based on what I've heard, it's basically the science that applies math to the real world in a way that no other science does. As I said, although I find pure math interesting and want to improve in that area, overall I'd like to have my focus on applied math.

As for what I want to do in physics: I honestly don't really know that much about all the branches in physics yet. I'm interested in cosmology and would also like to be able to dig deeper into special and general relativity and quantum mechanics. Honestly I have no idea whether I'm even going to be able to acquire the skills necessary to understand those areas considering the amount of time that I can only invest, but at least I'd like to try and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes me.

Your jumping a bit back and forth, so it seems that your almost interested equally in both. Alright well the suggestions that Micromass gave should do quite good.

There is an alternate route however, and it really just depends on how much physics interests you. You can pick up an advanced book in physics and then learn the prerequisite material on a as-needed basis -- this give a lot of motivation behind the math.

Whenever you see a notation or something you don't understand-- just post it up on the forum asking for what math you need to study.

You can try the book by Griffith https://www.amazon.com/dp/013805326X/?tag=pfamazon01-20 and then work your way up to QM.

Or if you want, you can pick up an intro to general relativity book and start from there, the math for general relativity is pretty neat and I think you might be really interested in this route. Just look at this page to see what makes you feel more comfortable to start with. Some need more math, some need less. https://www.amazon.com/dp/013805326X/?tag=pfamazon01-20
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Related to Want to improve math skills, need some suggestions

1. How can I improve my math skills?

To improve math skills, it is important to practice regularly, seek help from a tutor or teacher, and use resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and educational apps. It is also helpful to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps and to review and practice basic math concepts.

2. What are some effective study strategies for math?

Some effective study strategies for math include creating flashcards, making summaries or outlines of key concepts, solving practice problems, and teaching the material to someone else. It is also helpful to set aside dedicated study time and to take breaks when needed.

3. How can I stay motivated to improve my math skills?

Staying motivated to improve math skills can be challenging, but setting specific and achievable goals, tracking progress, and rewarding yourself for accomplishments can help. It can also be helpful to find a study partner or join a study group for accountability and support.

4. Are there any specific math topics I should focus on to improve my overall math skills?

The specific math topics to focus on to improve overall skills will vary based on individual strengths and weaknesses. However, some key areas to consider include basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and problem-solving strategies. It is also important to review and practice any topics that are particularly challenging for you.

5. How long does it typically take to see improvement in math skills?

The amount of time it takes to see improvement in math skills will vary for each individual. It is important to set realistic goals and expectations, and to consistently practice and seek help when needed. With dedication and effort, improvement in math skills can typically be seen within a few weeks to a few months.

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